>not even a week after release
>Already forgotten
Is this all because of Donald Trump making most people have short attention spans?
>not even a week after release
>Already forgotten
Is this all because of Donald Trump making most people have short attention spans?
I guess it just wasn't that great game?
I all honesty I do think it looks like something that could be made in a weekend..
I mean no costumes? Only color-swaps?
A decent number of characters but it smells a bit of "well we gotta have the mcu avengers.. now what minority can we squeeze in there?"
And gameplaywise.. it looks like a phone game
>Donald Trump
lolwut? The rise of the internet and instant gratification through it gave people short attention spans not Donald Trump what are you on about
Didn't look all that great so I'm waiting for a price drop
ah shit
I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I've only played on 'Mighty' difficulty so far, but the bosses are actually difficult and require some coordination and consideration in to team picks, which is something I didn't feel like I got in the first game. Now that I've unlocked the harder difficulty, planning on doing another run. Excited for DLC.
Sometimes there just isn't that much to talk about with a new game, regardless of how good it is.
Being Switch-only hurts it
>well we gotta have the mcu avengers.. now what minority can we squeeze in there?"
Why do we have to wait until 2020 for skins?
am I wrong?
Go away Mr. President.
Yes considering a lot of these "minorites" were already playable in MUA 1 and 2
It's literally an asset flip of the mobile game Marvel: Future Fight
Well I didn’t play those so it seems sudden and out of place.
Show proof of asset flipping
It reminds me more of the dead marvel heroes game. Scarlet Witch's skills look almost copy pasted from there, though MUA3 has more fluid animations
>What the fuck does that even mean
>Superheroes in my superhero game seem sudden and out of place
>admitting you have no idea what you’re talking about
Interesting strategy
It unironically looks more appealing than Avengers A-Day.
Isn’t it the 3rd best selling new Switch game this year?
Yea Forums is still talking about it.
It's a fun game.
I mean it's not a bad game, there's just honestly not a lot to discuss. I enjoy it a lot but it does have issues, my biggest being how grindy it is and how the gradual unlocking of characters kinda incentives' picking one roster and sticking with it instead of experimenting since the latter will require you to grind a fuck ton or have your team be too underpowered to deal with later levels.
Talk about Iron Man PSVR
I mean...does it even have a story?
Clueless fighting game virgin here
It has one but it is pretty rudimentary, and doesn't really hide that it's basically just window dressing for you to go from environment-to-environment in order to beat supervillains up.
haven't played it, but watched the cutscenes
>visually looks good for mua
>a lot of characters, including npc's. even maximus shows up.
>some of the voice acting is good because they got the past voice actors, but others.. they just sucked. steve blum was kind of annoying. liam o'brian was good.
>some mcu characterization (especially gotg), but with comic accurate costumes.
i'll check it out later
mua3 carol's ass reminded me of marvel heroes.
I'm kinda salty they didn't give Dr Strange his box polymorph move.
aight, let's see
Black panther, black widow, blade, cap, cap marvel, colossus, cyclops, daredevil, deadpol, doctor doom, doctor strange, electra, ghost rider, hawkeye, hulk, human torch, iceman, invisible woman, iron man, jean grey, luke cage, magneto, moon knight, mr fantastic, ms marvel, namor, nick fury, nightcrawler, ronin, sabretooth, silver surfer, spider-man, spider-woman, storm, thing, thor, venom, vision and wolverine
Now let's divide them into.. well colors (racist, I know)
White: black widow, captain america, colossus, cyclops, daredevil, deadpol, doctor doom, doctor strange, hawkeye, human torch, iceman, invisible woman, iron man, jean grey, magneto, moon knight, mr fantastic, ms marvel, namor, nick fury, sabretooth, spider-man, spider-woman, thor, wolverine
Black: Black panther, blade, luke cage, storm
Green: Hulk
Orange: Thing
Blue: nightcrawler
Goo: venom
Metal: silver surfer, vision
Not sure: Ronin
This is taken from marvel.fandom.com
13 years each of these characters had four different costumes. Not color swaps, but costumes.
>Already forgotten
It’s still getting threads on Yea Forums you mongoloid
2019... I still get threads every single day on Yea Forums Yea Forums and passing mentions on Yea Forums
Point being?
/pol/ 2.0
Yikes no thanks
Sounds like the average comic then
>Why do we have to wait until 2020 for skins?
Maybe something about Arno Stark?
This. They made it for the console with the smallest playerbase.
"They" being Nintendo funding the whole thing since no one else wanted to make it?
are you retards really falling for this obvious bait?
Are you reading the thread? Everyone's talking about the game not the Donald Trump shit
The bait is the game dying early
A game doesnt need to have all the internet talking about it to be fun.
people only talk about it for the thicc
We don’t have to. We’re getting the first costumes in August.
do you guys even play videogames
The only thing I care about from this game are Hela's thighs.
They also made it boring as fuck.
It's a Switch exclusive so all the Switchposters are happily playing instead of shitposting and port begging
Fuck this game, I just want Marvel Heroes (before it went to shit) back.
even with the shitty biggest update ever?
>video game comes out
>people play it
>wait for the next video game to play after they finish it
Jesus, what a clusterfuck, the game just got out of being an utterly fucking forgettable mediocre MUA into something I spent nearly 800 hours on, only for it to turn back to shit with a bunch of changes fucking nobody in the community asked for.
season 2 DLC hopes
>New Mutants (not exactly THEE New Mutants, but focusing on Mutants who aren't the 90s cartoon X-Men
>West Coast Avengers (focusing primarily on C-List Avengers)
>Thunderbolts (focusing primarely on anti-heroes)
it was hilarious how gazillion tried to deny the game was going to consoles, despite, the evidence via datamining. that split and killed the community. it was fun while it lasted.
Blender porn pls
Disney wants the mobile games gachas
I'd play it if it were on PS4. I don't own a Switch, nor do I plan on buying one
>Already forgotten
Threads are still going on Yea Forums. There isn't much to discuss until expansion packs start coming out.
Don't do that.
How so?
>bombed = one of the Switch's best-selling game
Stop trying to video games.
There's more callbacks to MCU/cartoons/Netflix series than the old games.
>Spider-Verse (they listened to what the fans wanted on Marvel Knights. they have to know people want Spider-verse content)
Anybody else trying to use Doctor Strange? His abilities feel so lackluster that I feel like I'm really forcing it. The few synergies he actually has aren't the amazing room clearing synergies that so many others have. His heal is basically useless. The bands of cyttorak also feel rarely useful. Flames of the Faltine might as well be his only worthwhile attack and even that isn't that great. I just don't know what to do with him and who to pair him up with. Why they do my boy like this.
Did anyone honestly think this game was going to be some sort of blockbuster?
We've had X-Men Legends and Ultimate Alliance games already.
There's not really much they can do to make the game THAT much better.
Why was Marvel Heroes killed but DCUO is still allowed to live?
Hasn't it already beaten the Xbone, or gotten close to it?
Greens tripled MUA3, we race war now
Mismanagement at the top, trying to accommodate for console release instead of adding substantive content to the game for the playerbase that flocked to the game and kept it alive after major improvements, and making fundamental gameplay changes that no one asked for, or wanted.
Can't be asked about DCUO, made my character, fucked around in the world for like an hour, then got bored after watching a group of newbies trying to hit some asshole bouncing around the starting area.
I want her to use my face as her throne
I've just beaten it and while it wasn't bad I'd sooner go back to MUA 1 than this. It feels simplified and kind of more like a musou than a proper MUA title. There's no side goals, no special dialogue between characters, a few characters more or less feel the same with similar moves, and most of the costumes are just recolors. I didn't think it was a bad game but game but it really felt lacking.
Take your current team
Figure out a logical reason for them to team up in 616
>New Mutants
Cypher + Warlock
Emma Frost
>West Coast Avengers (focusing primarily on C-List Avengers)
War Machine
Squirrel Girl
>Thunderbolts (focusing primarely on anti-heroes)
Agent Venom
imo it just didn't look as good as the old games
When are we gonna get Shulk
Literally the exact same animations for most of the characters
>clearly completely different animations
>completely different assets
>completely different company developing and publishing
>completely different country of origin
yeah nah you're blind and dumb
there are a lot of costumes and characters coming over the next year
Depends if Nintendo really wants him in there, Xenoblade is around 7 years old so it would be weird marketing
Someone is lying here.
More Hela pls
Those animations don't look the same at all. This post is retarded.
So is the ending tease Galactus or another celestial?
>Monica Rambeau
>Beta Ray Bill
>Daimon Hellstrom
most of those have a chance of being a free dlc
you clearly have never played MFF, many of those animations are the same as in FF including most of the characters' normal attacks. Black Widow has the special move where she does a backflip, crouches and fires her wrist guns and also the one where she jumps straight up in the air and throws a bunch of grenades. Spider-Man's ult where he jumps into the air and shoots web in every direction is the same as his animation in MFF. Hawkeye's ult where he rains down arrows is from MFF. All of Elsa Bloodstone's moves are from MFF Iron Fist's punch barrage and the back-fist strike he does as well as the AOE burst he does. there are new animations as well because there are new gameplay functions like jumping but there is a lot of animation reuse.
even the iso-8 and levelling mechanics are from MFF as well as the white damage prompts and yellow indicating crit damage
>if it's the same animation, then that means they're copying
Yeah, they're copying from the comics that they're based off of.
>MFF invented XP boxes and ISO-8, as well as damage mechanics
Yeah, I'm done here.
I genuinely thought ISO-8 was something that the mobage guys invented and Ewing tried and failed to make canon.
It's an alright game but it's not worth $60. And since it's Switch exclusive at the moment that means it's never getting a price drop.
Absolute death sentence for any Nintendo game that isn't Mario.
Why is Nintendo is against price drops and sales?
Just waiting for Jan hentai animations.
Look at Let’s Go Pikachu. It has only dropped $10 dollars since November 2018.
ISO 8 also appeared in Avengers Ultimate alliance Facebook game, until it was shutdown
ITT: Everyone here is a retard
because they know they can get away with it
Not that guy and I don't like Yea Forums either, but threads are threads regardless of where they are. Also the whole site has been affected by /pol/ taint, even if it is to a lesser extent.
I'd take it over nothing at all. If only there were a secret private server still going like some folks had going with City of Heroes.