Go to one of the best animation schools in the country

>go to one of the best animation schools in the country
>make an animated short using your human designs for a genger and cyndaquil
>has no story
>has no interesting concept
>has no interesting dialogue
>ends with an out-of-nowhere kissing gag cause omg I love my gay OCs
>graduate with top marks

Is this really who we should expect to be making our cartoons in America?

>That after credits scene
Okaywtf? I got zero gay vibes from purple hair guy, besides his shitty hairdo and earrings, hell he even lustfully looked at a "Babes" magazine, almost to cement his straightness to the viewer. If that kiss didn't feel forced, and rapey, I have no idea what does.

Attached: 1484849044281s.jpg (250x140, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:



butter animation

Butter Lover


Attached: pp,550x550.u1.jpg (550x422, 35K)

I think this short would have worked better without voice acting.

>kinga? he's a simp I only watch the finest in animation like Andrew Auld

Attached: 1560282897246.png (500x500, 248K)

For 20 years now the deviantart crowd have been synonymous with Art majors. The internet was a mistake, the 1990s were a mistake, it's all a mistake.

It's not a mistake as a way to actually help read the future because all those nutjobs you see posting content are eventually gonna move to IRL stuff and integrate some of their weird shit into the mainstream

Gays can't rape, bigot.
They're in a state of perpetual victimhood so they cant do anything wrong.

at least post the link you colossal faggot

who hurt you faglord

i didn't want to

It's more ironic in a sense than it is craftsmanship. The whole point of the graduation animation is to show you can actually do the process without it looking like shit so you land the comfy nepotism job easy.

It's cute, I like the one with the mohawk mullet, would date and bang, probably has a huge long white cock too
t. faggot

Don't care purple one is cute and LITERALLY me

You do realise that the purple hair guy was scared shitless and taken by surprise right?

Why would he agree to this?

>that fucking grin on the red haired guy
You can always tell if an artist is a faggot if they draw grins like that

>best animation schools in the country

American art schools are so worthless

this is how the animator draws herself

Attached: 1486234552601.jpg (1288x1062, 230K)

this is how it looks like irl

Attached: 1486238656512.jpg (300x201, 12K)


I honestly can't understand it too. Any normal person has AN IDEA, SOMETHING. A musician can tell a good story. A visual artist can tell a good story.

But when it comes to animators ... it's like they're mentally retarded. Always the poorest directed scenes ever. Always awkward, always near mute, always full of pauses, always lacking in atmosphere. It's like they're autistic.

I between the ages of 3-8 had more charming and creative ideas than these guys. And mine weren't full of pretentious generic crap like Water Vs Fire / Spring vs Autumn / moral messages, life lessons, etc.

Why are American animators like this ?

What happens during their upbringing that makes them grow up to become these monstruosities ?

Is it their parents that are to blame ? Their friends ? TV ? Youtube ? College ? Atheism ?

I need to know


Attached: el guason xd.jpg (500x500, 73K)

I blame school and college, it dumbs you. And if you hang out with autistic rednecks it dumbs you down even more.

not to defend the shit OP's talking about, but having an idea and actually making it a reality are two completely different things, ESPECIALLY if you're an animator.

>It's like they're autistic.
also 9 times out of 10 they actually are

This three minute short took months upon months to make. Give her some credit cunt. This is hard work even if you don't like the aesthetic.

is this owlgem?

Yeah, nah.

If this fella's trying to follow Avril Lavigne's aesthetic, I don't think she's doing it right...


I's animation school, not writing school, what is graded is the technique and skill, the story is of little importance. Let the creator do what they want.

Seems she draw herslef accurate enough.

Animation in America is almost entirely infantilized children's entertainment, and presumably most of those aspiring to become "animators" are still watching it as adults.

I don't think she is trying to follow someone specifically.

They focus so much on movement that they forget the reason why that shit should be moving in the first place.

>A musician can tell a good story. A visual artist can tell a good story.
No, it's no more systematically true than for animators. Why are you making up BS to complain?
They are just people whose creativity is encouraged. Nothing wrong with that.





Attached: 453656.png (302x490, 102K)

They focus on movement because that's what they are getting graded on. Again, they are not trying to become writers, but animators.
No more than in any other countries, honestly.

Natural selection is doing us a solid so that we can easily identify which individuals have contracted this special strain of autism

It works for a visual cue but it's horrendous these people are the ones getting all the art jobs in California.


Children's animation in Japan is handled in a much more mature way, and it also makes up the minority of animation produced. European animation is also less infantile than American animation.

>leg hair

But why the fuck is dying your hair, wearing glasses, and getting a sidecut while drawing in pastel simple shit that has no construction the trend they chose to follow.

>Children's animation in Japan is handled in a much more mature way,
>European animation is also less infantile than American animation.
On average, not so much.

>near the (presumably American) desert
>likely uniform sunrise and sunset time
>takes around 20 minutes for sun to set normally (at least here in the tropics, may apply there as well)
>by that logic: 20 minutes distance at normal walking speed
>distance must've been quite long
>punk comes a significant amount of times in a day
>punks sprints to and fro shop several times to get butter
How the hell does he even not sweat especially in that jacket?

Also, no shop would have their dairy wares that exposed (i.e. no doors) unless their A/C is on turbo blast...

what are trends?

There is no reason for it to bother you.

Yes on average. Japan is not America.

>They focus on movement because that's what they are getting graded on. Again, they are not trying to become writers, but animators.

Animation is a visual medium tool used to convey stories and emotions. Not having anything to convey defeats the purpose entirely. Can art be called art without a meaning or story behind it?

I don't think it's mean to be that realistic.

Also, it's not a pilot pitch, it's just to show their animation skils.

>asking for credit for creating trash
No matter how hard you work at making trash, trash is still trash.

>Saying what to a why question


>go to one of the best animation schools in the country
School of Visual Arts has such a high acceptance rate for their animation department, they sometimes take in people who can't even draw and the only way you wouldn't graduate is if you did not meet all the credit requirements by the end of your fourth year. Quality has nothing to do with getting a degree there.


Attached: 569951140_1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

>Animation is a visual medium tool used to convey stories and emotions.
You know those are usually made by more than one person, right?
>Not having anything to convey defeats the purpose entirely.
No, it doesn't. And it's not that there isn't anything, it's that it's a basic story.

>Can art be called art without a meaning or story behind it?
IT's not meant to bea masterpiece, it's a work to show her skills. She can later join an animation studio or work with someone else to tell a story. Here, it's a grade piece.

>How the hell does he even not sweat especially in that jacket?
Weather is not really a strong factor in some cartoons. South Park stopped giving a shit they were set in a cold, snowy town after season 1.

>You know those are usually made by more than one person, right?
A thesis film can be entirely done by one person with the person just looking for outside help to get it cleaned or colored on time for the deadline. Anyone in the credits who isn't her has no creative input unless she wants them to.

And reread
What is a trend.
It's simply somethign a significant amount of people like. It doesn't need to be justified. Just because you do'nt like it doesn't mean it require a justification to exist.

>People start wearing octopuses on their head
>"Why the hell are people doing this?"

And it still not about telling a sotry. None of your complain make sense.

Critic the technique, the issues with animation. But focusing on what this work isn't about is pointless. she is not trying to sell a pitch, she is not trying to create a pilot. It's work to showcase her animation piece. She wasn't graded on the story.

Yeah, I know...just felt the need to nitpick on that - like a itch I wanted to scratch on.

Thank you for finally understanding how trends work. you see, it wasn't that hard.

Okay then.

>I'll pretend to not understand sarcasm so I can win my point

Oh wait, you're not pretending.

The animation is shit though. And I'm not that user, I was just adding that a thesis is not done by a "team" like a TV show is. It's just done by a "team" of people to help meet the deadline while the main person does 90% of the work.

she drew porn of the cyndaquil guy getting fucked full of eggs by an actual pokemon

Just pointing out you provided the answer to your own question. this is how trends work and why platform boots and elephant pants were popular several decade ago.

You are trying to find a reason as for why something is popular. Just so you know, if you ever find out, you are guaranteed to become rich.

Trends don't magically form, you retard. They have a basis as to why they happen. Do you think they fall out of the fucking sky like a Coke bottle?

>I was just adding that a thesis is not done by a "team" like a TV show is.
Which was exactly my point to begin with. complaining about the poor quality of the story when this piece o animation is a thesis product about animation make no sense, specifically because it's not done like a TV show.

You spend at least two years at SVA learning how to screenwrite or tell a story.

>Trends don't magically form,
There is nothing magical. something emerge and enough people enjoy it and want to follow it too. they don't question why they should follow what they like, they simply do it. Your question was pointless to begin with.
>Do you think they fall out of the fucking sky like a Coke bottle?
That's literally how trends end.

>Why did this trend start?

Is life hard for you, being this illiterate?

That doesn't mean it become your strong suit. Again, it make no sense to critic the story on a grade piece about animation.

that was not your question. Your question was why do people follow that trends. Not why it started.

>You can't criticize something that's bad about a piece unless it has absolutely 100% to do with why it was made

So we can't criticize shit made just for money because the why is more important that what we see?

Even if the instructors don't care about anything except the animation itself, it doesn't bode well for an animator to disregard the rest just because they don't affect the score.


How it starts and why people latch on to it usually have very similar reasons.

There aren't many fashion trends with such drastically different explanations like, "It started because a celebrity made it popular and people followed it because they were being drugged by the water supply".

>So we can't criticize shit made just for money
Actually you can criticize because it's you money it's trying to take. it require a good reason to do that.

But yes, a good critic have to take the circumstance of creation into account. Especially if it's a one-man project and that it is animation.

I intended to become a writer or a show runner, yes you could use that as a showcase of her lack of talent, but here, she want to become a animator, and it's in tat perspective you have to critic her.

>but here, she want to become a animator, and it's in tat perspective you have to critic her.
Only because they limit the title to "ANIMATION degree". But in these schools, it's an all-around lesson plan. They teach you how to write, draw in perspective, draw the human form, work digitally, on top of how to animate. But they can't exactly hand out "Layout Artist" degrees.

>it doesn't bode well for an animator to disregard the rest just because they don't affect the score.
Who say she disregarded it? She did what she could with the time and resource she had.

she aim to become an animator, just her work for its animation, it's as simple as that.

You severely have no idea how an animation school works. It's sad you think they gear you 100% towards animation when many of the teachers even acknowledge there are no 2D jobs around and should aim for storyboarding or character design.

>How it starts and why people latch on to it usually have very similar reasons.
Not that usually. they can even be completely separated.

Do you think animators don't do anything except animate exactly what someone else tells them to? There aren't even many animation jobs available, so they'll end up doing storyboarding or something.

Wait, they're supposed to be Cyndaquil and Gengar? That's pretty funny

Lol you were proven wrong on such a basic point, but you can't admit it.

>t's sad you think they gear you 100% towards animation
Again, I never said that, but her this was about showcasing her animation skill, not her story-telling skills. those aren't the same talents.
>hey teach you how to write, draw in perspective, draw the human form, work digitally, on top of how to animate.
But you don't need to be a good story-teller to be good at all this.

>STILL can't answer the question as to why people follow this awful trend


What are you talking about?

>Do you think animators don't do anything except animate exactly what someone else tells them to?
No, I don't. but some do. and again, she is not trying to become a writer, there.
>here aren't even many animation jobs available, so they'll end up doing storyboarding or something.
doesn't that further my point?

>But you don't need to be a good story-teller to be good at all this.
But don't deny she didn't go to SCHOOL for it just like she went to SCHOOL to learn how to ANIMATE. I have to capitalize these words for you because you don't seem to get it. She is not being judged merely on animation because animation was not the only class she went to. She is being judged on everything: Character design, backgrounds, color, direction, etc. Because that is also what the school tries to teach you.

Cr1tikal used to be funny when he was depressed and all of his videos didn't care about quality

Admittedly the Official Podcast's first episodes were good up until Kaya showed himself as an insufferable douche

>go to one of the best animation schools in the country
Art schools don't teach talent, holy fuck how do people still bring this up?

What are trend?

They follow it because they like it. It's as simple as that. It's as stupid as asking why people prefer chocolate or vanilla.

>Food metaphor
>Still can't answer why

Boy, you sure are retarded.

>doesn't that further my point?

i know the anti-joke in this comes off as 'zomg random' but i swear i've seen this bit or something very similar before, anyone recognize it?

>But don't deny she didn't go to SCHOOL for it just like she went to SCHOOL to learn how to ANIMATE
I am saying that she had a dead-line and a work to showcase her skill and that job was about her animation skill. It's that optic her work has to be criticised, not for the story, which wasn't the main focus of her efforts.

>o. She is being judged on everything: Character design, backgrounds, color, direction
Indeed, all of that matter, never said the opposite. But OP decided to complain about the one thing that didn't matter, there: the story and that is what I have been calling OP for.

I haven't seen anyone actually cricisiing her job on the character design, backgrounds and color, direction,there.

Instead, complain about a too simplistic story and complain about her fashion sense.

oh hey, you mentioned everything except the plot/premise because that is one thing this person will definitely NOT be responsible for and the main thing that was phoned in in this short. amazing

>>Still can't answer why
I have. the follow it because they like it. It's as stupid as asking people why they prefer green over blue.

>that job was about her animation skill.
But it's objectively not because animation school is not pure animation, that's the point. They teach you EVERYTHING so the deadline expects you to demonstrate EVERYTHING you learned. That includes storytelling.

I mentioned writing in several posts before and I added "etc." in that post. Are you really going to be that much of a faggot to try and act like you're right when you clearly have no fucking clue what happens in an art school enough to argue this point?

>That includes storytelling.
The basic of it. And when you present your thesis work, the story is the least important bit of all.

Trends aren't equivalent to favorite colors, your refuting skills are atrocious, user.

But I guess by your retarded definition, you being an idiot is a trend.

gee user i think the fact that this person got top marks on their project implies that you might not actually know what you do and don't learn in animation school

In animation school, you spend months writing up character pages, writing out small scripts to storyboard out and present them to the class, and during your thesis year you're supposed to have a pitch present which INCLUDES the script of your film.

You seriously have no fucking clue how an animation school works.

I haven't watched this animation, I'm sure it is shitty, but like... we have plenty of gay characters in media, but too few bi ones

>Top marks
Prove it. Post her grade.

>But yes, a good critic have to take the circumstance of creation into account

It does not absolve criticism for all aspects of a piece just because something was made for 'one purpose'.

>I intended to become a writer or a show runner

Learn to spell and use grammar properly first.

>ost. Are you really going to be that much of a faggot to try and act like you're right when you clearly have no fucking clue what happens in an art school enough to argue this point?
I am going to keep telling that a thesis piece in animation done by a single person does not need to have good story to be good. it's about showcasing the skill of the animator and story telling is not a must-have requirement and in professional live an anilator will work with others, including writers, meaning that complain is pointless to begin with.

When criticizing her work, the story, should be the least of your concern.


>>I intended to become a writer or a show runner
>Learn to spell and use grammar properly first.
*if the intend was to become
Sorry, my bad.

You will never understand that during a thesis, they don't just expect it to be animated well, they go through an entire pitching process of submitting the script, characters, a screenshot concept, and any other pitching materials needed before they even get approved for the damn thing. It's sad how much you think you know about a subject matter when it's obvious you never even set foot in a high school before.

>It does not absolve criticism for all aspects of a piece just because something was made for 'one purpose'.
Not for all, but for certain aspects of it, yes. Taking into account the condition of production and what it was made for matter.

This is like a female dobson oh god

>phone calls


Yeah, Cr1tikal nowadays is just him trying way too hard to get some points out of whatever YouTube drama is current

>It's sad how much you think you know about a subject matter when it's obvious you never even set foot in a high school before.
I never said it was not the case, I said the story-writing was the least important part of it. You are required to understand the process so that you can work with other writers and understand what they want from you.

The graduation is mostly focused on the visual aspect of it.

>Not for all, but for certain aspects of it, yes.

That is absolutely not true at all. All criticism is valid.

I want to break her legs.

I don't see any issues with that.

>The graduation is mostly focused on the visual aspect of it.
You are objectively wrong.

Attached: SVA Animation Department.png (992x1060, 168K)

>All criticism is valid.
Now that's bullshit. It's the equivalent of saying "you are not allowed to say I am wrong"

there are plenty of good animators, but you're not going to get work if you're purely technically skilled in that area. when the choice is between a very good animator who can't write for shit and a very good animator who has basic storytelling abilities, the job is always going to go to the latter.

this really just looks like an owlgem ripoff. Cotugno draws like this, too. I remember another rayman fanartist from deviantart drawing exactly like this. A very specific trend, I'd say, with a fetish for white skinny guys with huge noses

I am reading your pic and it's clearly saying writing is only an aspect of what they teach. You are kind of proving my point.

Despite saying queer all the time, how many of these dykes actually have girlfriends or how often are they rejected by actual lesbians?

>Oh no, I've been proven wrong by the college website itself

It puts equal value on every aspect, not just the animation. Just back down now, user. This point was a stupid one to try and die for.

>and a very good animator who has basic storytelling abilities,
Which she actually has. the story is basic, but not bad or badly told or confusing. OP complained it was boring, but that's sufficient of you are just an animator.

>Some faggot desperately defending this terrible short film for no other reason than to be a contrarian

Fucking summerfags.

>>Oh no, I've been proven wrong by the college website itself
I actually haven't. I have said repeatedly story telling was not the most important point and this screen capture doesn't contradict that.

>It puts equal value on every aspect
Not really. further more, the "not only" wasn't about stories but about the use of software.

I am just pointing out that complaining about the story on a piece make to showcase animation skills is a bit disingenuous.

You lost, user. You know you have. Just give it up.

Nobody spends this much time shitting up a thread defending an artist unless they want to fuck them.

>>All criticism is valid.
>Now that's bullshit. It's the equivalent of saying "you are not allowed to say I am wrong"
>while arguing that you are not allowed to say a thing is wrong by absolving criticism

Attached: 1495758700341.gif (331x197, 1.91M)

I haven't. I have said since the beginning story-telling is not the most important part of a thesis

I'd point out how real life is a parody of itself now, but this isn't new. People continue to meme themselves into poor stereotypes every fucking time these days. It's like life is a teenager's fanfiction.

I get the impression that "queer" is just the catch-all term for anything LGBT now, which includes "nonbinary" and "asexual." I'm not sure what the point is anymore.

>College website lists every single as being equally important and will be demonstrated in your fourth year

I don't even live on the same continent as her. Somtimes, peole disagree because it's their actual opinion, you know.
>>while arguing that you are not allowed to say a thing is wrong by absolving criticism
No by absioving criticism, but by pointing out the way the work was done.

No matter what, you do not give the same level of criticism for an animation when it was done by a single person, or done by a studio, unless they want to make you pay the same price for it.

>as being equally important
Again, they didn't say that, user.

Stop, it's embarrassing.

>Samefagging because he wants to die on this retarded hill so bad

There is more implication that every aspect is equally important than there is an implication that animation is the MOST important. Prove me wrong by circling the sentence that showcases the latter.

>I don't even live on the same continent as her.
As if that matters to a thirsty faggot who wants senpai to notice them.

Queer people have always lumped together. It's not only about sexuality, straight people can be queer too. In the end it's a synonym for LGBT+, which is a pretty stupid and limiting term.
Queer basically defines the group by what they're not, not by what they are.

>>while arguing that you are not allowed to say a thing is wrong by absolving criticism
>No by absolving criticism, but by pointing out the way the work was done.

>>It does not absolve criticism for all aspects of a piece just because something was made for 'one purpose'.
>Not for all, but for certain aspects of it, yes.

Sure Jan.

Not me.

>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person.
Stop. You are not understanding user's point and this last post makes it even sadder.

>As if that matters to a thirsty faggot who wants senpai to notice them.
user, why is it so hard to consider people might just disagree with you?

Prove me wrong instead of talking in circles. I've already proven you wrong.

>There is more implication that every aspect is equally important than there is an implication that animation is the MOST important.
There is no implication that every aspect is equal, user.

I underlined major parts in red. Look at it again and try to read it without your dyslexia this time.

Not because it was made for one purpose, but the condition in which it was made.

And you are not going to give the same kind of critic for a painting and for an advertisment billboard.

>user, why is it so hard to consider people might just disagree with you?
I don't know, summerfag, why is it so hard to consider people might just disagree with you? You've been shitting up the thread for hours, so either you're very triggered or really want to fuck the artist.

That they list all the parts of the syllabus in the official presentation doesn't mean AT ALL that all the aspects are given the same importance in the final project. That's a huge leap you're making there.

It's partially that most animators aren't taught basic storytelling/writing, partially that most shorts are created out of obligation in animation schools with a fairly short timeline. If you go in without a strong idea prepared, you end up creating crap pretty easily. Likewise, if your peers don't know any better- if your teachers and mentors don't know any writing- you end up with something substantially weak. Either way, if you get used to the production timeline enforced by your animation college, you start to think all animated shorts can have a story that you crap out in an hour. Sucks that even kids getting into the industry are already effected by crunch.

>I underlined major parts in red.
And I told you already that none of this indicate they are of equal importnace. Not to mention, the "not only" refer to the fact student will also learn about softwares.

Nothing in it indicate Story is of esqual importance to the rest.

and even if it was, equal, it is just one of the MANY aspect of animation, meaning that if she did good on every thing else, her story (that is not even bad, just abit boring) is still a fraction of everything else she was being graded on.

>Doesn't mean AT ALL that all the aspects are given the same importance in the final project.
"Your work" means everything they've taught you, retard.

Now try to prove me wrong by circling otherwise. Go ahead and do it, you're so confident about how you're interpreting their department description.

Attached: SVA Animation Department2.png (978x116, 8K)

It just fucking means they all will be part of the evaluation, not that they have the exact same importance. Are you legit retarded?

See >and even if it was, equal, it is just one of the MANY aspect of animation
>"Even if I am wrong...."

Jesus Christ, you really are so desperate to try and win this point you're willing to move your goalpost this hard.

>why is it so hard to consider people might just disagree with you?
I have no diffculty acknowledging it. you on the other hand, assume I have hidden reason and don't really think what I am saying.

>You've been shitting up the thread for hours, so either you're very triggered or really want to fuck the artist.
Is this your first day on Yea Forums? People posting for hours on stuff they disagree on is what make the bulk of this site.



It's probably that they anticipate how much work making good content implies and go for the bare minimum.
The most useful skill in these kind of jobs is the ability to say "yeah, either I do THAT in 3 weeks, or some half-assed equivalent that looks like shit and we'll meet the deadline".

I'm with you, user. Don't give up to the retards.

>>It does not absolve criticism for all aspects of a piece just because something was made for 'one purpose'.
>Not for all, but for certain aspects of it, yes.
>Not because it was made for one purpose, but the condition in which it was made.

Again, none of that imply they are equal.
>>"Even if I am wrong...."
Yes, even in the case they are equal, it just make Story a small fraction of everything else that is taught.

I myself only watch weeb content. Weebs are way more normal than the SJW these days.

>Exactly one minute apart
>"I'm not samefagging, though"

birds of a feather flock together

A fraction of equal importance alongside character design, animation, background design, etc.

You can't win this, user. You're objectively wrong.

It still doesn't mean they aren't equally important.

I am glad you are finally agreeing with me, user. it does indeed not absolve a work of all criticism. But not all criticism are valid, indeed.

>of equal importance alongside character design, animation, background design, etc.
So, on its own, just a small fraction.

and we still haven't established it was equal.

>Spending hours showing off that I'm triggered is what the site is all about

Yes, but we still make fun of people like you, and rightfully so, summerfag.

>and we still haven't established it was equal.
And you haven't established that it's more important with any evidence. So there you go, I guess.

You are in it as much as everyone else, you know?

But not all birds are like that though.

>And you haven't established that it's more important with any evidence.
Well, seeing I have never said the story was more importnat than the rest, that's not really an issue.

You are the one who say it is of equal importance and pretending you have won the argument, though, not me.

>Well, seeing I have never said the story was more importnat than the rest, that's not really an issue.
You said animation was the most important. Prove yourself right with evidence.

>That "i want to be Steven Universe" design

Attached: 1564015081896.jpg (526x523, 53K)

That was clearly showing you moving the goalposts not me agreeing you, you hack.

>>It does not absolve criticism for all aspects of a piece just because something was made for 'one purpose'.
>Not for all, but for certain aspects of it, yes.
>several posts later
>NO Not because it was made for one purpose, but the condition in which it was made.

Take solace in the fact that she's probably in debt $100k+ to make this.

No, this whole "we need to reward people just for trying" shit is what got us in this whole mess in the first place.

Attached: [disappointed firing].webm (1280x720, 397K)

We used to put these people in a mental institution.

Questionable Content took years to make and is still going and yet you expect people to say it's good based on that?

The perspective or whatever you want to call it on her left, our right boot that is tilted up upsets me so fucking much. It's so shitty.

>go to animation school
>get graded on animation
Huh, who'da thunkit?

Attached: 1471838233682.jpg (536x592, 98K)

But the animation was total shit.

Dude these shorts are more like tech demos than full cartoons.
The point is to show you can draw not do all the other stuff as well.


>I got zero gay vibes from purple hair guy
Why didn't you use your gaydar while watching the short, user?

Now that the panda is down. Where else can I read this?

Damn, this is a special breed of autism here

Answer the question. Quit deflecting with insults since it's obvious you can't.

That short is shit, but this thread shows how much of a dunning kruger affliction most of the Yea Forums armchair critic ha e

Kek, your dumb ass is still here getting riled up.

>Replies to an old post

I bet you don't use Yea Forums X and are shocked when people get alerts for a response to them on a thread.

>behind-the-counter butter

I don't get it.

We already knew

She look healthy, to me.


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The same reason a film student that never actually learned what makes a film look good, can make something completely ass.

It's just that animators have a bigger room for failure cause this guy who pretty much only wants to draw cartoon characters have to do literally everything, including stuff they likely never have done before like dialogue,background art cause everyone wants to do characters, biped characters specifically, camera, all that good shit.

She's around 20 pounds overweight and at that young age with the beast of a metabolism a young lady has, she's going to get much worse unless she begins to be health-conscious.

Maybe you should make your own short, Yea Forums. With blackjack and heteros.

In fact, forget the short!

I'm just lazy enough to settle for making an animatic, but everybody hates the shit out of the way I draw and getting dunked on for weeks worth of work would hurt my fee-fees.

Well that's redundant isn't it? how could you be straight if you don't have a gender? who the fuck would you be attracted to?

>X Nah

Well, it'll take a few years but this is a problem that solves itself.

It's basically a long, metaphorical sex hook up joke.

I guess if you were agender and you wanted to fuck somebody who was all the genders?

This. She's trying to get a job animating, not writing. Yes she's a cringeworthy tumblr stereotype but her career goal is to animate other people's ideas so this is merely an example. Take it from me, I animate for a living and I'm no vision of beauty either.
True most animators don't know how to construct a story to save their lives but it won't be their job.

But that's wrong. Animation writers are just promoted storyboard artists, so the writers for animated shows are just art students anyway.

If I take three hours to take a shit should I be rewarded?

As far as I know, he doesn't have a real job so I assume he tries to get any voice work he can.

Yes because your shit didn't kill you. You lost yet gained as a person.

So is it like the Gengar guy won't significantly develop any more physically because he's at his final form, but the Cyndaquill guy will grow into a thicc Typhlosion type when he's older?

Attached: 157Typhlosion.png (1280x1280, 773K)

What's wrong with a character animator only wanting do character animation?

nothing at all ,except everyfucking one and their mother wants to do character. It's like how in online games everybody wants to play DPS and get big numbers but nobody wants to play a goddamn healer, or tank even.

Imagine doing a senior film but everybody in the goddam animation department wants to do character, but nobody wants to do your backgrounds or effects. Because all they ever draw is characters. If you're lucky enough, you might find a furry animator who's more than happen to do quadruped animation for you too.

So now you're the one who has to pick up slack and learn how to do background,effects, or quad animation, because you're going to be the only one working on that aspect.

Are background, special effects or animal animators really that rare?

Thats how it was for me. But there was a bunch of people in my class who wanted to focus on character. When it came time to start making my film, I couldn't find anyone that could do the backgrounds I wanted, and neither could they. Some of them were lucky enough to find one or two people that could do it for them, others just went and did it themselves.

wouldn't UPA style backgrounds be easy to draw though or did you want really detailed layouts?

detailed. I wanted something like the backgrounds in the Sly 4 cutscenes, which I didnt think would too hard to do.
That's another thing, a lot of people there would rather work on something simple and cute. A lot of them seemed to get intimidated or just flat out uninterested in working in some of the more detailed stuff. unless you were friends with the asian kids that came all the way from across the country, then you probably wouldve gotten some decent help. Those fuckers are something else.

>straight people can be queer too.
That just sounds like bullshit to me.

op is faggot. this isn't terrible just not great, tolerable.

arent these guys supposed to make a portfolio website in school? Is his stuff only on youtube?

>costs $1.50
>hands him a single note
>no change given

So he either gave him a note worth $1.50, underpaid, or overpaid. I couldn't concentrate on anything else for the rest of the short.

Um wtf based poles? One tranny escaped.

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anyone have the student thesis about the ladybug?

nvm found it vimeo.com/165963940

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Congratulations, you just discovered why one goes there. It has nothing to do with one's skill or the quality of their senior film. but the connections and the fact that they went there lands them a job.

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They work artist alleys. They don’t even have an industry job and it’s been three years.


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So fucking bizarre thinking there was a time when deviantart actually had professionals and people looking for jobs on it. And not miles and miles of garbage fetish fuel.

who are you talking about?

Isn't SCAD in the same boat? They produce shit because too damn many people are accepted and quality is not a factor?

yeah pretty much. I had no business being accepted into any art school but well, here I am.

artist alley is actually a great way to make bank if you know what you're doing.

Attached: lammy.png (259x224, 11K)

artstation is the new deviantart. until it is ovverun and then we move onto...idk. behance

It is. Welcome to 2019.

It sounds like a desperate person trying to land a job and thinking only minority hires have a chance at getting through some angry HR bitch that spends 90% of their day tweeting about injustices.

The person who made the cartoon in OP, who went to SVA.

You don’t need a college degree to do it though

Did I make this? It's fucking horrible.

How do you get this bad after four years of practice?

trans who 'become' straight in the target gender. you're welcome

these people don't practise, they just do their own little autism thing as the college takes their parents money. we had like three in our class.

but he wasn't the only person involved with the project, and it looked like it was done in mspaint

that implies every other member of the group had worse ideas if they went with that one, yikes.

though they could have been trying for shitty on purpose and missed the mark

They were trying to aim for inferno cop?

does it work?

I don't think this person was ever a dedicated artist and was accepted because schools are greedy and want people's money. It's sad that they can get away with this. This kid is in severe debt now and no fucking way in hell will he ever get an art job.

There's so many red flags in these two pictures they could supply the entire country of Spain's matadors for decades

Every art school has at least one of these people. More if it's a shit school. They're people that are bad, stay bad, but don't fail/flunk out because the schools want their parent's money. I graduated with an arts diploma from a school that also passed a guy that did preschool level fingerpaintings on his ipad of his Pokemon OCs for his final project. It cost me 27k.

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it's so ugly. and sad.

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I bet she'd suck cock for a quarter

Actually according to the credits, Only one person worked on the whole visual aspect of it.

What im more curious of is why he needed an entire team of sound editors.

>What im more curious of is why he needed an entire team of sound editors.
That short had sound editors?

Exactly, the sound editing section had the biggest list in the entire credits. What the hell in the entire short required 5 sound people to work on it at once?

Likely handed over to a sound design class and they were left to do all the sound related work. Animators in school know fuckall about sound and never even think about it until they need to add it, that day. A lot of schools will get them to just hand an animatic or the completed animation to a sound design major and they add in sound effects on their own.

The worst thing about this for me is the voices, everything else is decent.

being queer is an umbrella term but it can mean being gender non conforming.

ie a tomboy is considered queer even if she fancies boys.

I went to SVA. My problem with art colleges is that they're designed for people who are already skilled, and people who are already skilled will be disinterested in the school (especially with how much it's costing them) because they feel like they are not learning enough. There is also a lack of synergy between the art and humanities lessons.

The ideal curriculum has a student doing at least one film a year. However, if you are not very good at animation/art to begin with (Which is why you're attending a school: to learn and get better), it is very frustrating to try and get an entire short film done on your first year.

You're so overwhelmed with trying to learn everything, you haven't even collected yourself enough to put all that into a short film or have not programmed your brain in a creative enough way to think, "How can I achieve this with the limited skills I have?". You're still thinking about being big and grand on your first year.

I felt like I wasn't technically proficient enough to make a film until my third year. And even then, I still didn't finish my thesis on time because I was such a slow animator/artist since I was still learning. The best films you see from art colleges tend to be by artists who were capable before applying. The school slaps their logo on it and credits themselves for the talent.

And then you have humanities classes that are meant to make your education well-rounded but all it really does it takes away time from your art assignments.

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an animator doesn't need to know every fucking thing about a short

SCAD has the problem of trying to make an individual fill every single role in the production. They have to come up with the concept, make an animatic, animte everything, make all backgrounds, make all sounds, do all effects animations, construct all assets, then get al things like timing, sounds, music, just everything.

While some people are only good at modeling, or animating humans, or lighting. But one has to be good at everything that goes into a film. And most people are not.

Most cartoons are made of entire teams of people who are specialized at doing one thing. Why bother learning it all and being mediocre at everything instead of really good at one thing?

i really can't wait for the day sidecuts finally fucking die

Yea I think that was the problem user was trying to lay out. SCAD requires their seniors to do all parts of a film alone and suck at 90% of it.

I wonder how future generations will look back on it. Is it going to be cringy dumb shit no one understand why anyone did that like 90s jincos or 80s mullets?

Is the overly opinionated crazy person shouting about how offended they are with a blue sidecut and think as fuck glasses going to be that 2010's moron stereotype?

Actually they recently changed it so that you absolutely do not have to make a film anymore. You now have the choice of working on several films instead of doing your own.

Which is pretty good for people who dont want to do films and suck at coming up with ideas, so they could focus on the role their good at. they implemented this the very year I had to do my senior film.

Jesus christ I hope I'm not that guy

Didn't that start this year?

Like 2 years ago. They walked into our class saying thats the system theyre going to implement now

Don't worry, as long as they dont look like elementary scribbles. I thought I was a bad artist, but I was legit friends with someone who drew like that.

You are 100% correct
t. SVA Graduate

Yes, as long as you do the work and turn it in on time you will pass SCAD classes and graduate. No one grades you on skill or quality. Just as long as you complete the film and all the parts of it on the dates set for you.

Just a reminde this is a fetish artist that used to draw vore and bellystuffing with her shitty pokemon OCs all the time

rat is for sexual

Is he like -actual- retarded?

>there are people on Yea Forums defending this

Oh hi death the kid, how 's that symmetry thing going for you?

well vimeo is more proffessional then youtube. And yes I understand the irony of saying that while the bug thesis is up, but for generally its more artists and less meme compilations/reaction videos

Not being angry about somethings is hardly defending. I mostly see a resounding "meh"


Just search sir-prince on any booru, its mostly furry though.

Attached: sirprince-scout-girls-are-delicious.png (1700x1133, 1.83M)

That's something all animators do

>artist has a fetish

call the police

you sound overweight

not all animators have vore festishes

usually when particularly bad artists get in its due to money reasons but god damn how do you call this your thesis with a straight face

>artist has a fetish

call the police

they really don't

I got accepted into SCAD with a 10k a year scholarship and I didn’t even submit my portfolio. They just want money, 10k a year is just a drop in the bucket for the overall cost.

most famous artists in the industry don't have fetishes

Even Dr. Seuss had a kink.

Attached: sevenladygodivas17.jpg (595x365, 108K)

This wasn't drawn by him, please stop perpetuating this myth.

Holy fuck that film cannot really be a senior thesis film. Pacing is fucking awful, visuals are shit, animation is absolutely minimal, sound effects are terrible. There are no redeeming qualities about this. How do you make it to SENIOR year and still put out shit like this? Surely their films would’ve been worse than this in their previous years so what the fuck? I was expecting this to be similar to Mike and Melissa where the character designs are autistic as fuck but the animation is at least kind of fluid. Nope, this just has. Nothing.

I thought Dr. Seuss only wrote stories, not draw as well

I feel bad for this guy. It's obvious nobody ever told him no in his life and kept propping up this idea that he can be an animator because "it's his dream". His parents should've said something. His high school teachers during college selection months should've said something. The school should have never accepted him. The portfolio evaluator should've been honest. The teachers at the college should've told him to get out before it was too late.

But no. Nobody did. Now he's probably saddled with a shit ton of debt, a worthless degree, and he still has to face reality that his dream of making cartoons will never come true.

anyone can be an animator, I don't see how people think it's a hard thing to do


Attached: sevenladygodivas_foreword.jpg (620x872, 97K)

That guy's existence is evidence that not everyone has the art gene.

Mullets are cool

That’s stupid

I don't think that a sane person would want to be an animator in the first place.

He just needs to put the time in

He put four years in and still couldn't get past child using MS Paint. Someone who makes no progress like that is a sign they simply can't learn a skill. Not everyone can do math well and not everyone is capable of drawing.

This, you'd have to be crazy as fuck to say to yourself "I want to draw the same almost exact picture 1000s of times until my eyes get sore, and then get paid pennies for it."

>I between the ages of 3-8 had more charming and creative ideas than these guys.

What makes you so confident that your ideas were good? Every idea seems good when you're a pea-brained 3-8-year-old.

Really, lots of people have "good ideas." Having good ideas and actually executing them are two completely different things. If your ideas are so great, why don't you start writing? I'm sure you'll really put all those "autistic" animators in their places.

Seuss infamously wrote a book early in his career called "The Seven Lady Godivas" which was literally an excuse to draw a ton of naked ladies.

Amazing how a board dedicated to "comics and cartoons" is full of people who know nothing about one of the most well-known cartoonists of the 20th century...

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Well that doesn't seem to work out with the awkward movement and wobbly inbetweens.

>most famous artists in the industry don't have fetishes

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>samefag is a retard
call the police

it'll be lame in 10 years and become awesomely retro in 30, like every other trend

>not just vore but underage pedo vore
big yikes. how come she hasn't been depersoned for this yet?

>"no no something much better"
>not "something much butter"

Seuss isn't important to comics and cartoons

i wonder if suess jerked off to his work

If you think Molly Ostertag looks anything like you need a new set of eyes.

Oh man, that complete lack of trigger discipline.


Is this a joke? She looks like a skinnier version of her with blue hair instead of pink.

Attached: Molly_Ostertag_(2017).jpg (425x553, 123K)

You can get blacklisted for showing a fetish. It's a very uncommon thing user.

No they don't. Prove it otherwise. Find me an artist who is no longer working because they posted porn.

John K
James Gunn

John K: Fired for completely different reasons, not because of his art porn.

James Gunn: Fired for a tweet, re-hired immediately by Warner Brothers, then re-hired by Disney. His career has never been better.

Try again.

Tell that to Renecca Sugar.


That's an Yea Forums example, not a Yea Forums. That's like me saying the Middle East is an example of women being repressed in America. Try again.

>That after credits scene
The fact that's the only thing the comments are talking about (and probably the students and faculty at the school this was made at) speaks a lot, doesn't it?

I'm not putting any gay characters in my thesis film (nor am I putting any sexuality in my thesis film cause why the fuck is that so important nowadays, especially in stuff it's not relevant to?)

>moving the goalposts

It's not moving a goalpost at all, you faggot. You just have zero examples. If someone here said, "There are no animation jobs" and I start posting a Japanese studio with a bunch of animator positions open, that's not relevant to Yea Forums, the fucking board we're on.

that's pretty bad, but not aggressively bad

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the set up and punchline sounds like a really old joke format that's been around for decades. I can't put my finger on it either, but the set up of "character does weird mysterious thing so listener wants to know why" and punchline of "the character doesn't know why they do it either" is something that most people have probably heard.

>tfw my school has a small acceptance rate
>professors are anal about quality
I might not have a social life due to how much I have to work on my assignments but at least I'll have a decent animation portfolio to tell people about when I'm working at a coffee shop

SVA's acceptance rate is so high, they actually had to add more animation studios to teach just to fit all the students into a schedule. A large chunk of them are also people who failed to get into CalArts.

Worst part? It's a dime-a-dozen art style. So many people draw/animate like that now.

>Giving out the participation award
>This short does not innovate and adds nothing, it's a disgusting regurgitation of Pokemon and Tumblr that the artist has consumed

Animation has a hard enough time being taken seriously

>>make an animated short using your human designs for a genger and cyndaquil
is this fact or just assumption?

>The whole point of the graduation animation is to show you can actually do the process without it looking like shit so you land the comfy nepotism job easy.
Not always. See

fact, she used to draw pokemon oc fetish

>using your fetish designs in your public work
oh god ew

So basically completely different? It's ok, being unable to tell people apart is just one of the symptoms of autism.

>If I pretend to be blind, I can seem smart


A Yea Forums drawfag’s name and portfolio got passed around at DTV after drawing explicit porn of Dana Terrace a while back

I don’t know if they were specifically “blacklisted” but it definitely pissed some people off

In that case it's probably the fact of being a creep who does porn of a collegue that set some alarms, not the drawings being just porn

>went to SVA for Illustration and Cartooning
>tfw this post captures exactly how I feel about it
almost every one in my year either drew anime or that Steven Universe type of art style with extra brown people and most of them were really bad, actual grade school level. It didn't help that a very small selection of the students could actually handle criticism since by the time I was leaving it started to become infested with those types
There were a lot of great artists in my field that could make amazing stuff but they were definitely an exception
by the time graduation rolled around it felt oddly dreadful how all these kids were going to go nowhere with their work

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does it matter what they look like? let's face it, most artists are not visual prizes, male and female

dana is not fictional. unsolicited sex drawings of a real woman might understandably be viewed as a #metoo waiting to happen. stupid anonfag should have stuck to drawing lois lane porn or something.

>stupid anonfag should have stuck to drawing lois lane porn or something.
People would just cry and call that abusive to women, too. People tried to go after some Amphibia storyboard artist for shipping the toad villain with a teenage girl and called it "child porn". The general public would be outraged at two sticks figures having sex, people are dumb.

>be viewed as a #metoo waiting to happen
I hope it fucking does. The more false cases we get for #metoo like that dumb bitch who tried to complain about that one date with Aziz Ansari, the more likely people will view that movement as a joke and stop listening to anyone who uses the tag.

Has she actually gotten to do anything in the industry after graduating?

You can sum it up as greed, essentially. The school accepts more kids to make more money, even if they suck. Then they get out into the real world with no talent and no job, but they're indebted to the school for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

but they wouldn't blacklist him for drawing it, is my point.


>You're a creeper because you realize some women have been taking advantage of the situation to cry "rape" against celebrities just for the sake of attention

Tell that to Johnny Depp.

Oh, good god. Don't have her pitch any show ideas to networks.

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There was?

Dan Schneider has been getting away with for years now though. It was only until recently people caught on.

Dan Schneider isn't even working anymore

Johnny Depp was some talentless hack that used his position to physically abuse a poor women and he didn't even give two shits about it when she took it to court


Meh, it's alright. Also she does semi-decent porn if you're into one of her fetishes.

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>his 2018 reel
>still 0 understanding of weight, easing, motion, pose to pose

I refuse to believe anyone actually employs him.

>A bunch of After Effects filters and scripts thrown in
>Obsession with Nintendo
>Draws like a toddler
>All his social media is obsessed with some "Green Lightning Productions" title
>Also has the number "1992" in his usernames, I assume that's his birthday
>This was uploaded last year, which is two years after he graduated and he's still trying to be an animator

I think this guy might legitimately have a learning disability. Obviously not Chris-Chan levels of bad, but that kind of brain an adult who has the intellectual and emotional stability of a child where if someone tried to tell him he can never be an animator, he might actually kill himself.

Dude, there are so many people like that who have learning disability and rant about their "X productions":

Like LondonMobileBuddies guy

I'd say its more to them learning bad habits early on and never progressing/learning to deal with critique, and then they get to college and are unwilling to change/adapt and are stuck in their ways (my style!). If they learned to let go and start over they could get somewhere.

his problem is that he doesn't understand or have much in the way of vision with regards to camera angles or shots.

he's approaching it to simply..

I will say he's probably better at lip sync than I am but whatever, the rest of his stuff is very crude.

You wouldn't believe how many times i'd send people books on basic 1/2/3 point perspective and they go huuuuh (and they try to do backgrounds without ever understanding that basic).

>Is this really who we should expect to be making our cartoons in America?
Who else would it be? Do you have normal non-mentally ill people who are willing to do shit for free or for very low pay and spend their lives on creating something good? Do you have a system that's going to finance them? Then what do you expect?

the thing is all that stuff should be so much easier to do if you're at an animation school.

especially when you get to use software and shit that makes it all so much easier.

most perspective books are total shit though

not everyone who wants to do animation is mentally ill

oh yes they are

how do you explain the decades of history where animators weren't mentally ill and wanted to advance an art form?


Perspective is perspective, you can't not draw it well after understanding the basics of it.

yeah, and I think the problem with that is you really need to have a good idea about figure drawing and character design fundimentals, which can be hard if you're not exactly talented at the start.

There was a normal infrastructure for it so normal people went into it. Now you have a diseased SJW social club instead of a real economic and ideological system that supports animation in all aspects.

Yea around 2000-2006 or so, majority of Deviantart was professionals and generally skilled people. And one's deviantart page worked as a portfolio when looking for a job. Plus the forums were a good meeting place to get jobs.

why exactly do you think the infrastructure is suddenly different now?

I remember Artgerm originally posting there

This person is definitely not going to be working for Disney anytime soon. They might be lucky to do some effects for commercials.

typical tumblr fujo

Because everything is shit now due to McDonaldization, globalization, Brazilification, etc, why does this have to be explained over and over again to people. It's not like anything's immune to it.

The animation industry is basically nepotism. How many times do we have to go through this.

The animation is alright tho.

>It's not like anything's immune to it.
So, you're just saying that everything is shit

Yes, is that not clear to you yet? Read a book.

Add olygopoly to have the entire picture.

It’s a joke, dummy

If you talk to any animators even ones from decades ago they’ll joke about how they must be insane to do this much intense work for a living

which ones do that?

Wasn't tumblr the same? A platform for artists' portfolios, which got overrun with freaks and social justice?

They even tried to purge it, and now it's dead.

Post your Yea Forums "gotcha" cringe somewhere else.

Attached: Excalibur_Face.jpg (600x600, 37K)

I wonder if Twitter will ever go through the same thing. These people love huddling onto different platforms.

When were art schools ever NOT full of privileged (wo)manchildren, though?

While colleges were always filled with privileged people because of the nature of their high tuition, it wasn't until the late 2000's where you could get run out of your teaching career for having classes about the biological differences between a man and a woman.

It really depends on the college. Gender studies and art departments are a lost cause, but I've taken psychology courses and the professors discuss gender differences without any backlash.

La creatura...

They just went to Twitter.

oh god why

It was more of a general social media site but it did turn into a good place for artist to get some fast exposure. A lot went there immediately after ditching Deviantart

So what's the new artist platform? Twitter?

>Make comic about Canadian Métis Charizard and Danish Azumarill being a couple and living in an apartment in Canada
>Comic becomes popular, but your fave ship are the German Quilava and the Swedish Gastly
>Make a small graduation short about this ship
>Get a storyboarding job
>Eventually make your own cartoon
>It’s gay tumblrdiverse calarts shit about what is basically humanized Pokémon by other names
>It gets copied a lot, not only by polish studios but also Cechia Slovakia and Hungary
>Central Europe falls to the calarts meme to the point that you can say there’s a separate Pokémon-inspired Central European subset of it
>Until Hungary switches to make them anime-like that is

is this an actual thing?

>that fucking animation of ayylien trump stealing cows

Twitter for exposure and netowrking
Artstation for portfolio and job postings

Behance if you're an art fag trying to be super special

What's the story behind this one?

Why does this thread have posts in it?

Yes a queer diverse poké-furry webcomic named loserdex