>WhiTe pEopLe bAD
Why do comics do this?
>WhiTe pEopLe bAD
Why do comics do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
because white people are bad. Duh.
>rACist bAd
Try again faggot
Yes, every race is capable of bad things
No race is pure and innocent entirely
The KKK are bad and this comic takes place when they were still relevant
Found the nigger
go back to /pol/,
Nice thread, /pol/tard. Now fuck off.
Shut fuck already, christ
>KKK should be the good guys
Because whites are atrocious.
Which is why they're making this comic in (((current year))), when the Klan don't exist. Watch them basically paint all white men as rascit idiots and insult DRUMPFT at the same time. Why don't we ever see a comic about how 50% of the crime batman and superman stop is commited by niggers?
Oh boy, this thread again!
Go to a doctor, OP, I think you're having a seizure.
1. Did the Klan even give a shit about Asians?
2. Why is a Chinese-American and a Japanese art team writing any stories about American racism in the South (be it historical which I'm guessing since Superman's "S" is in black or contemporary)
3. I can't help but feel that Guruhiru might be artistically inappropriate to draw this based on the subject matter, but I guess the Klan can be drawn like cute anime boys also.
The Klan does still exist, though. David Duke's still fucking alive, for fuck's sake, giving speeches about how great it is that white supremacists make rallies where they run girls over with their cars for disagreeing with them.
KYS incel
Nice fake news faggot
You can watch David Duke give a speech celebrating the resurgence of white supremacy under Donald Trump yourself:
Based Duke triggering the libs
When is this /pol/ raid gonna be over? I enjoy some racial epithets as much as the next guy but it's been a good week of it nonstop, it feels like
Why are white people so fragile?
>yes it did
? are you just following some programming with your non-sequitors or what
so you admit it happened and that your narrative of the kkk "not existing" is nonsense
Hilarious how you went from claiming it was fake news to claiming it was "based"
Depending on how the political response to Epstein and Mueller goes, raids will either peter out in a week or it'll be November 2016 for a whole year.
Dilate trannies. Also Duke is one guy, the KKK is bascially dead at this point, making an entire comic about superman smahsing the KKK so close to the election is clearly a psy-ops designed to undermine Trump