Wolverine thread

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Is that Elsie Dee?


This gimmick actually drove up the sales for Exiles that month.

Based Logan thread

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Greetings from Yea Forums.



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Wolverine always boosts the sales of the books he's in.

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Are there any good Wolverine games besides X-Men Orgins: Wolverine?

The one for SNES

what kind of games do you like?

I played a lot of X-Men games, I was just wondering if Wolverine had any more good games.

Is Wolverine the most popular manlet ever?

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oh, i guess that's about it.

God damn can you even imagine being in the five foot range? In real life no one would think Logan is cool, he would be the laughing stock of the planet if he tried to be anything other than a comedian.

Hairy mutant rape is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

Bub snikt bub snikt snikt? Bub.

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