Is anyone else as bummed as me that the Marvel Netflix shows will almost certainly never cross over into the movies, and are very likely non-canon at this point?
Is anyone else as bummed as me that the Marvel Netflix shows will almost certainly never cross over into the movies...
No, now they can make decent versions of them and cross them over.
No, Daredevil was only ever ok.
No, only Purple Man was good, not Jessica.
No because Daredevil was a fluke and the shows got worse
Crossovers are a meme.
Think we're likely to see reboots of at least one of these series? Seems highly unlikely to me.
No because I'm not retarded and always knew they weren't canon. I can appreciate Daredevil seasons 1 and 3 just as they are without pretending they're part of the MCU.
Not really, the odds of crossovers died the second Ike was no longer in charge. They were still quasi-canon then but not anymore.
Just enjoy them if you do, them being canon to the MCU has no bearing on their quality, good or bad.
What's sadder, the comiccon billboards asking for daredevil season 4, or the comiccon billboards asking for the release of the snyder cut?
Crossovers in cinema are exciting for all of 2 minutes. These are characters that work better separate from the main MCU chicanery.
At least they went out on a high note with Daredevil Season 3 and nothing else followed that up
No. Maybe a redone appearance in a movie, not even their own movie. Maybe like “Marvel: New York” like 10’yrs from now.
Not at all. We might actually get a properly respected and well done IronFist now. I loved DD but other than that I think mainline MCU and Marvel Studios will eventually do a better job with everyone else. So I’m more than ok accepting a new DD as great as it was.
I'm more than happy to give up these mediocre trash series that were no different from Fox movies in their shame of the source material for a proper Iron Fist movie.
>Think we're likely to see reboots of at least one of these series?
not as a series, but as a movie. Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Daredevil and Punisher are too big to be wasted on these shows. If they are giving Blade and Shang-Chi movies, these guys will get some in the future.
They last for years. There were plenty of chances to have them crossover into the MCU. So, no, I’m not bummed about that.
As for them being non-canon, eh, I don’t think it would really add or take anything away if they were. Maybe if they had lasted longer, but they may as well have just been planned as “one shots” from the beginning.
>Is anyone else as bummed as me that the Marvel Netflix shows will almost certainly never cross over into the movies
Not really. They're fine as their own separate things. They never needed eachother.
> and are very likely non-canon at this point?
They never were. Anyone who's paid attention to the movies and the shows would've been very much aware of that. Even if you never saw the shows it's still obvious. Marvel Studios makes the MCU. Marvel Entertainment is completely separate and never had any influence or say in Marvel Studios' dealings or creative processes.
I figured as much early on so it makes no difference to me
Friendly reminder dc universe streaming, agents of shield and even CW DC more successful, popular and profitable than Marvel Netflix.
Marvel Netflix was too bleak and dragged out for anyone's liking. It works for Daredevil, but turning someone like Iron Fist into a whiny autist who mopes around was awful.
This. The Punisher was horrible.
Daredevil was the only decent one, they should just make S1 canon and go from there. Scrap the rest and redo them
Daredevil and Fisk are the only ones I'd want to see in the MCU, namely in a Spider-Man film.
Why do you think Kevin is doing Eternals and Shan chi ? TO show they can o better inhumans and Ironfist.
>all of these actors are free to join the mcu
>all of these characters will soon be free to join the mcu if not already
>but also only daredevil was any good
most of the actors have moved on and most of the suits sold off
Because Netflix ain’t canon Reddit!
>and are very likely non-canon at this point?
Daredevil was only as good as it was because it was never really canon. I don't care if Daredevil never quips with Tom Holland. I can only imagine that making the show worse.
And I'll say this, Daredevil is a better trilogy than anything in the MCU
Asking for season 4. Daredevil actually had a solid ending while Justice League was massacred. We know there's at least a rough cut with unfinished CGI so you can understand their frustration
The latter for sure, because it's been a concerted effort for YEARS of them spending money for that bullshit, and social media is still swamped to this day with people asking to release that stupid cut.
who cares about canon ?
There is a third season of jessica Jones
Daredevil season 1 does work off of MCU though.
Who wants to bet Punisher will appear in Black Widow?
Only Daredevil was good and I'll mourn him. They'll probably make him black or gay in the MCU film if there ever was one.
No Catholicism either since it'd offend Chinese sensibilities.
Wilson and Matt were pretty good and I'll be sad to see them go.
but who knows, they could just use the same characters with no explanation and keep the same cast
>Nick Fury helps Peter Parker out of his identity dilemma
>"You'll need a lawyer"
>Matt Murdock enters
Daredevil was God tier and I wish it was acknowledged in the movies.
Everything else sucked.
>Tfw one of the dudes at the Snap therapy session kind of looked liked a skinny version of Foggy
>Jennifer Walters enters
No. Only fags give a shit about interconnectedness. If you can’t enjoy the story for its own sake, it’s becuase you only care about the brand and not the show itself.
Interconnectedness enhances the story.
Not on its own it doesn’t. If you think it does, it’s because you’re blinded by brand loyalty.
I want, I NEED my Danny Rand to get a faithful storyline.
>Not in its own it doesn’t.
In fact, I’d say that is actually harms the story more often than not. Where the fuck are any of the thousands of other heroes if they’re around? Why aren’t they helping? How come this character didn’t even notice all this craziness from other heroes working in his very small beat?
They can’t part of the contract says they need to do their own versions
What the fucking fuck do you mean "on its own"? Like there are stories where we just see the heroes sitting together at a bar? The fuck are you talking about?
there's a 2 year window that says Marvel cannot develop anything with the Netflix shows, and I think an even longer version that says they cant use any of the actors/storylines from the shows.
Eh canon is interesting because if can show how well a writer can keep up with so many balls in the air, but ultimately a story can be best stand alone so you can just focus on saying "I enjoyed this particular story".
I still think not having synergy was stupid.
It wouldn't have to have been heavyhanded, either.
Also they should have been the Champions, not the Defenders.
>in the end the only show that was confirmed canon was Agent Carter
fucking crazy
>Purple Man was good
Nice meme.
They should let Charlie Cox play Matt again once they do something with him.
that's because Fiege EP'd the show and the Russos had some involvement as well
all thee other shows aren't canon because Marvel Studios didnt get a say
>Daredevil was God tier and I wish it was acknowledged in the movies.
>and I wish
Oh I thought it said "and it was". My bad.
You wish.
it was bad, neutered take on Punisher. He was only good in DD S2.
Daredevil being Parker's attorney in Spider-Man: Homeless would be kino.
So these are the people linning Disneys pockets
He is saying that just being connected to a larger universe doesn’t make a story better, that interconnection needs to mean something or actually add to the story in some way to actually be an improve it overall. It’s not hard to understand, is English a second language for you?