>"Peter, I know I'm your closest confidant and only person that knows your secret and I know you saved 56 people's lives yesterdays at the expense of your own personal happiness but... we need to talk... I’m not ready to talk... I’ll call you tomorrow... maybe... maybe in 6 months..."
That seems like a realistic relationship with a woman to me.
Didn't they kiss after this and basically say they were back together?
How would you know?
They were technically on a break because neither stopped loving each other. MJ was frustrated at her own limitations and jealous of Peter’s abilities in the relationship. As a reaction, she kept pushing herself which naturally led to Peter being protective given their lifestyle. In the end she admitted she was being a bitch, and Peter trusted her more thus getting back together.
Although when it’s all said and done that doesn’t excuse MJ’s rash and competitive behavior constantly putting herself in danger. Granted Lois Lane does the same thing, but she’s far more likable
t. Woman
...and hotter.
A lesser game would've left it at that, so I'm fucking glad she admits she was being irrational later in the story and was just tired of being left behind. Peter apologizes for making her thing that way and the two make up. I really like this take on MJ, stealth missions aside.
>You have less of a reason to be troubled by being a relationship with a super-powered successful person
>because you're uglier
I mean I guess, but was the consideration of how people approach the problem of jealousy asymmetry power in a relationship really have anything to do with how hot they are
Haha I'm joking here's a bikini
>Cause MJ is hotter
If you don't lollygag around the MJ/Miles missions take ~3-5 minutes.
This is still the best MJ outside of comics.
What gets me is that Pete gets evidence that Tombstone is building a fuckhuge vehicle for Mr. Negative, but doesn't even ask him about it or Li's location.
I wish you were wrong
In Lois' defense, she is an army brat AND a good reporter. Getting in the shit is in her nature.
also in the game they just made MJ Lois.
Who is a more consistently worse written character, MJ or Lois?
I know, but I would've preferred to have the tazer from the start. The one in the garage is pretty miserable but the start and endgame ones are kinda fun.
>On a break.
I've seen enough Jeremy Kyle to know that's just an excuse to fuck other folk.
Mary Jane is obviously hotter than Lois, but I think user was referring to PS4s Mary Lane
MJ. Lois took a nosedive in recent years due to shit writers. Spencer is admittedly doing something with MJ though
Yeah, she's so fucking plain it hurts my eyes. Not saying she should like fucking sult or anything but for one of the most famous red heads in comics, at least make her a little more visually striking.
She seriously made me want to puke. Everything from her pasty to skin to her dipshit face to her planky fridge body to her basic white bitch Marshall's outfits.
t. Felicia
Isn't that similar to Raimi MJ who was all pissy because Peter was succeeding while she failed? Why are writers making MJ such a bitch for no reason?
>Raimi MJ who was all pissy because Peter was succeeding while she failed
Spider-Man 3