I'll let you in on a little secret, Detweiller. Every adult you've ever known was a kid at sometime in his life...

>I'll let you in on a little secret, Detweiller. Every adult you've ever known was a kid at sometime in his life. You think we don't remember summer vacation? Riding our bikes down the creek. Catching polliwogs in a jar. Camping out under the stars. Well you're wrong! Sometimes I sit there in my office, looking out at you kids in the playground and I think, "They don't know how good they got it. In a few years, they'll be grownups like me and all those good times will be memories for them, too". So go ahead. Put a whoopie-cushion in my chair.Have rough sex with Spinelli in the jungle gym. Put fake vomit on my carpet. Make fun of my "big, saggy butt". But don't ever say I don't care about summer vacation, 'cause those memories are the only part of childhood I got left.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love this movie


>Have rough sex with Spinelli in the jungle gym


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I haven't seen this posted in a while.

>Have rough sex with Spinelli in the jungle gym
Nigga what

Fantasic movie, though.

>Have rough sex with Spinelli in the jungle gym
mah nigga even when I was a kid I knew she was best girl

Normally I thought it was have sex with Spenilli behind the dumpster. But still on point pasta.

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I remember the days it was posted so often you could catch people out by not mentioning Spinelli.

I never noticed this before but the resemblance is nearly almost uncanny, was this intentional or what? I don’t know?

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What will kids memories be like in 10 years? All of them are addicted to their phones and tablet screens and only want to play dumb shitty mobile games.

It doesn't help that many schools nowadays require them to have a tablet in school.

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>Have rough sex with Vince


Not really. I know someone who works in a daycare. They compare ipads and the like to catnip. When it's in front of them, it's all they'll think about. But seperate them from it and they'll behave just like us or any other generation of kids. They are kids after all, tiny attention spans and all that. The reason they love them so much is because they can immediately switch to something else when that attention runs out with no effort. But stick a couple of them outside with some toys and they'll start playing in seconds. I think them kids 'll be all right.

Haven't you noticed that even when people talk about 90s nostalgia they usually talk about the media they consumed?

>Have rough sex with Spinelli in the jungle gym
How I've missed this copypasta


Will there be a live action Recess movie?

Shut up boomer

That's like saying well get a live action goody movie(s)

Ugh you think that’s all they do? Lmao wow

All the kids I'm around seem to have a problem with being away from their phones for too long. To be fair, adults are the same. But if everyone is like this then who can correct their addiction to technology?

I'm millenial. About to be a dad, so I'm concerned about the future.

Well I guess they'll be nostalgic about the endless adds in their free games.

Well I still believe we need to help them deal with addiction, a topic most adults seem to be ignorant about.

Does anyone have the Roland Tembo edit?

user, quit being a fucking alarmist and limit your kids time staring at a screen like a non-retarded adult.

>Have rough sex with Spinelli in the jungle gym.
I feel like we've had this thread before.

I remember when people were like "Oh god, can you imagine early gen z missing late 00s-early 10s stuff like Bieber, iCarly, smartphones, and Johnny test years from now, the way we obsess over 90s stuff? Ugh such cancer. I honestly can't imagine that happening." Well it did happen in the end (pic related), lol.

Similarly, Late gen z will be nostalgic for Fortnite no matter how much people are dreading that happening.

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Why correct it? My point is that they spend time on their phones, yes, but they do other things also. They draw, they read, etc. everything adults used to do except be out after 8pm undersupervised and maybe to a lesser degree.

The real question is what are they doing on their phones? Maybe it’s learning?

Well there’s a simple answer - most people who rant on Youtube are lazy fat ficks.

Says the faggot who was addicted to the tv's screen as a kid. Different screen, same shit.

I remember this movie but I don't think the big saggy butt line was ever in it

you sound underage

What was the last era with vestiges of soul here?

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The kida I work with now are similar to how I was when I was a kid. They love video games, running around, and superheroes. Biggest difference I notice really is that girls and boys play together a lot easier.

So I imagine they'll have fond memories like we do, just of minecraft and Fortnite

In a jungle gym establishes clear social dominance, behind the garbage is where stuff you hide goes.

That sounds like something a dipshtt would say.

>Come into thread to see which version it is
>Very first words I catch a glimpse of when the thread opens up is rough sex
I've been here for too long.

>and only want to play dumb shitty mobile games.
dumb shitty mobile games?? they should be playing with water!

>that fanfiction where the ashleys rape cornchip girl and force spinelli to take part and then accidentally kill her

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Early Gen Z had the last vestiges of soul but Gen Y as a whole probably had the most

>and then accidentally kill her
Spinelli or Cornchip?

cornchip by suffocating/asphyxiation with spinelli sitting on her face

>The last ever Recess episode

The best version is still

>Vomit in Mikey's mouth to assert dominance

Attached: story4anon.jpg (410x333, 33K)

shell force herself onto her in middle school
of course he'll decline sating that he's going out with Ashley A

Attached: a.jpg (640x480, 111K)

There's a severe lack of actually sexy aged up Spinelli drawings

I had a middle school teacher (male) tell me that I should try to get laid as much as possible in high school, cause I won't be able to do it with high school girls after i graduate. I also had my high school trigonometry teacher pull up his car next to me, and tried to buy cocaine from me, when i was walking home in a nearby town (I've never sold or used drugs. I don't know why he asked me that, I don't think he recognized me).

I thought that they were both freaks for a long time, but many years later, I realize that they were both really good teachers. The middle school teacher was offering some very good, candid advice. The high school teacher was great at teaching Trigonometry, and it's none of my business if he wants to do drugs outside of school.


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I get a chuckle every time

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>tell me that I should try to get laid as much as possible in high school, cause I won't be able to do it with high school girls after i graduate.
That is some quality life advice

That image means nothing.



>tfw recess will be a thing of the past as kids opt to stay inside and play on their iphones all day

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>all these summerfags itt

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t. born in 2005

There are kids that play baseball on my street during the summer. Stop spouting this tired shit.

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oh fuck off, just yesterday I heard some kids playing in the neighbors yard running around and screaming and having a blast.
one of them screamed "WE'RE FASTER THAN YOU, MONKEY!"
I can only guess at what the hell kind of game they were playing

>That filename

Attached: Chakka and Jen.png (475x348, 193K)

Most of them will be depressed wrecks whose only happy memories were swearing at their friends on Fortnite.

Not because of video games or anything, but because the current crop of parents pays less attention and spends less time with their kids than any other. Thanks, capitalism


when are we gonna watch this movie together bros? I mean, the entire thing is on youtube, just get a rabb.it up

>nu-Yea Forums
>doing fun things like we used too
same reason Yea Forums doesn't watch movies anymore, because people would rather shitpost

Disney will never be this kino ever again.

Its called monkey in the middle.

Shitty parenting isn’t exactly a unique thing to capitalism

>tfw all Yea Forums does nowadays is watch shows
I miss when we'd watch shit like Land Before Time, Disney movies, and other kino together

I haven't seen this pasta in ages. Thank you.

Just don't buy them a fucking ipad/phone. Holy shit how is this such a difficult thing to figure out?

At least they're actually socializing as opposed to looking at their phones/tablets.

Capitalism destroyed the nuclear family and replaced it with the "two workers and some offspring" system that forces both parents to focus on work over spending time with their children.

I hate to ask, but... link?

In my country, a lot of schools are flat out doing away with recess.

yeah, actually. its a fan movie thats being crowdfunded right now


>It doesn't help that many schools nowadays require them to have a tablet in school.
I graduated HS 4 years ago? What in the fuck? When did this happen?

be warned


btw almost all this author's stories are loli rape, torture and ryona
the "nicest" story is an /ss/ fic with mac and drunk frankie

>4 years ago
aaand there goes my depression of knowing that i've been on this site long enough for children to have grown up and graduated high school

I always just wanted to stay in school and have a study hour to get ahead.

hot, you got an email old man?

What was that second one?

>There’s a severe lack of gay TJ

You’re right about that one user.

I started browsing when I was 15 in 2004

The only similarity is the mustache. Completely different facial structure.

>Have rough sex with Spinelli in the jungle gym

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It's not.

Kids...Kids never change.

Man I start off Late Gen x and go all the way to late millennial for my nostalgia kick.

They'll probably have shit in terms of memory. I work with a nineteen year old, and her retention is fucking garbage compared to mine.

Just a coincidence.
Besides it's fine, so long as they always have their phone.

How can you be sure?

>It doesn't help that many schools nowadays require them to have a tablet in school.
This probably helps a whole lot

Kid seeing tablets as mandatory shit that the world foists upon you rather than a piece of personal rebellion will make it more likely for them to hate it

A hunch.

This is the most boomer of boomer posts, you may as well be complaining about how those damn kids care about are vidya, skateboards and hula hoops!

Literally go outside and you will see kids today still do social shit, granted they are beings annoying little shits and screeching about fortnite or whatever but kids have always been annoying little shits screeching about something.

I mean, he's not wrong though.
Just because you can reduce it to "OLD PEOPLE COMPLAIN" doesn't make it without merit.

>I mean, he's not wrong though.
He is demonstrably wrong though.
Kids still go out and do things, kids still play outside perhaps less than earlier generations but not significantly less than millennials or gen-Xers did either.
all one need do to dispel any illusion of all zoomers being shut ins is to stop being a shut in yourself and go outside, there are a ton of little fuckers everywhere.

I love all the comments for this video braying about how "this generation is doomed", as if they themselves didn't act the same way about Pokemon or some shit when they were kids.

>Or some shit
I don't know, I can't really think of a pokemon equivalent to a fortnite dance.

>These kids don't even know about pails of water

I always see it claimed that gen Z is posting about childhood nostalgia from that era but outside of P+F and early Minecraft, both of which I also see Millennials gush about, I have literally never seen it.

Declining societal morals has done far more to destroy the nuclear family than a dual income household.

then why the fuck do people have more children and perpetuate the cycle? The human race should go extinct. Anyone who has children and forces new people to exist is a monster.

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Late millennials are fucking based


What about Pokémon itself? I remember loving it and learning all their names, but my parents must've thought it was weird as fuck

>he doesn't have so many kids that a percentage of the population is related to him

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isn't it great how some of them don't like old shows because they're dated but then go right around and play minecraft which is 8 BIT?

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except it was the millennials who first knew what it was like BOTH WITH AND WITHOUT THE INTERNET.

that's why millennials are based, and the generations before and after are the fucked up ones

I grew up in the 90s and I hate 90s nostalgia. There was little good about that shit decade and most of it was just continuing 80s stuff.

I hope we get hit by a solar flare soon.

I hope you get hit by a solar flare soon.

I go out running three days a week through the park and unless it's raining or it's blazing hot or freezing, there are always children playing outside. They're not as addicted as people make you believe. They are also as enthusiastic about what they play as you were about Yu Gi Oh cards or whatever you liked as a kid; they'll have good memories about their childhood provided everything else goes well (no abuse or other traumas) so don't worry so much about it. You can consider that children are too dependent on technology and there's some truth to that, but it's nowhere near as apocalyptic as some might make you believe.

What about children who tried to do a Kamehameha? I think that's a good equivalent.

An asteroid barely missed the Earth at the start of this week, so, sorry about that.

oh god i thought i was the only one

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I understand why stream threads get deleted, but some of my favorite Chan memories are old cartoon movie streams and that time /m/ watched G Gundam together.
Even if they were allowed though, it would just be invaded by shitposters shitposting.

Didn't some studies also revealed that kids nowadays because of tech have shorter attention spans but are a lot better at problem solving and lateral thinking? Which are arguably more useful qualities in the modern world?

It's amazing how the generation you grew up in is always amazing, and the generation that comes next is always somehow robbed of the true magic of childhood. As if the generation prior wasn't saying it about your generation. And so on and so forth to the beginning of time probably.