I'm about halfway through this, and it's one of the worst books I've ever read. They gave this piece of shit awards too...

I'm about halfway through this, and it's one of the worst books I've ever read. They gave this piece of shit awards too, didn't they? I hope it was for the art, which is great. But the writing is fucking atrocious. Could it be any more boring? And like everything this guy writes, it's OMG PTSD. What a fucking hack. Does this book ever get good? How does this clown keep getting work?

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His Batman run is worse

Honestly it's not bad. Overrated for sure though.

The page where you see Orion say "Jesus Christ" is probably what rankled me the most. Like any of the New Gods give half a shit about any Earth religion other than for a good laugh.

I genuinely did enjoy the bits with Granny Goodness though. Equal parts sweet old lady and heartless psychopath.

It IS bad. It's repetitive, out of character, lacking subtly, and clearly shows that King has a surface level understanding of mental issues like most people. And the sad thing is? People lap this shit up. You could drone on about anything regarding PTSD or depression and faggots will call it deep. Christ I had to listen to some faggot at my LCS go on and on praising King's work for "channeling PTSD into his work". Fuck that guy. But I'm getting off track here. The point is anyone can crank out a story about OH THE PAIN, IVE BEEN THROUGH SHIT LET ME TELL YOU and yet very few can offer something new or interesting about it. King's work can be summarized as a whiny faggot sharing his journal every chance he gets to people and wanting to get patted on the head for it

Looks like you're the one with PTSD user.

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user I don't think you know what PTSD is. So good chance you'll like this book

Wow what an unique and full of insight opinion.

It's just pretty good and way overrated but you still sound like an insufferable try-hard masquerading as niave

>user didn't live through the Storytime Weekend of Pain
newfag alert

You're showing a lot of symptoms. If you're sweating and shaking uncontrollably then please see a therapist. Otherwise you can continue to rant and abuse the caps lock as you go over your memories associated with this book. Just remember that it's just a comic and it can't hurt you.

Kingfags seething

>You're showing a lot of symptoms
Which are?
>If you're sweating and shaking uncontrollably then please see a therapist
I'm actually well collected and more confused by your post.
>rant and abuse the caps lock
You call a fraction of a single sentence clearly meant to show exaggeration abusing the caps lock?

You're a strange one. If you're King or a worker at DC, then hello, an fuck off.


Dude, you're doing nothing but regurgitating the same handful of talking points about the comic that other people have already been recycling for the over a year.

The funny thing is it's not even about PTSD. It's something retards added and the rest started going with it.

Well, whatever you want to think that makes you feel better. As you continue to get called out by other anons please remember that it's just a comic and stop taking it so personally. Even those that hate the comic aren't acting like it's causing them physical harm. I mean it user, get help.

Wow actual armchair diagnosis. Go finish high school.

>hurr durr you don't like King run because you have PSTD?
user stop playing retard.

>"Jesus Christ"

I actually like this comic, and this bothered me, too.

Also, one of Granny's stories being about Christmas. Why the fuck would New Gods know what that is? I mean, I know some have been sent to Earth to study shit, but even then, the concept of "Christmas" probably wouldn't be common knowledge amongst Apokaliptians, and would require at least some explication beforehand.

>I genuinely did enjoy the bits with Granny Goodness though. Equal parts sweet old lady and heartless psychopath.

The fact that she would act sweet sometimes and use it to guilt-trip Free seemed to be reminiscent of how many abusive parents/partners/whatevers "love bomb" their victims in order to make them vulnerable. And it seems to work. The fact that she only seemed to do it to Free and not Barda seems to explain why it's only Free that has that weird Stockholm thing going on with her, while Barda just hates her.

The book stinks. Not even in a so-bad-it's-good way, it's just a monumental waste of effort. Gerards did good work on a bad script. King pissed on all the potential of the New Gods/ Watchmen fusion they were attempting with incredibly shitty dialogue and contrived twists. I'm still mad about the stupid ending.

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>The page where you see Orion say "Jesus Christ" is probably what rankled me the most. Like any of the New Gods give half a shit about any Earth religion other than for a good laugh.

Yeah, I don't understand why that got through. it was a really bad sign to me because it felt like someone writing with one voice.

Tom King made the Chadest character in the DC comics into a Fucking SOIBOY

Kirby's Scott Free
>Send in Hell
>Bambozel Apokolips security for ages because he was so Good to be an Escape artist
>Felt in Love with GOD TIER WAIFU who i the leader of Apokolips elite force
>Escape Planet Hell with the GOD TIER WAIFU
>Settle in Hollywood L.A
>He is DC's David Copperfield
>During his period in Planet Hell, he didn't lost his Good Nature personality.

King's Scott Free
>Hates his father for sending him in Planet Hell
>Barda Please Help
>Hates his Half Brother because he got Send in Planet Heaven and Becomes Highfather's favourite Son.
>Barda Please Help
>"muh Crippling Depression"
>Barda Please Help
>"muh Darkseid is Meme"
>Barda Please Help
>The Big Finale of Mister Miracle seri is that SCOTT FREE knows he is inside the OMEGA SANCTION and decides to Settle there because " muh Crippling depression"

Don't bother on Yea Forums, nobody can tell you why this comic is good, just that it is.

>I hope it was for the art, which is great
Bait. Repeating panels is lazy as fuck as it is, but the guy is a known tracer
Gerards is an even greater hack than King is.

>Could it be any more boring?
Some days, you'll have to learn that not everything is for everybody. I've seen some people who thought the 1st episode of GOT was boring.

>yet very few can offer something new or interesting about it
Sounds like you're talking about every comics starring the same heroes for decades...

Dude! You sure showed him!
Grow the fuck up and learn that if you don't have anything of value to add then it's best to just shut the fuck up instead of making dumb snarky posts.

>is a known tracer
Doesn't he do what Ross does, and just draws based on references, instead of otright tracing like Janin?

No, he outright traces. He even traced over other artist's work on his Punisher.

If anything's bad, it's this

Well can you not see the writers name?

>Why the fuck would New Gods know what that is?

Because it's canon that Santa gives coal to Darkseid every year, dummy.

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They may be the New Gods, but they can't hold a candle to the power of Santa. Motherfucker delivers millions of presents and pieces of coal all around the Earth (and apparently on different planets) in less than 24 hours. That's the kind of OP shit you'd see in Baki.

I thought mister miracle was fine


why are his Mister Miracle and Batman written so alike

Honestly think it's the better half of his work.
Yeah the PTSD/War stuff if very played out by him but he still makes a passable story out of it.
And I loved the day-to-day interactions Scott and Barda had. Made them seem like a real loving couple.

Still think most of his work is better off ignored and just read Sheriff of Babylon since that was his best.

Try reading the thread

It doesn't even have a real ending.

It's a 12 issue version of Moore's Superman Story "For the Man Who Has Everything" from Superman Annual #11 but with no end.

If this is the worst comic you've ever read, you're very new to all of this and shouldn't really be acting high and mighty with such little experience.

This nigga hasn't even read the Unfunnies.

I am. Nobody defending it is actually using arguments.

>This nigga hasn't even read the Unfunnies
Why is this treated as a negative? Why are comic book tards so proud of the fact that they've read the trash of the industry while ignoring the gems?

Because the OP's topic of discussion was shit comics, not good ones. It's treated as a negative because OP is ignorant.

How is he ignorant for not reading garbage comics, you monkey?

I'm probably speaking to OP here, but you're ignorant because you have no depth to your palette. Anyone can tell because you utter the same useless Tom King meme that every King thread has been spammed with for years, and have the audacity to think Gerads is great.

They are, you’re just being willfully ignorant because (You) don’t agree with them

>I'm probably speaking to OP here
You're not, but I'm not surprised that you'd think this. You're a self centered loser sperging out at someone saying something is the worst thing they've read and you get angry that this person didn't read some garbage that you read. Get over yourself.

Show me. Or is this post an argument for why the comic is good?

>Sperging out
Where have I not acted civil? You're the one that called me a "comic book tard" & "monkey" lel. It's almost like you're the one that's angry & you're insulting me out of a petty little pansy-rage. I've not once acted or implied that I was angry. It doesn't surprise me that someone parroting Yea Forums Tom King memes doesn't know how to read though.

You really need to learn what self reflection & projection are.

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Also imagine being on a board made for discussing comics, in a thread discussing comics, and having the gall to insult me by calling me a "comic book tard", like bitch where do you think you are? If you don't like comics, why are you so insulted when I say you've not read a lot of comics? Nigga, am I wrong?

What are your top 10 comics?

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Different user.

I've never read this series. I came to this thread to see of it's worth checking out.

So far no one who likes this book has given a reason. The closest is posters who clearly dislike it pointing out minor things they liked.

You called me ignorant because OP didn't read some trash comic that you read. Are you truly retarded?

Oh, you being ignorant isn't an insult. That's very factual and it's more about your lack of knowledge and experience in reading comics than an insult to your personal character.

What are your top 10 comics?

Again, why am I ignorant for OP not reading a comic you read and think is the worst ever? you self absorbed jackass, why do you think someone choosing not to read a comic widely known to be a piece of shit is a bad thing?

>Different user.
No you aren't.
Lurk moar.

Top 10 comics please!

It doesn't need to be the unfunnies, but thinking a Tom King comic is the worst comic you've read reeks of ignorance. It's not even the worst comic released currently.

Asking that over and over again just means you're sperging out. Still, you seem to fail to understand the fact that you're ignorant and self centered by getting angry someone doesn't go out of their way to read bad comics. Is English hard for you? Or are you just that stupid?

Because he is an Hack who only writes PSTD characters making them Beta Cucks.

>u mad?
>u mad?
>lol trolollo u mad?
I find it very funny that you can't even list 10 comic books. You could just list 10 and it would show if you're ignorant or not, but the fact you're either terrified of doing so and being judged, or just can't list 10 is really funny.

How about a different question then. Why don't you list 5 reasons why you don't like Mister Miracle? You can even try to answer it without using the Yea Forums PTSD meme answer.

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You're trying too hard.

Have Sex.

Yeah King its a fucking hack and industry is sucking his dick therefore he believes he is good

Yeah, it doesn't surprise me that you're some Yea Forums drop-out that can't handle criticism. Bye Felicia.

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>it would show if you're ignorant or not

Have sex

Sad Hipsters: The comic

OP here. This is the only time I have posted in this thread other than the first post.

This is fair. The repeating panels really got to me, as well. You've convinced me. The art is not great. Perhaps it was more the inking or coloring that impressed me? I don't know who did that work in this book at the moment.

I didn't say it was THE worst book I've ever read, I said it was ONE OF the worst. I just finished the issue, an entire issue mind you, of Barda in labor just pushing the kid out from between her legs. RIVETTING STUFF. King appears to have forgotten this is a comic book, and not a drama on the Woman's Channel. Also the furies randomly give him a knife that luckily just so happens to be the one thing that can cut the umbilical cord. Golly gee what clever writing and it didn't feel forced or retarded at all.

At one point in the thread you reckoned I was a newfag who hasn't read anything, but it couldn't be further from the truth. I'm older than dirt, and have probably been reading comics for decades before your mommy met your daddy.

But hey, no one on Yea Forums has your refined taste in this highbrow medium we call The Comic Book. We should all just bow to your cries of superiority while you stroke your neckbeard.

>Comic book
>Not a drama
One is a medium and the other is a genre. These are the kind of people who read capeshit.

They have a son, right? But, weren't they meant to have a daughter named Ava?