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I'm pretty sure Aggretsuko counts as Yea Forums but eh

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If so it’s the most Yea Forums anime ever, at least the English dub.

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I thought most people watched this show with english dub but I think I was wrong?

I really liked the dub personally

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>watching the garbage netflix shit and not the original shorts with no sjw shit, no flipped personalities and no shipping

Dub is good. Personally I watch the sub first and then go to the dub later.

Explain further

S1>S2 prove me wrong.
You can't

I watch the show subbed, but for the metal parts I turn it to English.

Washimi Rap was pretty good subbed

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Character development and interactions in 2 is much stronger. S1 is great though

Dub is good just for Senator Armstrong voicing the pig boss.

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I couldn't compare. They are both great and told a different story. Neither was worse than the other.

>when his daughters bust into the scene and both talk exactly like him


Washimi is a secretarybird.

I didn't even know these things existed. Pretty cute desu

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I want a Thicc red panda gf

It's a problem with most Western dubs/subs but not in this case.

SJWs have been known to entirely alter scripts of shows in order to push propaganda.

But that's the point.

She is terrible which is why fenneko told hadia to give up on her.

I want to impregnate retsy so bad.

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Retsuko should hook up with Anai, then they can both be insane in some corner and we can forget about them.

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>when you get a boner just from recognizing the artist

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It's called a localization.
>but they contradict MY values!!!!
You're a fucking minority, get over it.




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I find the most arousing images are the ones with "confused" partners.

I want to take Fenneko out on a date.

Fenneko is cute, but she is too much of a creepy stalker to be worth the trouble. She’d probably murder any female friend you ever acknowledged ins social media.

What...what if I don't use social media?

She’d label YOU as insane.

She wouldn't be wrong. Normies are obsessed with social media, and as they are the baseline for humanity, anyone who doesn't use social media is insane.

>tfw Fenneko will never make you a social media account and monitor it 24/7
writefriends pls write this

>Fenneko makes you a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Myspace, AOL, WhatsApp, and a Club Penguin account
>if you want some of that sweet fennec fuccing, you are to use them as much as possible
>you do, but it's for nothing but shitposting and starting arguments with left degenerates and right authoritarians
>all of your accounts are banned within 5 minutes
>Fenneko starts ignoring you forever
>somehow you wind up with Retsuko and find out she does deathmetal screams during sex
>cops get called the first few times, but later on they just knock on the door and confirm it's just sweaty, inhumane, borderline-demonic sex

This is some bad end shit right there.

Oh yeah I forgot the special. Thanks for reminding me.

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>ywn have demonic deathmetal sex with retsuko
End me
also what would I just start screaming when I fucked her or something how does deathmetal sex work?

Retsuko's mom is hot.

>"user-kun... put it inside me..."
"okay retsuko..."

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Imagine regular dirty talk, but done as if one was singing a death metal song.

Retsuko was originally a series of 100 1-minute long TV shorts, before the Netflix series.

>Dem eyelashes


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I like Aggretsuko fine but don't we have a whole other board for this? The boundaries are slipping. Next we'll be marrying chickens and letting gays vote.

Haida should bang her

It is better than live action being posted. At least Aggretsuko is an animated work.

Non-Yea Forums shit is never better than Yea Forums shit, no matter how shit said Yea Forums shit is. Go be a faggot on please.

I wish for more special boy

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A bird is fine too

Ever since season 1 my friends have been calling me Space Cadet, and they're completely right
I hate it

Just find yourself an assertive bara friend to help you out

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*notices ur thread*

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I just want him to have a happy ending. Is that so much to ask?

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He'll get a happy ending when he marries me

Oh he will, don't worry.
With Fenneko.

As much as I enjoy Aggretsuko, the media is ultimately Yea Forums related and likewise should be kept to discussion there.

>but muh Netflix+dubs.

This doesn't constitute Yea Forums because of the origin source. Next you'll be saying that Seven Deadly Sins is Yea Forums material.

Moomin is also different because it was originally Yea Forums that got adapted into Yea Forums material and likewise is ubiquetous between both boards.

However; Yea Forums usually volleys discussion of Retsuko back to Yea Forums because "It's not anime enough. "

So ultimately, take it to

Also bow howdy there's a lot of anthro posting in this thread. Don't do that. Take that to

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I want to bully Haida.

any idea where I can acquire a non-furry/non-anthro Fenneko cosplay? Asking for a friend

>t. Yea Forums moderator

He does it for free, indeed.

Buy a decent office attire and practice your monotone laugh

I'm flattered but no. I'm just a guy who gives out advice since I keep an eye on the staff box and has insight on how they think and work.

It's not really a command, just a generalized advice from a nobody who has been lurking over a decade. You're free to dismiss it if you'd like, because ultimately I could be wrong and the staff box could decide to say "Well, fuck that one guy, we'll prove him wrong."

I'm as legit as Dave Meltzer to WWE, so take it with a grain of salt I suppose.

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It's not rocket science that mods are faggots, but I still value your input user

>panty and Stocking threads get deleted immediately despite being more of a western cartoon than it is an anime
>this is fine
This fucking board, man

>being more of a western cartoon than it is an anime
That shit is pure anime.

Mods and jannies are fags that delete based on personal preference, this is nothing new