Hulk appreciation thread

Can you believe Hulk is the hottest book in comics? Has this ever happened? The big green guy has come so far. Do you think they'll ever try another Hulk movie? Hulk thread

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Other urls found in this thread: dogs of war&qid=1564127264&s=gateway&sprefix=hulk dogs &sr=8-1

They won't, thanks to Universal. But I DO think they make a Disney+ show

Shame Aaron ruined She Hulk

Please keep She-Hulk outrage out of this thread

Why not do the same deal as with Sony. Universal funds the movie, Disney has full creative control and universal gets all the profits?

Hulk movies are forever haram and banned because of Universal. Disney simply can't afford to buy him back.


I'm guessing it's because Universal doesn't really want to play ball. Remember, they actually wanted to make their "Dark Multiverse" but it never took off, I can't imagine them being happy about it.

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This. She's not your sex toy, she's a stronk womyn, hear her roar!

Is that a thing? They can have Hulk in their movies but they can't have a Hulk movie?

She is a hulk. And don't shame her cause wymens stronk!


Yes, that's exactly how it works.

A weird bit of info I've noticed...I'm sure a lot of you already known by now, but Vol. 5 only has 4 issues and we know that Issue #25 is double-sized. So does that mean it'll be included in Vol. 6? Also the release dates are weird as fuck with Vol. 5 releasing in September and Vol. 6 releasing 3 months later in December (this additionally means that Vol. 6 may include just 4 issue as well).

the fuck is going on?

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Well that's a shame. Maybe they can arrange something a la Spider-Man?

Based Hulk Thread.
I'm in.
Ruffalo signed for at least one more movie, not a cameo.
I guess, we shall see if it goes anywhere.

Sony is more willing to play ba than universal since they are not direct rivals.

Marvel has realized that they'll make more money if they charge for fewer issues per trade, I guess.

I hate Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk. He was fine at first, but ever since Ragnarok, he's completely given up on concealing his faggy lispy real life voice.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions. Book listings change a lot between now and release. This is probably just to keep a lid on things.

I agree.
But a guarantee for this guy means about 60 million $ that we get another Hulkish movie.

Oh I wouldn't use that one, the Amazon trade info is very outdated, it was filled before the latest solicitations last month. I assume the TBD will be updated once the page count of #25 is known, but they certainly won't split it or put it in another trade.
Also, Marvel is doing 5 to 6-issue trades for some series, knock it off.

Universal has distribution rights and Disney doesn’t like to share. They’ only sharing with Sony because Spider-Man attracts people and sells toys

THUNDERBOLT Ross is upon us!

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They can. Disney just doesn’t like Universal having distribution rights and Universal has no plans to give him back

>Also, Marvel is doing 5 to 6-issue trades for some series, knock it off.
The high IQ move is to just wait for the inevitable oversized hardcovers.

That's what I'm doing with the Vol.1 hardcover. But my big problem with this is that it only collects 10 issues, and this is coming out on the exact same month as the #25... Imagine being a filthy tradewaiter and missing on the insanity of this issue.

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You can always read it online

What? That's illegal. Piracy = lost sales.

Nice meme

Also didn't mean to double post, but I wanted to reply to this :
My problem with Ruffalo isn't exactly the actor, I don't mind him. It's the fact that their current take of "Professor Hulk" basically closes the doors to an Immortal Hulk-esque movie. It's such a goofy Hulk in the MCU, they're not going to revert to a more serious, horror Hulk now that he's a panty dropper Daddy Hulk who enjoys tacos.

That's what I do, and I've bought some key issues as well. I'm only buying the hardcover explicitly to support the series.
Don't let Zub see you, he's pissed.

Unfortunately I bought the first set of trades before the HC was announced (or was I just too lazy to look it up beforehand?). I'll buy a potential omnibus, though.


I like this enough to start buying floppies of it. But I only have Alex Ross first prints of 1, and 15-current. Having a hard time tracking down the rest naturally

>or was I just too lazy to look it up beforehand?
They waited a long time to announce it, to sucker people into double dipping. Hell, you can skip the OSH if you want. This series is 100% getting an omnibus.

Jim Zub, writer of Champions. He rallied against piracy because he noticed most people were reading the series online, with numbers that definitely surpassed the floppy sales; and today he posted something in his blog about the cancellation. So yeah, "piracy hurting sales" is a meme, but what's true is that the series deserved support and didn't get it.
I only have #1, first printing. Had enough hindsight to preorder it, figured that Ewing "needed the push" for this take, and now look at us, a year later.

Nice. Immortal Hulk is the first series I've ever followed in floppy form. I read #1 on Yea Forums and thought is was so great I'd pick it up. Boy am I glad for it. Going to the LCS is a lot of fun. Where else can you talk about this kinda stuff?

It's a team book about a bunch of less interesting teenage versions of other heroes. Why is anyone surprised it didn't last?

It's great and all but my pride/autism prevents me from getting reprints and the need to get the missing issues. God help me

Prepare to shell out. Immortal Hulk is a big speculator book

is this /shelf/ ?

>buy the series in TPB
>upgrade to hardcover and give my trades to a friend
>when the omnibus eventually comes out I'll donate the hardcovers to a library
I'm doing a public service!
No, this is Patrick.

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I fucking love this entire run but is it really the hottest? Honest question.

I mean... I don't blame you, the reprints are kinda shitty because they use an inner page as the cover usually, and as good as some may be, it doesn't beat Alex Ross' covers.

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>I'm doing a public service!
Keeping the print industry alive. Good on you

I'm gonna guess the book carried low expectations with editorial/publishing, meaning Ewing and Bennet had freedom to take the book in their direction and not just write a comic Marvel wanted

Yeah, I got the first 3 issues as floppies, but now I'm waiting for the hard cover.

Well at least I have #1. That's something I suppose..

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I've been holding out for the hardcover because lately Marvel's trades seem just badly made. Like my Exiles trade felt as limp as a single issue

>I'm gonna guess the book carried low expectations with editorial/publishing
It had close to zero promotion. I can't remember any ads leading up to it and it was thrown out to die compared to something like Iceman.

Hulk has never been a big seller, and Ewing was always the guy Marvel threw under the bus because they felt like it. It is honestly an act of God himself that this book even got half of the power it has now.

Even Peter David only got to write the Hulk because no one else wanted to. He wasn't even a full time writer at that point, he was an office employee.

That blows. Their oversized trades have been great for me, and just a few weeks ago I bought another batch of new reprints and series, so I'll judge them when they arrive.
>I can't remember any ads leading up to it and it was thrown out to die compared to something like Iceman.
It was nuts. People weren't sure the "horror take" was going to pan out at all, specially since the preview didn't even have Hulk in it. I remember people here predicting (without reading it) that it'd last 12 issues tops.

It's weirdly only the new stuff in trades, like the Epic collections have all been great

Why would someone with high IQ enough to wrote Hulk:Gray would want to invent a red hulk and run it for straight 24 issues?

Loeb's bibliography is a roller coaster, man

I predicted Devil Hulk as soon as I saw Ewing's name. Honestly, I didn't think I'd call it, let alone what it led to. After "she was 12" I was 100% sold on horror hulk.

Library user here. Yeah, the recent trades feel cheaper and have fewer issues compared to the ones that came out only a year ago.

One of the WORST trades I've seen is the one for the first arc of West Coast Avengers. Not only does it feel paper thin, but a good chunk of it is just random reprints of pages some of the team members first appeared on.

>After "she was 12" I was 100% sold on horror hulk.
Yep, that was the moment when I knew I made the right call. And hey I was already an Ewing fan but I was never into Hulk, in fact I resented the character because he seemed to be only there for power level wankery and ridiculous discussions over just how strong he is, but that splash page hitting you like a sledgehammer and then the SECOND one with his entire face right against yours was the best way to sell the premise. No edgy nonsense, no bullshit.

Considering picking this up. Why it it so well received?

It's taking Hulk material back to its roots, and the imagery is that of horror movies like John Carpenter's The Thing. Bruce's multiple personalities are explored, the expanded Hulk cast is appearing one by one, and things are getting downright biblical

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It's well-written, well-drawn, has cool horror shit in it and an intriguing mystery plot that keeps you guessing every step of the way.
Also it strip-mines Hulk's history and gives fanboys everything they want, which is the exact opposite of what Marvel usually does.
And then there's sexy harpy girl. God I love it.

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My favorite Hulk comics is Omega Hulk. SuperStrength+SuperIntelligence+MetaGamma technology+Karate=Professor Hulk

>downright biblical
Extra-biblical too what with the Kabbalah and things.

Yeah, same here. I wanted to support this run and didn't anticipate it selling as well as it has.

I'm definitely getting the omnibus when the run is over.

How is Jenkins run? It's neatly collected in an omnibus so I'm tempted.


>How is Jenkins run?
Starts off well enough but goes kind of wonky towards the middle and end. Still a solid run though, especially compared to Byrne's run prior.

>It's neatly collected in an omnibus
Whoa, when was this? dogs of war&qid=1564127264&s=gateway&sprefix=hulk dogs &sr=8-1

Huh, looks like I'm way behind on my trades. Thanks for the heads up.

In theory, when are they going to release the Omnibus or something that collecting the whole run? How long does it usually take?

>they're not going to revert to a more serious, horror Hulk
Audiences didn't like "serious horror Hulk" any more than they cared for "seriously autistic" Superman.

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You thought that was horror?

Hard to say because they did release an omnibus early with Duggan's GOTG then another this year with the whole Infinity Countdown + Infinity Wars, but I'm not sure if it was due to the movie push or a explicit decision. Either way it was a fairly recent run.
On the other hand both Venom and Hulk got these hardcover versions with two trades worth of pages fairly early, which I think they hadn't done in a while. From there to omnibus format shouldn't take that long, unless they're refraining from doing that with ongoings.

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Well good luck user, i wanted to do it too that way but the older stuff is already hard to find.

>sexy harpy girl.

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It might as well be a Lon Chaney film. Hulk is in full Kong/Frankenstein mode, a snarling mass of seething rage howling at his enemies, and occasionally acting sulky around Betty.
Norton has a character, Hulk is just a CGI monster wanting to wreck shit.
It was a terrible interpretation of the Hulk, and deservedly did poorly (he and Spider-Man were Marvel's A-listers, there was simply no excuse for the shitty box office).

Red Hulk is a great Smash fest.
Don't take it too seriously.
It's a fun book.

I didn't fucking cry, YOU'RE the one crying.

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Instead of making Fem Thor they should be making She Hulk into a movie.

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Cool. Except they could make both instead of trying to farm outrage over Jane Thor just because you don't like her.
Not like it matters, since they can't make She-Hulk movies due to lack of rights anyway.

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Hold on. When did GP get sexy?

Ever since Gang Hyuk Lim drew her in West Coast Avengers.

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That's some ugly art

Anyway, Hulk thread. Gonna dump some of the many variants for Immortal Hulk #25, which has plenty of speculation surrounding it. Starting off with one of my favorites.

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Bennett variant.

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The inevitable "pile of dead heroes" variant, except including every single character that has appeared in the series... Hell, even his dad is included lmao

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That reminded me, here's the Doctor Doom variant for Fantastic Four.

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Eh what the hell, let me post the rest.
Here's Doctor Voodoo...

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Punisher, for some reason? (it does look good, though)

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Oh Johnny, you're in flames!
And... There's a Captain America version, but it's so lazy I don't even want to post it.

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>They foolish believe Doom has a disfigured face when really it's just a tiny scar

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They all look so bad in comparison to the original it makes me sad about these artists

He does have a hideously disfigured face just not from the scar.

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Oh and for all your Hulk villains needs, featured in a Venom Annual variant for some reason. (though I think it's a connecting cover)

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Sheesh, didn't they have plastic surgery back then?

Isn't Creel Thor villain?

True... Well he's a guest now, he should feel at home alongside Leader, Bi-Beast, Sasquatch, Abomination...

By the way, this happens next week. Do you guys think Slott has it in him to replicate Immortal Hulk's tone? Or will he just have them senselessly brawling?

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Cover looks like garbage.
Thing vs Immortal Hulk shouldn't even be a brawl.

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Carl Creel has pretty much fought every day heavy hitting hero you can think of. He started as a Thor villain (which he puts this as his highest honor), has done battle with Ant Man and the Wasp and was a Hulk villain for a bit. Him being put with Hulk's villains makes sense to me (though that's probably because the first time I saw him before I really got into comic was in Earth mightiest Heroes and he was more used as a Hulk Villain there.)

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You'd think with as much money as they're making, Disney would just say "fuck it" and throw blank checks at Universal and Sony and whomever else for everyone's full rights back. The Spidey movies have been successful, but it can't be easy writing around the Sony deal's contingencies to make everyone sufficiently different enough from the source.

Has Thing ever been a challenge other than during Joe Fixit period?

As far as I'm concerned, writers have always nerfed Hulk to fight with Ben.
How many times has Hulk took out a whole team of Avengers without breaking a sweat,
But put Hulk against the Thing and they will milk it for two books.
I'm not objective though,
The Thing is the worst character Marvel ever created.

from the looks of it, he is probably going to be a puppet.

It'd be cool if Ewing did a filler issue where some villain wants to fight the strongest there is, kills Banner to bring out the Hulk, then gets skullfucked once night comes.

We he did the first time he used Hulk in this run.


Original Thing (class 5) did make Namor(always class 85) his whipping boy from the start..

Hulk was in another issue of new FF?
Insufferable character, crying about his looks.

How can you dislike Bashful Benji?

The second or third issue of Fantastic Four, Hulk is summoned along with every single character who has ever been in the team, to fight against the Griever of Worlds. The Immortal Hulk killed a bunch of mooks off-screen and tells Johnny "I was never here" before leaving by himself.

In my new ongoing Swordsman, that I am pitching to Marvel atm,
He will be whipping Benji's ass, like clockwork, every month.
There will also be humiliation scenes-
Where our hero uses ye ole proverbial 'Sword' to cuck Benji,
With all of Ben's love interests past and present, including SheThing.
This all stems from an incident where our hero once entertained the Thing,
And he spent the whole evening acting like a Bitch.

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>He doesn't think she's sexy

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Johnny you damn match head, stop shitposting about Ben on the internet.

>The Thing is the worst character Marvel ever created.
Hyperbolic nonsense like this is how stuff like CGR gets a pass.

When are we getting Ultimate Destruction 2?

Good one.

This post was made by the Yancy Street Gang

Not enough fur


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I know what I said

Nope. Ben is in the 80 tons strenght range like joe fixit.

Fixit was 70. And while he could get the boost from rage it was at much slower rate and he would've gotten his ass handed to him in a straight, fair fight with Ben during those days.

Doom was there to verify it. Do not question him.

Imagine making such a revoltin' post about the idol of millions, the ever lovin', blue-eyed Thing!

Don't do it, user.

Do what?

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I feel this would look a lot cooler if it were painted. Also, where's the "After Larkin"?

>Fixit was 70. And while he could get the boost from rage it was at much slower rate and he would've gotten his ass handed to him in a straight, fair fight with Ben during those days.

But only because Ben was extra-mutated at the time, giving him a strength boost. Unfortunately we'll never get to see a "normal" Thing vs Joe fight.

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If I understand this correctly, the more at peace and accepting Banner is of himself and Hulk, the more handsome and intelligent the Hulk comes out as?
As apposed to Banner living in self-hatred and the Hulk coming out as a dumb monstrous brute.

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Whatever present Hulk is aspects of him he wants to suppress and reject. Hulk could be whatever he wanted if he was able to accept it.

Because Hulk isn't Spiderman. There's way more incentive for Disney to make money off merchandise right that they own for the latter.

Sometimes you have to embrace the Hate.

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Is it weird that I want him to top me? Haha just kidding...

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>Hulk has an atmospheric and mature series that plays with the character's past in clever ways
Have any of the other Marvel heroes had something like that happen lately? Because I sure as fuck can't think of any in the last few years.

Can I at least ask for She-Hulk to be interesting again? Like it's a complete and utter goddamn shame that all the Gamma folk have been UnJUSTed while Jen gets JUSTed on a nightmarish degree

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Nope, Jen had to run off and play in the big leagues,
Well, that's what happens.
Meanwhile, a team of writers who actually gave a shit about a character were laying a foundation (over three decades) for
It would be hard to find, see above.
Ewing didn't just whip this up over night.

It might be controversial, but I feel Tamaki's run had the makings of an "Immortal Hulk" esque run, had it been less decompressed. A lot complained about the tone not fitting the character and whatnot, but at this point, wouldn't it have been better to give her that angle (while keeping her daytime lawyer job), and see how far she could've gone?
She could've even reverted to her usual self (as in green but not super buff), while fighting off the demons and PTSD of the deaths that surrounded her.

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Quite opposite, in my opinion;
That book more gave a foundation for what is going on with Jen right now.

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Honestly the book was insanely disappointing, it had potential to be great but ultimately fell flat and completely squandered it's premise and now Shulk is a sperg like I'm completely fine with the Buff Stuff Amazonian Mommy look but her personality annoys the everliving fuck out of me

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>dat camel toe

>Eric Bana
>Sam Eliot
>Nick Nolte

What happened? Ang Lee directing it? A bad script? Both?

Just made a thread on another board but I figure I’ll post the same thing here.

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I wouldn't be so sure, because Aaron blatantly decided to ignore the development Jen had in that book, and she was definitely reverted to her old self in there. The "gray She-Hulk" phase was temporary, and while I understand where you're coming from, what Aaron did was basically return her to her savage roots while making her more like Bruce.
That's fair. Ultimately this all falls squarely on Jason Aaron's fault, but in my opinion even a disappointing run like Tamaki's is preferably to an outright character assassination.

I admit I never saw it, I've only seen clips of it and good golly it didn't look good. There's so much they could do with Hulk that those early attempts just couldn't tap into.

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It's a good movie. The best Hulk movie out of the list. The only bad scene is when Talbot gets blown up.

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What is the quintessential list of Hulk enemies? Who is his archenemy?

goodness imagine dating Bruce/Hulk while he's at his top level of self-assurance and synchronicity with the Hulk. Letting his form shift freely and trusting the Hulk to be good with you.

>Bruce getting caught up in the nice energy of playing football with you and turning into the 10ft tall emerald giant, then the Hulk gives you a big hug and wants to continue playing
>Bruce walking in to the home gym and coming out sweaty and nude as the Hulk
>Hulk resting you on his lap or shoulders whenever possible
>Feeling Hulk start to shrink down in your hug after a mission with the Avengers
>Bruce giving you a flexing show in bed, letting Hulk take control half way through, making you watch every little bit of growing muscle and manhood.


With a hot book like IH, a year after it wraps up.

Tfw will never happen

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>>Bruce walking in to the home gym and coming out sweaty and nude as the Hulk
That's um... One of my favorite parts of Ragnarok.

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The Leader, or Abomination

Ross, Talbot, Samson.
Leader, Abomination, Rhino.
Bi Beast, Absorbing Man.
Wolverine, Wendigo.
Modok, Nightmare.
Archenemy: Himself.

Attached: IH288.jpg (1000x1565, 358K)

Still can't believe with how well written this run has been that all of the journalist's baggage amounted to FUCK WHITEY I WANNA BE ANGRY

It was something seeing Johnny ready to get into a fight only to find Hulk atop a mound of dead bodies.

Andrea Sorrentino is low key doing some great covers for this series.
2nd printing for Immortal Hulk #21.

Attached: immortal_hulk_21-var.jpg (787x1196, 74K)


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Samson and Wolverine aren't really his villains anymore

What is it that makes Immortal Hulk work so well from a writing stand point? An actual vision for the character?

I just got the first volume of the trade of immortal hulk

What am I in for lads

Read it and find out

Fantastic art
Good pacing and slow build up
Treating him like a real monster instead of just another super hero

Deepest lore and body horror.

how in the name of all that is holy can you hate The Thing?

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a good comic book

>Who is his archenemy?
The army


It's more like Hulk was benefit of more power creep than Thing, who has remained relatively stable throughout his career.

t. Johnny Storm

Best response.

Ewing manages to take the Hulk in a completely new direction while acknowledging and utilizing the Hulk's history in an exciting way. A feat that seems almost miraculous given the average talent of modern writers.

Concerning previous Immortal Hulk threads,
And Ewing's hang-up for Blake's American Prophecy.
I came across this bit in Hulk-lore that might confirm previous conclusions.
Mantlo's writing wasn't at its peak, but he was a madman.

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>everyone he fought up to that point
Honestly, that's a good cover to end the run on.

Only Jackie is missing, but let's assume she took the picture.

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Nobody gonna talk about the KO'd One Below All?

I actually didn't notice! Nice catch.

My dad is a huge Hulkfag and has read his comics since the 70s and dressed up like him for most Halloweens growing up and he's loving it but loves all Hulk media
I don't like the Hulk at all

You need to get right with the Immortal Hulk, son.
(but, ya, some of those older comics weren't so hot, user.)

I was never a big Hulk fan until Immortal. It really got my interested in the character and increased my affinity for him. So I went back and read all the Mantlo, PAD, Jenkins, etc in the past year and now he's one of my favorite Marvel characters. I always thought Hulk was this boring 1 note "smash" character but I was so wrong. Hulk has fucking layers and so much room to write a creative story. So thanks Al Ewing for widening my breadth of comic interests.

It does this

no, I don't like anything about him, ragemonster is dumb

This is a misconception about the Hulk. The Hulk's best stories are psychological, not action oriented.

I can't imagine Disney/Universal coming to terms on Hulk because I guarantee you the biggest sticking point for Disney is getting those sweet, sweet Marvel park rights, and Universal will never ever budge on that.

I couldn't bear it unless he hulkified me too.

Nice Testimonial.

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Look at this faggot.

Not everyone can be helped.
His father was an under-cover cosplayer, using Halloween as a ruse.
Some needs be thrown back.

Could Ewig fix She Hulk, or is the tone all wrong for Jen?

Attached: She Hulk.jpg (800x1362, 137K)

She Hulk at her best is a comedy book. Marvel's best comedy writer is probably Chip so I would give it to him.

That being said, Al Ewing did do comedy well in his Rocket Raccoon series, so he could do the job as well.

Already been addressed Sorry 'bout your waifu.
It's over.

Is it weird that I want Mark Russell to write Shulkie?

Not at all. I think he's the best comedy writer currently working in comics. I'd love for him to do some Marvel stuff

So some anons have brought up that one panel in the Sentry mini alot, about him wondering why Hulk hasn't 'evolved' yet. Why did he exactly expect him to evolve into?

It's commonly thought that something akin to the Professor Hulk is basically the perfect version of himself. Perhaps Sentry forsaw Bruce turning into some form of cosmic being?

This isn't a company war thing but I got to ask; where did "Damage" go wrong?

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leader is his archenemy

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No Juggernaut or Sandman?

That whole line of comics was launched with the artists as the stars and I don't think any of the comics kept their starting artist for more than 10 issues

Right on his head.

a fully evolved hulk would basically be a pheonix force of gamma

Nah, just regular jobbers.

>You can't see me... You wouldn't like it when you see me.

Is that what TOBA is? The Phoenix Force of Gamma?

Those hulk pecks are horribly proportioned

MCU Hulk is so different from comic Hulk it's hard to even connect him to popular stories like WWH and Immortal Hulk. And they already blew their chance with Planet Hulk.
Hell, I don't even think the movies outside of the Norton ones even show Hulk getting stronger from anger, he just seems to have a base line strength like a generic bruiser.

Would he be able to fly by angering himself through the sky?

I love Hulk in the same way I love Strange. They're both so OP that a good writer not only creates compelling character moments for them but creates really unique problems that test the characters in ways that aren't just HULK SMASH or BY THE FLAMES OF THE FALTINE

>I don't need a jetpack, all I need is hate

What's with all the recent variants with completely unrelated covers lately?

Love Immortal Hulk. God me back into buying floppies. It even tricked me into buying Hulkverines, which ended up being awful, but whatever.

The run has been so good it's tough to disparage but did anyone else feel the Bruce's Dad/Hell/Magic Gamma stuff was a little too hokey? I love the monster angle but it just felt too unbelievable. Hulk was always somewhat grounded in science and this arc just seemed to ask too much of the reader in suspending disbelief. The gamma bomb creating a green gamma door to hell was just fucking stupid. Ewing gets away with it because his characterizations carry him through his nonsensical plotlines but I feel like it definitely went a little too far. His father surviving through some gamma hell Ghost form and hulk being a devil spawn with the ability to open a hell portal was too much.

>Pretty much an attempt to have the barely visible Weapon X character latch directly on to the recent success of Hulk and the consistent popularity of Wolverine, as if his origin and motif wasn't enough.
>Write the entire thing as if the readers are more familiar with the new guy and are only interested in his perspective.
If the intent of that miniseries was to grab the attention of new readers I feel like they fucked up in a lot of ways.

Well, he is in motion and at an angle.

>doesn't want a cute harpy gf to eat his heart while he lies dying in a puddle of acidic vomit

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compare to past covers it looks like fanart

This one is actually pretty cool.

Nolte's anti government rant at the end and Banner screaming randomly was crap but I agree it's good.

He could probably do it, but he would make sure to have Jen work back into being the Shulkie we know because he respects continuity too much to just toss trash in the garbage.

Well, the big guy didn't exactly look comfortable there

A little discomfort is the price you pay for getting to be inside a woman.

Yeah but I didn't sign up for a woman going inside me

You should be more open-minded. Relax, she's a doctor.

Doctor of what?

Something something she doesn't have anything to prove to anyone and doesn't have to wear her ugliness on the outside anymore. She can be the voluptuously beautiful She-Hulk for nobody but herself.

Doctor of fearboners.

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Library Science. No, really, look it up.

I honestly don't give a fuck if she's sexy or not and quite frankly I noticed a lot of so-called fans coming out of the woodwork after years of not caring about the character to cry about it, but there's one thing that actually makes me wonder about Jason Aaron's reasoning behind all this:
In the last issue, Hulked out Jen had regular thought processes in which she seemed normal, yet somehow when she spoke, she did it as a brute. That ABSOLUTELY makes no sense and there's no way to justify it, if anything she should be as bestial on the inside and the outside, or be as eloquent as she normally is with a brute physique just like the Devil Hulk, but not *that*
So anyway, I would never claim to care much about her but I do think it's strange how he's handling her because it's inconsistent as hell.

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They miss the point so hard although I think the Venom one sort of works

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It's just another example of Aaron writing his protagonists as horrible people and expecting readers to buy into it.


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Am I the only one kind of disappointed she's drawn with cleavage in the book instead of the swath of down shown here?

Everything seems to be moving towards "complete collection" at marvel and I can't complain. My favourite format so far for reading whole runs, I just wish they'd do more of them. (Looking at you Gwenpool)

>ywn get him back
He would NEVER have dabbed onscreen and allowed Banner to be this level of cucked

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He has used his gamma clap to propel himself backwards when he got stuck in space once

He wrote most of the script for incredible hulk. Was already angry when marvel messed with the script and demanded the intro be changed.
Then later disney took over marvel and told norton to fuck off when he wanted to write the script for avengers. And replaced him with that cuck ruffolo

No, Bendis did.

>He wrote most of the script for incredible hulk
Based auteur.

>Can you believe Hulk is the hottest book in comics? Has this ever happened?

I don't know about his book but Hulk was absolute one of the most popular characters in the 70s thanks to his TV show. This was before cable, when there were only a handful of channels, so when a show was a hit it became extremely well known. That's the whole reason She-Hulk exists, Stan was afraid someone was going to make a female knock-off of the show (like Bionic Woman) so he quickly pushed a She-Hulk comic out there, wrote the first issue than left the rest to others.

Based Stan.

hulk grey was kino
based nort

hulk's reversion from banner hulk where he gets driven insane by nightmare could be a movie if you remove the part about nightmare because it cheapens the whole thing since the problem isn't bruce banner relapsing on his own because he's a fuck up but no its just nightmare because he wants hulk to kill doctor strange who immediately wards him off and then banishes him to the crossroads after he catches his breath

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Gotta disagree.
Bruce had to go completely Hulkamania and lose his persona to take out Nightmare,
After which, he did a double-issue worth of damage to NY, Shield, Avengers,
And beat the piss out of Power Man and Iron Fist.
Then got his ass banished by Strange.
Nightmare had a bit of fun.

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Almost invulnerable or not, damn

The doofuses at Sony wanted 4b for Spider-Man.

There should probably be, at least, a mini of Luke having PTSD from this event.
It was a fairly serious, mid 80s ass-whipping.

hulk is average comic

it's only marvel fans that are used to shit comics that when a decent one comes along it looks like a masterpiece to them

there is nothing groud breaking in this new hulk comics

i can't even remember anything significant storyline

You speak like a troglodyte

Immortal Hulk is not only good for Marvel standards but also Big Two's in general, the praise it has received isn't exclusively from Marvel fans

It's a whole different take that brings the character back to its roots in decades of publishing

Your inability to grasp storytelling doesn't mean squat when the run tells otherwise

Watch your spacing, boys.

I was just mimicking the guy. My spacing works perfectly fine, good gentlesir.

>the praise it has received isn't exclusively from Marvel fans
Like who? The same people that think Tom King's Batman is the best comic of the year?
>It's a whole different take that brings the character back to its roots in decades of publishing
This is exclusively capeshit tier praise. Let me guess more of its pros. It is good because Ewing gets Hulk and something something continuity.

>Like who? The same people that think Tom King's Batman is the best comic of the year?
I know you're trolling but no, in fact it's the opposite, that run has been mocked a lot and IH beat Batman after all.
>It is good because Ewing gets Hulk and something something continuity.
It's good because it gives fans what they want from the character, and plenty of unexpected beats and twists. But again, can't expect a troll to understand that.

>Like who? The same people that think Tom King's Batman is the best comic of the year?
People who didn't like hulk, people who generally don't read DC/Marvel anymore, etc..
>This is exclusively capeshit tier praise. Let me guess more of its pros. It is good because Ewing gets Hulk and something something continuity.
What a brainlet reply. It's good because it exceeds in horror in a way that hasn't happened to Hulk as a character since arguably PAD's run. It makes Hulk vulnerable in a world that's literally out to get him and everyone he loves. The book doesn't treat the reader like an idiot-- while yes, it relies on heavy continuity, anyone with a basic understanding of the character can pick it up and enjoy it.

Very well, good chap;
Now, I must run along.
I will be entertaining a bit of a whore this evening.
Good day.

>gives fans what they want from the character
So, you admit that it's capeshit 101? It is famous for the same reason that hacks like Johns and shit like MCU is famous.
>Plenty of unexpected beats
I didn't know that more Hulk smash is a new thing.

nah they're bros though

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Poor bait.
I shall excuse myself also, I got a date to catch! Have a bountiful evening, fellow gamma-head.

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I just want my Red She-Hulk, thank you.

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>red she-hulk
Plebbity pleb. Blood Harpy > *

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Yeah, the classic grammar of a bangladesh butthurt DCfag

Joe Fixit is coolest one there is

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Bat-bros are hurting so bad right now.
It's getting painful to watch.

What are some good Hulk stories from the 70s? I recall hearing about one where a hulk accidentally killed his love interest?

Criticism isn't outrage, shithead.

Having read all those, i don't recommend reading anything before about #288.
Just the era itself was painful, but, Hulk-writing could be really lazy sometimes.
In any event, I think you are referring to Jarella, and the issue is #205.
Don't expect much.

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The entire tone of the Marvel universe 8s based on Thing's personality, piss off

70s Spidey was rad, it can't be that bad

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I liked the Rampaging Hulk. It was one of Marvel's black and white magazines of that period.

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Not all the stories were great, but it's still a very underrated series.

It's going to be more painful seeing them act like a bunch of retards again with Batman #75 coming out and most likely selling really well.

Nah, once IH gets #25, its sales will never dip below 100,000.

From your lips to TOAA's ears.

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So ugh... Was that Fortean at the end of #21 in the Qlippoth or was that some bullshit vision of his?

>they actually wanted to make their "Dark Multiverse" but it never took off
Because their reboots of Dracula, Wolfman, ect were all pants, senpai.

And The Mummy was just like Justice League where they were tripping over themselves to set up the next "franchise" at the expense of the movie they were actually MAKING!

You've got the same issue with Godzilla King of Monsters where the original was a bunch of standalone Kaiju flicks and people decided it would be fun to have several ( and eventually ALL ) of them fight where with this they had the lame reboot where they spent 2/3 of the movie dealing with humans no one gave two shits about and then you had the second ( SECOND ) movie and you've got Godzilla, Rodan, and Ghidorah ( and however many unnamed mook tier kaiju ) all showing up at one time!

Those are astute observations, ahem.
Fuck Universal.
Sweet cover. If Ewing doesn't let his foot off the gas, Soupfags will be crying soon.

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Fuck off with your shit taste. There's only ONE She Hulk, and her name is Jennifer. To hell with the recolor, Betty rocks as Harpy

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And, upon a reread of WWH,
Realizing what a genius Ewing is for bringing this altogether.
Never was a fan of Planet Hulk, but,
Pak got it right; pleb taste be damned, or not.
WWH was exactly the right direction for the character.
Pak/Romita move up on the list of creative teams.

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Is there anything he doesn't ruin?

What outrage?

Yes it was him, of course.
I guess you're not aware, but ever since Avengers #20 (well the whole of Aaron's run but specifically that issue), She-Hulk was basically buried deeper in the characterization barely any fan likes, but it's pushed anyway because he has that pull. So whenever she's brought up it's usually to whine about it.

Jesus, Boys.
This isn't a She Hulk thread.
Sorry bout your Shulkie, tho.

I know, I was merely explaining because it keeps happening.

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Thinking back, I just realized how Banner's transformations are subtly shifting in response to all the trauma he's going through, and playing into the Devil Hulk's plan of ending society via the World Breaker's power.
In the early issues, it seemed death was the only thing that could trigger the change at dusk, full stop. After absorbing a piece of TOBA from Langkowski, Banner was able to change somewhat at will, albeit still only at night. But this time, the Savage Hulk would occasionally slip out when Devil or Banner were pushed too far.
Coming back from their ordeal in Hell, Banner's psyche has been so fragile the Devil saw fit to let Joe out as a last ditch effort. And as Ewing let slip in the letters page, Joe's coming back next issue as well. With each new development, the whole gang is slowly being "unlocked" from Banner's subconscious.
I know all this is redundant, but it's just another reason I love the book so much. With that said, who do you think's showing up next?

Good posts, Boys, but,
We have to survive til morning to explore these.
I'm out.

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hope professor stays dead

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I think the WWH Savage Hulk is going to be the first to push back against Devil Hulk

Looks like a bad 3D model with a ton of Photoshop.

I like Bennet art, but the inking could be better and the coloring is dreadful.

It's made them about a quarter of a billion dollars on Far From Home alone, not including Avengers licensing, home sales, toys, streaming, etc

That's more of Paul Mounts fault. I don't like being too harsh with them because I'm sure it's no easy task, but yeah... The coloring sometimes leaves a lot to be desired.

Wasn't his name Green Scar or something?

The MCU movie is much better when you include the deleted scenes.

Deleted scenes?

Believe so the name just slipped me. But yeah that one has the smarts, ruthlessness and power to push back and if I'm not mistaken is one we have yet to see

He is on the list...

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Are people being unironic about liking Betty as a generic fantasy creature most media and games use as a random mook people kill to grind for exp?

>And as Ewing let slip in the letters page, Joe's coming back next issue
I should start reading those letters, i'm hyped for that.

What about World Breaker?

Breaker of Worlds, coming up in

She's a little bit too emo for my tastes, but the fearboner is too powerful.

World Breaker is just Green Scar with maxed out stats.

world breaker is just a super pissed off green scar

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He's very good about that. Read his ultimates sometime

The line-up for Ultimates looks a little SJWy

Just read a few issues, it's more of a powerhouse team full of good meta continuity. Especially the sliding time stuff. Just read a few issues, don't be afraid of what you wrongly perceive as "SJW" bullshit terminology

Don't judge a book by the cover. It's easily one of the greatest series of the last five years, but honestly, if you're triggered by black people and women, maybe its larger themes are also not for you.

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>every single team member is either black, a woman or a black woman
>they're the most powerful team
Yeah sounds kinda cringe to me, but of course this being Al "white men get away with destroying cities" Ewing, what did I expect?

Yeah well, fuck off then. Should've figured it wasn't worth it.

Looks like the next arc has to do with Kaijus

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Glad Doc Green was namedropped most recently (that was a Extremis'd Savage Hulk that died out with the lack of Extremis, so he probably won't make an appearance)

So you're not going to check it out because of afraid of a good series that just happens to feature not as many white people? The guardians, the fucking annihilators are almost all aliens so im sure you'd have no problem reading those, but women and dark skin is too much for your sensibilities? Stay shook

When a writer with a history of calling white men out on their privilege makes a series featuring only minorities? Yeah I'm thinking it's going to be cringe.

Not in the case of ultimates. Or New Avengers, or U.S Avengers, or even Loki Agent of Asgard.

Shut the fuck up, white people think mayo and cucumbers are spicy.

Ooof. That's a yikes from me, Ewingfags. Also
>thread's been up for 3 days over a weekend
>less than a hundred posters and still hasn't reached bump-limit
What killed the hype?

At this point it's basically our fault that the same retard successfully manages to get earnest replies before pulling the same routine. We definitely gotta keep a closer eye to the signs.

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That might be just Bennett having fun or doing some side project, but i'd be down for it.

>it is the same raging autist mad at Ewing for outselling Batman again

Not even worth a reply for is trolling outside of Yea Forums.

Are you sure it's just one person? I imagine there would be multiple batfags on this board.

I doubt they are all that retarded, a couple of them sure. More? Don't think so, at least i hope so, for their fanbase.

Outta my way knuckleheads, my animal totem has made me immortal too!

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pic related,
What went wrong, Batfag?

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I don't quite understand the relevance of these, only one is Batman related and even then it's about Silver Age, not Tom King's bat-epic(fail)


mf'er jumped right off and bumped half of 'em

this is so sad.

What? Really?

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It's more fun than Red She Hulk or Betty just crying over Bruce

>Look it up out of curiosity
>America is in it
Yeah I'm thinking user has a right to be wary.

This was way before Gabby Rivera and he wrote the best version of America to date, so no, he certainly doesn't.

I still might give it a go but there's just something about reading a character I know becomes ruined that leaves a bad taste in my mouth

Dude I don't think you read the part where the LARGER THEMES of the book quickly take prominence over who's in the main roster , which still matters little considering these characters are used as the powerhouses they're meant to be, not as political statements.
Not gonna try and sell the book to you any further but it's fucking annoying that people to this point get so fucking triggered at non whites and women so bad they would miss out on something great.

I mean to be fair comics have at this point conditioned people to be on the defensive. Even Immortal Hulk got hit with it seemingly out of nowhere when they tried to say Hulk has white privilege. But if something is good it is a shame to miss out on it because of politics

"To be fair" nothing. You're super defensive because you're conditioned to look at anything non-white as a threat and your post just proved it. Get over yourself.

That was before the America ongoing. I wish that book wasn't a thing in the first place, it will take time for people to start seeing Chavez as a normal character again.
Ewing did a great job with her and was one of the few to use her powers creatively. I hope he'll get to write the Ultimates again someday.

I'm not even the original user you're talking too. Stop being so damn hysterical. I was just saying when you burn people on something they're less likely to give it a chance again in the future. And it does hold true in the reverse. If somebody finds America cringy they're going to be hesitant to jump onto a book with her in it regardless of when and who wrote it. Personally it'd be really hard to sell me on anything with Deadpool in it nowadays even though I've heard the Duggan run was good

Fucking nothing about Ultimates was political. Heck if anything the only got shat on in that book was BP for his hypocrisy, same way the reporter got shat on in IH.

>I was just saying when you burn people on something they're less likely to give it a chance again in the future.
This rings hollow because back in the day they used the exact same excuse to pass on the book: "oh look not a single white man, this has to be a political statement, hard pass on this anti-white book". I was there, I saw how the book tanked while worse shit flourished.

>the reporter got shat on in IH
Eh bit of a stretch. If anything Hulk validated her by saying he likes that she sees anger as a good thing. I think if she was meant to be in the wrong there they'd have gone more into Hulk's suffering. And she makes good points too. The Avengers let Hulk get away with anything. But I think the misstep was making it a race thing for some stupid reason rather than a "the Marvel Universe gives heroes a free pass and that's a problem" thing.

>implying professor hulk wasn’t the most based part of Endgame
Get a load of this retard

So anything with non-white people in prominent roles is now "SJWy?"

Here is but a taste of what the ultimates was about and what some of you have missed out on

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And there you go

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i miss this book so much.

Was Ultron Forever worth reading?

>"You should know that more than most, Adam Brashear"
For someone like me, a big fan of this series, I swear I never caught this line until now. This was Galactus basically telling Adam he was a retcon!

>Eh bit of a stretch. If anything Hulk validated her by saying he likes that she sees anger as a good thing.

And then coaxed her into admitting that she would become a Hulk in a heartbeat, despite all the damage she's seen him cause.

>But I think the misstep was making it a race thing for some stupid reason rather than a "the Marvel Universe gives heroes a free pass and that's a problem" thing.

It's a shitty argument to begin with since the universe shits on its heroes almost more than they get away with. And what are the Avengers even supposed to do? Keep Bruce locked down and doped up unless they need the extra muscle? Execute him outright? Even that's not a safe bet now, and due to the nature of the universe, there's no telling what countermeasures would work long-term.

>And then coaxed her into admitting that she would become a Hulk in a heartbeat
He didn't even need to coax her in to it, her entire reason for approaching him in the first place was to ask him how she could get in on being a gamma monster.

And most of the current arc has been the reporter being forced to see what being a gamma monster is like and being justifiably horrified, because apparently his readers are brainlets who need this shit to be spelled out for them.

oh yeah, he talks about that in the opening to to first visionaries book. It seemed like marvel wanted to dump him and the hulk as soon as possible

dude, he also wrote Ultimatium AND Spider-Man: Blue somehow.

This was actually really cute.

>because apparently his readers are brainlets who need this shit to be spelled out for them.
And funny thing is, he actually said that he assumed the readers were smart enough to understand the motivations behind her rant, but eventually he ended up having her openly get horrified because god forbid comic books mildly reference real life implications. Too much for the average reader who just wants tippity-top hulky smashy.

American Kaijus?

you know, eventually he gets over the whole 'I'm an ugly monster thing' right? You should check out the Waid/Wieringo run.

I like how there is a cannon reason for the sliding timescale.

And like Adam, it went right over your head. I like the fact that the big g is so in tune with changes in the cosmic landscape that despite his buffet, he notices these things.

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Are they dating?

Why you gotta be so passive aggressive, anons?

How long til we get a World War Hulk 2?
multiple Secret wars/war.
Civil war 2.

You're acting as if Hulk discussions didn't go to shit last year because of that one panel.
In fact no, we COULDN'T even have Hulk discussions, every other thread about the series was around that page.

I thought damage was really cool. I enjoyed all the issues and thought the design was awesome. Im just sad he'll never show up again.

The fact that you don't even know World War Hulk II: Smashback happened says it all

Not to mention,
World War Hulk III: The Last Smash.

World War Hulk IV: A New Smash

World War Hulk V: The World Smashes Back

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>How long til we get a World War Hulk 2?
A year ago

World War Hulk VI: Return of the Smash

So, next issue in two weeks right?

Lmao, they really were planning on completely phase out Bruce huh

i must of just ignored it. Faux hawk Hulk was automatically a non read for me.

World War Hulk VII: A New Smashing.

>ywn see an adaption of the immortal hulk starring lon Chaney jr

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World War Hulk: Republic Smashmandos

WWH: View to a Smash

It was fairly decent as a lighthearted action romp, but losing Cho and replaying Bruce's story beats killed my interest.

I liked Cho when he was just the buddy. Giving him Hulk powers was just silly. from what little i did read he was Professor Hulk with a dose of caty millennial attitude.

True. It was really more the situations he got into that were entertaining. Like the entire Lady Hellbender arc.

You also have to consider that a few issues later, she admitted that, after seeing everything that had happened, she was wrong and that being the Hulk really was a nightmare.

Speaking of which, here's a snippet from Hulk Generations

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Would've just been better if Pak went on a drunk for about a year.
Nothing of value would have been lost.

But look at what at he says though "he could kill your damn world." We are on out way

I've even been considering Pak as either 2nd or 3rd best Hulk writer;
I will defend WWH all day long.
But NOBODY gets a pardon for Cho shit (take the wheel).
Ole boy should've just got drunk for a bit.
Sometimes, you need some down time.

>You've got the same issue with Godzilla King of Monsters
Yea Forumsfags leave