The amount of potential Mordo has to become the MCU best villian has me so fucking hyped

The amount of potential Mordo has to become the MCU best villian has me so fucking hyped.
>The bill comes due, always
His "villian for the sake of order shit" would make more sense than Thanos

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>Black dude as the big bad guy

Not seeing it happen

You're just shitposting at this point

after basically only just quipping all movie, that ending with him felt pretty jarring

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>mordor tries to assault Dr. DOOM
>gets pimp slapped straight out of Latveria
>strange and doom meet at Castle Doom
>they team up to defeat mordor
>doom uses the situation to his advantage.

Well, I mean his faith in the Ancient One and in turn the entire system of magic was broken when he realized she was a piece of shit hypocrite
>Quipping the whole movie
What thw fuck are you talking about, he had his moments of overzealous ferocity like when he gave Strange shit for whining about killing a guy

>He's criticizing the post credit scene even though he never finished the movie

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>The Ancient One: I can not lead another gifted student to power, only to lose him to the darkness.
>Mordo: You didn’t lose me. I wanted the power to defeat my enemies. You gave me the power to defeat my demons. And to live within the natural law.
>The Ancient One: We never lose our demons, Mordo.

>Mordo: You’re a coward.
>Dr. Stephen Strange: Because I’m not a killer?
>Mordo: These zealots will snuff us all out, and you can't muster the strength to snuff them out first?
>Dr. Stephen Strange: What do you think I just did?
>Mordo: You saved your own life! And then whined about it like a wounded dog.
>Dr. Stephen Strange: When you would have done it so easily?
>Mordo: You have no idea the things I’ve done… And the answer is yes. Without hesitation.
>Dr. Stephen Strange: Even if there’s another way?
>Mordo: There is no other way.
>Dr. Stephen Strange: You lack imagination.
>Mordo: No, Stephen. You lack a spine.

>The Ancient One: I’ve hated drawing power from the Dark Dimension, but as you well know, sometimes one must break the rules in order to serve the greater good.
>Dr. Stephen Strange: Mordo won’t see it that way.
>The Ancient One: Mordo’s soul is rigid and unmovable, forged by the fires of his youth.

>Mordo: The bill comes due. Don’t you see? Her transgressions led the zealots to Dormammu. Kaecilius was her fault. And here we are, in the consequence of her deception: a world on fire.
>Mordo: You still think there will be no consequences, Strange? No price to pay? We broke our rules, just like her. The bill comes due. Always. A reckoning.

But it's been like 5-8 years in-verse since then...

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Is he confirmed to be coming back for MoM?

I honestly believe he will be an antihero and never really full on villain.

He needs a better design

With the acquisition of F4 if they don't move forward with Dr. Doom then they've truly fucked up.

> doom was an ex-student of the ancient one at kamar-taj and left to practice his sorcery in the multiverse after being banished for unspeakable violations
there ez

Nah, have his mother having been involved with Mephisto for Dr. Strange, roll along with the Books of Doom and his backstory there. It's close enough, but this way you can set up Dr. Doom seeking them out, as well as the F4 being there trying to understand Magic as opposed to technology.

Nobody is going to want to sit through the multi-film origin story that Yea Forums imagines Doom will get.

Doesn't have to be an origin story, just a reason to get him involved and nothing more. He's there to seek answers to magic that's it. He could already be opposed to the F4 at that point, just ends up being a chance encounter that spurs things forward with his annoyance against Richards.

Hell you could also do a pact between Latveria and Wakanda, with him and Mordo seeking out the Ancient One for more shenanigans, with Doom betraying Mordo in the end.

At the end of the day, Doom is where the series should head forward, not the likes of Mordo.

If he just shows up as a side character a few times before he rises to power in Latveria then it'd be great.
Black Panther had one movie before his solo- Doom could get two.

literally laughing out loud if you think Disney is going to introduce the devil into their movies

Imagine this.

>Dr. Doom shows up at Kamar-Taj and meets Mordo
>Dr. Doom is there to practice magic like his mother and understand forces at work
>He makes no other real appearances until the post-credits/end where he betrays Mordo or shows that he is being set up as the future villain with Latveria
>Dr. Doom gets his own Solo where he meets Fantastic Four and Reed Richards, this gives rise to the Doombots and his rise to power in Latveria and a bigger thread
>Avengers: Doom
>Now its about Dr. Doom, Latveria, Doombots, and potential a recreation of the Infinity Gauntlet for a sequel

There. We don't need an origin story for his appearance, just a brief description, and him showing up. We can work out more logistics and characterization when it comes to the Fantastic Four movie, and then move ahead down the line with him as the future villain. Thanos was instance wasn't the first villain, Loki was and it took several films before we even properly and truly seen Thanos. Dr. Doom should be set up the same way, doesn't have to be all out evil big bad, just a Fantastic Four villain with some ulterior motives and working behind the scenes and learning at Kamar-Taj to improve his powers.

Mephisto would just be Chernabog/Maleficent. Also we're getting Nightmare. Mephisto is not out of the realm of possibility.

>Doom needs to usurp the role of villain in a franchise that he's not associated with
This is why no one likes Doomfags.

Because Mordo has been such a great character right?

He was the most well known Marvel villain prior to the MCU, sure people know about Spider-mans villains but none of them have the sheer presence of Magneto or Dr. Doom.

Magneto was better known and a better character in his movies.

You mean the guy that is notorious for having done that and become one of the most well known comic characters by far because of that very reason?

Lets be fair, none of the F4 were represented well within any of their movies whatsoever. So that's not really a fair argument.

Magneto is better known sure, but Dr. Doom was also better known than Loki and Thanos by far prior to MCU. X-Men are known by virtually everyone like Batman is, Dr. Doom is that rare villain from a series nobody really cares about or knows that is still insanely popular.

>I honestly believe he will be an antihero and never really full on villain.
The last thing we saw him do is murder an innocent guy who only used magic to treat his own medical condition.
Not really anti-hero territory.

There are multiple storylines where Doom shows up and usurps cosmic-tier entities as the main antagonist. Hell, he did it to the same guy twice.

>literally laughing out loud if you think Disney is going to introduce the devil into their movies
He's already a Disney character.

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He was doing it for the greater good, that guy was going to become Modok.

This, it's kind of Doom's gimmick honestly. He plans ahead and takes his moment.

If only they could use film and comic appearances to develop the character. But that'd be stupid, just have Doom show up.

FF have historically been one of Marvel's more popular titles.

That doesn't mean they're good storylines.

And those stories suck normie, especially Hickman's

>But it's been like 5-8 years in-verse since then...

This whole 5 yeah thing still bugs me so much because its clearly tossed plans in disarray, no matter how much they might try to claim otherwise.

> Takes Pangborn's magic.
> Tries the same trick on Wanda.
> Gets mindraped by Chthon.

> I can see Mordo thinking he's fighting to keep order while Nightmare, Shuma Gorath, and Chthon are all laughing their asses off behind his back.

Pretty obvious he massively chimps out over Wanda and Stephen's fucking around with Chaos Magic and maybe even Stephen's summoning of the Octessence against Thanos.

>All the doomfags in this thread
You people shill Doom more obnoxiously than Carolcucks

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you cant rush everything all at once

Still don't get why Mordo is black.