ITT: Shows that hold up much better than you'd expect them to

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I recently rewatched it and it was quite amazing and wholesome.
Ghunter is a great friend

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The first two or three seasons, then stop watching.

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Fuck no.

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This furry artstyle was unsettling, just humans with animal heads

I liked the bikini girls in the and the intro itself though

Speaking of intro, extended version: good luck not getting a boner

What's with Andy? season 1 is literally the single funniest cartoon season in existence to this day.

No modern "comedy" cartoon even comes close.

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Simply based

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Thanks for the vote of confidence user. Rewatching the DVD version right now, I'd also add the art & animation in season 1 is so much better than it gets credit for. (Now if only it had season 2's music)

>good luck not getting a boner

There's a rare mention

That's very low quality yiff

What did you expect from France?

Yup, much better than that fatty from Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja named Howard. He's also better than Sam and Tucker from Danny Phantom.

Here's the list

1. Ghunter
2. Elisa Maza
3. Casey Jones
4. April O Niel
5. Spud
6. Trixie

It's still hilarious and slapstick gold

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what april vercion?

Surprisingly randy cunningham? i remember it being better than that shit mao mao