Can someone please summarise wtf is going on in this issue?

I've read it a couple of times and nothing makes sense.

Can someone eli5 the key points? I'm so confused what is krakoa and what have plants got to do with x-men?

like this is my first hickman comic i have read and isn't he supposed to be a good writer? This is just jumbled mess.

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nothing happens

Get back in a year or two, then you'll have your answer

A mutated island.

This is all just the setup still. He’s introducing new ideas and plot points

It was pretty straight-forward, user. Xavier decides to set up a mutant nation on Krakoa (if you haven't read any X-men before, Krakoa is a living island that has been both and ally and enemy of the X-men before) in the same vain as Utopia or Genosha before it. The flowers are extensions of Krakoa that basically create organic embassies that mutants can travel through to get to and from Krakoa. To try and get Krakoa to be recognized as an official nation-state, Xavier and Krokoa develop three super-medicines to give to human nations that recognize them.

Meanwhile, a human-supremacist organization composed of various former members and assets of other secret organizations turn the remains of Tony's Sol's Hammer (a dysphon sphere near the sun) into a base of operations called Mothermold, a play on Mastermold (the giant Sentinel that creates other Sentinels) to act in opposition to Krakoa.

Then there's also hints that Krakoa is somehow able to resurrect dead mutants, but we don't know the specifics of that yet.

Also, to be clear, this is how EVERY Hickman comic reads, so if you had trouble following this issue, don't expect the writing style to get any different going forward.

Also, Mystique went on a black ops trip to steal data on Sol's Hammer, so presumably the mutants know about that situation.

In case you didn't know, Xavier is alive an inhabiting the body previously belonging to Fantomex, hence his ability to walk and his youth.

We don't know how Xavier got this idea, how Krakoa developed these new capabilities, why Xavier is always wearing a cerebro helmet, how exactly many dead characters have come back or if they're truly themselves, or what the situation with the ominous "tumor" portion of Krakoa that Krakoa itself can't sense is. We also don't know they loyalties or story behind Omega Sentinel (bald female) coming to work with this new human black ops group is, as she was previously allied with the X-men last I recall. She is possibly a spy for the mutants.

It is also worth pointing out that Xavier's plan has been in process for 5 months, but the Mothermold facility was started 6 months ago and the group that controls it was formed 2 years ago.

I'm getting a serious Maker (i.e., Ultimate Reed) vibe from this "Xavier". Any thoughts about it being !EvilReed? Hickman's played in the Ultimate Universe before...

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>hence his ability to walk
You say that as if he hasn't been walking for 15+ years now.

It's not The Maker. Hickman is just reusing the aesthetic to draw parallels, which he's done before with other works.

Probably precogs under their employ predicted/saw what would come

Is the helmet a mini Cerebro?

It's just Cerebro. Up until the movie came out, Cerebro was always just a helmet that Xavier kept at his desk. The whole "cerebro is this giant chamber" thing is just movie synergy.

The book says they are basing their activities on a book written about mutant population numbers post-Genosha. The author had a theory that mutants would never be a threat again after their number was reduced by 16 million, but after doing the research they discovered that if the Genosha genocide hadn't occurred mutants would have overtaken humanity in pure number alone, but currently they project humanity has 20 years left. The author of this book is currently the Science Head of this new Orchis agency.

OP here how did you guys even get all that information from this issue all i got were lots of overly bloated word balloons on top of art an confusing graphs you would find in some honors math class. Do you need to have a PhD to read Hickman books?

Out of all the things to bring up, they use Morrison's retarded numbers? If you do the math it doesn't add up, even if you use the lower overall Earth population numbers from 2001 instead of current numbers and the pre-Genosha mutant numbers. Even if every child born starting immediately was a mutant, humanity would still massively outnumber them in 20 years. The only way for mutants to over take humanity in number within twenty years is forcible conversion to mutants for the majority of humans or a mass human die off.

Just don't speed read and pay attention, dude.

He wears it all the time now as a mask though, he never used to do that. It's very creepy

I don't get this meme, I'm only peripherally aware of the x-men and I wasn't confused at all, it's pretty straightforward.

>mutant gangs almost wipe out humanity every month
>but if you try to prepare for the eventual shitstorm from a mutant ethno-state you're a "human-supremacist"

user can't handle In Media Res

X-Men good, people bad

>X-Men bad, humans good


Mutant is the new Muslim(including gibberish scripture?

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it's in media res WORLDBUILDING that relies on you knowing information from many different previous X Men books

even knowing all this stuff and being able to comprehend it, i think it's a shame that it can't stand on it's own apart from that other material since it relies SO HEAVILY on it

i guess this X Men book is 'getting the Xmen back on track' like you would untangle your earbuds after they've been in your pocket, not blank slate, start from scratch style

>>X-Men bad, humans good
This is what H*MANS ACTUALLY believe.

1) Xavier made a mutant version of Jonestown on Krakoa and has given amnesty to trained killers like Mystique and Sabretooth.
2) Magneto is crazier than before and think mutants are now a race of gods
3) Cyclops has bought entirely into the Xavier kool-aid.

I instinctively thought it was BEANS at first

Attached: tyhj.png (638x223, 43K)

Is jonestown the only basis for this because we'd had fucking 5 versions of them this time.

Mutations can happen at any point in life, even in adulthood. So the problem, realistically, should be less "how do we stay human" and more "how do we govern a world where everyone has a random power?"

It seemed straight forward to me and plenty of other readers. Maybe you just need to focus, or maybe it's just not for you.

The only thing I didn't get on a speed read was what Mystique, Toad and Sabretooth were supposed to be stealing or maybe I did and then forgot about it, so whoever reiterated it in this thread, thanks.

you've been pleb-filtered, user

What do you have to know about the X-Men that they don't tell you outright in the issue?

did he clone the x-men? are these false x-men?

Hopefully Hickman wises up and buries the whole concept for the bad idea it is.

Seems like it but it's all speculation at this point, it's only issue 1 of like 12

Bunch of Queers

Based Krakoan poster

>no big fights
>nothing happens
Front loaded stories always stay consistent

die nigga
eatin beans

That's what this says.

Haha, what a retard

So in the issue the G and H symbols were mixed up at one point. Hackman also tweeted "Everyone remain GALM", referring to a panel in the book showing a sign in the mutant language. So does anyone know definitely which symbol is which?

That's how cerebra looked in Morrison's New X-Men.

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