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Ain't nobody need to see this mess I'm concealing.

okay but we're doing sex this time


And I mean NOBODY.

But I'm ashamed of my body!

we all are. of your body i mean.

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I'm not taking anything off until you're at least down to your underwear, thot.

that is her underwear though

How does it feel to be loved, Yea Forums?

beats me

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Wonderful, everyone should experience love at least once in their lives.

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honestly just get a dog instead

this...just don't yell at it all the time. it will still love you it's just that they are far easier to train when "NO!" means no, not one of the odd noises it's master makes all the time. you will both be happier.

I had one, his death pretty much marked the point in life where I never wanted to connect to another living being out of fear of losing something I care about again.

Physically? No idea.
Emotionally? Like you're safe no matter where you are. Your home walks around with you in your heart.

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yeah and how do you think you'd handle a breakup pansy? exactly. get another dog.

How should I know? I'm coming here unironically.

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No clue. I should know it, because I did have parents and/or guardians growing up who cared about me, but I honest to god don't know.
I think it's less of an issue of finding love, but learning to love yourself. And I don't mean that in the narcissistic fashion most modern Facebook thots and thugs operate on. It's the fashion where you accept yourself as is and don't beat yourself up too much over failures, but still know that you need to improve yourself forever.
I'll quote Harlan Ellison's Mefisto in Onyx:
>"I have always been one of those miserable guys who couldn't get out of his own way."
Once you get that down pat, you'll stop trying to find love, like a drug addict finding his next reality-avoiding hit, and start trying to live a better life.

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Back of the knee maybe?

My fucking sides.

nobody wants to see those either

Oooh tough guy, I hope your dog gets run over.

Too far, user.

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Should’ve gotten a girlfriend instead.

Thank you for posting that poem, it's one of my favorites.

Yeah, that way I can charge that asshole for Murder II instead of just animal cruelty.

Beep beep, can you check my tires? They feel a bit RUFF.

Get it?

I couldn't tell ya.

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>ywn be tied up by a female green lantern and milked for all your worth for hours on end

>ywn be tied up by a green lantern and milked for all your worth for hours on end
Just needed to fix that one detail.

>girls waiting for their turn.webm
What are they, fluffers?

There seems to be some sort of mix-up on how this works.

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She's great and deserves to be happy

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With the right person? It makes you feel like you're invincible, it really does.