Why did they give Timon a gay lisp? Yeah, his voice wasn't exactly the deepest but it wasn't THAT effeminate!

Why did they give Timon a gay lisp? Yeah, his voice wasn't exactly the deepest but it wasn't THAT effeminate!

Attached: timon pumbaa and simba.png (2736x1824, 626K)

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Because he's voiced by a flaming homosexual who isn't really an actor and can only do one character.

because faggots are drawn to hollywood like a moth to a flame for some unknown reason.

>he doesn't know Timon and Pumba were gay

Who voice Timon again ?

In the cartoon he was voiced by Nathan Lane, a famously flamboyant homosexual. In this one has voiced by Billy Eichner, a famously flamboyant homosexual. Difference is Lane is actually an actor with a wide range and Eichner literally has one bit where he runs around shouting at people

Billy Eichner


Because being gay is way cool, and kids need to get it.

They can handle it

Attached: gay.png (792x819, 496K)

Its not for unknown reasons. The Gays are attention whores. Trannies are worse but the gays are not behind.

>Trannies are worse but the gays are not behind.
Sometimes they are

The Producers was his best role imo

But Nathan Lane is already gay

Nathan Lane is a talented guy.

>why does the gay couple sound gay??

Then why replace him with an unfunny faggot?

Word of gods, officially, in the original, not ghey. You can seethe though.

That's Hollywood for you. Replace a talented actor with a cartoon for your live action remake.

The sad part is that Billy Eichner is still the best part of this remake. But that's not necessarily an accomplishment when the rest of the movie is garbage.

His show had its moments.

This. The "line of indifference" stuff was the only really cool new part of the story.

These things are usually made by conservatives for defamation, tough.

Is there any download link available? I don't wanna judge it without watching first

Attached: rf pirate check that out.jpg (271x186, 6K)

To annoy you.


Attached: 1ms3e6.jpg (847x500, 88K)

(((small))) (((white))) (((penis)))

Because gay people have to act gay in order to be counted as gay.
You can't just be attracted to dudes, you have to be a faggot as well.

Attached: couldn't be better.jpg (400x400, 24K)

They replaced all of the talent in this remake.

I was more annoyed by JEJ just not giving a single shit in this performance.

Goddamn, his 1994 and 2019 Mufasa are night and fucking day.

based lane

That shit can't be real.

Why not? Tons of gays are pedophiles.

Being a degenerate is part and parcel of being gay, didn't you know?
You can't be just attracted to the same sex, you have to be a pervert and drag an entire generation with you.

It's because JEJ is fucking ancient and probably literally can't put in the physical effort needed to emote his voice more.

Nathan Lane is awesome. And he was an excellent VA for Timon in the original. Eichner is OK in certain roles in small amount but was absolutely the wrong person to play Timon. And as has been pointed out, it just makes Timon sound super stereotypically gay unlike Lane's performance. To me it seems like Eichner in pretty much all his roles would be disliked by the LGBT community for being so over the top stereotypically flamboyant, as to showing that normal-speaking, regular people can be gay too.

Correct answer.

>Propaganda pushers push their propaganda
More at 11.

Too old, more like News at 9(PM)

With the inflections the guy puts on and the way some of his dialogue goes, I'm convinced they wanted Ryan Reynolds to do the voice but they couldn't get him.

In fact, no. Eichner was their first choice