>Be me
>Live in parallel universe
>Hillary won in 2016, Jeremy Corbyn is PM
>Shit sucks but oh well, I still have cape kino to look forward to and consume
>Batman V Superman is panned, marvel cucks just can’t see based Zack’s genius
>greyscale / blue tint is gorgeus, colours are gay anyway
>come 2017
>Snyder is able to complete Justice League exactly as he envisions
>Snyder cut blows audiences away, is a 10/10 3 hour kino masterpiece
>End battle involves army of Green Lanterns coming through portals with an array of DC Characters to help Superman against Darkseid, wielding the power of the anti life equation
>Flash time travel shenanigans are hilarious as he travels through past films and even the multiverse
>marvelfags on suicide watch
>come 2018
>Disney worried about Infinity War after success of Kino League
>Russo brothers leave due to too much worried studio interference, Joss Whedon is brought in to complete the film
>Infinity War is a train wreck, Disney takes a large financial loss and cancels all its live action remakes
>Watching the movie, at the end Wakanda Battle as the Avengers are nearly killed
>There is a huge crash of Lightning
>It’s zoomer Chadzam
>He’s holding Thor’s corpse
>He cracks open a monster energy as sicko mode starts to play
>Destroys the Avengers one by one, including sjw Captain Marvel by dabbing on her and reclaims his name
>Oneshots Thanos and flosses over his body
>He says the wizards name and reverts to his mortal body, only he isn’t Billy Batson
>Its Tobey Macquire
>Endgame plot leaks, Marvel takes heat for copying Kino League
>With MCU dead Warner Bros. buys Marvel & Sony
>Sam Raimi announces Spider-Man 4
>J.K Simmons brands Mickey Mouse a public menace
>Mfw I managed to somehow still live in best timeline, pic related
Be me
Zachary James
Asher Nguyen
Does it hurt, user?
Sebastian Robinson
>still SEETHING four months later
Jackson Ward
Imagine being this assblasted over a damn comic book movie
Jackson Thomas
>be me
>live in parallel timeline
>ancestors never left the sea
>glub glub
Julian Cook
Quite the downward spiral of pure autism OP
Jose Gonzalez
...Did you really think this was funny? Let alone funny enough to be posted? Christ OP. I've stopped watching Kiked CBMs back in 2016, but Christ...
Andrew Johnson
>be me
>live in parallel universe
>asteroid never hit
>i'm a velociraptor
Jack Wood
Logan White
This is op, this is meant to be a shitpost I actually really liked endgame but not to worry I’m still going to hang myself regardless