Questionable Content

>Oh no, the audience noticed my incredibly bullshit understanding of mental illness, better patch it up with two panels of damage control

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Beyond terrible

This comic is terrible.

>SeetherAnon continues seething about a webcomic he doesn't like.
kys please

Fucking terrible.

It's so unbelievably obvious that he literally makes up the story on the spot as he reads the reactions to the previous day's strip.

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Beyond based terrible poster.

H-haha just kidding guys! Dont worry, Hanners STILL has OCD.
See? See look Bubbles dropped a bunch of stuff! And now Hanners HAS to pick it up!
S-she wouldn't do that if she didn't still have OCD.

Thanks for correcting me guys.
Please keep giving me money.

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And yet people feel the need to post every strip here and talk about it constantly

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Is that him? I expected a lankier guy, honestly.
Nose ring is hilarious, tho.

So ocd people are vampires? Curious


Read Questionable Content and post every strip here and talk about it constantly

It's like watching a train crash, it's terrible, but I just can't look away

>just don't be grossed out, bro
>just ignore the deep-seated mental trauma and emotional baggage that you've been carrying for the past two and a half decades
>it's that easy!

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I don't know why you fuckers are so surprised by this. This' the same guy who thinks that overcoming alcoholism basically amounts to 'dude stop drinking lmao'.

>backtracking a few strips later

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He's much thinner now

You really think we're the audience for "Woke People the webcomic (oh yeah and robots...whatever)"

If he's so terrible how come he's raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and you're stuck talking shit about him here?

And the guy is actually an alcoholic.

Ego bruised that easily, stabby?

Come up with an actual plot that doesn't rely on pandering to your degenerate tranny audience and your insipid comic might garner some actual respect.

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Hi Jeph

go home, jeph

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There are people somewhere in the world who make more money than that literally selling children into sexual slavery, that doesn't mean they deserve anything more than a bullet in the skull.

To be fair, it was dumb and he shouldn't have done it.

>Comparing drawing a webcomic to child slavery.

Well yeah, what other webcomic is there where the author will change his work because we called him stupid enough times? The best part is we don't even need to be sincere about what we're talking about, he can't tell. We could start talking about how Clinton needs robot legs and if we do it for long enough we'd more than likely eventually get an arc about Clinton getting robot legs.

Technically that's correct.

You'll never be happy, Jeph, your fanbase is fickle and is comprised of people who actively look to tear down others for the flimsiest of reasons, and your music is amateurish.

You're right. It's really not fair to the child traffickers.

He's a far better musician than illustrator, though. Reroll his life with some randomized variables and he's making stock background music sold in those collections for people to add to their videos. Like Kevin MacLeod but hopefully far less successful.

I don't actually think Jeph is a bad musician but he's at the point where the quality of his output doesn't match the effort he's putting into it.

They better fucking "forget" that this "character development" ever happened in few strips.

...isn't that literally the only way?

The septum ring is what confirmed that Claire was his latest self insert, when she got one too.

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No, he definitely has outlines and story arcs and stuff planned out. He's just also terrible at linking them together, considering their potential repercussions or audience responses, and will radically change them or toss them out based on audience feedback.

I'm sure he planned for the "Sam camwhores for the internet" storyline for at least two weeks longer, but then people noted that Marigold was giving off a pedo vibe, and off that went to the trash can. This one will probably stay basically the same as outlined now that he's given himself an out with this strip.

It's not really "planning" when you dump everything at the first sign of trouble. That's indistinguishable from making things up on the spot. Also, his arcs fizzle out in the first act even when no one is complaining.

Yes, but it's correct in the same way that saying 'all' you need to do to get over a drug addiction is to stop doing drugs. If it were that simple then there wouldn't be entire industries dedicated to rehabilitation services for physical addictions.

How the fuck has this nigga not learn how to draw after four fucking thousand of these? I swear he isnt even trying to improve his art.

Do not read Questionable Content.

So Marten and Hannelore are going to fuck, right?

Why would he try? He has no pride or motivation to improve.

>'all' you need to do to get over a drug addiction is to stop doing drugs
Correct, anyone that tries to say anything else regarding any kind of addiction, chemical or not, is just looking for excuses.

> If it were that simple then there wouldn't be entire industries dedicated to rehabilitation services for physical addictions.
>physical addictions
As opposed to what? non-physical addiction? All addictions are just body having grown to feel dependent on something it does not need, be that drugs alcohol or sex. Whether or not you cave to your whims is just matter will. Sure, you can pay hefty sums of money for someone to give you a pep talk but until you decide to stop taking drugs nothing will chance. All these industries are just designed to siphon money from weak willed idiots who can't wrap their head around the concept of jut not taking the drugs when they start to grave them.

now link or post the penis edit.

this is unquestionably one of the worst things i've seen in my life

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Do not read Questionable Content.

When you do it for years and years it tends to take years and years to stop craving, if you ever do. So less "dude stop drinking lmao" and more "don't drink" times several thousand.

Mental addiction is real.

Not that user but after 20 years of alcoholism I just stopped drinking a year ago. You have to want to stop, but when you decide that you do it is just a matter of stopping.


fucking hot

You're right. The child slavers have standards

Physical, or I guess user meant chemical addictions, trick your body into thinking it's a vital nutrition of some kind to create a physical dependency that goes beyond you consciously just liking the high or something. This is what causes the more severe withdrawal symptoms when going cold turkey with certain drugs. Some drugs do this in such a way that your body begins falling apart, as your body is actually attempting to use the chemical for some vital life function and not understanding why it's not working.

With some drugs it isn't just willpower. You will actually die because you are a stupid flesh robot and cannot control your autonomic functions.

I stopped after the trans reveal and "you're beautiful" thing

What exactly has been going on in the years since then? It's still on my feed so I seem like the red person and robots and stuff occasionally, but I have no idea why that's happening

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I said in a previous thread that this exact same thing was going to happen. I'm sure others assumed the same.

It was obvious he'd see the pushback on this stupid handling of Hanner's OCD and then try to backtrack like he always does. What's worse is that there are QC fans who refuse to see what Jeph's doing and insist "no guys he had this planned".

>"Guys remember how awful ______ seemed? Just wait and see where the story goes before judging."

Even if Hanners still has to clean up a box of matches it's still retarded she's perfectly fine wallowing in yak shit and shoving her arm up yak vaginas.

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It's like you're inside this guy's head.

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Jeph is like that racist elderly aunt who isn’t even trying to be malicious but is just really, really stupid and uninformed.

But whereas the I get that the racist aunt only hangs out with a bookclub that reenforces her behavior, I would think that Jeph would at least absorb a bare sense of how mental illness is thought to work from the online communities he constantly exposes himself to. Or even from personal experience with his alcoholism. I don’t understand how he’s THIS dense.

Because he's always had money and when you have shitloads of money, you can pay to make your problems go away. You can pay for therapists to figure out your problems, you can pay pharmacists for drugs that quiet your demons, and you can pay doctors to reconstruct your hand. His problems were easily rectified, everyone else's can be too, right?

Surprised the person wasn’t banned for having a dissenting opinion

Wouldn't be surprised if Jeph reads these threads. Pic-related was said in a previous thread and now you coincidentally have Jeph also comparing OCD to alcoholism and saying essentially the same message:
>"These things never really go away completely, but you can learn to cope."

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He has to be reading some feedback vehicle. The alternative is that by sheer coincidence he corrects his various narratives in the exact ways various forums tell him to at the exact times they raise the issues. There often isn't even a week or handful of days; it's often literally "tomorrow" when the narrative shifts. I think he has the most basic of outlines, along the lines of "characters X and Y are getting attention for 10 strips", and fills in specifics the day of (or one day in advance to fulfill his Patreon pledge). After all, most of the time they're just standing in a place spouting expository dialog. It's not some earth-shattering inconvenience to have the characters stand in the same place discussing a slightly different topic.

She would never have been able to shovel that shit in the first place.

Hanners also has money so really, he's the perfect guy to write her kind of character.

Why not? She has OCD. You can still shovel shit as long as everything is ordered when you're done.

She has a major hang up about anything dirty. She would need a hazmat suit and then need to throw out the suit immediately after.

She found one pair of a persons panties mixed in with her clothes at the laundromat and she threw all of her clothes away.

Not rewashed them, threw them in the trash.

Her ocd is centered around a paranoid fear of germs/uncleanliness iirc

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Jeph clearly has not done research into what OCD actually is.. it's not just 'hates things to be dirty and disorganized"

Nasty ass hoarders have a form of OCD, the compulsion to buy and keep useless junk is part of it. I've seen people with OCD horde their own shit and piss in jars before.

OCD is also about the ritualization of things, it could be spending 20 minutes flipping a light switch on and off or calling off dinner plans because you are too lost in your mind and can't break a vicious mental cycle.

OCD the 'clean and tidy' type may do better to be ultra organized and can help others do the same, sure small exposure may help but I doubt many would go to the EXTREME that Hanners did here.

Maybe it'd be more like - "Here hold this dirty ball for 1 minute then DONT wash your hands" not "Stick your arm shoulder deep in Yak vagina and don't wash all day."

Has the art quality gotten worse?

Terrible. I hate what he did with ocd autist, even when he tries to backtrack it comes feeling off.

I'm just going to pretend that this is may/melon robot that slapped on some paint and is playing a prank or some shit.

She does kinda look like a recolored may/melon...

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i wish the edit where the city gets nuked while they were at some airfield was canon instead.


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>Hanners in the background

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the hanners smile comic will never be topped.

The funniest thing about these threads is always the genuine moral disgust when Jacques does something stupid.

>dat camtoe and nips
You're doing the Lord's work, user.

There is a difference between OCD and OCPD, the latter of which is typified by orderliness, perfectionism, and control over one's personal environment. Hanners is strictly OCD; while desensitization therapy is sometimes used to treat OCD, it's a very long and gradual process to bring a person into a more functional state rather than an attempt to "cure" them. It'd be slowing getting Hanners to recognize that she doesn't need to bleach scrub her kitchen every day in favor of giving it a once over with a cleaning wipe.

Unironically squidbillies had a better depiction of OCD in a goddamned halloween episode than this shit.

Well, how else is one supposed to overcome these issues then?

Hannelore has been shown to battle her issues since her introduction. She slowly improved and now she made a big leap.

Really, of all the things about QC you choose this to complain about?

It's a mental illness. They rarely ever go away, you just get better at managing the symptoms and triggers. Some people have success with exposure therapy, which is introducing concepts in tiny incremental steps.But even that doesn't work for everyone, and this is not that.

Shut up Jeff. You traded in your Artistic integrity for money by way of pandering long ago. You don't sincerely believe in the social justice causes that you promote.

From where to where? It's certainly an improvement over 2003.


2.5 years is the maximum amount of time that can be covered since the beginning. You don't make "big leaps" in psychiatric therapy without drugs coming into play, and even that can take weeks, and you certainly don't make it by yourself on an extended vacation just because you did a little farmwork. If Hanners simply gained a new perspective about how she views her condition and how she manages it that would have been fine, but that's not what Jeph wrote. Furthermore, the Hanners that had been appearing was the improved Hanners, the one who with the help of medication, therapy, and a supportive social group had managed to get a job and life outside her apartment. This was just Jeph trying to revamp the character again.

He introduced a lot more robots, Hannelore went on a quest to cure her OCD Faye is an interspecies lesbian with a buff soldier-bot. Martin disappeared and only shows up to be on the wrong side of an issue with his girlfriend. Dora is marrying Martin's boss because Jeph is only safe from criticism if he's being progressive.

Sven came back recently!

He should have just stuck to his guns. It's clear the curing of Hannelore is just to make her a viable sexual partner for someone.

I think they mean from the final point of that image to now. It's certainy at an all time blandness peak.

and then sven fucked a robot holding a watermelon

and that was bad because another robot liked him. but now she's into being cucked.

also there's a new robot that wants to fuck bread so she got an internship at a breadstore.

Sven is just Jeph's excuse to virtue signal about how straight white men are bad.

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Fuck I completely forgot about roko and the bakery, did that even go anywhere?

All I want is more Sven/May sex shenanigans that eventually lead to a stable and loving relationship. And Momocucking.

We don't get nice things around here.
The sooner you learn it the better off you'll be.

The final strip of The Talk pretty directly pooh-poohed exactly what just happened with Hannelore.

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I almost forgot there was a time when Marten was actually thirsty.

Well shortly after this she ends up fucking Sven.

But you forget, once Jeph hooks up a couple, they stop being relevant and disappear. He can't destroy what has stopped existing.

Also I'm banking on draw/writefags and edits for this rather than Jeph.

That was over 500 strips later. I realize time is weird, but I'm pretty sure there was a timeskip in there. And it overall went badly, because, surprise, she wasn't ready.

Holy fuck, QC is still going?

I haven't thought about this webcomic in like ten years.

I like how he tried to make her completely cured of OCD after reaching spiritual enlightenment by spending time with Tibetan monks and shoveling yak shit.

Then forced to retcon so this new comic shows she isn't over OCD at all but instead she's in deep denial about it even having OCD.
It just means she's much worse worse now. Instead of character progression we have character degression. I'm not sure if or even what but I feel like this might say something about the author.

I'll take it over the Eat, Pray, Love bullshit.

He reads the subreddit, he says he doesn't but he constantly complains about them on twitter for being critical.

Just wanted to pop in here and say I fucking hate you and everyone else in this thread. Stop reading this trash, stop posting it here, and go do something more meaningful with your lives. You're basically fans at this point, you worthless faggots.

Please do Yea Forums a favor and 40% yourself, you dumb tranny.

Questionable Content never really goes away completely, but you can learn to read Questionable Content.

Even tho I don't have ocd tier obsession with hygiene or fear contact or bodily fluids or freak out about vomit like Hannelore does, I wouldn't wan't to shovel shit or shove my arms into yaks vagina.

The fact that even I, who has no history of similar problems as Hannelore, or anything even comparable, would not be doing these things raises some alarms. No amount of monetary compensation or good will shall make me wear a shirt stained in shit and just keep on shoveling shit. At the point of ANY of my clothes starting to have shitstains on it I will change it and likely burn it as well and then fuck off.

My favorite cognitive dissonance regarding this comic are the people who simultaneously insist these characters are still in their early 20s yet years have gone by and they've grown mightily. You can't have both. Either they've aged or they haven't.

I think Faye goes to a single therapist session after this and was cured of...whatever it was that prevented her from having sex. Just like she went to a single AA meeting and was cured of alcoholism.

Even if it's like six months, she went from early teens into her 20s being traumatized by that event. Hey, speaking of which, was she a virgin when she slept with Sven? If not, why can she sleep with other men and not Marten. Just kidding, I knew from the beginning she was bullshitting and letting Marten down easy. Disinterested women do this sort of thing, talk about health problems, periods, and dead relatives to purposely torpedo the mood.

Thank you for reading Questionable Content.

On Monday there will be more Questionable Content for us to read

y no sooner?


Old vampire myths are that they are extremely compulsive. The classic example is throwing a bag of rice on the ground and they will be compelled to pick up and count every last grain.

This was confirmed to be true by Dr. McNinja.

Might happen Saturday night if Patreon user posts it.

It's so sad to realize I'll never be as good as Jeph.