ITT: mediocre cartoons

ITT: mediocre cartoons

Not shit, just mediocre. Let’s start things off on an easy note.

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Her and Xochi are the only good things about this show (besides the backgrounds).
And Guillermo's pretty cool too, but that's it.

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Can someone post that Victor picture in his underwear screaming with Fagtano in the foreground?

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God damn, makes me laugh every time.

I want to squeeze her chubby thighs and feel her tooth gap scraping over my dick

this show is so boring and generic holy shit

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Beat me to it

More boring than Victor and Valentino?

These shows both seem like “For kids who are sick at home” material, zero substance or plot.

I find it cutesy, definitely not worth binge watching or finding it interesting. But cute nonetheless.

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VaV at least has some good monster designs and waifus

I think that's the most boring and milquetoast cartoon I've seen in a long time.
Until The Fungies comes out which looks to be taking Apple and Onion's place.

And husubandos

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True, the only Hot Waifu I've seen from a "Calarts" Show.

has line 2 kino episodes
the rest goes back an forth between tolerable and cringe inducing

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Even the shota / loli bait are weak as fuck

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That's because the art style itself is ugly as sin.

This, Clarence, WBB, that Fungies show and Tig 'n Seek shows how bland and safey modern CN is.

Shit barely lasted a month on Nick it was that boring.

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It's what Tiggle Winks was before it got greenlit as a full series.
Here's the pilot

And a preview clip from the full show.

These are shows that you watch when you just leave the TV on and there is nothing else to watch, so just stay in the channel because its tolerable enough. But its not something that I would willingly watch on a streaming service or even youtube.

It just needed a few episodes on the grade of a good Scooby Doo ep and Id be calling it good

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Amphibia. I generally like the stuff Disney puts out, but it really feels super paint by numbers. The characters and voice performances are flat, the jokes rarely land, and aside from some fun worldbuilding stuff nothing about the writing or production design is particularly noteworthy.

Legends of Chamberlain Heights.

The fuck is that?

wasn't this from Viacom's international distribution website?

Well this was quite mediocre at the start and then it becomes Tex Avery wannabe shit. The characters are nothing interesting or unique to set them apart. Amongst the worst are power pooch and Einstone the caveman. What would the real Tex Avery think about these cartoons if he were still alive?

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I never expected this show to be a legit, syndicated show. I thought it was a 13 episode mini series, but then the episodes kept happening and I just stopped watching it becuase I never intended to care past 13 episodes worth of cartoon.

That’s how I felt about Chowder and Flapjack and Fishhooks. Long ago when I had insomnia I use to watch those shows on the Demand channel to try and get me drowsy when I was still up at 3 in the morning.

Also Fishhooks, Chowder and Flapjack can be included in this thread as mediocre shows that aren’t really bad.

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I have tried to give this show a chance, but Valentino is such a unlikable piece of shit that ruins the entire show for me.

I feel like there's a theme going on here

That show was bad, not mediocre. The only funny joke the show had was the white kid who thought he was black and his shtick got old by the first ad break

Actually gave this one a shot, tried watching a few episodes and was just not feeling it. Unfortunate cause I liked the idea and a few of the character designs

I think you mean Victor

That's what they were going for (an inferior Steven Universe)

Isn't this basically just a worse Clarence?

I think you mean both.

could speak the same to BCG.

No, because not many waste time with the show.

I remember seeing this show steal from Ed Edd n Eddy. Having a background character getting stuck on a tree much like how Johnny did, and then the main character doing some cringy videogame inventory thing to get the character out of it.

It was just Sylvester abuse pretending to be a comedy.

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I don't know what you're referring to, but that was more than likely a reference. They literally mention EEnE in one of their episodes, along with a bunch of other Cartoon Cartoons.

This cartoon. I just rewatched a few episodes and while it wasn't bad, it wasn't really anything to write home about, either.

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>hating on the only likable character in the show

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Now that I think about it, a lot of Canadian cartoons would probably qualify for this.

That does make sense, yeah. They do release a lot of non-noteworthy shows.

>implying charlene isn't likable
But yeah, I think he meant Victor.
Val's alright, if a bit bland.

Still found it to be pretty bland for doing so.

We Bare Bears.
I would call this one more bad than mediocre.

It's not easy for me to provide examples of meh shows without checking my records. I mean, mediocre is synonymous with forgettable.
Inspector Gadget 2015 was just boring in the long run. Each time a new season dropped I watched a few eps but could never get into it.
I'd say they're overqualified, even. They take potentially interesting premises and never do anything fun with them. Stock characters and cliched episodes are bread and butter of leaftoons.

>I'd say they're overqualified, even. They take potentially interesting premises and never do anything fun with them.
Any particular examples, out of curiosity?

So mediocre that it's painful to watch at times.

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>try to be Rocko
>try to be Spongebob
>fail at both


Not true what so ever.

This show was great, seek help.

>Trys to be Dragon Ball Z
>Trys to be the first 2 seasons of Ren & Stimpy (Carbuncle episodes).
>Fails at both.

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They did say it was good. But the basic concept idea didn’t justify 50+ episodes.

I see, just 1 season then.

Regrettably this show. It's cute, has a few decent episodes, but it's not going to be remembered once it's gone.
They're all slice-of-life.

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The theme is they're all Cartoon Network shows. Someone really hates CN and they keep spamming threads about how bad they are.

>Summer Camp Island
When only ONE episode of the show is mediocre and the rest are on the spectrum of good-to-great, that kind of means it's good, does it not? Law of averages.

>tries to be Animaniacs
>tries to be educational
>ends up being merely okay

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oh god
not that one.

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I'm still pissed about how the network treated it, though.

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what the fuck is that character at the center, never seen anything so ugly

That's the show's main problem, really.

I always felt that the movie wasn't incredibly spectacular but passable. but this show is just downgraded from the movie, it's nothing but bob being an annoying bastard, the jokes are sometimes funny yet corny and tedious. The title is misleading, Its monsters vs Aliens not Monsters and Aliens Animated sitcom. I know the title is referencing the movie series it's based on but it seems like it's meant to be as generic as possible. If you like this show then I'm kinda sorry, maybe I just have a hateboner for it than you do. Staabi's kinda ok, susan's good, Coverton is a decent character, but Bob, no way. I's just saying it's mediocre, not bad.

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This show actually seems pretty good from the few episodes I saw. I don't really like Clarence or WBB or the SU townie episodes or whatever other american slice of life cartoons but it seemed really imaginative and fun.

Animaniacs did educational crap flawlessly. Can you see many Amerilard kids knowing the Yakko world song by heart back in the days?

the art looks fucking gross