
Is this guy actually the Maker?

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>"dude, he's got like, a similar costume and acts like a creepy weirdo"
>"is it possible Hickman is just rehashing some of his favorite designs?"
>"I mean, Xavier has been a deceitful fuck before, and there was a year-long storyline of him being an amoral fag in a stolen body"
Fucking Hell, it's a similar design, Jesus...

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I don't know.
That smile in the final panel reminds me way too much of this.
What happened to the Maker after Secret Wars anyway?

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Dicking about in the pages of Venom

Hickman just loves a certain kind of character user. Across his work, you'll find at least two or so characters with that shit-eating grin. It is Xavier, it's just Hickman's Xavier with all the Fantomex shit. Maker's appearing in Future Foundation in October (check solicits) in his classic look.


Hmmn. I see.

Well if he is appearing somewhere else then I guess this isn't the Maker then? I think it's weird how we haven't seen Xavier's face yet.
All this mutant supremacist stuff also isn't Xavier's thing.

I don't think it was a coincidence that the fantastic four were in this issue either

No the script say it's Xavier.

Yeah that made me think too. Out of all the potential characters, why have them be the one to intercept Sabertooth? I think they are gonna be involved and not just over Franklin either.


Would fit his m.o to clone x men and have sabretooth and others to get tech too help him, I think he may be playing one side against the other

Is this guy actually the Maker?

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>extremely similar costume
>doing shit the Maker would 100% do
>homage to Morrison's run, which Hickman is a big fan of (Xorn = Magneto)


Could be there is one in every universe now


Maybe not.
Who can say?

Isn’t it like xavier’s mind in fantomex’s body?

No, Hickman just can't write more than two or three stories.

Also didn't professor X die anyway, and then get reborn in the body of a teenager Fantomex or some such shit? Or does this book do the great Marvel tradition of completely ignoring all previous status quos?

Well, I'm hoping it'll be a good jump-in point for the X-men books like New X-men was twenty years ago, I always loved X-men stories but it has become an incomprehensible clusterfuck after they put Bendis on it, and I don't even know what is going on. One book has Kitty Pryde running the school out of Central Park, the other has Cyclops on the run with the team mostly dead, and now there's this book. It's like every X book is a different continuity.

No Maker is in the Carnage crossover and Future Foundation books.

I think its Cassandra nova. Which would explain how androgynous Xavier looks. Also explain why he feels weird.

Isn't he still speaking with the Ultimate typeface?

>Haven't read X-Men in years
>start reading this


>Xorn = Magneto

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They pass by Xorn as Magneto leads the tour.

Good ol' Chuck Xavier

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X-fags prove they deserve the Rosenberg run

Dude, he looks just like the Maker down to the multi layered helmet. He just glued an X onto the front of his helmet, ditched the decoration on his jumpsuit and called it a day.

Man, the period with Emma and Cyclops as headmasters training the next generation before all shit hit the fan was absolute kino. I wish we could back to that.

wondering about this too

Xorn? Or Xorn's brother; Xorn?

Scott belongs with Jean
Emma is a whore

Jean belongs in a coffin

Both of you are correct


Jean is the best of the X-men.
She saved the mutant race.

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The Maker does, yes but everyone in HoX speaks with Ultimate typeface

It was Xorn and Ultimate Xorn

Why is Baldvier there? Isnt he fucking dead, Red skull fucking digged his brain the fuck out

Nigga, what part of EVERYONE is alive don't you get.
The rebirth happened in the previous title pages and it'll be explained eventually

This is one of the most boring theories I have ever seen on here.

Why would you say it's boring? I think it's pretty plausible.

"Plausible" doesn't mean "not boring." And I'm not sure it's very plausible, anyway.

Also it's boring because it would mean Hickman is a one-trick pony. This entire story that's being treated as treading new ground secretly being just another plan of a non-X-Men villain that Hickman wrote years ago that people just can't let go of would be the dullest shit imaginable. But of course, people want to see their favorites no matter how much it would service the story or not.

Everything with Xavier, Moira, and the characters in Powers of X looks a million times more interesting than "DUDE IT WAS THE MAKER AGAIN LMAO"

Reminder that Maker is being used in Venom right now and he's also going to be the villain of the new Future Foundation series.

The character's being overused as fuck at the moment. He doesn't need to be the villain here too.

>This entire story that's being treated as treading new ground
It's just another mutant "utopia" that is destined to go to shit.
We're not exactly in the original camp anyway lol.

Given Hickman's comments about how he wants the story to feel familiar but then pull out the twists, I'd like to wait and see on that front, thanks.

Hickman? More like Hackman lol.


It was Xorn and Xorn. They just gave Xorn Zorn's uni to differentiate the two.

Well, Hickman enjoys writing them

>It's just another mutant "utopia" that is destined to go to shit.

We already know that. PoX takes place 60 years after it's gone to hell.

What, every character in a mask that smiles has to be The Maker now? Fuck off with that idiocy.

This. Marvel is finished.

So at what point do Xavier and Magneto go for each others throats
Or will they be bros till the whole thing comes crashing down around them

What the fuck is so wrong with making Xavier a good-natured, well-meaning individual that's made mistakes and had a more morally ambiguous approach as a young man that comes back to bite him in his older, wiser years?

What the fuck is the point of all these takes on him being some kind of abusive, creepy villain?

How are the latest issues? Lost traci after Chamberlain’s niece died and Wolf became king.

Xavier appears to be a more extreme Magneto in here.

Same problem as Superman. Xavier is way too powerful as a good guy.

Making him a good guy - who would fucking restrain himself - is the only possible way to write him WELL though. These fucking retarded evil Xaviers should one-shot the entire X-Men and than an hero the entire goddamn Earth.

you can see the failings of humanity in this post, so far Xavier hasn't done anything but wear a skintight suit and say hello to Jean but everyone in this thread thinks he up to something nefarious.

What if Charles is sincere and his drugs work?

>Making him a good guy - who would fucking restrain himself
Honestly this makes him look like either a pussy or a self-absorbed jackass who cares more about morality than the lives of his students. And it's not just because he is OP, it's also because his powers would let him reveal any sort of evil plot within seconds. There would be no mystery whatsoever unless every villain under the sun starts employ anti-psychic bullshit.

Because Marvel started with the FF, putting them in stories always gives it a certain continuity gravitas.

did xavier created clones of the x-men from krakoa vines? are most of the x-men characters in this book just clones?

Charles is literally pulling a Magneto right now and also doing the same thing Cyclops did when he got the Phoenix. Clearly he is meant to be evil.

>demonstrated that he has the ability to twist his brain into a configuration giving him telepathy
>those Ultimate Universe speech bubbles
>skin suit with helm obscuring face

Yeah, it's the Maker.

Didn't The Maker do exactly this, slicing off a bit of himself infinitely into all dimensions, so each dimension would have a Maker in it?

I wonder if Dormammu got one in his Dark Dimension lol.

No it's not Maker (unless Hickman is lying to his artist).

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>if he´s in public he wears a black suit
>if he´s among mutants he wears the black bodysuit
this looks like the leader of a sex cult

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Literally every character this issue had those speech bubbles.

>his powers would let him reveal any sort of evil plot within seconds. There would be no mystery whatsoever unless every villain under the sun starts employ anti-psychic bullshit
You realize this is why people want to genocide all psychics.

"Xavier" ALWAYS wearing Cerebro SCREAMS "he's hiding his real identity"

Exactly. If we haven't seen the moment he first dons the portable Cerebro by the end of the miniseries it's either definitely the Maker or definitely Xavier and Hickman is intentionally fucking with people because he's a smart guy and there's no way he doesn't realize that this design/plot demands to be distrusted.

Nah. Jean was a bitch with a permanently dry pussy, who took Scott for granted, and they made it into a running joke that she keeps dying on him.

Emma, as whorish as she was, actually made Scott happy. The last time I remember Jean doing that, it was retconned into the Phoenix masquerading as Jean.

Emma and Scott had great chemistry together.

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Speaking of Xavier, is he still dead?

Does Red Skull still have his brain?

>Same problem as Superman
>Same problem as the guy with the longest running ongoing comic
Ok so what you’re saying is Marvel is retarded and there is no problem?

No. Phantomex gave up his body so Charles could come back. He was calling himself "X" for a bit and writers did nothing with it.

>Well if he is appearing somewhere else then I guess this isn't the Maker then? I think it's weird how we haven't seen Xavier's face yet.
>All this mutant supremacist stuff also isn't Xavier's thing.

it's my belief that fantomex's body is fucking with xavier's mind. his brain was a weird ass construct even before he got separated into three people each with a distinct personality based on which brain they got from the split.

Sorry, I'm a shitty "hasn't read the issue yet" poster, you're entirely right.

Which begs the question, did he just clone the Ultimate versions of everyone?

LOL I'd feel sorry for Dormammu for having to put up with Ultimate Reed's shit.

so, basically is every dead x-man back? i stopped reading around uncanny xmen 400ish, in the early 2000s. is this new house/powers of x a good jumping in point? i still plan on catching up, with the stuff i missed, but that will take a while

also, a friend who never stopped reading said mr sinister made gun with cyclops eyeballs or something crazy like that?

Unless he killed and cloned every person on the planet, no.

BEFORE she started being a slut sure they had great chemistry. But we can't just ignore what writers did with her since then

Thanks based-poster, I just got home with my issue of House of X, gonna go read it right now.
Stupid D&D Adventurer's League at my LCS being on Wednesday, my DM (for some reason lol) gets angry when I read comics while playing.

>every character with a chrome eye covering big helmet and a single colour bodysuit.

>all one of them.

Oh gee willikers it's Xavier except he's literally building the City again except without death robots, strongarming governments into submission through superior technology, and he's being written by the literal fucking creator of the Maker character.

I honestly was not expecting Hickman to be this blatantly obvious. I'd actually prefer he just outright revealed the Maker twist on the last page, like Spencer did with HydraCap

Sure, why not. He tried to elevate humanity once and they sucked, but not in a good way even though yes he thought to bring a shitload of blond chicks into his new City. So fuck it, let's try the superior homos and see what happens. Maybe they're onto something with this redhead tang...

Man, imaging having to listen to U. Reed bitch endlessly about Storm for all eternity. No wonder Dormammu's so fired up all the time.


I doubt Hickman would make it that obvious. It's either Xavier(or some form of Xavier) or someone completely unexpected.

Personally, I'd go with Mister M. He just seems like a good curve ball to throw here as he can pull off the look, powers, and has a lot of room to grow.

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None of Fantomex's brain believed in mutant supremacy. Two of them didn't care and one was an active mutant hater. Also Xavier isn't a mutant supremacist, he just made a place for mutants to be safe without humans. Its a slightly more hard version of Cyclops' plan post M-day, keep mutant safe and steady while keeping them away from humans and other potential threats. Cyclops separated them to stabilize the mutants while Xavier to give them space to grow

>say hello to Jean
That in itself was suspicious. Oh not the hell but the "You're safe here. We all are," bit. She's already been to the place, she knows what it's for and would already know it's safe before bringing in a bunch of kids. Why tell her that? It comes off as reinforcing mind control. Doesn't help that her smile gets much wider when she's told it.

Honestly this comes off as some kind of plant based Starro crap. I mean an intelligent island with magical miracle plants that responds so well to mutants? Placing bets that something crashed into Earth, fucked up Xavier's mind, and got him to mind control the X-Men to place parts of the island (since all the transplanted flowers are still connected to it) not just around the Earth but to Mars and the Moon. It also wants dibs on all the Omega mutants because frankly why else be attracted to a subset of humanity whose only division is that they all get powers? They're security and it wants all the most powerful of them to best protect itself.

I just want to know what X-Statix are doing during all of this

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So Sublime again, but pro-mutant. Makes senses as Hickman is essentially Lawful Morrison.

I dunno man, this just seems so textbook Maker. He rolls in with a super city, gives big grandiose speeches about the "future", hands out amazing super technology like candy so that everyone thinks he's a hero, and then spergs out the literal second that he's not the smartest person in the room

we have this poll running about who Scott should re-marry
please, your vote

could you tell me which run was this?

This is actually Sublime's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate: Krakoa. He can infect mutants and wants to rid the world of lesser trash. Meanwhile Sublime is possessing multiple members of the pro-human faction - in spaaaaaaace - and it turns out his sister Arkea is once again Karima plotting to act as the wild card, bitches. WHATTA TWEEST!

This. This is what living in a society does to you.

pay attention to the game you faggot

It's not him but this thread makes me think about him.
It's safe to assume that the Maker was the last GOOD "new" character that Marvel created? And he's around since 2011 (when he assume the identity.

This is the newest jumping on point. There were 4 before this and this is the 5th.

X-men #1
Giant Size #1
X-men volume 2 #1
New X-men #114
House of X

So like, with every other mutant being resurrected, is Wallflower back?
I mean, he somehow resurrected Vulcan, who was obliterated in space. Surely he can resurrect a bullet to the head.

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Even the font is his font.

>and it turns out his sister Arkea is once again Karima plotting to act as the wild card, bitches. WHATTA TWEEST!

The pages in the script with Karima are heavily redacted so maybe.

Hickman isn't lying to his artist. You really think that is the actual script and notes this team used for work? It's a mock up specifically for fans buying the "Director's cut".

This is in no way evidence for or against The Maker.

Thanks for reminding me to look at Pepe Larraz' other work to see if he always uses such feminine contrapasso

Cyclops has the same weirdly feminine body language

They look like Yu-gi-oh characters.

Whedon's Astonishing X-Men is probably the peak of it.

>Xorn? Or Xorn's brother; Xorn?

Do you mean Xorn's brother Xorn who was pretending to be Magneto pretending to be Xorn (or possibly Xorn's brother Xorn)?

Comics, everybody.

Wasnt in the body of fantomex last time we saw him? I still say the movements are feminine could be Casandra nova.

Nope but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just Hickman trying to recreate that character with Xavier.

Why are Chuck, Wolvi and Scott alive again

Why can Charles walk again and why is he dressed like The Maker?

I haven't read a main line X-titles since before AvX so I am wondering just when the hell all of this happened

Pixie, no.

Scott got brought back via Phoenix shenanigans, Wolverine was resurrected by some weird necromancer mutant and Chuck overwrote Fantomex's mind and body from a psychic fragment held hostage by the Shadow King.
Not sure if the Chuck appearing in House of X is actually the Fantomex version though seeing as all the other mutants have been resurrected - there might be two Xavier's running around.

>It's just another mutant "utopia" that is destined to go to shit.
>We're not exactly in the original camp anyway lol.

This. It's just Morrison's run crossed with AvX and the bits of Hickman's Avengers run involving the weird organic sites created by Ex Nihilo that never went anywhere.

>So at what point do Xavier and Magneto go for each others throats

you mean with their lips, right?

>Charles is literally pulling a Magneto right now and also doing the same thing Cyclops did when he got the Phoenix. Clearly he is meant to be evil.

Maybe he's just hopelessly naive.

Why do people who have obviously not read the issue keep bringing this up?

How does Prof X still retain his psychic ability if the body that he took over is someone else's? His power comes from his brain, not his fucking "soul" or retarded shit like that?

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Xavier being evil again is hardly breaking new ground.

Maybe it just means that all of the mutants are hopped up on mothervine?

But is he planning on dating Jean? That's the big question we all need answered. Think about it, though. He could have his island clone him any number of Jeans. That's pretty much how it was for Mister Sinister!

His personality rekajiggered Fantomex's brain to suit his own needs.

Isn't this all kind of pointless given how Disney is going to shit can all of it once they decide what they want to do with the X-Men for the movies? And just how far in the future is this and Power of X?

Marvel treats high level psychic shit like it's basically magic with telepaths having some shared astral plane they project their souls into and omega grade telekinesis being able to rewrite reality. I mean, Xavier's biggest bad guy after Magneto was a guy whose body died in the 60's and lived on as a telepathic ghost able to posses people.

god it would be so great if this arc is about a bunch of pod people that the Maker made and replaced the X-Men with

He decides, fuck it, the multiverse sucks especially since it was tinkered with by the inferior Reed, thus he will create his own universe (again) but with blackjack and hookers. AND THEY'LL ALL LOOK LIKE SUE, DAMMIT!

Thousands of years and the fucker still hasn't gotten over her. God, he's truly Our Guy.

If you think that makes no sense, check out the Polaris/Zaladane shit from the 80s

hmmmmm everyone hated it last time I tried create a superior god race in a secret science-magic city. don't want to get another squad of Avengers on my ass again. what to do, what to do......

oh nice, the X-Men are missing. I'll just make my pod people look like the X-Men... everyone loves the X-Men! especially the Avengers!

I'd prefer if it actually is Professor X and he isn't just wearing Cerebro, it's actually running a simulation. Everything happening is because he asked Cerebro to show him what would happen if they try to peacefully co-exist with humanity, separate but equal, and with the spirit of benevolent cooperation. After the tears and bloodshed are finally over the final page is him taking off the helmet and saying, "Whelp, that was actually pretty obvious."

'Separate but equal' is inherently opposed to Xavier's philosophy. I have no idea why the x-men are suddenly segregationist outside of Marvel thinking that's what people want.

He just wants a safe haven. I mean technically that's what his school always was. It doesn't mean they plan on shutting themselves off completely, and between offering the world miracle drugs and planting embassies everywhere including in space, clearly he doesn't want to fully isolate them.

Basically he just wants the ultimate Safe Space. There is no more Professor X. He is now Professor Woke. It'll culminate in Marvel's plan on rebranding the X-Men to be more inclusive because their team name is the purest of toxic masculinity. His new rallying cry by the end will be, "TO ME, MY Xs!" to which Logan will respond, "Hey Chuck, we never dated, it was just that one time and I was drunk and - STOP LAUGHING, SCOTT, YOU FUCKED EMMA WHICH MEANS YOU ALSO FUCKED EVERY MAN SHE EVER SLEPT WITH INCLUDING NAMOR! OH GOD THAT MEANS WE FUCKED TOO!" Final page is them both screaming, "JEAAAAAN" for old times sake.

having died during the series uncanny x-force. EVA After Uncanny X-Force disbands,attempts to clone Fantomex back to life, but due to his three brains, an error occurs and three different bodies are grown for each personality: the evil brain becomes "Weapon XIII" (originally referred to as "Jean-Phillippe"), and wears a costume with inverted colors; the noble brain becomes "Cluster", a female version of Fantomex; and the mischievous one is restored to his proper body, taking the name of "Fantomex". He goes on to continue his relationship with Psylocke

could the evil version of fantomex impersonated the good fantomex and gave xavier his body as part of some plan?

I'm sorry, user, I'll answer your question as soon as I'm done imagining the two male versions double teaming his female self. I don't want to do this but that is what Yea Forums has made of me. It is my curse.

this post took a turn

See you in two years, dude. Mark the calendar.

However much a joke didn't Marvel recently mention that the team name was dated? I mean even Deadpool is calling them out on it.

Nevermind, google provides. It was Victoria Alonso, Marvel Studios' Executive Vice President of Production. When asked about the X-Men she said, "Its funny that people call it the X-Men... there's a lot of female superheroes in that X-Men group; I think it's outdated."

So yeah, there's that. Maybe when they finally enter the MCU they'll call them Alexes.

> "TO ME, MY Xs!" to which Logan will respond, "Hey Chuck, we never dated, it was just that one time and I was drunk and - STOP LAUGHING, SCOTT, YOU FUCKED EMMA WHICH MEANS YOU ALSO FUCKED EVERY MAN SHE EVER SLEPT WITH INCLUDING NAMOR! OH GOD THAT MEANS WE FUCKED TOO!" Final page is them both screaming, "JEAAAAAN" for old times sake.
okay that one got me.

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Looks like a fag

>"Its funny that people call it the X-Men... there's a lot of female superheroes in that X-Men group; I think it's outdated."
>>Feige at the end of the panel "We didn't have time to talk about Fantastic Four, We didn't have time to talk about Mutants"
>>Said Mutants, not X-Men
Jesus Christ, please don't change the name cause of some female fans who don't understand story structure.

It would have been cool if doom had faced off against the maker in infamous. A nice reversal of their respective roles.

What if he just hatched previously dead mutants out mystery pods on the first page and then bukkaked their naked adult-fetus bodies while whispering "To me, my x-men".

Try reading the issue before commenting.

What if everyone who gets resurrected has that untimate universe bubble. He did that to both mutants and humans without them knowing.

He was in Ultimates (not the ultimates from the ultimate universe).

>What happened to the Maker after Secret Wars anyway?
Molecule Man sliced him up into a million pieces that were spread across the multiverse and each slice became a Maker who could communicate with the other Makers.

Pretty sure thats defintely the maker, specifically since hes using the Ultimate font.

Everyone in the issue uses it, even humans.

Why is he standing in such a faggy pose? It's like that scene from Steven Universe where he walks with his hands up just like that.

The Maker is gonna be in the Future Foundation book btw

I'm so stupid, I've been looking at the cover for so long and thought it was Cyclops even though Cyclops was also on the cover.

Jean doesn't deserve rightclops. She'd just take away his rightness. Only Emma can nurture the baseness.

A Maker. There are many copies. And they have a plan.

Hey, dude, it happens. Scotty wore the X mask better anyway.

He is speaking with lowercase font it probably is.

He is not-maker, meaning that he will eaten like a pizza at the end of this run.

It would be hilarious if this really is Maker and the entire plan to subvert the X-Men and the hoarding of Omega mutants is all a cover for getting his hands on Franklin in order to turn Reed's child to the dark side of abusing science for convoluted schemes to enact extremely petty revenge and of course hatred of blond thots.

"Come on, you little shit, I spent a thousand years in a fucking time bubble and destroyed Europe only to be emasculated again. Just say, 'No more blonds,' and make all your multiversal mommies go away forever. Wait, do your powers even work like that? Fuck!"

Clearly he just googled House of M and thought it would work.

So is this actual Resurrection or some clone shit because the fact they have a Magik/colossus combo makese me think these guys were created and not brought back to life.

So what was the deal with age of x-men?

>at some point Professor X removes his helmet
>it's just Charles Xavier
>anons declare everyone who said it was Maker are officially BTFO
>turns out Maker was just stretching his face to appear like Charles just as he stretched to appear like Cyclops in this issue to see his alternate universe "family" again

Sure, why not. I'm sure he can stretch his vocal chords to sound like other people, too.

the fucks a Rebirth?

It makes sense. I mean what if these x men were copied clones or something along the lines of what mister sinister would do

You call a mulligan after the baby falls out, shove it back up there, and try again. It's a niche fetish, I'll grant you, but this is Yea Forums(nel).

Why's incel Reed doing a sassy walk?

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Oh god this is gonna be Xorn all over again

Mister Sinister wouldn't do this. Okay, fine, Mister Sinister might INTEND to do this but would clone Jean first and then keep cranking out more Jeans and also maybe some spare Scott eyeballs for his gun.

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Waking up every morning naked on a pile of clone bitches while copies of you are forced to stand around and watch, disgust evident on all their faces (mostly at not being allowed to join in).

If this is living wrong I don't want to live right.

>Maker's appearing in Future Foundation in October
It's not like he can't secretly run a mutant supremacist nation while fucking with Reed
>Who are you and why are you in my lab

So what they making Xavier as some bad guy now?


If you need to give him an excuse maybe he picked up a few things when stuck in Red Skull's head before his spirt was gobbled up by the Shadow King.

>The Maker starts the 616 MGTOW movement just to recruit Reed.

>you're the only man who's been cucked more times than me Tony!
>and even still, you're a #MeToo bomb waiting to blow!
>join me, and together, we can make Holes... OBSOLETE!

Attached: Reed_Richards_(Earth-1610)_from_Ultimate_Comics_Ultimates_Vol_1_2.jpg (354x468, 29K)

>What if Charles is sincere and his drugs work?
There is no fucking way those drugs work without there being some sort of side effects from
>Mind control of some sort
>Instant death if you disobey mutants
>Instant death if your government disobeys
I'd be more trustworthy if Xavier sold this shit on Info Wars

I'm pretty sure they're actually the Ultimate Xorns

>It's just another mutant "utopia" that is destined to go to shit
Yes but this time it's gonna be their own damn fault

>Two universes
>The collapse of the multiverse
>Countless lives
>Countless plans

Given the island is somehow self-aware and plants taken from the island are still connected to this consciousness, while other plants from the island can rip open spacial portals, yeah, it doesn't look good. Still maybe in a twist the drugs are actually legit but the island itself is bad and thus all the flowers must be destroyed. In a deeper twist both the drugs and island might be legit and the heroes are left standing in the ashes of the place saying, "Well shit."

It's weird how similar this all is to Maker's first appearance in Ultimates. I mean he makes an intelligent city in a bid to create a super race. This is a similarly garbed figure with an intelligent island in a bid to create a home for his super powered race. There's also no way the island and magic flowers are natural, too, so odds are heavy super science shit is at play.


They're not, everyone's just kinda assuming this.
Magneto was the one who said the new god stuff, not Charles

It's gonna be No Place, it's a flower like everything on Krakoa and it's probably gonna fuck everything up

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He a absolutely can. Aren’t HoX/PoX set five months in the future?

That could make his appearance as the Maker in FuFo work.

>Hey Chuck who're you gonna send to talk sense into those spooks up there, we need someone to let em know we mean business but don't want any trouble
>Don't worry Logan I know just the man
When you send someone like Magneto to do diplomacy you know damn well whats gonna happen

Of which he has been using this to fuck around across all creation. Last I recall, he was messing around with gods and throwing out the idea of making a central universe by merging them all

Yeah but we're gonna get those 5 months explored in PoX

Same reason Beast is now a hypocrtical evil asshole that everyone hates (even though his massive 'mistakes' didn't amount to jack shit besides helping Cyclops get some goddamn non-mutant friends)
Bad writing

>Sided with the Avengers in AvX
>Sided with the Illuminati in Time Runs Out
>Sided with the Inhumans when the Terrigen Cloud was rampaging
>Sided with the X-men in IvX
>Before promptly switching sides again for the Inhumans
>Sided with Emma and formed an aphirtied state during Secret Empire
Maybe the reason everyone hates Beast is because he's betrayed every team he's been on

objectively right choice
can't comment
literally the right choice considering how it was written
yeah and?
Not what happened
Yeah and...?

Plus everyone seems to be forgetting that the Maker split into a copy for every universe in the multiverse at the end of Secret Wars, so if you think that there couldn't totally be multiple Makers around then I don't know what to tell you.

Man that page is fucking weird. That mutant looks like Cyclops and there was a redhead next to him in the previous page. Popping out of cocoons like uruk hai, what is even going on. inb4 the real X-men are imprisoned and everyone in this book is a clone.

What do I have to read to get caught up on The Maker?

Hickmans Ultimate F4

I think this is Absolom Mercator, one of the Omega Level mutants listed that is missing and has no affiliation and nobody knows where he is.
He is a bald man that can pass for Xavier.

Krakoa must be feeding from Omega Level Mutants or something like that

Look at what Mercator did in his District X House of M tie in called Mutopia, it isnt so different

Not for nothing, but in scripts, a character tends to be referred to by who they claim to be until their true identity is revealed. Then the script changes to reflect the reveal.

I'm not saying this isn't Xavier, but the script isn't going to provide any insight here.

>Jean is the best of the X-men.
based and redheadpilled

>>Xorn? Or Xorn's brother; Xorn?

>I have no idea why the x-men are suddenly segregationist
Because Hickman wanted to write an inhumans story without the inhumans.

thats literally Maker's get up with a fucking X you dumb nigger

That defies all logic!

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He probably learned to body hop when he witnessed the Shadow King do it.

it's Absolon Mercator, one of the "missing" listed 15 omega level mutants

Mini incomplete storytime from Mutopia (the district X House of M tie in) and X-Men the 198 that happens after House of M, just to show him for most who dont know him. He only appears in those 2 books and District X

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Xavier used Fantomex’s body as raw material to create a younger version of his body

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How the fuck can they be yugioh characters without hair?

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He showed up in Ultimates and in New Avengers/USAvengers.

I think it's really Xavier but I can see him having trouble with the Maker.

Jean is catching up, morning people prefers the red head?

its EVIL REED Richards, he does whatever the fuck he wants it.

Fucking with Mutants its one of his Hobbies.

He learned from the best

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>while copies of you are forced to stand around and watch, disgust evident on all their faces (mostly at not being allowed to join in).
Why the fuck wouldn't you have your clones join in it's less gay than the typical MMF/gangbang/orgy