Dial H For Hero #5 Storytime

Who is Mister Thunderbolt?

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Thanks for the storytime as always!

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Action Comics: Curse of the White Knight: JLD:

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Right in the feels.

Good issue

Thanks, Norrin.

What would you do if you got this call?
I definitely would take it. I honestly don't know how I could resist.I could only hope I don't get turned into some useless joke hero...

Huh, been away for awhile so I didn't know they were doing a second attempt at a modern one. Though I guess it has been awhile since someone snorted coke and decided they should let China Melville have a go at it. I am liking its own attempt at analyzing the grand mythos of superheroes. That commonality between both versions that otherwise seem pretty different is making me wonder if it was something in the original story too. I know very little about that one.

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Dial T for Tears

>It's a phone cord




>channeling Mazzucchelli's style for the Year One page

>Somehow a fake version of Superman is more likable than whatever the main Bendis book is doing

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New Frontier shot. Very nice.


The Supermobile, for when Superman needs to fly a spaceship that also punches people.

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Man I'm going to miss this book. Why is it so underappreciated?

That's Amazo, right? That would actually be really useful if it shields Superman from its power copying abilities.

Which version are the heroes in the bottom right panel? I see brown aquawoman and sexy raven.

I feel like some of those are references. Is that EmmaFrost/Scarlet Witch fusion?

>I can't save us all
>Not alone
>I need help, from everyone

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Or Shocking Suzy, Goddam that was a depressing story.

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Any chance he is one of the person who got that call? That might be his chance to turn back to normal. Or has DC definitely decided to pretend forever he doesn't exist?

And when everyone's super nobody will

Thanks for the story.

It's the Titans Tomorrow, a dark alternate future version of the Teen Titans from Geoff Johns' run.

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It was, the thing is the supermobile was clearly made to sell toys. Its hard to sell superman toys when he is suppose to be able to do anything on his own.

Maybe that is why Batwank is a thing, what other heroes could they sell that requires so many accessories sold separately?

Lets pretend he did... She got a phone call and returned to normal, and when this thing gets reverse he is the only one who doesn't get affected.

That comic made my penis sad.

>I'm going to miss this book. Why is it so underappreciated?
Good books often are.

Dial H just got extended

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Well, at least the used Lord Superman instead of Chancellor Superman

So Kid Flash decided "Ah, fuck it, I'm just gonna dress like Zoom full-time now!"?

>Conner has bigger tits than Cassie

Kid Flash always wears Yellow.

So in-universe people know about Clark Kent dressing up in phone booths?

Maybe less about Kent going in and more about Superman going out.

Don't question it, the girl somehow flew over the Batman TAS version of gotham night sky and all while traveling to metropolis.

Not the full-helmet type cowl like Zoom's

this is a good moment

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That is one mighty chin.

Reminds me of I Hate Superman by Louise Simonson.
Make sure to include the author's name when you Google it or your search result will come up with a lot of stupid shit that isn't worth your time.

Just about to post the same thing
That book was a good but sad read

>Supes is just a man with powers who decided to do good
If Dogfucker can understand this, there is no excuse for anyone else to fuck it up

This. You need a high iq to understand Superman.

This has been a good series.

>You need a high iq to understand Superman.
That's exactly the opposite of what I'm saying user. You don't need a high IQ to understand Superman because you shouldn't need a high IQ to understand some people just want to be good

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If there is being to dumb to understand something, I guess there is also being too high IQ to understand things.

"Smart" people just can't fathom the idea of a person just being good.

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I dunno Satan. I think it's less about smart and dumb and more about being empathetic and sympathetic to others.

Love this book. And love the execution. There is no need to blow half of the multiverse to write a story about meta entities or high stakes. Wish Snyder will be capable to learn from this.

And yet ironically it's because of him we got this book.

So it's sort of like a hypertime for superhero concepts?

>Fundamental Force outside the bullshit in Snyder JLA
Ahaha! Eat shit Snyder you hack!

Please dont make this an inter-comic bitchfest thread.

It's kind of hard not to when Snyder is being a giant prima-donna trying to make HIS concepts and HIS bad guys the greatest and most powerful in the multiverse.

user, Snyder isn't doing that anymore than Vertigo having the Endless being greater than nearly every god or cosmic spirit did, or Final Crisis introducing the Monitors and Mandrakk did. Stop being a pissy faggot obsessed with latching onto anything you think is "btfoing Snyder."

>Hal and not Alan
>Barry and not Jay

Dial F for Feels.

>"Smart" people just can't fathom the idea of a person just being good.

Thats true, but also, i think that the message they are trying to give, is that 'your actions and decisions define what you are, not the stuff, powers or advantages you have.'

But so far im not sure how does that angle fit in this story.

I like talking about hope but this just doesn't feel genuine to me.

Thanks, Norrin!