Okay, but what's Hop Pop's tax policy?

Okay, but what's Hop Pop's tax policy?

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He's literally frog hitler and needs to die.

t. toad taxman.

A pond in every yard.

A fly on every plate.

Truth be told I can't firmly say that he'd be a more competent (although certainly less corrupt one might hope) administrator than Toadstool
He largely maintains the status quo

oh good more prequel shit

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>his brain cannot tolerate a combined ten minutes maybe of politicking in a movie
absolute state

>a pond in every yard
that shit attracts mosquitoes!

Those scenes themselves were stupid.
Hey look E.T race
Jar Jar Binks in a political position
Jedi bad! Palpatine good!

sounds like hop pop has a solid plan for feeding the lower class as well

They are Frogs.

keep them reasonable use them on the town upkeep

>expecting shit from theater major
you're american, aren't you?

More typical empire npc shilling

no taxes hop pop is running as a libertarian

Sounds very progressive. It'll start forcing people to take personal responsibility.

The mosquitos in that world prey on frogs.
Hop Pop will be the frog version of Reagan.

No they don't. We seen one is as a mail messenger. They take blood for tips.

That was a blood drinking moth
Yes those exist

It was not Americans who literally elected a drama teacher for the highest political position of their country.

I'm pretty sure at least one of the writers is a libertarian.

>a pond in every yard

its like you want to flood the country with ducks or even worse geese

Legitimately spooked

hippity hoppity

get off my property

Butterflies and moths will drink exposed blood or water from your eyes if they're desperate enough

Cut farmers some more slack.

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You got books to finish George. Stop shitposting. Death is coming.

We already got the Baratheon problem down in acknowledging that being a competent warrior doesn't automatically make you a good leader.

You have to understand people.

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