So what makes him so cool
So what makes him so cool
Other urls found in this thread:
>First guy to ever lift up Mjlonir other than Thor or Odin
>Cool backstory and design
>Starred in many well-written stories
>Adds to Thor's mythos and cosmic Marvel without intruding too much
>Is an absolute bro
Horse Dong
Tragic backstory that turned him into a noble hero instead of an edgelord. He shows us all that you can move ahead and look forward to a brighter tomorrow.
Control yourself Sif.
Is it fair to say that Thor and Beta Ray Bill have the best bromance in the whole Marvel universe?
What about Thanos and Warlock? They're always getting up to shenanigans together.
Unequivocally the most noble soul in the entire Marvel Universe.
Who has that page of Unworthy Thor where Beta Ray Bro offers Stormbringer to Thor?
Listen, I don't know much about Beta Ray Bill. Please forgive me. I don't really read about cosmic tier heroes.
But for the sake of argument, what makes him different form Miles or ReeRee, or most general copies of existing heroes?
I already know that both of them basically replaced heroes who had "died" in their universes. Now I think that Miles has no reason to exist in 616 the very least he should do is change his fucking name now that he's not doing it in honour of the dead Ultimate Peter Parker (who very confusingly also came back to life which was never explained?). But we seem to be stuck with Iron-Lass for the time being.
Beta Ray Bill is much older than them in terms of his written history. He has a different hammer, so he's not quite like Jane while Thor was doing his unworthy thing much like Miles and Riri.
So why exactly do we like Beta Ray?
For argument's sake.
because cows r cute & we like cows
Beta Ray Bill is a cyborg alien warrior who flies a ship called the Scuttlebutt. He was created to save his people from a great threat, and during his journey through space he met Thor. They fought over a misunderstanding as heroes do, wielded Mjolnir as the first character ever outside of Thor and Odin and was eventually given his own hammer by Odin as a token of respect. He never replaced Thor, he was just someone who showed himself to be worthy of respect.
Bill is a goddamn hero and everyone who reads his exploits loves him. There was this time during the DnA cosmic run that he was on the Kree homeworld just building houses for people, because people needed houses.
Bill's great.
Bill doesn't call himself Thor. How is he even remotely the same as your other examples?
Sonny boy get off your ass and go read Walt Simonson's Thor run right now.
I wasn't necessarily saying he was in the same league. I made it quite clear that I hadn't read much at all about him. I was genuinely asking. I've been mainly a spider-fag since the 90's with little reading outside his books.
Perhaps I will, thank you.
>on top of saving the cosmos from relentless evil, he builds houses for the homeless simply because he wants to
Could Bill possibly get any more based?
How has marvel not fucked him up ?
No prolific hack writer has decided to feature him heavily.
That's where they found him when they were recruiting for the Annihilators.
He's too goofy-looking for anyone who doesn't know him to want to touch him.
Cosmo is also the goodest boy. Seeing them together is heartwarming.
Is that a good place to start reading Thor? Or should I dig up older shit?
The whole joke is that he's a subversion of expectations.
Looks evil, is actually good.
That's it. That's the entirety of the character, from inception to everything ever written about him.
He's a one note joke.
Beta Ray Bill is one of the greatest comic book characters of all time.
You think the origin of Captain America is impressive? Take everything about it and multiply it by FUCK YEAH. Bill's people, the alien race known as the Korbinites, were on the brink of destruction. Their entire solar system was about to be annihilated by the explosion of its sun. "WE GOTTA HAUL ASS," decided the top Korbinite scientist. "HOW ABOUT WE LOAD OURSELVES UP INTO A FUCK-OFF-HUGE FLEET OF SPACESHIPS AND JUST HYPERSLEEP UNTIL WE REACH A NEW HOME PLANET?" offered another. "AWESOME IDEA. BUT WHAT IF WE'RE ATTACKED EN ROUTE WHILE EVERYONE'S NAPPING?"
And so they decided they needed a protector on this journey. So what did they do? They gathered together a few hundred thousand of the greatest warriors, the cleverest strategists, the noblest of hearts -- basically the strongest, toughest, wisest and most perfect motherfuckers on the planet.
Trial after trial after test after test after OH YEAH LET'S TRY OUT THESE NEW CYBERNETIC IMPLANTS AND BIOENGINEERING PROCESSES WHILE WE'RE AT IT WHO CARES IF IT'S 99.9 PERCENT LETHAL. The volunteers, each of them easily the equivalent of most Earthling superheroes, sacrificed themselves one by one until only the greatest of them remained.
His own people could hardly look upon him by the end of the transformations. He didn't look a damn thing like a Korbinite anymore -- they pretty much look like humans without noses, ears, pupils, pinky fingers and hair, with golden skin -- instead, he'd taken on the face of one of the planet's most fearsome predators as a result of the gene experiments. Half of his body was made of superadvanced machinery designed solely for battle. And he carried on his shoulders the weight of all those other volunteers' sacrifices. But he sucked all that shit up, BECAUSE HE WAS BETA RAY BILL AND HE HAD A FLEET OF SHIPS TO SHEPHERD THROUGH THE COSMOS!
So off they went, until SHIELD satellites noticed them and beamed images back t Earth. Nick Fury took one look at the GIGANTIC ALIEN SWARM OF SHIPS and damn near popped his other eyeball out of its socket. "SOMEONE GET ON THE FUGGIN' HORN," he roared! "WE NEED THOR AND WE NEED HIM FIVE SECONDS AGO!"
Meanwhile the fleet of Korbinite ships had made it out of the blast zone of their doomed sun. It exploded, and from its molten heart came a seemingly endless plague of demons! They flowed out across space to chase down and attack the fleeing Korbinites! BUT OH FUCK NO, NOT ON BETA RAY BILL'S WATCH! THAT HORSEFACED BADASS MOFO DROVE THEM OFF! Again! And again!
Until Thor showed up, looking into all of this business as a favour to ol' Nick Fury. Bill's sensors told him that Thor's energy signature was a close match for the demons he'd been fighting. GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM.
"DEMON, YOU ABOUT TO GET FUCKED UP," Bill said, and proceeded with the utter fucking-shit-up of the Thunder God. He punched that Odinson so hard he madehim drop his enchanted mallet Mjolnir.
"WHAT'S ALL THIS SHIT?" Bill was like, squinting at the words carved on it. "WHOSOEVER HOLDS THIS HAMMER, IF HE BE WORTHY, SHALL POSSES THE POWER OF THOR?" well shit, if worthy had a face, it was Bill's. So he grabbed that bitch and hefted it up like KRAKKABOOM! "THORSE LIVES!"
Bill was pumped. with the magical power of the hammer added to his own retardedly powerful strength, he could protect his people from damn near anything. But Odin, Thor's Dad, stepped in and was all, "THAT AIN'T YOUR HAMMER, FUCKER! FIGHT MY SON TO THE DEATH, THEN YOU CAN HAVE YOUR DAMN HAMMER."
>supposed to look like a horse
He looks like some lizard/reptile to me...
OP here
Welp, I’m sold bros
Recommend me some good comics
So Bill and Thor faced each other hand-to-hand in a land of fire and lava and lowed that fucking place up. They hit each other so hard they broke the fucking planet and woke up on a raft of stone headed over a lava waterfall. Well, Bill woke up. Thor was still knocked the fuck out. "I CAN DO IT. I CAN JUST HOP TO SHORE AND LET THIS BLONDE FUCKER DIE, THEN I'LL HAVE THE HAMMER AND MY PEOPLE WILL BE SAFE AS SHIT." But Bill was too noble for that, see? He grabs Thor and jumps him to safety too, because that shit wuddn't right.
Odin was grateful as all hell for that. "AWW FUCK IT," he decided. "YOU CAN HAVE YOUR OWN HAMMER." So he had the dwarves make up a new hammer, identical to Thor's in every way except shape and colour, which he made superior to the original because Bill was a pimp.
So basically Beta Ray Bill possesses all of the powers that Thor gets from Mjolnir, as well as the personal power to whup Thor's ass WITHOUT a hammer. He once split Galactus' helmet open and then came within an inch of killing Galactus off once and for all (read GODHUNTER!)
There's your fucking Beta Ray Bill.
OG appearance in Simonson's run
Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill
If you haven't watched Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes yet, there's an episode in Season 2 revolving around him that's does him justice. He also takes the place of Silver Surfer in the Planet Hulk animated movie and he's pretty good in that as well.
How does he look evil? He's adorable
>there are people posting in Thor threads that never read Simonson
I for one am only interested in mature and dark stories and find the concept of Thor turning into a frog and fighting rats too silly for my mature sensibilities.
>there will never be an animated series about the cosmic adventures of Thor and Beta Ray Bill with B-stories revolving around Thanos and Warlock, with the occasional meeting of the two pairs
Whelp, I think this world has offered me everything it has, lads
>they all get together to drink Asgardian beer by the keg and chow down on the finest of steak
Das it mane
>ironically saved from being dragged down into comic silliness because he's too comically silly looking
>fights Hulk for like thirty seconds
>"I must go now, my home planet needs me"
He was utterly wasted in that movie. Literally any cosmic tier character could have filled that role
>in the comic it's Surfer
>in the cartoon it's Bill
>in the movie it's Thor
You're right, it really could be anyone
Lets face it, the MCU can't do him justice at all. Even if it turns out good you guys would still be pissed.
Absolutely based
>comes out of fucking nowhere
>just takes Mjölnir and starts using it
It was strange. It was refreshing. And most importantly, it was cool.
>But for the sake of argument, what makes him different form Miles or ReeRee, or most general copies of existing heroes?
Well for one he is a cybernetic horse, not a chimpanzee who was shoehorned in for PC reasons.
>who very confusingly also came back to life which was never explained?.
They explained it, badly. The OZ formula that gave him his powers also speeds up cellular regeneration and remains active after death. It brought him back to life. Which is retarded because he was clinically dead for days if not weeks between the death and the funeral, and his brain cells would've degenerated during that time - there's no way to repair those or to keep them alive.
Osborn kept coming back for the same reason in Ultimate, despite being killed every single time.
Horse cock
I just got two copies of 339, one to get signed by Walt, and the other to CGC grade.
Seeing this page in person is something else though.
Beta Ray Bill is literally more worthy than Thor and I hope somewhere down the line he gets a solo series, and he becomes an MCU mainstay.
>corrupting Based Bill with the MCU
Absolute bro doesn't even describe it. When Thor became unworthy due to watchers shenanigans, Bill immediately offered him Stormbreaker so that he could go back to being the Thor we all known and love. Dude is the definition of paragon, always doing good when he has the chance to, no matter what he has to sacrifice.
Anyone have that panel where Bill beats the shit out of some monster for disrespecting Thor?
I'm just as worried as you about that, but if it means normie interest into his worthiness, I'll take the 50/50 chance
He can easily play the straight man to MCU Thor.
>buddy cop movie
>BRB and Thor fucking around in space.
>decimates the Green Lantern Corp movie at the box office and critically
Hes a yellow horse faced alien with thunder God powers who is wholesome and earnest and is named Bill.
Problem is the Thor movies are fucked. They had one good outing in which every single character was a goof, then proceeded to make Thor himself a fat loser. Now they’re dragging fucking Portman back. You saw what they did to the Warriors Three and Sif. Keep my boy Bill out of it.
>Katie Powers will never ask to ride you like a horsey
It's not fair, bros. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!
Is there a reading chart for Bill?
Would comics Stormbreaker even give Thor his powers back? Far as I know Bill didnt actually have Thor's powers once he gave up Mjolnir, he just dressed like Thor out of respect. Dude was already strong enough to take on Thor as is, doubt Odin would be willing to make him a full fledged thunder god as well
If Gamora can play the straight woman to the GoTG I'm sure BRB will do just fine. Especially since if he doesnt appear in Thor Love and Thunder, he's basically confirmed for that.
Stormbreaker does give BRB the same amount of powers as Thor, just none of the Asgard specific ones like Bifrost teleportation
Personally, I’m not a fan of what they’ve done with MCU Gamora. She’s so fucking boring compared to her comic incarnation.
Has Bill always had the same font in his bubbles as Thor?
He 100% BRO all the time
He will always do the right thing for a friend and be there when you need no matter the obstacles
And he’ll chant your name as he pulverizes everyone
He always spoke the same way asgardians did, but I think the font change was much more recent to formalize it.
She is boring, I think a better comparison would be if BRB was the MCU War Machine to Thor's MCU Tony Stark.
Based Bill copypasta poster.
Bill is a bundle of joyful surprises. He looks like a monster, but he's a good guy. He, this monster man alien, is the first person besides Thor to wield Mjolnir. He and Thor fight to the death for the right to wield the hammer, and after Bill wins he chooses to save Thor rather than take the hammer for himself. He's an absolute bro who can always be counted on to do the right thing.
>does not hesitate to fall to his freaking knees and beg Thor to take his most precious possession
We all could stand to have a Beta Ray Bill in our lives. The world would be better for it
He can appear out of nowhere and one shot a dude.
>that episode where Thor and Bill have to save an alien community center from being demolished by the corrupt real estate mogul by winning a dance contest
>Bill saves the day when he breaks out his slick Korbanite dance moves
He's literally the bestest of boys that literally no one has created an evil Alt. Universe version of him like they've done to Superman.
He literally reminds Thor that he is much more than the god title.
Everyone has already pointed out how much of a true bro Bill is, but I don't think it's been emphasised enough that he is one raw motherfucker.
Surely he's bluffing.
>Bill: You are more than any mere God, you are THOR! Now and forever
>Thor:......You're right. Let's get drunk
I'm loving these two more and more
Does he LOOK like he's bluffing? Plus that's not the first time someone threatened to use Galactus' hunger against him
Racist ass kids. Reminds me of the first time I said nigger.
Nope. He triggers an explosion that destroys a world right before saying that so Stardust knows he's serious.
> no one has created an evil Alt. Universe version of him like they've done to Superman.
...Now I kinda wanna see that but at the same time I don't.
Leave Bill alone, he's a good boy and should stay that way!
He did let her ride him, right?
No, but she did get to feed him
I need you to delete this, right now.
THE purest friendship in comics.
Not for lack of trying
>those muscles
Stupid, sexy Bill....
It’s like the one highlight of that retarded shit
Hey guys, remember that one time Katie Powers got double teamed by Thor and Beta Ray Bill?
Well I guess when that Asteroth lady became Omega Ray, she embodied an evil 'Bill' but eh.
Alpha Ray too but he was always unstable and reprogrammed...
Thor's cool.
Horses are cool.
Space is cool.
He's horse thor in space, so he's extra, extra cool
because bill is cuter
That smug grin
>due to watchers shenanigans
Wait, that's why he became unworthy? I thought it was because whatever whats-their-name whispered in his ear or something
PLEASE tell me Bill get's to keep this qt waifu material
Beta Ray Bill's theme
I don't know what happened to Ti Asha Ra.
She might be dead now?
It's from Journey into Mystery with Sif
B-but Bill x Sif OTP!
The only part about this that bothers me is the Kree using manual labour.
Had they lost every bit of tech they ever had?
>people only start staring at the gold skinned, noseless, earless, hairless, 8 ft tall man AFTER he puts on the Groucho Marx glasses
.....why are we rooting for these people to be saved, again?
Kree took so many hits during those stories that that's a distinct possibility. Especially when the Phalanx infected all their shit.
Kree nearly got thier asses kicked back to the stone age during that story. Hell, half the universe was left in shambles
Oh god thats vile.
Still isn't BILL though, literally the goodest being in 616.
Fuck user that was awesome! Definitely gonna read this shit now! Based BRB!
>been having money issues lately with collectors calling and shit
>get stressed like crazy which makes me angry which makes me depressed which makes me apathetic to everyone and everything
>wake up today, see this thread
Sometimes you anons are alright. Pic related is the newest addition to my wall of quotes at work
You're a dork user
That's kinda cute
what species is bill
Highly modified Korbanite. Apparently and are what his species normally looks like
What's this from?
Nothing. He's overhyped.
>that Marcus Aurelius quote
Fuck, wasn't expecting something that deep this early in the morning
To be fair beds weren't as comfy in his day as they are now.
You need to be 18 to post here
>I already know that both of them basically replaced heroes who had "died" in their universes.
Bill never did that. Bill never called hiself Thor, never joined the Avengers, never had the Avengers form a line to suck his cock and say "what a great Thor you are, better than the old Thor in every way, we love you more than we ever loved Thor", like they did with Whor.
Sometimes I feel like Bill is a better Superman than Superman. He embodies the same qualities, but without the writers being all preachy.
And yet now no one talks about Woman Thor now, unless its to remind us 'hey that was a thing we did'.
>he doesn't know
user... Thor 4 will be about Whor.
He was willing to underwent horrible modifications to defend his people against the onslaught of Surtur for decades.
He is an exemplatory paladin - duty, honesty, brotherhood and nobility( the horse is a noble animal after all)
But real life horses are stupid and cowardly.
You'd be surprised how often I find people standing by my desk just to read all my shit
chivalrous horse alien
If you did a shit job in training it, maybe. There's stories from the pioneer days about horses standing up to freaking cougars to protect their owners
He is a gene/cybernetically engineered warrior after all. He can be pretty metal if pushed.
I wish I cared about things enough to have that kind of wall.
>entire purpose is glorified babysitter for his race
>somehow made strong enough to take on a freaking god mano-a-mano like it's nothing
This is another "Gero inexplicitly made the Androids stronger than Frieza" scenario, isn't it?
Also he kicked thor's ass.
That one page where Bill's people demand access to the hammer so Bill just sits down and lets everyone try and lift the hammer.
No, in this case the Korbinites just had REALLY strong science but Bill was the only one they could use it on.
Beta Ray Bill was chosen to be the sentinel of his people, to save them from extinction and to battle against the demon hordes of Surtur saving and this for years and years. A never ending battle, and he never tired and never stopped, fighting on and on until he met Thor.
Poor Bill
Somebody please post it
Bill is a true hero and the rare character Yea Forums universally loves
>But how does that work? He has a horse face!
He's amazing in the sack
>ywn have Bill passionately throw you into bed and spend hours making intense, noble love to you then sweet talk while cuddling you afterwards
Bros, I'm not gay, but.....
I got this
Goddammit I just found it too
I'll be faster next time I swear on me mum
>called BETA Ray Bill
>calls women milady
>still Chad McThundercock
I meant more in comics, but I guess synergy will change it back.
Didn't Cap lift Mjolnir before Bill? Iirc it wasn't treated as that big of a deal because it was in a do-or-die kind of situation that led to it, plus Cap immediately gave it back once the threat was defeated
>>But how does that work? He has a horse face!
That's not the only horse part of him!
Nah, Cap did it after. Quite a few years, if I recall.
He is a horse!
Wait, I thought he was horse faced because of all the shit done to him, not because of Stormbreaker. But here he becomes a normal dude, so to speak, without it?
Why does he lose his horse face when he drops the hammer? The hammer didn't give it to him.
It was his version of Donald Blake
Beta is only a word, user
He was horse-faced before he ever picked up the hammer.
For being a bro to Thor, Odin not only gave him Stormbreaker but also the enchantment that let him switch to mortal form. Bill stopped using it after his people were all killed.
>Odin even put a "need to be Worthy" lock on Stormbreaker just like Thor's hammer.
What a nice Old man.
>they took exception to my godly power
>because they didn't have it themselves
>and then they all end up dying anyway
Bill is way too good for his own people, for the love of Christ....
>lets Bill have an off switch
Damn, Marvel Odin is a pretty cool dude. Way better than his actual myth, anyway
Bill solo when?
Uh oh...
He had two mini-series.
He's had a few.
Guess I'm going to start buying some Thor epic collections to follow up the Simonson run.
Marvel's Balder was great. A little easily led by women but still great.
He squints.
Is it weird that I want Bill to fight a female villain thats a parody of Beatrix Kiddo just for the Kill Bill joke?
No. Comics are for fun things and that sounds fun. Call her the Blade Bride.
Would Thor or Odin mind if another was worthy (I know it's unlikely) and Bill gave away his hammer?
He sure is.
WHOMSOEVER if they be worthy.
Odin used to be pretty nice back in the day. Now days however...
Bill is such a nice guy that the glasses stay on because they don't want to let him down.
>two eyes
2/10, see me after class
Also, context of this?
She can a bee alien with a magical sword, that way she can keep the yellow/black color scheme. She too was a defender of her race, but they died. She becomes infatuated with Bill
>Bill gets his own yandere bug waifu stalker that chases him throughout the cosmos
>Shenanigans ensue
I could dig it
Wonderful. Creative team?
Used to be.
>Of late Thor acts as if he were addled
Is THAT where this came from?
If only OG Thunderstrike was still alive. Thor, Bill and Erik going on bro adventures.
Mark Russell? What magic powers does Blade Bride have? Why does she want Bill dead? Perhaps because Bill rejected a queen of nothing? Maybe she accidentally killed her race with her weapon thus a mirror to Bill?
Dudes love having enchanted hammers
'member Thor Blood and Thunder? 'member when Thanos helped the Infinity Watch save Thor from his own madness?
I 'member.
Hammers are patrician weapons.
Sword plebs stand aside.
>No Journey Into Mystery movie that's just Sif taking the Thorse cock for 2 hours
Mephisto conned the kid into selling his soul (which put him into a coma), in a ploy to get Thunderstrike and Thor to trade themselves in exchange. Hela showed up and threatened omnicidal war if Mephisto tried to claim Thor's soul. Odin popped in and noped the contract out of existence.
>that cover
Would the PRINCE AND EMPEROR be worthy of Mjolnir/Stormbreaker?
I've always liked that Marvel has multiple versions of Hell presided over by different mythological figures, and they all fucking hate each other.
>Thunderstrike coming back from beyond the grave to give his bro Thor a helping hand
That would have been amazing.
>always talking smack
>butting into shit he really has no business being involved in
>gets pissy whenever he looses
Mephisto really is THAT ONE KID among the cosmic powerhouses, isnt he?
>that one story about how Marvel's Satan has been MIA for eons now
>that one panel of all the demon lords/chaos beings/what have you eyeing the empty Throne of Hell for themselves
>no one dares make a move because no one is 100% sure they'd come out on top
Man, Thor and Thunderstrike are packing some serious junk in the trunk.
Don't some of them think Satan is just bullshitting them and is waiting to see who makes the first move so he can make an example of them?
Probably. NO ONE knows what happend to him, he just up and vanished one day
Get bend hater. Bill is a treasure, so either your blind, deaf, and dumb, or just dumb.
Inb4 Satan is actually still sitting on the throne and has been invisible this whole time.
top kek
>Satan IS the throne
>tfw everyone is too scared to sit on your face
>you will never be worthy of bill breaking your storms
>Satan has had to pee for the last 50 million years
>can't move without breaking the ruse and loosing face for all time
This was great
So did Bill wish reeeeaaally hard or something? I should read this
Trick question. He doesn't wear underwear.
let's band together Yea Forums & make a Beta Ray Bill comic
so beta ray bill was relaxing on the beach when suddenly....
A disgruntled former Iron Man associate attacks using Stark-like technology
The panties of every female within 10 miles spontaneously combusted due to his sheer bro pressence
The Smoke Generals send one of their agents to obtain Bill's tech.
I want this Thor back too
I like that Stormbreaker just has a smiley face
Holy shit, is Sif using Glamdring?!
He 100% BRO all the time
He will always do the right thing for a friend and be there when you need no matter the obstacles
And he’ll chant your name as he pulverizes everyone
In all likelihood, yes. Franz sure as shit has the warrior spirit and is probably the one decent human being with actual power in all of Warhammer. He actually didn't want to be Emperor until he was informed it was foretold that the best chance the world had of surviving their version of Armageddon was with himself at the helm, so he immediately set out to win the election and assume power
Ooooh I'm sure this'll come in handy someday
Is he turning her gay?
Suffering. Bill has suffered, greatly. He has lost nearly everything. And despite all of this, he endures. Not only that, he stays optimistic.
Outside of Simonson's Thor, what is recommended reading to see more of Beta Ray Bill?
Luke and Danny come up to him, begging to learn how to be a bro like him, on there quest to become the best bros in the universe.
He was also in the Omega Flight mini during The Initiative
Isn't the one below all being set up as the original Satan?
It'd make sense considering the one above all is the top G-O-D.
Last I heard nothing really came of that. Could be wrong, though
It was mostly set up as the source of power for Hulk and all other gamma-mutates in Marvel, but other than that we havent really seen what it can do. Mephisto however has gone on record saying that if he tried to take on the OBA, he would absolutely get his asses kicked to next Tuesday.
Damn this is a 10/10 thread. Good work, Yea Forums
Reading BRB right now. Thanks OP!
>that 2nd panel face
user, I...