
Not a single mention in the archives about this cute little bunny.
Very relaxing and comfy animated french series of only 5 minutes per episode.

Some episodes are on Youtube, what does everyone think? Is this the best preschool show of the modern era?

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Lou also best girl.

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looks cute
is there porn?

Good gravy, there's like a million episodes.
I can't spend my Saturday night watching all this.

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A lot of those are repeats, but I believe that all episodes may be on Netflix. And with only 5 minutes each, you can easily watch them in a day or two.

I don't even know if there is even a single piece of fanart. And it gets some great viewership numbers so someone should capitalize on that,

Gaspard is cute. CUTE!

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the laugh of the rabbit with the glasses is creepy

Why is the show called Simon when Lou is just as important of a character is this sexism?

Wish the noses were not ugly

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How often is the boy bunny in underwear or swimsuits?

It is so easy to make the noses not ugly the characters are already cute and with unfucked noses they become 100x cuter

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There are like 2 pool episodes and 3 beach episodes. But why would you want that information in the first place?

and funny bunny!

What a stud.

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Gotta say, that neck scarf really suits Simon's mum.

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It's pretty cute, but i feel like the years are a bit too long.

i fall in love with cartoon characters way to easily

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Quickly! Into the vagina tree.

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Liar. There have been threads.

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I mentioned the show at least twice.

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That fucking face

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Oh woops, better then, at least that means that there has been some recognition. But the simple title makes it hard to search about it.

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I'm often surprised to see Euro series being less progressive than I thought they'd be.