Do they have any personality besides gay? do they have any solo adventures? why doesn't Marvel push them?

do they have any personality besides gay? do they have any solo adventures? why doesn't Marvel push them?

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>do they have any personality besides gay?
no, they're gay

>he says on a site with a hundred daily waifu threads and constant bitching about women
Why are only gays accused of being too focused on their sexuality?

>do they have any solo adventures?

Sorta. They 'star' in a Death's Head mini next week.

Reminder that America Chavez exists because these two had a bet going on between them.

because they are

What was the bet

Dude ebin

Attached: American_Pie1.jpg (220x307, 25K)

seconding this or you're lying

What a random teamup

Marvel hasn't pushed Hulking and Wiccan in years. They only show up in team books, the last thing I remember was about their relationship and they met future versions of themselves or something. Like most of the Young Avengers they haven't been good since 05

Wiccan's personality is kinda similar to Franklin's. He struggles with not letting his nigh omnipotent power get to his head, which tends to go too far the other way and result in bouts of self-loathing
Hulkling is the more emotionally mature one. He acts like a goofy jock, but that stems from his faith that things will turn out for the better since he refuses to accept that there's no room in the world for a half-Skrull like him.

Last I saw, Hulkling was set up to be a space king arthur and unite the remnants of the kree and the skrull into a single civilization, with Wiccan as his Merlin

They're really boring and predictable. They've mostly just been gay, gay references, lived happily ever after gay, etc.

They can't do anything extreme aside from being "a positive representation" or SJWs will come after Marvel's head.

>Last I saw, Hulkling was set up to be a space king arthur and unite the remnants of the kree and the skrull into a single civilization, with Wiccan as his Merlin

So then, who would be Lancelot?

Yes, yes it is.

The only thing you can really do with them is explore Wiccan's family dynamic. I guess there's the star crossed lovers thing too but who cares. They're harmless but bland over all.

Wiccan has magic plotlines and Hulkling space ones

Yeah but their individual characters aren't interesting to explore. Maybe I need to go back and read 05 YA


>do they have any personality besides gay?
lol no
Come on OP this is western comics

That was such half-assed crap on Gillen's part. David's a cool dude but he's too straight-laced to make for a fun romantic rival.

Straight characters don't have the entire conceit of their characters be that they like poon. Unless that's their gag.

I'm pissed that a writer can't do anything with Teddy considering he's royalty and could go on crazy space adventures and shit. I know Gillen tried to, with the whole Billy possibly willed Teddy into existence shit but backed off once tumblr started getting pissy.

Dude there are several straight characters that their personality only exists in the context of their relationship with their love interest. It's not different to that at all.
