You know how it feels to be judged just because of how you look?

>You know how it feels to be judged just because of how you look?
>Of course I do. I'm part robot.

Attached: part robot.jpg (480x360, 9K)

That shit was hilarious even when I was little and not a neonazi

You know in hindsight that is how he'd be judged more pretty much anywhere.

Mostly because it baffling to me that in a universe where he exists and isn't motherbox tech more people aren't trying to become cyborgs.

Based Cyborg

Oh so many people would leave it all behind in a heartbeat if it meant they could go on until they felt fed up with this world. People would pay out the nose for control of their ultimate conclusion or put off the deadline.

You forgot he can't feel because of it. There's no tactile sensation.

ree ree sjw cuck nigger npc simp etc.
im too sad about sad panda to be a raging chud tonight

Why update his parts to look human? He chooses to keep a incomplete look. Ghost in the shell, Metal Gear, Kamen Rider, and Tekken have cyborgs with human looking parts.

Attached: 1547595299482.jpg (258x322, 21K)

>when I was little and not a neonazi
user what

Where do you think we are?

Im going to say that Kamen Rider is cheating for budgetary reasons.
They are cyborgs with human look as to not do robot makeup every episode.


As he grew up, he learned more, lost his naivete, and became a neo-nazi, little realizing he's still naive and divine-right monarchy is the only way forward... providing I'm the one appointed king, of course, anyone else is blasphemous

Well, it's a good point.

All heil


Go back to perfecting TempleOS, Terry.

>divine-right monarchy is the only way forward
Very based and very redpilled. One of the toughest redpills to swallow is the one in which you realize that humanity is not yet ready for the liberal democracy

And it never will be unless we keep trying.

And that's how you do good race humor.

If the thought of neonazism alarms you, you should consider studying the history of Maoist China. The modern US is more like it than you think.

The hesitance in his voice indicated he decided to go with the easier explenation for Starfire's sake, the tt writters actually deserve some credit imo

I mean let's be real that is absolutely the first thing you'd notice about him. C'mon.

>Why update his parts to look human?
because he lives in a superheroe universe.

It's hard to write a line that's both humorous and poignant.



It says a lot when people think it MUST be code or a joke about how he's a passive victim because of his skin color. People are so used to the victim stereotype in media, they can't even comprehend that normal people wouldn't give a shit that he's black, and being part robot is kind of a big deal.

I really respect this line because it's the TT writers refusing to stereotype all black people as weaklings who deserve pity. It wouldn't surprise me if they wanted it to be a "fuck you" to all the viewers who think black=victim, but as this thread and many others show, you can't get through those people's skulls.

>hurr everyone on 4chins is a edgelord!!1

Is summer over yet?

Ow the autistic edge.

who hurt you?

shut up faggot

I like
Explanation better than
But hey, lets agree it was a good line regardless.

>Religious monarchies
Well, I guess edgy is another word that's lost all meaning, like -phobic, nazi, literally, or oaths

Attached: Faith The Plus Size Superhero Is With Her.png (780x1200, 1.82M)