Thor should’ve done this

Thor should’ve done this

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B but no YASSS KWENN! then

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should've been the Helicarrier with Fury and Hill

It doesn't make sense for the timing of it, it had to happen in response to Thanos getting desperate, which only happened because of the big three fighting him.

>which only happened because of the big three fighting him
u wot?

It was Scarlet Witch kicking his ass, Thor was free to do this himself.

That's not how you spell nova

Thor can't fly though, he can throw Mjolner sure but Cap had that.

Miss Marvel should have done this at the start.

yeah he can

it made no sense since marvel just some how shows up.

Thor should’ve been punched into space wirh the power stone, then five minutes later the scene where the ship shoots at the clouds and Thor comes down to fuck the ship up happens

This version was better because it triggered incels

No he really cant. There was a whole thing about his hammer pulling him off in Ragnarok.

The entire third part of the movie was a let down. A waste of the set up.

Honestly it could’ve gone 2 ways
>Thor is somehow incapacitated, then comes out with the save, destroying the ship to end his character arc thus redeeming him
>it’s the fucking helicarrier
Anything would’ve been better

Don't agree or disagree, but "something just entered the upper atmosphere" was worth it just for the audience reaction alone.

Hell yeah it was.

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Wow her forehead is huge

>to end his character arc thus redeeming him

There's your problem. This isn't the end of his character arc, unlike the rest of the avengers.

I was convinced the madlads were bringing in Silver Surfer

We literally see him flying with Stormbreaker in Infinity War.

God I miss Nova. How long until the MCU butchers him?


James Rogers should've been canon in the MCU.

do we?

No he's too weak to take down a entire mothership. Captain Marvel was really needed.

My favorite part was them having to send Marvel out of the film cause she is so OP.

It’s like:
>look how stronk she is
>whoops too stronk so come back later

Cry more pussy

No, is a perfect scene

literally heard a girl squeal that in the theaters. it was weird, people have favorite heroes and moments like these are great for them.

What even was the fucking resolution of Thor's sadfat arc? That he got to kill some mooks offscreen with his old hammer?

I feel Carol should have had more speaking scenes, she just felt like tacked on minor plot device

Yeah, She really could've solved the problem if she had been on earth like 15min earlier.


He got to see his mommy and hold his old hammer which showed him that he was still worthy. That's his arc.

That's because was.

Who is the cute pre-op MtF tranny in your pic?

Once again these movies are too deep for the plebs on here. Strange specifically didn't portal her in because if she had arrived earlier it wouldn't have ended with Tony getting ahold of the stones as that was the 1 good outcome.

Yes. He literally flies around in Wakanda fucking up Thanos's Outrider ships. He even flies up and blasts Thanos.

nigga hulk has two hands, just give him the glove again

>nano gauntlet made for the right hard
>Hulk uses it once and fucks his whole arm up
>sure let’s just slap that puppy on the left hand instead now

Yes because that’s how gloves work

it can grow to twice its size but it can't put the thumb on the right?

pretty shitty nanotech if it can't adapt to whatever hand

Actually why couldn't tony have made the gauntlet just recognized thanos and shrink too small for his hand. Than thanks can't do shit

The Ravages should have done it.

There are fuckers uploading clips of thanos fight in 4k. Someone surely has the torrent leak. Anyone?

male pissbaby

Too fat
He'd try but get stuck on broken bits of the ship, or perhaps his belt and then his pants would fall off and then Steve would go 'Thor your odinsons are showing!'

Too soon, we must...savor his coming.

Time to read Requiem again, I think

Ya, he essentially does what Captain Marvel does in Endgame but to the Outrider ships.

His fat ass would've got stuck and then they'd have a ship with a Hobo Thor stuck to the bulkhead.

Too bad it didn't occur to Thor. I'm not saying he's dumb, just less pragmatic than Carol

>Thor your odinsons are showing!

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He was too busy being fat

Better yet, the Nova corp from Guardians of the Galaxy should have arrived and started fighting on the air against the forces of Thanos, have them be lead by Captain Marvel if you still need to shove her in there.

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Why not Captain Marvel?

I don't think he'd get butchered like Starlord did since everyone at Marvel Studios trying to work him in loves him.

It should have been them sticking with Nova in the original script and him being their Hail Mary at the end

Further proof that Captain Marvel ruined everything. We could have had an awesome spaceship vs spaceship battle in space.

>Delusional Novafags
But we got something way cooler instead.

He was fighting Thanos. It's why they're a team

He really wasn't. Thanos was busy fleeing from Scarlet Witch.
All Thor did the entire movie was be a fat joke, try not to cry, bring Mjolnir (for Cap to use better than he did) and distract Thanos by allowing him to pummel him effortlessly.

Are you genuinely retarded? Stormbreaker easily tore through ships that not only withstood re-entry but the subsequent impact and kept full structural integrity. Stormbreaker could have easily took him through that ship im endgame you moron

Marvel wasted the nova corps


One day I want to see Ant-Man do this shit.

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That would have been based

The speech about the storm from the Original Sin mini followed by a cosmic tempest tearing the ship apart. That would be neat. Or just plain ol' Odinforce show. truth be told, we all know it should've been Strange

....Yes. Yes, he should have.

Because they did so well against Ronan's ship.

>actually I would love it if Thor used his lighting to wound Thanos and actually take his head off with him commenting "This time I did aim for the head"

Thor should of gone off with cap.Marvel to defend the universe.
They could of have cap.Marvel put Thor back together and have them part ways at the end with Thor meeting Beta Ray Bill.
Does anybody know which scenes they added to the re-release of Avengers endgame

...That was a cool line.

If MCU Captain Marvel didn't suck so badly it would have been goddamned awesome.

Unfortunately this is not that timeline.

This should have been her introduction. Then her movie could have been after, that way Eternals, Black Widow, and Captain Marvel are all prequels.

Captain Marvel is the best, have sex.


I am sure she is not a captain marvel fan. Just Yass queen fan.

Anyone who is a fan of Captain marvel has to be so ironically. I understand WW fans, but CM was shit who coasted by on the Marvel Name and 'first marvel female super yassssss!"

There is a Hell for trolls, little turd.

Assuming she was already flying toward Earth it's probably a bad idea to open a portal to the middle of space on the ground.

He's too fat to fly.
