Marvel Studios The Transformers

Let's say Disney aquired movie rights from Hasbro for Transformers and they decide to bring Transformers in the MCU.How would you bring them in it? Who would you cast? What designs will you use? Etc.

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>bring Transformers in the MCU

And why would they do this? They didn't bring Star Wars into the MCU when the mouse acquired it.

>bring Transformers in the MCU

Attached: bottom.jpg (540x408, 42K)

Transformers started as a Marvel comic and cartoon.

Wholly distinct from the universe of the Marvel superheroes. Star Wars, too, had a Marvel comic but didn't just up and cross over with those established continuities.

Transformers DID crossover With Marvel characters in the comics user.

>Wholly distinct from the universe of the Marvel superheroes.

Not at first.

>Star Wars, too, had a Marvel comic but didn't just up and cross over with those established continuities.

That is true, though.

>disney owning anything else
No. Nonononononono. I'm tired of Disney taking all the IPs and pushing out the same safe stuff. Even their "adventurous" adaptations are just sanitized to make sure it's as financially successful as possible.

bitch, spider-man was in the third fucking issue
the dinobots got their dino modes from the savage land
nick fury makes an appearance

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If that happened it'd be a smaller cast, probably at least having Optimus and Bumblebee and Megatron and Starscream at the minimum, and then bring in Spider-Man for a guest-appearance.

But I'd rather they get Micronauts and/or Rom instead.


fuck off with your "this", no shit "this", that's why I posted "that".




At least fucking post the iconic issue that tied these two together

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My guy

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The Transformers rights are a mess, Paramount owns movie rights but its a Hasbro property and they have their own AllSpark production company, they are stuck with paramount same as ROM the space knight

Please no.

Marvel helped fund the animation and did a tie in comic, but Transformers is not a marvel product

Easy. Its tony stark's Old robots in control of current ironman peter parker.

why are we doing this thread again

This is not the only one. There was an especial arc between New Avengers and the Transformers about an alliance between Megatron and Doctor Doom.

The Deceptions tried to increase their power duplicating the anomalies from superhumans into their cybertronian bodies; and it turns out Spider-Man's radioactive spider was the perfect element for them. Spidey and Wolverine then let some Autobots to be improved as well, and Spidey had his revenge on Megatron doing exactly what this cover shows.

Bumblebee feels like a MCU film


This t

>a special arc
it was a 4-issue miniseries crossover that prompt got ignored by both sides of the crossover.

>that prompt got ignored by both sides of the crossover.

Not until much later. After the "miniseries" they still made reference to the Savage Land because Ratchet goes there to revive the Dinobots. And Circuit Breaker showed up in Secret Wars II. They didn't say they outright ignored it until like in the final years of the run.

OK fag

There was a comic with that concept. They can use that as a source material

You are confused. That user was talking about the New Avengers/TF mini, which happened decades after the stuff you mentioned and in a different TF continuity.

Spotlight Ramjet is a direct sequel to Transformers/Avengers. Plus when Barber was head editor on Transformers, he handwaved the Avengers by having them off'd during the time jump from All Hail Megatron.

Easiest way: Have Death's Head show up hunting the GotG then have him reference Cybertronians

Attached: deathshead.jpg (1920x1080, 1.2M)

>Spotlight Ramjet is a direct sequel to Transformers/Avengers.
Pictured: literally the only connection to the crossover, and it's an interrupted, incomplete reference. That could be referring to anything.

me dumbdumb no attach cave drawing

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Transformers/Avengers and Spotlight Ramjet were written by the same author.

Which means absolutely nothing.


Attached: well that's just prime.jpg (743x746, 238K)

Literally the same movie

I don't know, Loki probably loses his face in this version.

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No,dotm was before avengers and avengers is a ripoff of it but people seem not to complain about that

Sounds like you're doing a legal dodge

If Hasbro wants they could pull the rights from Paramount