Peter Parker will be relegated to the same role Jay Garrick serves in the Flash family within the next decade (and...

Peter Parker will be relegated to the same role Jay Garrick serves in the Flash family within the next decade (and that's a good thing)

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With some nigger being the poster boy with no villians no story no purpose

nah he'd still be Barry Allen.

He'll just take Peter's, worked out for him so far

Just reskinned Ult Peter then

>With some nigger being the poster boy

Honestly, they should stop making Miles black. That's only half of his heritage. The black half has had it's turn and it's past time be be redesigned to be full, or mostly, Mexican. It'd at least make his surname feel less out of place.

it's funny how he is mixed race yet it solely ever focuses on one half of it.

It's also funny how he's mixed race with a Latino last name but his dad is still black for some convoluted reason

Maybe he's from peru, south peru is as full of niggers as brazil.

That would be a semi-reasonable explanation, the one Bendis gave and the only they keep giving is much much worse


That was going to happen but disney aint having that shit.

More like he'll be Barry Allen to Miles' Wally West

Would like it if we can both where you have the newfags love for spider-gwen and miles, and make the story progression peter's role. Similar to Like how starwars managed han luke and solo.

Peter isn't boring as shit though

>no villians

He does.

Good, white men are obsolete

It's funny how lefties and such who try to make something not racist make it far more racist

>it's funny how he is mixed race yet it solely ever focuses on one half of it.
blame that on anyone who is mad that spider-man wasn't white
people take things at face value, and while there are tons of dark and black latins, they are only ever just seen a "black"

The writers did touch upon this notion a bit during the comic, but to my understanding it was "I just want to be spider-man, not black spider-man" rather than "I'm more than just my skin color"

They might not have the social nuance to present the story in a meaningful way

Yea Forums really doesn't read comics.

Sorry, pal. Not happening.

Not Miles because Bendis.

i wanna fuck him so bad

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>Oh no, Peter might have to develop beyond being a 20 something cuck that he's been for the past 20-30 something years.

Say it ain't so.

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that means his classic stories are going to be bullet proof against new writers

I want to take care of this dysfunctional man as if he was a child

You know theres no law stating the child has to have the fathers last name, right retard?

His name would be Miles Davis.

I'm aware.

Imagine if this had happened before they undid Spider-man's marriage.

Just like Tiger Woods

That's a ridiculous assumption to make because Miles isn't the same popularity level as Wally in terms of predecessor/legacy relation. Peter will always be THE Spider-Man, and Miles will still be his own thing. And that's okay

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>dislike boring and bland character
>"you just hate him because he isnt white"
people continue to defend Miles just because he isnt white and claim all criticism is racist

At this point, I think you had obession for miles morale.

>Doesn’t want to be black spider-man
>Dresses as spider-man, but the costume is black

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NoNONOO bring back PIZZA TIME PETER PARKER, FUCK THIS BULLSHIT forced mentor-student protegee garbage! I don't give a shit what that niglet want to be in his life

He isn't actually mixed race. His mom is a mulatto from Puerto Rico in the movie, and some fictional Caribbean nation in the comics. If he is mixed race, my obviously Hispanic friends, then so is Tyler the Creator, who's mother is also a mulatto. Pic related.

I do agree that his Hispanic side should be flaunted more, mainly because stupid Americans think that black Hispanics don't exist (although if it were up to me, I would have made Miles 100% Afro-Dominican, no half and half cop out). He'd still be culturally Hispanic, eating plantanos con salami, playing baseball, making Haitian jokes, etc.

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Touched upon but if that was written by the creator they are lying. Bendis adopted some black kids so wanted to race swap a black hero.

Miles defining feature and reason for existing is that he is a black washed Spiderman.

More like Hal Jordan to the Green Lanterns or Optimus Prime to the other Primes.
You know, in the sense that they're gonna create a shitload of alternative Spider-Men and push the shit out of them, only for Peter to continue to outshine them.

Marvel is obsessed with Peter remaining a static character so no, he won't. This will never happen.

>More like Hal Jordan to the Green Lanterns

Bad example cause hal isn't the original.


>Bendis adopted some black kids so wanted to race swap a black hero.

It's actually because you get money whenever your OCs show up in anything, so Bendis loads down books with OCs to reap royalty bucks. He likes minority OCs especially because then they show up in every "look at our minority characters" thing Marvel does and get him more money.

Miles being Puerto Rican on his mother's side was an afterthought. It really nevers matters that much until his latino stereotype grandmother pops in.

But that requires people to use them while respecting the spirit of the contract. They could easily pull a Black Vulcan and screw him over thata way.

Which is hilarious because they're stupid enough to want to keep Peter static while pushing Miles

Why does Marvel/DC appear to have such a hard time writing black characters without also writing blatant thuggery, gangster "niggery" or however you were to put it.
It's both extremely lame and extremely insulting. What's even worse is that some even appear to have the idea that if they don't, then they'd "just be writing a black man as if he were a white man, and that'd be racist!" which is not only complete lunacy, but also ironically enough what is actually racist. Not the opposite.

Is that really all black people are in America?

Sony doesn't hate money that much.

She me examples of niggatry.

Well. How about Miles running around illegally graffiti painting the streets with his ghetto gang criminal uncle while listening to fucking awful gangster rap music in the recent Spider-Verse movie?
The comics are full of shit like it too.

His uncle being a bad influence but an 'anit-comformist' one for an impressionable teenager is not a 'black' thing. That's happening all around through not only families, but media too. Hell that's why after he became Spiderman he does something that actually changes the world around him as opposed to destroying it with rebellion. And if you wanna throw in rap, double down like all conservitard parents did with punk/heavy metal/scary new music that I don't understand.

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Ultimate Peter didn't need youth music to paint him as young

No, that actually completely sucks ass.

Peter was a stem science dork, Miles is just an urban incel. What do you want from him?

Well, miles isn't peter.

>Miles almost went the way of the clone saga
>Sony by some miracle puts out an animated film featuring him that everyone likes
>now he'll plague Spider-Man media until the end times

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Kys racist

Marvel was never going to toss Miles.
They also aren't going to actually take ques from the movie and turn him into the character that people actually like. He is going to exist as a stagnant, dull Gary Stu until Marvel shuts down.

I'm fairly certain Kid Arachnid has his own villains.

How is Black Sheep, a jazz rap and occaisonal hip house group, gangsta rap? Stupid fuck.

>Miles will still be his own thing.
Miles will never be his own thing as long as Marvel and Sony insist on calling him "Spider-Man"

>everyone likes
Stop right there, shill.

I don't like it personally but seemingly everyone else does, I haven't seen any criticism for it outside Yea Forums, even people who usually don't like animation or comics are sucking its dick when even the Raimi movies get much harsher treatment. I'm convinced it's a shill pysop or everyone is genuinely just infantilized on a mental level and got distracted by the busy animation to notice the movie's fundamental flaws.

It’s a shame we’re never gonna get another Marvel/DC crossover. Barry and Peter honestly have a lot in common so I’d love to see how they’d get along.

Miles will be remembered by future audiences the same way Ebony from The Spirit is today.

Peruvian here, blacks got extinct in the south and north, you can find 3 and they are heavily mixed. The main City and another City hace a few thousands.
Marvel is just forcing PP out, those pieces of shit

Nigger even Yea Forums liked it, I've yet to see more then 3 people dislike the movie

The majority of Yea Forums doesn't like it, and Yea Forums is a shadow of its former self and is full of redditors and newfags so of course they'll like it

>The majority of Yea Forums doesn't like it
Can you fucking stop lying?

Yea Forums has always hated Miles, you're delusional if you think otherwise

>Yea Forums is against something popular
This board is full of intentional contrarians but it still seems like it has a pretty positive reputation here considering that there is always a thread about how good it is full of positive discussion.
Face it man, most people that watched it liked the fucking movie. If you didn't that is cool but you are in the minority.

Yea Forums hates COMIC Miles. Spider-verse Miles isn't the same character.

But nobody will call them his rogues


As far as the actual Green Lantern Corps goes, Hal is the first Earth Lantern we get. The Starheart is a whole different thing. Golden Age lantern and Silver Age are pretty much only connected by name and color.

>Yea Forums has always hated Miles
Yes, Spider-verse is the only thing where he's not complete shit.

How so?

He has something resembling a personality

What are the difference from comic Miles that give him personality

Green Lantern is as space cop. There are thousands of Green Lanterns. Your example is shit.

that's how half-blacks are irl though

Tom Holland Peter is literally comic Miles but not moody.

Movie Miles is comic Miles but not written by Bendis.

clearly that doesn’t matter. If you can just change it at the drop of a hat it must not be that important.

>Movie Miles is comic Miles but not written by Bendis.

Movie miles is comic miles but with extra flavors.

You shill this nigger everyday. I hope you mother get raped by niggers, fag.

Why would Marvel toss the only legacy character they have that sells comics?

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>that sells comics

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He is exactly nothing like comics Miles save for having the same basic outline.

That will actually be refreshing. We have had 3 Peter Parkers in the last 20 years. It would be nice to see them reinvent themselves with new storylines like they did with into the Spider-verse than rebooting again and again.


I'm curious how long this whole Spiderverse arc stuff will last. How long did Scarlet Spider last?

>all this focus on race
>not on how shitty as a based character he is

Goddamn make some better arguments faggots

Comic Miles' uncertainty is aimless. In the beginning he felt chronically unsure regardless of the situation, and because of that he felt without agency and ultimately without personality.
In the movie his uncertainty in the beginning is aimed squarely at his school life/life changes. He's comfortable in Brooklyn, confident to a degree even. In his new school he's friendless and floundering. His uncertainty is expressed through lashing out at it by running off to his Uncle's, in the comics his Uncle wasn't an escape so much as a cool place to go.
Wanting to be Spider-man is more guided as well, the entire movie is literally just wanting to do the last thing the Real Spider-man told him to do but he got cold feet on. He wants to be Spider-man but it's the bitch in him that cause hiccups not his direct inaction.
Comic Miles had a boring cycle of "Can I be Spider-man? No I can't. Oh Somebody else said I can be Spider-man? I can!" constantly.
Also he has a creative streak which even comes into play with his new costume.
Even his relationship with his dad has a better personality and dynamic than Bendis' shit.

I'm pissed off that Spiderman got the perfect flash movie in Into the Spiderverse. It should have been a movie about Wally taking over from Barry

>Also he has a creative streak which even comes into play with his new costume.
True creative visionary

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Cringe history revisionist

She doesn’t though highest a book of hers has ever gotten is top 40

Post Malone = gangster rap?

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Nice projection newfriend

>gangster rap
Okay grandpa

I was talking about Miles. Gwen has been struggling for awhile.

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Bringing Miles into the main universe and not changing his alias was one of the most retarded things I've ever seen done.
call him like carapace or red fang or swingster or some shit. Spider-Man isn't a mantle. Not everything has to be a fucking mantle.

>he still thinks that anti-Miles guy on Yea Forums represents all of Yea Forums

Hes a pretty good metric. I even wanted to like Miles but Bendis' was just shit.

>he still thinks that the pro-Miles guy on Yea Forums represents all of Yea Forums

>Spider-Man isn't a mantle. Not everything has to be a fucking mantle.

It been a mantle since the the 90s


Peter = Barry
Miles = Wally

And mayday

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>Miles will replace Peter, just you wait!
You niggers have been saying this for almost a decade

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Also Ben reily.

And then Peter will sell his family to the devil so Aunt May can live for five more years.

Mantles are passed down, not appropriated