*My dream is for humans and mutants to live at peace*

>*My dream is for humans and mutants to live at peace*
>*Also call us your gods*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Race war NOW

so he's like every other person that claims to fight for equality

>making people sound sane

Also why do I only see two cuckoos? Did another one bite it? Never understood why they never got resurrected. Especially since they were clone machines or whatever.

Wasn't there a third black one?

Xavier did say "Call us your gods" That was Magneto and that's been Magneto's shtick all this time

It's the two that were killed during Morrison's run. I think? Esma and Sophie.

Pretty sure gays aren't calling themselves gods

wasnt xavier fucking dead?

They've all been resurrected. The one in black is Mindee. To me, it would make sense for Esme to be the one in black, because in X-23's run, she was occupying Gabby's body and she was wearing the black cloak. Apparently, the director's cut version gives you this information.

I didn't read the run, but from what I gathered is somehow Shadow King was able to take hold of Xavier. Xavier somehow took over Fantomex's body which he may or may not be inhabiting now. Who's to say he didn't create himself a new body from one of those pods?

there's something to this, the Age of X is basically "no, mutants is not God", but Magneto's ending was open...

Everyone that has been killed is back. Just roll with it.

Oh you mean the two here are the resurrected ones? Ok I never remember their names anyways. How has xmen been recently I stopped reading this shit something before the Hope Summers shit finally ended. Its been terrible since right?

Know but they're demanding everything to be about them

I've been going back and forth reading pieces. There have been some story arcs since then I've enjoyed, but like others have said the last few writers have been rehashing the same shit over and over again.

sounds like you don't know any gays

they are atheists most of the time

I've never heard gays call themselves that, and I go to one of the country's most liberal schools. So you're either lying or believing lies you see on the internet

I'm gay and I think I'm terrible. That's probably the severe depression talking though.

We will take our rightful position when the time is ripe.

if their preferred pronoun is god then you better call them god

Don't let the straights in on our plans!

Last I knew gays weren't the ones who were about the pronoun business that's the transgenders

aren't they allies or part of the same groups or some shit
it's called LGBT for a reason

I feel bad for Krakoa. We all know this book is going to end in its destruction.

Some trans people are gay

Magneto's gonna Magneto

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Reading the script in the Director's Cut, I find it interesting that Gateway and the Silver Samurai's armor were supposed to be in the sequence where the ambassadors are shown the habitats, but it's not in the comic.
I guess this confirms that Gateway and the Silver Samurai aren't dead anymore either.

Yes, is that too high level for you?

not all drag queens are trans

In the long run, I think this is the only realistic way normie-supers relationship would work out.

People are accepting of elite being superior, we are hierarchical species. Mutants are upsetting hierarchy by being random cunts.

I'm trans and don't really mind a fling with any gender.

True, but some are.

>trans people are gay
Like, gay relative to their real sex or their pretend sex? If it's the later what was the point of being trans then? This is retarded.


Imagine being so unimaginative that you can't even pretend to understand.
>It feels bad when people call me by the gender I was born with
>I want to be the opposite one
has literally nothing to do with
>I want to have sex with people of that gender

He hasn’t had that ideology since he came back in Soule’s X-Men.

Wait for sex androids and clone tanks and well join you.

Why you posted Xavier while reporting something Magneto said?

because the genders are defined in terms of each other. A trans lesbian is just a crossdresser who demands the entire world is his bedroom.

No, they're not. Women are not women because men are not women. And even if I agreed to your mental gymnastics, what's so wrong about someone being attracted to everyone?

Fuck you Xavier, you bald, crippled Mugger!

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They are defined in terms of the real world and there is just two of them.

Sexuality and gender are different things.

Trans women (MTF) that are into women are gay.
Trans men (FTM) that are into men are gay.

Please define them then.

How differently would mutants be treated if they were in DC and acted exactly like this?

Where did I say pansexual men and women were immoral? I simply suggested that if you think you were assigned the wrong gender, but your sexual proclivities still align with the hetero-normative expectations of your assigned-at-birth gender, then maybe your birth-certificate is more accurate that you realize.

The real world is a bit more complicated than your 7th grade biology class.

Why do they have anything to do with each other?

I see a potential Suicide Squad plot in this

They don't. user is just confused.

Each of the two genders is defined by the zygote they make. Males make sperm females make eggs. While some people are fucked up this is not a third gender its just fucked up people.

Souns like something creationist would say :)

>Forcefully take over buildings all over the world
>Develop own island nation
>Stockpile Omega mutants

This will end well for all.

so how do you know if someone is male or female without having sex with them?

Why would you need to know? Who said you are going to know?

Imagine having only two brain cells and thinking gender and sex are identical

hickman fucked up real good

how will you address them if you don't know their name? Or when you use sir or ma'am?

There is only one thing its defined by zygotes. Your fanfiction doesnt change cannon user.

by their appearance, unless they take hormone supplements. Also thanks for ruining the thread with your lgbt shit

Why would I address them? If I chose to do so I would choose the way I addressed them in the moment. And I dont like answering hypotheticals.

whoa, what if someone looks like the other gender without taking hormones? How could you even mistake someone for the other gender? The gender is firmly attached to their genitals if I'm not mistaken?
That's called cognitive disonance, user.

>That's called cognitive disonance, user.

No its just the real world user.

What if the real reason behind mutant prejudice is because Professor X or some other telepath/psychic mutant changed the minds of the common civilian to make it so that they hated mutants and made it seem like it was always that way? Maybe that's their excuse for "AND THIS IS WHY YOU HUMANS DESERVE TO TREAT US LIKE GODS, AFTER YOU TREATED US SO BADLY LMAO"

Just address them normally and if they ask you to switch pronouns just oblige them? Ya know, act like a normal human being?

Its canon that sublime causes it. Sublime is a sentient bacteria that has evolved parallel to humans and hates mutants because it cant infect them. It lives inside of the human herd.

I thought X-Men Blue was mostly okay, but Gold was pretty bad. Extraordinary was bad, the recent Uncanny by Roseberg was as bad as Chuck Austen's run, and Bendis' run was just him spinning tires waiting for Secret Wars to start.
All in all, you haven't missed much of anything, but hopefully Hickman will be the start of something halfway decent.

Your lack of understanding is amusing

Has Sublime been around since Morrison's run?


Rosenbergs run was so bad i can saftley say Austen's run was better.

Bitching about a new megastory in issue one is really plebeian.

I'll give you a (you) and hope nobody else does

>Not all drag queens are trans
No, but more than a fair few are paedos so there you go, minorities for all.

Why so scared of trans people?

Yes, but him being the reason mutants are hated is widely ignored anyways.

You're forgetting these are MARVEL citizens, you know those people that
>have rejected the cure for cancer because it comes from mutant help
>Rejected Mutants even though they are Avengers approved
>Rejected the mutants after they saved the world from a giant bullet
>rejected the mutants after they saved the world from the Inhumans
>That time a group of X-Men healers went full-on humanitarians and just helped impoverished people for free but still protested outside the fences and walls of the hospitals
>Just bent over backward when Captain America staged a coup against the universe
>Just accepted the fact Tony Stark poisoned the water of the San Francisco with cyber aids that require 100 dollars a minute to cure
>24/7 protests outside the Baxter Building
>That whole thing with Rosenburg's X-Men
I think the only hero that Marvel citizens praise is Daredevil

I am not going through activist research. Humans have male and female to reproduce. Gay kinda makes sense since having a few males around who dont fight over the females is helpful. The personalities that are typically associated with male and female are formed to help with the primary purpose of male and female. Living and reproducing. This doesn't mean they cannot take on each others role. Tom-girls and sub guys have always been a thing.

Transgender is a mental disorder thats primary holds the primary symptom of a high suicide rate. We should be helping these people come to terms with the real physical body they were born with. Pretending otherwise has not reduced that suicide rate one bit and the indulgence of pretending they can change bodies is a monstrous act. We will look back on this shit the way we look back on like we do lobotomy.

Mentally unhealthy people due unexpected shit. Best to keep an eye on them when they around. Wouldnt call it fear just healthy amount of attention paid.

/7 protests outside the Baxter Building

Thought the FF kids got a pass somehow.

i got a strong mutants are jews and krakoa is israel vibe from this book

What about Franklin?

Ya the chosen people attitude was off the charts. If this ends in a dumpster fire I hope its at least entertaining. What are the odds thats actually The Maker and hes just fooled everyone into thinking hes Xavier?

There's something up with Xavier for sure.

Some evil psychic being using him like a puppet? Casandra? Shadow king? He seems weird as fuck has anyone been reading recent content with him in it?

Now that I think about it he seems really androgynous maybe it is Casandra.

the regular people in DC are traditionally more accepting of superhumans. if x-men were in the DC universe, it most likely wouldn't have come to this.

also with magneto being the tour guide for those "diplomats" at the jerusalem krakoa location really drove it home

i'm most curious about that invasion of the body snatchers pod people shit at the beginning

It was Cyclops and Jean right? I'm curious about that too.

Transgenderism is a mental disorder, what's the problem if this being something that needs treatment? They can have a pretty normal life, better than most common mental disorders. Also, body acceptance should be something evolving these days (see fat people), but they are routing transgender people into a spiral of even worse problems and high suicidal rates. Current science just can't handle this yet (along a lot of other healthy problems).

Okay, somebody explain this to me. Humans are being born with mutations again, so SHIELD decided they needed to get terrorism on the line and stop evolution because their descendants turning into psychic supermen is somehow bad?

What is with that. Does that mean they just decided to take parts of Earth randomly?

You mean the master mold satellite near mercury or whatever? I assumed that was AIM or something.

Why do you think Cyclops wanted him to join them? Until they get the Phoenix back they're going to want at least one god on their ranks.

It's Orchis, all of the human secret organisations, they explained that in a CHARTS page

Yeah, he worked with the X-Men to stop his sister an even more evil bacteria and dated Rachel or Hope for a while.

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Transgender assumes that humans by default are a clear cut male or female, when the truth is they are not. Evidence points to a fairly common occurrence of XXY, XYY and other variants. It's not a fully understood aspect because it's only now being fully researched. It was taboo or "abhorrent" to even consider the science until the last twenty years at most.

Not going to dispute the high suicide rates, but I'm not going to peg it entirely on transgenderism. Any hormonal therapy is rough business, whether it's regulating heteronomrative conditions or transitioning. And despite an encouraging trend towards acceptance, we're still a far cry from accepting trans people as a whole.

Come at me again down the line when trans isn't looked at as a mental disorder but treated as a medical condition. When doctors aren't purposefully botching operations or denying care. When they're fully treated as equal, when they are accepted for who they are, then we'll see where those suicide rates are.

they have embassy buildings that have krakoa gates all over the world.

Sublime dated a teenager? Surely it was just Rachel, which is still weird.

i couldn't imagine it being him, but man, that thumbnail made it seem like it was him.

how badly would he fuck up 616 currently?

>ITT: trannies ruin everything

>>rejected the mutants after they saved the world from the Inhumans
When did that happen? Are you talking about the Terrigen Cloud? Because that only killed mutants, it's why the humans didn't care.

Plus, he secretely wants him to impregnate Rachel.

Is this guy actually the Maker?

Whend did karmina go bad i always liked her

And in the end it was an Inhuman that destroyed the cloud

Is it one autist or are you all braindead? Ultimate Reed was a /sci/autist who wanted to create a race of Transhuman Math Nerds with superpowers. He never paid attention to the Muties.

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No idea but notice that her affiliation is "unknown" I think that she's a mole.

Wasn't Elixir who destroyed the cloud?

You're thinking of Alchemy, and he only destroyed half of the cloud. The other half was destroyed by Medusa using a device built by Moon Girl and Forge.

yes, it has employees from all organizations, but that doesn't meal all organizations are in on it, maybe just rogue sympathizers? I've kept away from marvel for ages, have we seen orchis before? do we know the leaders?

imagine being so stubborn you can't see the easy evidence in front of you

Lazy ass HYDRA barely pulling it's own weight

HYDRA's a bunch of Globalists. It's natural that you'd find more Based & Redpilled people in AIM & SHIELD.

Why start from scratch when he can just take over the already existing mutants with a massive chip on their collective shoulder?

They call themselves queens.

>They call themselves queers

>doctors aren't purposefully botching operations or denying care.
The truth about trans medical care is that pretty much every medication is off-label and various animal welfare laws prevent experimentation and practice on the very complex genital surgeries for transitioning. Sure, there are doctors who will intentionally fuck things up, but transitioning is basically volunteering to be an experimental patient to help develop medical procedures. This is further compounded by the highly specialized nature and relatively low demand for SRS.

So can someone fill me on on something. Is house of x the result of what Magneto and X-Man did at the end of that book?

And is the result of reality manipulation?

Actually they do.

Some people are saying all the strange resurrections and discrepances are because this isn't 616.

You. You are right and don't let fags with mental illnesses try to convince you of the opposite. They're literally just making everyone guiltrip into giving them attention and privileges through dramaqueen logic.
The real world is not simple but it IS simpler than the mindfuck they give themselves, and the minorities should not define every aspect of how the majority acts or thinks: at most they should ask for basic rights and respect to live peacefully, instead currently society is about the minorities making everything be about themselves.

Male and female means sperm or egg. Its very clear cut. Again some people are fucked up but that doesnt make a third gender.

>Not going to dispute the high suicide rates, but I'm not going to peg it entirely on transgenderism. Any hormonal therapy is rough business

They kill themselves just as much without the hormones user. It literally doesnt help.

We don't know yet. Brace yourself for 11 more issues of shitposting

it all hangs on the letter font being a coincidence or not.

Short answer: no. Long answer: no, and we'll get presumably get more details on how this all came about in the coming issues.

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marvel editorial is shit enough to throw asgardian type on an entire champions book

Hickman apparently is aware of the misprint or whatever it actually means

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>Pretty sure gays aren't calling themselves gods
No, but they are demanding child sacrifice

Yeah they do, Church of Satan and all that.

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Think of it like this. The Maker was not Reed Richards, the pre-established character. The Maker is Hickman's transhumanism using the character Reed as a suit. This is the same thing, but Xavier. They're the same theme/actor but not the same person.

We only demand the sacrifice of the seventh son of the seventh son. Everyone else is too mundane to offer up.

When is that panel supposed to show up that "changes the Marvel universe forever" or some shit. The one with Xavier looking shocked on the bottom after reading Kitty Pride's mind

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>Anyone from Alpha Flight in any position of power ever.
So this is not only going to fail, it's going to fail spectacularly.

And isn't AIM good now?

with Inhumans first than humans

>And isn't AIM good now?
user, there are former members of several "good" organizations on that list.

But to answer your question, I'm pretty sure they went back to being evil.

How the heck is the Maker not Reed?
Reed got character development and became the Maker.

who's this guy

Some parts of the lbgt community act really really high on themselves,confusing "pride" (Read: acceptance of who you are/ a lack of shame for who you are) with a sense of unwarranted self importance, declaring that every shit they take is worthy of celebration.

Basically anytime someone goes from just asking for acceptance/tolerance to demanding that you celebrate them they make the jump to being annoying as fuck.

It's hard to be invested in this story without actually knowing what the real premise or stakes are. Are these the real X-men? If they are real do they actually buy this Krakoa stuff or are they being controlled? Is this even the real Professor X? Is this even the normal Marvel universe?

I don't mind some mystery but stringing along basic plot elements like this only makes me wonder if any of this is really going to matter.

>oh noo Xavier was actually Ultimate Reed all along

I can see the twist already, I thought Hickman was supposed to be a good writer

I believe powers of x, next week

no, it's House of X number 2

lmaoing at this tranny trying to justify itself

So will Nimrod and Mastermold actually put these muties in their place or are they destined for a jobbing?

It's Moira, not Kitty.

No, it's Powers of X. That book has a bunch about young Xavier and Moira (and the art is by Silva, not Larraz)

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>"Xavier, you are gay".jpg

I hate this modern comics shit so much, there should be a rule that says "no copy paste panels"

They sure look like they're being put in their place.

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Last think I remember was Red Skull had his brain or something. How the hell did Shadow King get a hold of his conciouse?

>He hasn't encountered the Bussyterians yet
Count yourself lucky

Is this what X Men have become? You read older X comics and they are heroes who get shit on by everyone but they're still good and that's why you root for them, now the only thing you want is for them to get btfo and see them fail

anybody keen for a House of X directors cut storytime?

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How does he see out of that helmet

Peace can be obtained without equality.

I've only encountered the Church of Latter Day Bottoms

are you sure?

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As opposed to straight people?

>We should be helping these people come to terms with the real physical body they were born with

I love how you people always make assumptions like medical professionals have not tried doing that and found other treatments to be more effective.


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I like how their hair comes already cut and styled. Krakoa is so thoughtful.

Also the same humans that were disgusted at Reverend Stryker when they heard him speak on national TV.

rent free

But that's not how perfects work

Lots of trans people going around shooting schools these days

Reminder that ALL Telepaths and Psychics must be purged from ALL species
Nothing good has ever come from a psychic of any type

Life is inherently dangerous. Let's purge it all.

Go away Thanos

>People coming out of Orange Cocoons
I prefer my Cocoons green but you do you.

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The issue where the Jew is named?

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>ignores the existence of the x/y chromosome

I look forward to comparing Krakoa to Utopia.

It was bad sign when they sent Mag-fucking-neto to great the diplomatic delegation. He would not be the guy I would want talking about how mutants have "never conquered a people, stolen their land or made slaves of the vanquished."

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Marvel is trash and has no new ideas.

the Maker cant be trusted!

Straights are blind to how the world revolves around them.

thanks for the storytime

I mean, can you blame them? You have these super-model-looking people appearing, either on television or in person, each one of them given powers you can't even imagine in some cases. They're telling you to stop hating them and treat them equally, despite the fact that nature has given them something that literally makes you both not even remotely equal - for example, if your neighbors could read your mind like any comic-book, wouldn't you call that both unfair and incredibly creepy and invasive?
Then you have the fact that they've got rich benefactors that helps to take care of them - meaning they don't have to worry about paying the bills, picking up food, finding a steady job. They live in a "bubble" where life is inherently better for them (attacks from other mutants nonwithstanding)
Then they start preaching how they aren't dangerous, while by their side stand Magneto, whom not only has often and loudly expressed his distaste and hatred for mankind, but is a living embodiment against that statement - creating an organization called "The brotherhood of EVIL mutants." That's not even getting into the murders (Wolverine) or mind-wipes (Emma Frost, Jean Grey, etc) that some of them do every now and then.

so tldr; Mutants are scum because the X-men are idiots living in their own dome.

Are mutants a race or a species?

And this is why you don't send Magneto on diplomatic missions

Damn it, Woolie.

>Xavier add 5 years to everuones lifespan, cures every mental disease and also all bacterial infections
>Not the good guy

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>implying copy-paste is modern
Imagine being this new

That's an argument for hating the X-Men.
Everyone should hate the X-Men, they're dicks, along with basically every other superhero in the Marvel Universe not named Kamala Khan.
But that doesn't excuse killing a 11 year old girl because she hit puberty and started to grow scales on her face.

And that's why the X-men work better in a separate universe where people simultaneously praise the Avengers but approve giant death robots hunting down other super powered people.


You see everyone is talking the maker but I get real Rightclops vibes here

Because it's stupid as fuck and a fucking mess to deal in

The Avengers are just people with asvamced tech , training amd/or one off freak accidents.

There is no existenial threat.

.01% of every teenager turning into a wmd during puberty is WAY scarier than a couple of rich science nerds playing dress up.

That's why the Morlock's should be the speakers for Mutant-kind. They suffer through more shit than anyone else and has more hardships than the x-people.

No problem ;^)

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We all know that's lesbians and trangenders/transexuals though. Everyone else are pretty much not that egomaniacal?

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The mutants just don't seem to get it. Humans were never superior. There were primates smareter, stronger, faster, and bigger than us. But see who survived. It's humans.

I also wonder why they have a huge god complex. They know that actual god like beings exist. That Inhumans exist. That Eternals exist. Demons exists. Aliens exist. Higher dimensional beings exist. And even machines can eventually rise up. What makes the mutants so special?

The new Cerebro even looks like Rightclops' visor

Because Franklin is stronger than most of them. Omega level mutants are literally gods, and stronger than most current Marvel gods

Well, fuck sapiens, anyway

There's a much better question of why having a single variant gene makes you a separate ethnic group, though. People with down syndrome are not suddenly members of the brotherhood of evil downies by virtue of their genetic defects, why do they expect everyone to be on board with them and forsake their pasts and identities for their cult?

Even if one disregards biological race/ethnicity, you don't magically stop being enculturated because Magneto said so.

>tfw you just go along with the LGBT shit because some of your friends are "woke" and you don't want to bother trying to wrap your head around the bullshit
Sure pal, I'll call you whatever the fuck you want if it makes you happy

It can only be obtained through power

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Those people aren't your friends and will turn on you the moment you step outside of their approved opinions. Your acquiescence is a sign of spiritual weakness.

Now imagine waking up as one of those mutants

Killing all the mutants is just enforcing stagnation and wishing for your own species to die, unable to evolve and become bigger than they were before. Also, isn't the entirety of NYC mutants after Spider Island, barring a handful of exceptions who already have superpowers?

No they are not

I would also like to add that historically the most terrifying and destructive events that led mutants close to extinction were all caused by other mutants or alien entities. Mutants complain so much about humans, but at this point it no longer makes sense.

Why don't we see much of Mars?

Storm is as strong if not stronger than Thor power wise, though Thor is more durable

No she is not, theres so much more shit thor can do compared to storm.

>Storm is as strong if not stronger than Thor power wise

Are you kidding, right? Even the imperfect clone created by Reed was enough to defeat Storm if Susan hadn't intervened to save her.

I think user means as in the sort of weather she can create. Thor generally can't generate hurricanes++ on a whim.

>Cyclops becomes isolationist to protect the human race
>everyone shits on him
>Xavier does the same on a much grander scale
>this is fine

>as a flyover who spends 4.5 hours a day listening and registering to Steven Crowder I have my finger in the pulse of the gay community

You have literally never met a gay person. You have never spoken to a person whose had intercourse of any kind.

Psychic powers.

>Everyone that has been killed is back
Tell that to Rahne

>>It feels bad when people call me by the gender I was born with
tough shit

No one cares about Rahne

Pretty sure he can

>Mutants are upsetting hierarchy by being random cunts.
They upset hierarchy by having powers beyond most of humans that could bypass rules of society without doing anything to earn them AND by being random cunts.
One of those can't be helped but they shoot themselves on the foot with the second one

>people coming out of cocoons
Did all the time speaking for Black Bolt in the illuminati meetings have an effect on Xavier?

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Drop that bottle, Tony and go home

Can you imagine if Israel decreed that gentiles aren't allowed to set foot in their country, not even diplomats?

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Rahne is already confirmed to come back, she's on the cover of the new volume of New Mutants along with Sunspot.

I wouldn't be surprised if it did. Man had a working Kingdom, a flying City and a whole Royal Family that is very loyal to him. So he has results to back up his reasoning at least.

Attached: marvel illuminati.jpg (1280x1968, 601K)

>North Korea is more open than the mutant nation of Krakoa

The Church of Satan are edgy atheists.

Anyone who bases their personality too much on one thing becomes a shitty person.

It can be sexuality, a hobby, an ideology, a franchise and many other things.

Pretty sure they're still feeling the backlash of Secret Empire

Who is that character


Silly comparison, Israel exists so the USA can have his military base on the middle east.

user, look man by and large yes but you can find ones that are that cocky. It's the same with any group based around pride, they all eventually turn into surpremisists.
T. Gaynon

>>Cyclops becomes isolationist
>to protect the human race

Nigga, what?

XY chromosomes are hellva 'problematic'....for you.

Congrats, you vaguely remember something from elementary biology

Only tops are gods

Reminder that they're gonna try and take Franklin from Reed.
That is the world's biggest mistake.

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Referring to the part you are unable to enunciate, because you lack the comprehension, these are also known as genetic abnormalities. They pertain to 0.0000000000000000000000001% of the population and are an extreme exception.

nah, they won't, it was just Scott doing the asshole for... no fucking reason.

Yeah that's a great fuckin way to get the fantastic four on your ass which should be like rule one for evil schemes: do not piss off the fantastic four.

>They try taking Franklin
>This brings the Fantastic Four to fight the X-Men
>Meanwhile, Doom does bullshit
>and when it turns out that charles is actually ultimate reed, doom directs all his attention to beating him

Even better.
>Franklin gets kidnapped
>Val convinces Doom to help free him
They won't last a fucking minute.

Attached: 2381623861.jpg (640x331, 69K)

>Reed reforms the illuminati and being in anyone who was ever a member of the illuminati (minus Xavier) and starts planning to remove the X-men for good.
It's time build that ultimate Mutant buster suit Tony has always wanted.

>Reed's science against them
>Sue's possessiveness against them
>Ben's unyieldingness against them
>Johnny's heat against them
>Franklin's powers while in emotional distress against them
>Valeria calls her Godfather too
They're fucked.

If it's serious enough too Spidey might as well join in.

My own human supremacists sentiments caused a minor brainfart.

It's even worse.
older Franklin joins.
To me my Galactus

And keep in mind Ben has a shitton of heroes on speed dial who would be willing to help.

>Roll up to the baxter building to pick a fight with the f4

>There waiting for you

>Doom, the silver surfer, spider-man and fucking glacutus are there.

>Suddenly black panther shows up shouting Ybambe

>Scott: ive made a mistake....

I hate transhumans so much now. I'm gald they're not real, because I imagine those douchebags would act like these muties who expect us to grovel at their presence due to their obvious "superiority," and I would oppose them. Fuck Mutants, Inhumans, Mutates, Cyborgs, and just general Transhumans altogether. I'm looking forward to the Sentinels taking you all out. Lang, Trask, Kelly: they were all right.

>tfw no morally gray x men villain who's essentially one of those human villains out to kill mutants, but under the belief that they're a threat to humanity and letting them rule would result in things getting worse and he's almost completely fucking right

The X-men have reality manipulators of their own

Yes, but not on the same level as Franklin Richards.

Where does Legion and Proteus rank on the reality manipulation scale?

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Hickman is definitely planning something major for Franklin Richards. The red text on this page and the Cyclops page is some major foreshadowing.

Come to think of it, isn't Franklin mostly depowered over in Slott's FF? His thins now is that he has a limited reserve of power left, and every time he uses it, the closer he gets to losing it all and becoming powerless.
I guess that Hickman is going to ignore that shit. Hopefully also make him stop dying his hair.

Prime Sentinel

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I was thinking a bit more of a Funny "EVERYTHING I DO IS FOR HUMANITY/AMERICA" Valentine-esque villain

Yes, that's Moira MacTaggart, slaying her mutant friends and selling her twat to Apocalypse, and taking Operation Zero Tolerance nanomachines all in the name of saving humanity.

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and Loa :(((((

I'd like to think I'm pretty tolerant of gay people but reading this thread I personally cannot make a stance on transgenderism. Damn man that topic is complicated. I support their right to do what they need to to make them happy but I do hope we find a way to help them out with the suicide rates. I really cannot say whether sex change operations are helpful or harmful to them. I just want to say I sympathize with what you're going through folks. I won't pretend I understand what you're going through one bit but I do hope that whatever you people choose to do with your lives, you end up happy.

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We can all be terrible sometimes user. Hope your depression gets better.

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>Hickman wants to use the F4
You don't say
God I wish that woman would step on me

Aside from Big G and Surfer most others are going to get trashed stomped by X's veritable army of reality warpers and telepaths.

I see your Fantastic Brat and raise you Jim Jaspers who affects reality on multiversal level.

Jim Jaspers isn't with the X-Men.

Who is this in the pic?

But trying to obtain peace that way will likely lead to war.

Equality is an impossibility anyway.

No correct he's dead in 616 however if you're fielding Surfer and Galactus I reserve the right to up the ante.

Is this NOT supposed to be Maker? We got the same fucking look and attitude right down to the elongated head in the back.

But they're not dead.

Most gays hate that shit. Lesbians have more hate for trannies then /pol/

The internet is a bad, bad thing. I loved Rightclops, he was enjoyable and rootable, so in theory, the x-men in this SHOULD be rootable too. To me, who liked Rightclops too, at least.
But they're not. So far.
Which could be of one of two reasons. One, their behavior feels unearned within this run, unlike Rightclops' attitude. Which is a valid reason.
Two, I see the wrong (Sjw) type of folks stanning for them on other places and I instinctively go against that.
If it's the second reason, I've messed my mind badly, it's a stupid, stupid reason.

Fuck you Mugger, you don't get to tell me what to do! Like Ol'Blue Eyes said "I'm gonna live, live, live, live... till I DIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE".

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It is obviously supposed to look like the Maker and give us bad vibes. I believe Hackman in the interviews, Xavier wants a peaceful future for mutants but is willing to be morally gray to get there.
Being a huge fucking creep may be Hickman's idea of morally gray.

Franklin is still Val's brother. If they tried that, Doom would unleash literal Hell upon them simply so that his little girl wouldn't get mad.

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Scott was a little peeved that they wouldn't let him take Sabertooth with him.


>tfw can't decide if Muties now are stand-ins for Kikes, Nazis, or We-Wuzers
>tfw can't decide if this Cringe & Bluepilled, or Based & Redpilled
Help me Yea Forumsmrades.

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Mah buddy

Kill all mutants!

God that art is so fucking weird.

user, Rahne is explicitly on the cover of New Mutants which is spinning out of this. Rahne is already back. All the mutants are back. If Xavier would bring back unstable shitbags like Proteus, Vulcan, or Xorn's brother, Xorn, do you seriously think he wouldn't bring his own students?

>make your adopted son look like Hitler
>wait until his life is in shambles
>turn him into your mind controlled slave

Yeah, that's not dickish at all.

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lol waifufag I liked her too

Sending good vibes, user. I hope you pull through

He is the maker

>On Doom?



What’s Israel? That like Agrabah?

Reed's Best Friend outside Ben is Tony. Fucker can dust off Stark Sentinels, slap some Power Dampeners (that worked on Sentry and Ares) and Bob's your Uncle. Muties getting Uppity is dangerous.

Doom isn't immune to all the X-files of the mind user, he's got psi blockers built into mask and is resistant to purple man shenanigans but there are plenty of other methods of mental attack technopathy for example could render his suit non functional so he would then be forced to rely only on his sorcery.

Doom's bluffed off an Amped Killgrave and Emma backed down with just a snarl. Even if you take away his tech, he's still near Strange's level in Sorcery. If you band Doom, the F4, their kids, and maybe Parker and Stark, the Muties get toasted in a few seconds.

>Amped Killgrave
So did JJ.
>Emma backed down with just a snarl.
I've not read this and would do so before commenting.
>he's still near Strange's level in Sorcery.
So what? Sorcery isn't necessarily a counter for mutanity. Having said that his sorcererous power is considerable.

Having said all of that I think he'd get wrecked by someone like Legion.

>Doom, instead of killing them all, finds a way to warp every single fucking mutant besides Franklin to another fucking planet as far away from Earth as possible so they'll finally shut the fuck up about their superiority

the dream is dead

Hello, I'm the Joker and i am here to say FUCK MUTIES

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Don't forget that almost all of the Avengers and a lotta other heroes are good friends with Grimm, so they'd probably help him out without a question if needed.

That’d help but that wouldn’t stop new mutants from being born on Earth

They're not the only one's Alive again. Zombie Banshee got killed and he's back.

Has anyone mentioned that Krakoa is functionally the same as the Maker's City? Krakoa being an organic iteration of City is really pointing me towards The Maker pulling a mutant Children of Tomorrow play.

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If Doom and Reed wished to, they could just make a fucking global cure for mutants.

>So did JJ.
That Killgrave was amped and mind controlling the whole world; including all superhumans (save the heroes of the OGN).
>I've not read this and would do so before commenting.
Dark Reign Cabal One-Shot. Hit up RCO.
>So what? Sorcery isn't necessarily a counter for mutanity. Having said that his sorcererous power is considerable.
Sorcery is basically Cheat Codes to the Universe. It's pretty much equal to Reality Warpers.
Yeah, but I was just talking about the ones closest to the F4.

Already happened in Rosenburg's run mutants then created an anti cure.

That's even more silly since America only became their sugardaddy in the 70s after the last Arab-Israeli. Before that their main benefactor was France which provided jets and the nuclear reactor for their nuclear program.

>what was the point of being trans then?
Do you think people become trans to get laid?

mfw mutants are more inhuman than the inhumans

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>The Inhuman push made Inhumans become X-Men and now the X-Men are the Inhumans just without a Royal Family.
Xavier and Black Bolt's talks from the illuminati days have gotten way out of hand.

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>Ike Perlmutter won all along

>were all caused by other mutants or alien entities.
Pretty much all the 'Sentinels rule the future and have killed everyone' futures are caused by flatscans. And there are a lot of those.

A whole team of X men got their shit pushed in by spiderman alone in about 10 seconds, they arent doing shit to a team like that.

Sounds like extreme bullshittery.

The Summer, Magneto, and Xavier clan are the royal family though.

Due to Spider-wanking. There are some X-men that Spider-man have no business of defeating. Especially none of the Omegas with exception to Hope and Elixir.

You are correct.

Jim Shooter resented Claremont and was clearly trying to "put the X-Men in their place". The X-Men were also written pretty OOC during Secret Wars.

Doom's suit outright separates him into a different dimension. It's not a matter of sneakily using telepathy on him. he's not technically in the same room , country, planet, or dimension as you despite being 5 feet away.

Technopathy user, technopathy.

That assumes that Doom's suit would not be loyal to Doom.

All of this Doom wanking is making me want to sympathize with Tommy.

Technopathy doesn't care, technopathy wants to wreck shit.

To the maker my x-men

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Fuck you, that 4% is carrying the other 96% and you know it. Now help us get these ice cream scoops ready to harvest Charles' brain.

The suit is also magic.

Quite a few times. Here was a thread yesterday where both points came up.
It has a lot of shitballs crazy theories. It's fun.

>Hickman's X Men becomes the Fantastic Four, Spidey, and Doom vs The Maker manipulating all mutants

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Dude, Krakao literally has nearly every mutant, even the omega levels like Vulcan and shit. Doom is dead

I worked it out the maker copied and pasted the 616 universe to make his own that's why nothing makes sense and remember this was his plan

Doom is also currently in a very calm relaxed place with a handsome face after his second recent stint as God. He’d probably just tell Xavier to not bother.

That Xavier is actually Doom transplanting his brain into Xavier's body and fusing it with his own. The X-men is Doom's attempt to play god and become the mutant god emperor of humanity. Oh and the Celestials are also somehow involved. Along with a Interdimensional Council of Xaviers.

Bendis scarred Doom and made him ugly before he jumped ship to DC because why not.

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Ok so what you're saying is when Trinary wrecks his shit he's still wearing +1 armor?

Pretty sure whey they arrive at the Citadel of Xaviers they find the entire Interdimensional Council of Xaviers dead, telepathically murdered by each other in an argument over whose Jean was most bangable. Not quite as horrible as the Interdimensional Council of Scotts who just stand around looking heavenward while screaming JEAAAAAAAAAAN at each other.

Don't worry, I'm sure it was a Doombot.

>The Maker somehow took over Xavier's body through bullshit, as part of one of his genius keikakus
>When everyone tries to stop him he goes full Onslaught with Magneto and Charles
>The big event for 2020 or 2021 is the Maker as Onslaught changing the Earth to suit his needs

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Total aside, but I always thought it was hilarious how Xavier's tipping point despite all of Magneto's atrocities was nearly killing Wolverine. I mean wiping out hundreds+ people is bad and all, but you don't fuck with Marvel's comic hopping bread and butter!

secret tumor meeting rooms! fun! Get it?

Cause secrets give us sickness? 2 deep.

Discrimination against mutantkind unironically stems from Namor being a dick.
Also people fearing the Human Torch.

Whereas in the DC universe the first experiences with metahumans was much softer.

Nope. It stemmed from Magneto attempted to steal the world's nukes and publicly declaring war against the humans as a mutant.

Even Cyclops realizes mutants are a threat to humanity.

Because you’re blind. We see four out of five Cuckoos in this issue.

Always here for Charles being written as a colossal dick.

I wouldn't call a 40% suicide rate very effective

Ah, someone who’s never read a Thor comic.

Thor summoned and commanded a cosmic storm cloud from galaxies away to his location in order to bombard retcon angels with rain of lightning, heavy rain and wind. Storm is no where that powerful.

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I think you are both right.