Polaris is the very example of poor character design and redundancy...

Polaris is the very example of poor character design and redundancy. Her costume is a rip-off of Scarlet Witch and just died green, her powers a much weaker copy of Magneto’s, and even took Quicksilver’s storyline of if he should following in Magneto’s crusade as his heir or not. None of the stories she’s supposed to have a key part are interesting (like The Twelve, and the Starjammer/Inhuman stories) or she’s not that important to the proceedings and could be replaced by a lamp and have no impact on the story (Bunn’s X-Men, House of M) or are actual shit (all the Austin shit). She was shoehorned into the House of M because of Chuck Austin’s Nurse Annie story, and it shows. All this despite the fact that her origin story and proof from various AUs she’s just a crazy Magneto fan girl and not actually his seed.

Marvel needs to retcon Polaris out of the House of M and bring back the Maximoff twins. Then put Polaris in straight jacket limbo where she belongs, hopefully keeping Havok with her.

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Well they can’t all be winners. Every team and family has a tint of the litter, and that’s Havok and Polaris’ roles.

that's a real cool story, OP.
now do Meggan.

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Poor Meggan, she’s so Z-list that it would take of GOTG style appearance to make her mainstream.

Better be careful or Loony Lorna’s Legion will show up from CBR and scream about you oppressing their queen like Claremont and every good writer Marvel has for her entire existence.

>Marvel needs to retcon Polaris out of the House of M and bring back the Maximoff twins. Then put Polaris in straight jacket limbo where she belongs, hopefully keeping Havok with her.

Pietro has been hurt by not being Magneto's son, but Wanda is much better off not being a mutant and being free from ever having to appear in an X-book again. Nobody wanted to use her in a significant role in any X-Men stories for almost 40 years until House of M, which would probably have destroyed her forever if not for the MCU using her, so it's better for Polaris to be Magneto's daughter, and if someone wants to do a story about Magneto having a daughter that sided against him, Lorna's there for it.

Havok works as a counterpoint to Cyclops, his brother who wanted to lead a normal life instead of dedicating himself to being an X-Man, but because he's Scott's brother, people expect him to be like Scott and to be a leader. He has this weight of expectation on him from everyone wanting him to be something he isn't. Plus he seemed to become a villain a lot for sibling rivalry stories. They're not bad characters, they're just underused.

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The Maximoffs aren't even Magneto's anymore/again are they?

Since the Disney Fox merger, they’ve begun to waffle. There’s the Magnus family action figure set that just came out with the twins and Magneto, and in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Wanda is Magneto’s daughter.

yeah they are not his kids anymore.

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Not since Axis in 2014.

Marvel don't fully control what merchandise and games do and probably don't care. Quicksilver was still Magneto's son in the Fox movies, and there have been licensed products that still use Erik Lensherr as Magneto's real name, or still say Wanda's twins weren't real.

This was done via a magic spell wanda made to spite Magneto, its an easy fix

I honestly thought that was Enchantress from the thumbnail.

I like the way you think.

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It may be too late for that, the High Evolutionary confirmed Magneto's not their father and they're not mutants, then Wanda's solo book introduced their real mother. Undoing it would be a lot of work to re-connect characters that didn't interact a lot anyway, and would not be good for all of them.

Have you heard of the Great Polaris Enchantress Cover Conspiracy as described by Polaris fans? According to them, the Axis cover with Enchantress and Scarlet Witch was really a crafty ploy to make people think it was really Polaris and not Enchantress and therefore trick lots and lots of people into buying the book. Because as we all know, Polaris has that kind of fan influence beyond all four of her batshit crazy fans.

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The Wanda solo also said the HE was crazy and didn’t know what he was talking about. On top of Vision saying much the same thing at the end of the original story. Face it, Wanda is going back to being Magneto’s daughter by the end of next year by the latest.

>Face it, Wanda is going back to being Magneto’s daughter by the end of next year by the latest.
Doing that would need the Avengers and X-Men editors to agree on it, and possibly require a decision being made above editorial, since it was Ike who was responsible for all of this to begin with.

Now pretend you're the Avengers editor. You don't have to pretend you're Brevoort, nobody deserves that. Just pretend you've replaced him, and the welfare of Avengers characters is your job, your responsibility. Would you really allow X-Men writers anywhere near Wanda ever again, knowing a lot of them hold a stupid grudge against her, or how they just see her as a plot device or an accessory to Magneto? Or would you protect her from that, tell them to just use Polaris instead.

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I don't think the Avengers editors really give a fuck about Wanda, they didn't even want to give her a solo title until Robinson pitched his. She still isn't appearing anywhere right now

Avengers editorial has been far worse to Wanda. Bendis and Disassembled and Byrne and that stupid WCA story that started the whole mess. Frankly I'd prefer the x-book editors. At least we got that story with Polaris and Wanda having a day off together as sisters.

Use the A-list Avenger and MCU fave like Wanda for your big crossover events or one shots, or the D-lister whose breakout showing outside the comics was a dead on arrival Heroes knock off? Hmm, I wonder what I, an editor that want as many people to buy these books, would do in this case?

Polaris is cool and PAD deserved at least 10 more issues on his last x-factor

X-Factor only lasted as long as it did due to Quicksilver being on it. The moment Brevoort yanked Pietro off the team for the Axis retcon, the book died. No one was there to see Lorna lose her shit over wanting to fuck Gambit but also wanting to kill his cats.

That Lorna hates cats is all the reason you need to put her in the trash where she belongs.

That is probably part of a wider problem with Marvel editorial not caring about many of the pre-Bendis Avengers, and trying to appease fans with giving them one story per year.

Aside from Byrne, most of this has happened on Brevoort's watch. As bad as it all is, none of it made people hate her like House of M did, including people employed by Marvel who choose to blame her instead of blaming Bendis or editorial.

>That Lorna hates cats is all the reason you need to put her in the trash where she belongs.
Carol you have to go back to Hala now.

No really, cruelty to animals is like one of the many traits of nutjobs and serial killers, like wetting the bed and starting fires. Compare this to Wanda, who adores cats, and Pietro, with his cute turtle.

Lorna is a cat hating stalker yandere that is a beta level third tier character.

>Use the A-list Avenger and MCU fave like Wanda for your big crossover events or one shots, or the D-lister whose breakout showing outside the comics was a dead on arrival Heroes knock off? Hmm, I wonder what I, an editor that want as many people to buy these books, would do in this case?
An editor should be thinking about the long term future of characters, not the short term gains of one book's sales. Making Wanda a mutant again and making her Magneto's child again sets her up for more potential harm than good, and the only argument against X-Men writers using Polaris instead is her being a lower-tier character than isn't important.

Cats are the niggers of animals and anyone that likes them is either a retard or has heen infected with a zombie virus

You sound so dumb right now.

I want to like Lorna because her design is a fun Player 2 looking thing and Magento actually having a daughter with his powers is fun. Plus her design always reminds me of 80's/90's anime , mainly the colored hair, since its fairly rare to have a character with brightly colored hair that isn't otherwise different in some way(pointed ears, blue skin, etc) in western cape comics. Not unheard of and of course Lorna predates colored hair being popular in anime, but I think you get my point.

I can hardly believe you texted that I’m sincerity, it’s so fucking retarded.

maybe she's just a dog person

If Gambit had cats back then, what happened to them since he left X-Factor?

It’s also because Polaris is incredibly boring since she’s very submissive towards Magneto in comparison to Wanda who isn’t afraid to call him out for his bullshit. That kind of conflict drives story tension, like in Dark Seduction, A v X, and Axis (when Wanda objected to Mags killing the Red Skull).

Also, trying to run from mutants and the fallout of NMM is just going to make it worse. Actually having Wanda on an x-team to ‘learn her lesson and atone’ and then going back to the Avengers where she belongs will go a long way to finally shutting up Wanda’s detractors who claim she got away with genocide. Maybe even have Speed the Xavier school.

He’s kept them and now he and Rogue are adorable cat parents. It also proves Rogue is best girl who is not a monster unlike Polaris.

Relevant panel

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>Also, trying to run from mutants and the fallout of NMM is just going to make it worse. Actually having Wanda on an x-team to ‘learn her lesson and atone’ and then going back to the Avengers where she belongs will go a long way to finally shutting up Wanda’s detractors who claim she got away with genocide.

Trying to have characters atone for something never works for long, look at Hank Pym. The surest way to put something in the past is for editorial to tell writers not to mention it again, not to write stories focused on it. Accept the Doom retcon and have the mutants focus their anger on him instead of Wanda.

Accept the Doom retcon never made a lick of sense since it put mutants on top, which Doom would never suffer because Doom submits to no one. The HoM-verse showed him being Magneto’s bitch. Also, he was in hell at the time. Even most of the characters in the story didn’t believe it. After having her blame Magneto, Quicksilver, and Doom for it, it makes Wanda look cowardly by hiding behind men. They should have gone with Wanda being possessed by Chthon as agreement for freeing Billy and Tommy’s souls from Mephisto, but Bendis is a hack and can’t be bothered with continuity he didn’t create.

Wanda has to be shown actually owning her lashing out against mutants and working to help mutantkind before she can reclaim her life as an Avenger.

Or have mutants as a sinister cult at war with humanity for over 15 years of comics, and Wanda or Doom were just ahead of the curve.

Wanda is never going to atone, and most people view her as being violently anti-mutant even if they don’t consider her one. Marvel should embrace that make Wanda a villain for X-Men that is considered in good standing with humanity because she’s anti-mutant. Hell, make Pietro a mutant and Magneto their father again so they can really drive home why she hates them so much.

That a Polaris thread has become a Wanda thread is more proof of how utterly boring Lorna is. Or how awesome Wanda is. Admittedly these are not exclusive things.

I'm surprised the cats Mytique dropped in his room so Sabretooth wouldn't eat them have stuck around for so long.

Hot dude with adorable cats, making for fun pictures that fans like to share on Twitter and make senpai art of, that’s how.

Or Lorna is what could have happened to Wanda if she had remained an X-Men character, someone completely defined by being someone's girlfriend or daughter. As an Avenger she has her own stories and lore that made her awesome, even the one popular ship she has is one that made her develop and grow as a character.

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Her whole arc in Uncanny Avengers was trying to atone for all the shit she's done to mutants over the years and trying to help achieve Xavier's dream.

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Wanda and Pietro are back in the Avengers camp/non-mutants, so just use Lorna and ?? to replace the two of them

Either give Magneto another lost child, or use someone else connected to him like Toad or Exodus.

They retconned Wanda's kids again?

By smugly declaring mutants have a martyr complex and that mutants are better off being humans? Jesus, Remender made x-fags hate Wanda for that high-handed unrepentant attitude and arguing for Rogue for calling it out. I mean an actual attempt to atone not trying to save the Red Skull’s life and calling Magneto the real monster.

Lorna is boring. Bring back Wand and Pietro. Wanda doesn’t have to stay eight the X-Men, although Pietro should.

Wasn't that also the same run with Havok and "the M word?"


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>Lorna is boring. Bring back Wand and Pietro. Wanda doesn’t have to stay eight the X-Men, although Pietro should.
fuck you

This misses the context of it taking place immediately after Wanda had to save the world from Cyclops. It's not unreasonable for her feel bad about what happened, yet also to have had enough of mutants being angry at her after everything they did in AvX.

Remender had some valid points about the direction of the X-books after M-Day, but using Wanda to voice them meant X-fags wouldn't listen. They didn't listen when he used Havok either.

Protecting Wanda from the X-books and pushing Lorna into a more important role is the ideal compromise solution. Another solution to protect Wanda from Avengers writers and editors would then need to be found, at least until Brevoort and Zub leave.

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Now that you pointed it out, Polaris does looks like she took one of Wanda’s outfits and dyed it green, even the tiara. Maybe Lorna is trying to Single White Woman and become Wanda?

Why do Wanda fags always insist on dragging Pietro with her? Just because Wanda hates mutants doesn’t mean Pietro should have to give up being one. Fuck Wanda for dragging him down.

The writers and editors don’t give a fuck about Polaris, just her four fans on CBR. They are not going to use a knock off when they could use Wanda instead.

Nobody actually wants to be a mutant, nobody is really proud of being a mutant. Not being a mutant may be the best thing that ever happened to him.

>They are not going to use a knock off when they could use Wanda instead.
And now they can't.
They didn't use Wanda for decades, the one time they did a big story with her it was House of M. She's not a mutant anymore and that's a good thing because she's finally safe from them.

Wanda hates being a mutant, but Pietro has always been proud to be one. It’s why he served on x-teams and left the Avengers to join Magneto in Genosha. In Uncanny Avengers, the Red Skull brings up his loss of being a mutant as something to torment him. Again, just because Wanda hates herself doesn’t mean Pietro does.

It’s funny how you blame x writers for her fall from grace when Bendis was an Avengers writer at the time.

Just give her this team but Wolverine instead of Jimmy and Blindfold instead of whateverhernamewas and Surge instead of Daken and she’ll be a B-Lister in no time

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Her normal costume is like ten times lewder, but why is that strip of skin with vagina bones so enchanting.

Just bring back her Quesada designed uniform.

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>Lorna predates colored hair being popular in anime
You are so painfully fucking pleb it makes me wince. Do you even know why Anime has colored hair? Pic related, the Japanese loved this early 1970s british tv

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there's not a single Japanese artist still alive making anime that's referencing that old ass shit, user.
it's all copy paste template molded moeshit and you know it.

>give Magneto another lost child
Kys before marvel hires you please.

X-Men writers were the ones who kept making things worse all the time, revealing people died, or Claremont making the Decimation affect the entire multiverse until writers forgot about that. They did a lot to make X-fags hate her more and hold a grudge for over a decade.

It's like IRL, user. Nobody's really proud to be part of a group everyone else hates and has good cause to hate, they just say they're proud to be mutants so they don't kill themselves.

Even Bunn wasn’t interested in that team, he did it as last minute filler. He only had Polaris in the book at all so he could have her at Havok’s mind surgery with Emma. I mean, Bunn actually imported AU versions of characters he wanted to really work with but couldn’t like Storm (Blood Storm), Quicksilver and Armor (their Ultimate versions), and Jimmy (because his son is a fan).

Only because the Avengers writers and editors insisted she stay in limbo for so long, and thus putting off a redemption arc. This basically kept the mutants in an extinction plot line for far longer than the fans wanted, and the only person they had to blame (in universe) was Wanda. Remender made it so much worse (as well making Havok even more annoying than usual).

No one is ever going to ignore or forget No More Mutants. It went on for too long a period and informed an entire generation of comics readers. And short of a complete universe reboot, it won’t just disappear. The last few clumsy attempts to retcon the blame away just irritated everyone but hardcore Wanda fans. The only option left is to have Wanda atone by joining a mutant team and seeing firsthand how mutants survive outside the walls of the Avengers mansion and without the privilege of Captain America’s patronage.

Not proud to be faster than light, warp reality, or bend the electromagnetic spectrum to your will? How stupid or self-hating would you have to be?

Oh right, Wanda level of self-hating, so she’s now trying to pass for human so she can fully assimilate into flatscan society. The new origin Wanda is trying to push about a real mommy who loves her and also a witch! just reads like wish fulfillment. It also doesn’t explain how Pietro is a speedster and not a mage like Wanda.

Wanda should really learn to embrace her mutant heroes like Pietro has. She would be more healthy mentally if she did.

Wanda never hated mutants or herself for being one, that's just something that came out of nowhere in House of M.

As the most high-profile mutant in-universe she probably got attacked for being a mutant more than the X-Men did, especially back when most of the X-Men had secret identities, which she and Quicksilver never did.

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Right now the X-Men are busy as the enforcers of a expansionist mutant supremacist ethnostate so that probably wouldn't really help

>X-fags complaining about Avengers privilege when the X-Men always ignore the Morlocks.
Every time

user, this is a X-fag who thinks offering free pardons to Magneto, Sabertooth, and Vulcan is the sensible thing to do. They're mutants so they should always get a free pass for their actions.

>Only because the Avengers writers and editors insisted she stay in limbo for so long, and thus putting off a redemption arc.
This was due to Marvel editorial having given the story of Wanda's return to Heinberg and Cheung to tell. What would have been the second year of Young Avengers in 2006-2007 became Children's Crusade in 2010-2012 due to Heinberg's television work. Marvel's other writers, and editorial not caring about Wanda probably contributed to nobody else bringing her back while they were waiting for Heinberg to have room in his schedule to write more comics. Whedon using her in the MCU, against the wishes of Marvel's 'brain trust' forced them to redeem her and barely kept her out of limbo.

>This basically kept the mutants in an extinction plot line for far longer than the fans wanted, and the only person they had to blame (in universe) was Wanda.
You do understand that they could have chosen to use Decimation to just roll back the status quo to a pre-Morrison mutant numbers and go back to normal. They instead chose to do years of extinction stories, and did not in any way require Wanda to be back for them to stop doing extinction stories. Even after the retcon when readers and characters have Doom to blame, they refuse to do it.

>The only option left is to have Wanda atone by joining a mutant team and seeing firsthand how mutants survive outside the walls of the Avengers mansion and without the privilege of Captain America’s patronage.
Even if she did that, nothing that happens is ever going to make you or other X-fags like you get over it or forgive her. The best thing for her is to be kept away from the X-books so it doesn't have to be mentioned again. If Hickman can't raise sales across the franchise that could be "the X-book" within a year anyway.

>Not proud to be faster than light, warp reality, or bend the electromagnetic spectrum to your will? How stupid or self-hating would you have to be?
How proud would you be of the disproportionate levels of criminality, violence, terrorist and illiteracy amongst the mutant population? How proud would you be to be part of a group everyone else hates, and hates for valid reasons? A lucky few get useful powers, the rest don't have a lot to be proud of.

>Her costume is a rip-off of Scarlet Witch and just died green, her powers a much weaker copy of Magneto’s, and even took Quicksilver’s storyline of if he should following in Magneto’s crusade as his heir or not.
See, that actually works if you run it. She's the youngest kid who got saddled with all of her dad's expectations for her siblings and himself, and never really has a chance to grow as a person because everyone, from her family to her friends and coworkers, are expecting her to be like the rest of her family. Imagine if everyone around you expects you to turn out like 3 very different people simultaneously. The problem is two-fold, you have to treat Polaris as a tragic but somewhat passive figure, which is difficult to do in an on-going superhero comic, and that at any given moment chunks of her backstory and character relations can be pulled on the whims of writers and editorial.

The book sold mostly stable from what I remember, but it was slightly below what you'd usually consider cancellation numbers.
Meanwhile shit like Captain Marvel, Squirrel Girl and other utter garbage sold half that and kept going for ages...

That actually works even better now she's Magneto's only living child. All the weight of his expectations are on her, balanced against the pressure from her friends and boyfriend to not be like Magneto.

well, it's a good thing she rarely wore the costume

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>makes herself bustier for Yea Forums

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it's going to be retconned back very soon. Hinted at in AoX and will probably be official in House of X. Hickman is back to save them

>Hickman is back to save them
She's finally free from mutants why can't you leave her alone?

Sounds like a recipe for more drunk Lorna.

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Where was it hinted at?

I still strongly doubt it. Hickman doesn't give a shit about Wanda and Pietro because they weren't in the X-Books in his beloved '80s. (Claremont never mentioned that they were Magneto's children; it wasn't his retcon so he ignored it.) Meanwhile Wanda's MCU future is not with the X-Men and Pietro doesn't have a media future at all, poor guy.

So they'll just stay as characters who are "owned" by the Avengers office but almost never used.

when Magneto was remembering his family connections in AoX it showed Wanda and Pietro

Different colored hair is an easy trick to heavily distinguish otherwise similar designs.

>Pietro doesn't have a media future at all, poor guy.
His Meta future is just him being a floater from X-Men or Avenger Team to Time and maybe guess star in a few C - Lister stories. Sucks too because I kinda like Him as a Avenger, X-men or just him doing his own thing.

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The problem with the Magneto family thing in general is that none of his kids have any real connection to Magneto. None of them learned Magneto was her father until they were adults. He was never a part of their lives until well after the point he'd have any direct influence on their personalities and personal growth and even afterwards he's not particularly involved with any of them. He's the closest to Lorna, but even that is tempered by the fact that he's out of her life for years at a time. Them being Mags kids should logically have little bearing on them.

Most of the drama just comes from whether they can trust him or not. When he approaches them is he going to do it as a father or as a mutant supremacist. Lorna want to connect with him, while Pietro and Wanda want him to stay the fuck away.

Also being the children of a well known terrorist probably isn't the best for publicity.

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Magneto never should have been made a villain again in Fatal Attractions. He works so much better as a guy TRYING to be good and redeem himself.

He's remembering a traumatic memory from the real world, the moment he learned they weren't his children. It wasn't a hint they were going to undo it, it was used because his memories of Polaris existing had been erased when she was imprisoned in AoX.

>whether they can trust him or not.
No. The answer is always no. And again the real problem is that Lorna has no reason to want to connect with him; she's got her adoptive parents and she's got the X-Men, Mags is just the guy her mom cheated with.

Redeeming an A-list villain is a much riskier prospect than redeeming a minor villain. Even if the stories are good, you still lose more than you gain. If you're going to take the X-Men's greatest enemy away, you need a suitable replacement.

Mr. Sinister was probably their best shot at a suitable replacement.

Hell even that was probably a combination of Lorna’s wish of being Magneto’s daughter being translated into the real world from House of M, the crazy stalker.

Bunn got just the right balance of a tortured man trying to protect his family and people but facing horrible threats ranging from street level bigots to world ending plagues. I wish he had stayed on!at least until Hickman.

Except it wasn't. She says she accepts responsibility, except she didn't do shit to make up for it.

It was already canon before House of M.

There's no way she can "make up for it" in any way that would be acceptable to you without resurrecting Claremont and Jenkins' OCs that died on M-Day and Marvel re-powering millions of Literally Who? mutants and returning to a status quo they don't want to go back to.

After Morrison's run you have to deal with the fact that most mutants had mutations that provided no benefit or were detrimental to their lives. On top of that, after AvX you have to deal with the fact that most mutants aren't naturally occurring mutants, they were humans forcibly mutated by the Phoenix. If anything, there should be a massive movement within mutantkind going "Do it again, Wanda."

Funnily enough, so is her origin comic, and AoA and the Ultimate-verse.

I think that if they really want to have Wanda, Pietro, and Lorna as Magneto's kids they really need to do a full retcon instead of the "oh yeah, I'm your dad" stuff.