Amazing Spider-Man #26 storytime

In which Pete cheats on Johnny, and bitches love Spider-Man

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in the sewer kingpin? common

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I know he's the SHOCKER but his powers aren't really electricity

So I take it that Daredevil's current arc with Fisk trying to abandon the Kingpin thing takes place after this.

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Is the Mary Jane issue out too, or does it come an other week?

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Boomerrang knows peters secret huh. So does Kingpin.

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oh my lord

Beetle is basically an SJW villain done right.

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who wrote this issue?

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Is there even a point in paperwork and W-9s when you're an illegal criminal enterprise formed by wanted criminals?

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>Whatever you say, Hillary
Kek. Remember when Beetle actually said that she wanted to be "The Hillary Clinton...of drug dealers".

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I love Boomerang

It helps to have things in writing. You can justify your later vendetta better.

Does he? I've only been reading this series intermittently. When and how did this happen?

you know, why isnt there a program that takes villains who want to reform into a probation period? In fact that would be a good comic,
>Former super villains want to do right by humanity have to to work with police and wear a device that kills them if they step out of line. Like superior foes but where they have to return to a special prison everynight.
Like make the final villain be a villain who created this law for the sake of making a golden parachute.

No, he doesn't.

Why did they bring that shitty fucking girl Electro back?

I fucking hate the Amazing Spider-Man movie for making them kill Max.

I forget but what exactly did Kindred tell Kingpin?

I fucking love this Beetle. She's such a scumbag, and yet she tries so hard to dress her scumbaggery up in this veneer of respectability.

It would be so easy to have Tombstone's daughter just dress in the same classy suits as her dad and appropriate the same mobster motif, but this is the smarter move; they both want to come across as respectable and classy in their own distinct ways, but underneath it all, they're both these backstabbing crooks. It's great.


>I fucking hate the Amazing Spider-Man movie for making them kill Max.
Uh, why do you assume that they killed him because of that movie? They didn't kill him until 2 years after that movie came out.

She has been a fun character so far. A bit on the reckless and idiot side. My kind of villain.

>Don't fuck with Peter Parker, or else.

So i9s that Carolyn Trainor as Lady Octopus? If so they gave her the into the Spider-Verse design.

It wouldn't be a Spider-Man's-villains-team-up without the petty bickering and backbiting over the most trivial bullshit.

They killed him because they kept getting complaints that he wasn't black in the comics. So instead of a race swap they did a gender swap.

Who's Randy banging?

One of the super villainnessessess if history is any indication.

>They killed him because they kept getting complaints that he wasn't black in the comics
Citation needed.
Baron Mordo, Heimdall and others are still white men in the comics.

Nick Spencer. He's done SJW villain-types before, in his Sam Wilson Captain America run, and it's generally pretty entertaining.

Trapstr most likely, she's not in the final page group shot or on the cover of the next issue. Plus she was whining to Beetle earlier about having to seduce guys for her job.

I want to do Scorpia in her butt.

and I thought sjw shit in comics couldn't get anyway worse ... then again we are talking about a guy who uses sexist terms like "toxic masculinity"

I don't believe that for a moment. Proof or you're just inventing things to get mad about.

Sorry I am making assumptions really.
Thing is havent you thought about it though? How LUCKY boomerang is with regards to kingpin attacking and backing off because the roommate was there, how boomerrang keeps bring peter to all these areas that are villains? Something tells me that That creepy crawly guy told Kingpin that Peter Parker is off limits and it would be stupid of them not to put 2 and 2 together.

Does it mean anything to you at all that the SJWs are buffoonish criminals who are being played for laughs? Or are you just so eager to get mad at anything and nothing at all that you can't help but start barking angrily the moment that you're reminded of the existence of something you dislike?

oh this is still spencer? oh man he is a 1000 times better than slott already.

Well, SJW are villains. He is not wrong.

they can bring him back. If anything she has been housing electro inside her.

>giving him (You)s
The biggest idiot here is (You)

not him but I do like how spencer is doing it. They are buffoonish

>t the SJWs are buffoonish criminals who are being played for laughs?
they aren't played for laughs at all. Calling it Boomerang and Spidey are both going to get their asses kicked by the strong independent women next issue

I don't like politics in comic period. I am not a hypocrite like sjws


I think this is the wrong hobby for you.

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man if that happens its only to set up the inevitable victory in the end. Just chill and let the meta happen.

I love this

All they have to add on is "we use AGILE and SCRUM"

not him and I dont mind the added politics, i mean civil war was based off of the w bush era, but as long as the ones pushing extremist views are the bad guys, Then I am ok.

The cover lied to me. I was expecting high stakes poker.

yeah covers dont always tell you whats going on, some times it has nothing to do with the issue.

An utter gibbering retard.

Peter would do great in poker because of spider-sense.

Another weak another boring Spider-Man story where Spider-Man gets to do nothing while feminist propaganda takes the focus once more.
Wouldn’t suprise me if this month Spider-Man sales drop below 60k once again

She only does anal

How the fuck do you enjoy any comic ever if you're completely incapable of understanding context

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But if Boomerang is Peter's fren now and Beetle is out to kill him off, what happened to the rest of the gang?

shut up slott, you cant false flag this comic.

any time i see bricks in a spider man book i instinctually think of the wall for some fucking reason

I kind of love that Boomerangs first concern was for Peter.

>they aren't played for laughs at all
Do you not realize how ridiculous it is for somebody to complain that there aren't enough women in organized crime? Or how ridiculous it is for criminals to argue over a vegan pantry?

>while feminist propaganda takes the focus once more.
No, it doesn't.

>they aren't played for laughs at all
The entire job pitch sequence is clearly a parody of progressive liberal tech office culture in companies like Google. I suppose you would have to be somewhat aware of the world outside your bedroom to get it, though.

Why can’t comics just be fun anymore?
Everything has to be about identity politics and how much white men suck according to feminist

>they aren't played for laughs at all.
Yes, it is.

An, you do realise that the whole point was to make fun of identity politic right?

It is a comics that is fun, just like you asked.

>how much white men suck according to feminist
The feminist is the VILLAIN, user. She's saying that more women need to go into organized crime, do you really think that the writer expects us to agree with her?

No they didn't you lying cum-slurper.

stop eating so much

Aunt May lookin' like Dick Knubbler here.

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Sorry fun stories have been outlawed. Just like white male characters being heroic or masculine and female characters being likable or sexy.
It's just the same leftwing politics over and over again

Which one you is the fuckwit that always has a cry that normal sized tits is SJW?

>A cup size is the norm
100% Yea Forumsmblr

Are you joking because you just described the post Civil War version of Thunderbolts.

You talk like a men hating feminist. No wonder you love this issue so much

>extremist views
buddy, libfem shit isn't extremist lmao

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>Female Beetle isn't sexy
Get out.

Denying people access to educational or job opportunities because they are white or Asian men is racist to the max.
Not my fault liberals are becoming more and more racist, sexist and facist. Just calling it out.

Are you the user who constantly cries in every thread that the world is out to get you and every other user the same person?




>All this lighthearted, comedic whimsy
>Meanwhile, next month

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What are you saying, this is fun as fuck

That bun and the round face is not doing Beatle any favours.

I know, the thought of ever retiring drives me insane too

Is this parody of G.I.R.L ?

were they folks who wanted to do good or were they forced to do it?

I lol'd at the fact that Beetle is starting a new Sinister Syndicate after the Six in Superior Foes all agreed the Sinister Syndicate was a loser outfit

Most were forced, a couple (mainly Songbird) wanted to do good. In Ellis' run, anyway. The lineup varied after that.

I assume so. They probably redesigned her to look more like Liv because of ITSV's popularity.

And now I see that the next page had the answer to your question.

I wonder if they'll try castration.

huh, ok well I think it could be a solo out side of marvel. Like how spencer did invincible, hell he had similar idea with his own civil war.

that's what parkerbolts was. suicide squad. half of superior foes are part of that team. i think it was even referenced in that book. shocker's uniform had the thunerbolt insignia.

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Fun issue. Having a villain (like not a crazy person but just a sane jerk) as part of Peter’s cast is neat.

yeah sorry I was high and wanted it too be like you would use a villain as a parolee and they take them out like they would a police dog and what not. 1 at a time and you would watch peoples hateful expressions towards the villians, questioning if all this is worth it just to get out sooner. That kind of thing.

no you are. you just dont think you are. Most extremist think they are in the middle when infact they are extremists.

>face drawn in side view
>eyes drawn in front view


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I really hope you’re full of shit but that does sound like marvel.

it's cool. yeah, that's something different.

Did someone disrespect the Shocker?

not many libfems realized that they are extreme. They ignore history like men helping with women getting to vote, getting to work, having sexual harrassment laws.

I love it.

what I discribed?

Hey his wife used to live down there you know

i thought she died

Yes but in the old days she lived in the sewer and got dicked by the Sewer Hobo King.

That's why she *used to* live down there.

king of the hobos.... sounds like japans new shounen manga

It's a shame that the cover had nothing to do with the issue itself, but I still enjoyed it. Thanks, OP.

>wanna arm wrestle?
>think you're better than me?
This psycho needs a dick in her, STAT

>Sorry fun stories have been outlawed.
False. case in point, this issue.
> Just like white male characters being heroic or masculine
False. Case in point, the current Spencer run.
> and female characters being likable or sexy.
Fasle, case in point, this issue.

God, even the 'good' comic writers have such trouble with telling a logical story.
Kingpin's armed goons are consistently rolling up to kidnap Boomerang, but onl backing off when they see Peter, and Peter doesn't even fucking investigate what is going on? He just shrugs it off? Why?Because Spencer hasn't hit the point where he wants to resolve that plot thread. Comic book writers are hacks.

>>A cup size
Those are not A kup, get yourself some glasses.

There's no point arguing with people who don't read comics

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that expression looks off. it doesnt look like she's destroying it out of anger. looks more like it's spontaneously exploding and she's surprised.
also when did electro get a sex change

You rascal, stop hitting on May.

Homeless Emperor is a One Punch Man villain.

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>evil feminist startup
based and redpilled
really though I'm getting a lot of Rampage movie vibes.

and then they fug

>It's the diversity of our food palettes that makes us stronger
AHA HA HA HA the madman

Uhh, them being feminists means this series is actually CRINGE & BLUEPILLED

oh no user i'm well aware of my position
just that these losers are the most milquetoast of people

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you want something more personal and dramatic? hero/villain redemption? villain turn good or previously evil hero returning good? that doesn't exactly happen in the later thunderbolts (just dumb fun). i don't have a good answer, but other anons might.

>no crazy feminazi Beetle gf to dom you

This is odd, I distinctly remember Spencer being a huge Hilldog.

Maybe he just has a sense of humor?

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I think he was mostly anti-Trump.

The feminists are EVIL

He wanted Donald Trump to lose, that's not necessarily the same thing as being a Hillary supporter. I'm sure that lots of people voted for Trump not because of Trump, but because they didn't want Hillary or any democrat to win.

I don't read comics to be told I'm evil for being a man and how I oppress women by just existing
Fuck off with that shit you KEK

Is that boomerang or someone else?

Then you must be really extreeeee! But not Jawsome enough to understand.

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I didn't thought that issue was cringe, though.
>I don't read comics to be told I'm evil for being a man and how I oppress women by just existing
Good thing that issue didn't, then.


yeah, more of how the excon reenters society, and has to stop his former friends and shit.

I liked this issue but I think the pacing could be better so they can actually fit some Spider-Man in it.

Damn, I am pretty sure Obama make some damn good BBC.

That's the new Electro. Slott had her steal the original's powers and kill him nearly three years ago.

Uhh, did you miss the whole speech about how women are oppressed and the little group they're putting together to fight that? You go girl! WHOO!

Max is living inside Frye, right?



The one from the bad guys? About how they want to do bad guy stuff?

Nigga your reading comprehension sucks. Peter does suspect what's going on and also asks boomerang about it

You obviously missed the part where they are damn criminals and are doing this them women can commit more crime.

I also didnt find the issue cringe at all, they were the bad guys and in this case they happen to be that powerpuff girl villain, the one with the feminist costume shit on her? any ways they seem like that.

Yes, white men sure are evil, aren't they?

Aight. Killing him and sucking up his powers is good. I dislike a lot of clone characters in comics because it's always shit like "oh I just HAPPENED to get bit by the same spider as peter parker :^)"
Redpill me on female doc oc
I haven't read spider-man since a couple years after civil war 1 and I'm working my way through the 1960s issues right now.

My reading comprehension is fine faggot.
How does Peter Parker, the protagonist of our story, the driver of the plot, the man of action, SPIDER-MAN react to that situation? he asks Boomerang a couple of questions, gets no god answer, and then shrugs it off.
It should be extremely fucking concerning to Peter that he's even on Kingpin's radar for any reason, and if Spencer didn't need to save the Kindred plot for later, the natural response for Peter would be to slip away, change into Spidey, and investigate.

Lady Ock has been around since the 90s. She's an Otto fangirl whose father used to be one of Otto's partners or students or something, she replaced Otto when Kaine killed him

Isn't the anti-SJW are also villains? Or are you poeple just that insecure?

God, you fucking snowflakes are so exhausting. Always getting upset about every little thing, always whining and looking for things to get upset about. Totally blind to context and subtext and nuance. You're always so fucking triggered by every little thing. Learn to relax and laugh a little bit, you weird fucking goon.

This whole ar will be ruined to me if White Rabbit do not, not even once, call out the others to point out that she is the only OC Donut Steel of the group.

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Try again ESL

>This whole ar

She must have hit the wall recently.
You still spelt arc and does wrong.

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People keep thinking they are making a point by assuming the native language of a poter, but it is just low quality deflect.

I think it was on purpose. He was leaving that out for the reader to think to themselves, "why did they back off?" I thought it was because they know who peter is or they were told not to touch.

Nigger, we can't make a point if we can't understand a single thing you're saying.

>People keep thinking they are making a point by assuming the native language of a poster, but it is just low quality deflection.

But you understood it.

>that 90's anatomy
Not sure if want

it was on purpose. They see peter and were told that peter is a no no. Thats why they say out loud "is that his roommate?"

See ?

It literally shows why, Kindred told Kingpin not to fuck with Peter obviously.
I'm talking about how Peter acts though. It makes no sense from a character perspective that Peter would just shrug that off as a problem for another day. He's not super duper busy or in the middle of fighting another villain, and there's ARMED THUGS rolling up who have clearly been briefed about him in particular.

I know why. Peter doesn't, and it's purely for plot convenience that he doesn't bother investigating.

Dude. You don't even know what an extreamism is? You're just another snowflake that's just too insensitive to anything you don' like. Stop kidding yourself. This is just laughable

Why are there so many ESLs in this thread?

ah, I get what yah mean, yeah spencer could fix it with a monologue in the next issue. Like "why didnt i see it before" kinda thing.

A lot of villains switch sides, but it usually doesn't stick. Have you tried Venom?

that was fine english its not our fault that you can't read it because you can't casually speak it or read it.

oh yeah i know all about it it would be something else tho

What does ESL even mean? And you do realize that this thread is full of /pol/ fags that just want to nitpick anything just to fuel their ego because they don't like new things?

Oh I know it, thing is there is more than one form of extreamist you are the feminist liberist. you go too far for me and I am against most conservative thinking.

The first post has awkward ESL grammar, and the second post is littered with poor grammar AND spelling. Whichever post you were, you're either ESL or fucking retarded. Who am I kidding, you're probably both.

english second language

English as a Second Language, i.e. not a native English speaker.

English as

Okay, you are definitely fucking ESL. Go find a non-english site to shit up.

Wow this is just getting dumber if you couldn't even enjoy a comic book just because you are offended by a bunch of women who are on equal footing then their male counterparts. You have absolutely know idea how an extreamist behaves so you spew bullshit

sorry esl projecting his insecurities. Deal with it.

that was english you dumb fuck

>Peter doesn't, and it's purely for plot convenience that he doesn't bother investigating.
I think he want to, but it's not like something he can do on the post and at that precise moment, he can't really ditch Boomerang.

>you are offended by women who talk like I do
yeah but you championed the same fucking thing with femthor, Mockingbird, wonderwoman, HELL CAT, SQUIRL GIRL, CAPTAIN MARVEL! and fucks like you get mad you got a taste of your own fucking medicine. Thats what you are, extreme, you ruined what ever message you were trying to say.

He says its been happening a lot, and yet he's done nothing about it. Its just poor writing. That's not even knocking the issue that much though, that same level of poor writing is found in pretty much any comic made by the big two today.
Do you know who really killed comic books being taken seriously as an artform? The people who makes comic books.

Pack it in ESLs, this is embarrassing.

>She must have hit the wall recently.
where have you been? You are not allowed to draw sexy women in any comic these days PERIOD!
They all got desexulized by marvels new feminists artists and editors.

>and yet he's done nothing about it.
We don't know that.

>You are not allowed to draw sexy women in any comic these days PERIOD!
This issue disagree with you. Especially White Rabbit.

Yes we do, you just need better reading comprehension.

>Pack it in ESLs, this is embarrassing.
speak for yourself you entitled fucking puke. The reason you are so extreme is because you have no fucking clue how bad it is for both sides. None, you never experienced it.

>False. case in point, this issue.
You think being lectured about feminism for 2/3 of the comic is fun?
>False. Case in point, the current Spencer run.
Spider-Man doesn't get to do anything in this run. All the fight scenes are over before they even begin and most of the time peter cries like a bitch. Case in point. He is hardly in this issue.
>Fasle, case in point, this issue.
Where are the sexy women? All I see are covered up people with man bodies? I guess you only recently started reading comics if you think that is sexy

>being such a brainlet satire goes over your head

>being lectured about feminism for 2/3 of the comic is fun?
having super criminal stupidly opting in some speech to justify their obvious criminal activity is not being lectured
>Spider-Man doesn't get to do anything in this run.
>and most of the time peter cries like a bitch.
You haven't rread those issues.
>He is hardly in this issue.
He is there plenty and it's one of the few issue less action oriented for him.

>Where are the sexy women? All I see are covered up people with man bodies?
You need to get your eyes checked, man. Those are all curved lady and pulping lips.

And he lived long enough to have seen that "quality" disappear... Several times.

>You think being lectured about feminism for 2/3 of the comic is fun?

This is the thing that I find so pathetically absurd about you snowflakes. Context and subtext are totally invisible, alien concepts to you. You are 100000% exactly the same as the SJWs you loathe so much in this way: You completely ignore any details which would prevent you from getting upset. You invent the worst possible interpretation of everything in order to facilitate being upset. You turn everything into a fight, even when the person you're trying to fight with is PLAINLY on your side.

The SJWs here are all villains and fools. Their ethical pretensions are paper-thin. We're meant to see them as frauds and hypocrites. In the end, we're going to see them get their asses kicked.

But none of that means anything to you, because you'd rather be angry than be right. So you ignore every meaningful detail in order to fuel your constant need for *OUTRAGE*.

>If tits and ass aren't visibly hanging out it can't be sexy
How to spot a child


No, the anti-SJW are normal people.

Do you call that normal?

sorry paco but i dont give a fuck if you cant follow along.

Wow this is too funny that you went full on snowflake like that. Please. Entertain me more with your sad pitifulness in life

>Wow this is too funny that you went full on snowflake like that. Please. Entertain me more with your sad pitifulness in life
you saying this is why. You dont think for an instant that there is any world beyond you. You dont get how bad it really is and you pretending to give a fuck is what's wrong.

Define the term "normal". Because all I see are a bunch of outrage folk who are easily offended when it's not dumb or ask for somethin stupid because they can't grow up from whatever era their mind is set

Basically this: Stop being an insecure freak already and grow up

Not being Paste Pot Penny.

So how many issues til Beetle's Syndicate collapses?

I give it 2 until Rabbit gets bored and cuts funding and scorpia ditches to do something like hang out with Shocker.

Says the sad nobody that complains about extremists, and yet starting to talk like an extremist when women are involved. This is too pathetic that you've made this more entertaining for me

It will run into the Wild six created by Vulture and they will destroy each other.

Savage Six its called

I said it, other people have pointed out your previous posts are. And you are the one who is also offended arent you? Thanks for proving once again how you cant handle satire when its pointed back at you. Even if that satire is rather close.

Probably for a shell company.

Still I think her character is officially dead. I know the Jackal brought her back to life, but I'm not sure.if she ever filed paperwork to prove she's alive again.

Is that satire? Meh. I don't even care anymore. Why even bother posting when no on cares?

Funny. The original Beetle had this same smooth talk to convince others to join his non-sinister six.

Thank you.

You know what you have to do Peter, do it for Ben

>Still I think her character is officially dead.
She was defending Mysterio in the first Spencer run. She still has a civil life going on.

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Why is it this series in particular which sets off one user?

I love that Mysterio shows up in court in full costume.

My headcanon is that they can legally do that because of the precedent set by super-heroes that allow them to give testimony in costume too.

It's probably outselling Batman too.

Makes sense.

He's talking about Francine.

I was talking about female Electro. Electro accidentally killed him, Jackal brought her back to life and she killed electro (which is reference in this comic)

It's just a illusion! He's in his underwear!

And what will they all do with their collected (You)s?
Does a social service program allow them to turn in their weekly tally of (You)s in exchange for an allotment of tendies and nuggies?
Do the utilities and wifi run on (You)s?
Will the amassing of maximum (You)s grant an upgrade to 4channel Gold Plus user status?

How precious are these (You)s?
What determines their value?
How do I sign up for the (You)-trader market tracker services?
I wanna be a (You)llionaire, too!

>Electro accidentally killed him, Jackal brought her back to life and she killed electro
So wait, Female Electro killed male electro, then Jackal brought female Electro from the dead(?) then she killed male electro again?

Do you believe the person is serious? Do you believe anything a person says on the internet is being serious.

Male Electro killed Female Electro, then Jackal cloned Female Electro, and she killed Male Electro.

Jackal Was blackmailing criminals by bringing back their love ones. So he brought back a girl Electro accidentally killed
>brought female Electro from the dead(?) then she killed male electro
Then that happened which is shown in this flashback

Attached: sketch-1563974073472.png (1920x616, 1.36M)

Ah okay, so, it actually was
>Electro accidentally killed HER

>Isn't the anti-SJW are also villains?
I think you already know how that meme goes.

>Or are you poeple just that insecure?
>you people
C'mon bruh, no need for that kind of language here.

>that meme goes.
That meme was ad hominem fallacy from the beginning and was immediately called out. No one with two thinking cells consider it to be a valid counterpoint.

>Lady Octopus
Not sure how Elliot Toliver will take this.

He getting MILF pussy now man, he doesn't give a fuck

people who dedicate their time bitching about the people bitching about current problems are not normal or useful

interesting storyline

The Parker's Sex Drive is unstoppable as the Joestar's Unlimited Sex Drive user, Otto is going to eat ass and impregnate woman as he ever dreamed of.

fucking kek

Wait until Carnage rejuvenates her to milf status, and i pray that Otto keeps his dick locked down

>Haman Became Lady Octopus
im fine with this

She was Electro's personal prostitute, and he killed her by accident during sex, somehow electro loved her, and she was pissed but loved him.

Jackal being jackal trolled max, and now we have her.
though i wouldn't bet if he comes back as Ultimate Electro

Even though she's rarely been used since Otto came back, she never went away, so unless she starts calling herself the Superior Octopus, I don't think he'd care.

While I love White Rabbit as eyecandy, I wonder if she's ever gonna do anything. She feels kinda out of place among these heavy hitters.

If I'm not mistaken, she went to kiss him, ignoring his attempt to warn her that his powers were unstable due to the shit that Otto had done to him at the time, and died in the process. When she was resurrected and found that she could take his powers by kissing him, she went all the way and didn't seem to care that she was killing him this time.

>Janice Beetle
>Heavy hitter
Dude, come on

What a sjw shitfest. Literally half the comic is feminist crying about the „patriarchy“ why would anybody want to read this shit? And Spider-Man isn’t even in it

This is a great page. Just everything about Janice's transparent attorney speak and Mysterio not giving a fuck and just being angry that she was part of a knock off Sinister Six. And then him not realizing his dumb fucking theme'd vehicle doesn't actually work, which almost makes you believe an insanity plea might work. Not in how such pleas actually work, I suppose, but in general comicbook terms.

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Heavier than White Rabbit at least.

I swear to christ, the Red Skull could appear in a comic and call himself a feminist and say that feminism aligns perfectly with his fascist ideals, and you fucking cretins would screech about SJW propaganda.

1) he's (You) farming and you're stupid enough to give them to him, B) even if there was an editors note that read "this is fucking satire you idiots", people would still not pick up on it being blatant satire, iii) stop giving people (You)s you muppet, you're as dumb as they are.

People aren’t offended. They are just tired of seeing the same sjw shit ever single week for 5 years in a row now!
Why does everything have to be about feminism 24/7? Comic don’t over any form of escapism anymore. Just sjws preaching to the choir. Feminist already have censored every female costume there is and emasculated every single male hero yet they still can’t stop bitching for even a second

Yea Forumsmblr

tumblr was full of both tits and ass in large quantities for years my man

Evil costumed feminists is fun though, you fucking baby.

The "organized crime is a boy's club" shtick has been a thing with Beetle since Superior Foes, as has this new age management method shit. This is literally nothing new. Yea Forums does not read comics.

This guy, right?

Why would I read comics that just insult me for being a man?

Bad question, it isn't insulting you for being a man. Or do you think being a criminal is something a man should be proud of? Spoiler alert: it isn't.

Comics haven't changed. You did. You became obsessed with your little political crusades and now see the world through a dumb /pol/ fag filter. Kill yourself faggot, no one likes you.

I miss the time when comics were still allowed to have sexy women in them

I used to work as the only guy in a small business, and that first half is exactly how the days went.

So just because sjw crap has been mentioned in the past people are not allowed to criticize it now?

It's not SJW crap. She's a criminal and an idiot.

How can you miss what is still going on nowadays?

By not reading them

Including challenging each other to arm-wrestling?

I want to arm wrestle her and lose and let her show how much stronger she is.

Fick off Slott

Daredevil keeps looking at their cards.

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What am I missing?
Ugly new feminist redesigned costumes and desexulized female bodies?

>Johnny probably got laid with Felicia
>Venom just disappears between scene transitions

There was the need to show off superiority, yes. Not literal arm wrestling but more like "It's okay, I know you can't lift more files than me" passive aggressive shit.

the sjw crap of a woman who is constantly harping on about female empowerment in organized crime, only for everyone to immediately drop her in favour of boomerang whenever his grass looks a shade greener. makes perfect sense

>passive aggressive shit.
For men, we call that challenges, or contests.

>Ugly new feminist redesigned costumes and desexulized female bodies?
So, your brain is unable to look at White rabbit or Electro, got it.

God, you are dense. This is a parody of corporate wokeness. She's literally using social justice as an excuse for getting together a group of girls to go and murder this one guy she hates.

Yea Forumsmblr falls for such obvious bait that its painful

yes, but men are direct about it.

Yeah it's in the name
Beetle is shooting for the exact opposite. I think Gender Equality Crime. G.E.C would be more appropriate

Venom didn't get their Captain America autograph and bailed.

Then what was he doing during Enter Electro?

How gullible are you?

>Childcare facilities for villains
I feel like in a world with superheroes and super villains. This should be more of a thing. When this plan tanks, Beetle should just do a daycare for villains children. Sounds like she found an untapped market.

>Superior Foes 2 is just them running a daycare

Almost writes itself

Forgot pic

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It's no bait, user. it's a literal autist.

What’s that 401k thing?

>Girl Trapster

does she have a penis

>because they don't like the same sjw plots and feminism censorship over and over again
fixed that for you

>see the world through a dumb /pol/ fag filter.
Did I also have cheesecake glasses back then? Because that would explain why modern comics all look so prudish to me. Where is the fanservice which used to be a big part of comics?

what the fuck is this trash?
holy shit

>Because that would explain why modern comics all look so prudish to me.
This issue isn't. The filter are on now. Especially seeing you say those girls are a cup.

Does that MJ dess look prudish to you?

Wasn't it the opposite, didn't Electro accidentally kill her and then she got a new clone body with his powers because of his spit affecting the process? When did Max die?

Max was also in a Deadpool issue two years after he died so he might be back alive.

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>Going from fighting Doc Ock and Carnage to fighting Electro? We'll pass.

I don't know why, but he looks like he has no fucking neck and his head's just fused to his torso.
Sorta like pic related.

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The spit getting mixed in was what allowed her to steal his power.

what's bad about it? maybe the lampooning is just flying over your thin head

A warrior's most important weapon is his meat shield.

Has the Mary Jane series started yet? Is the first issue out?

You do know that Max showed up in a recent Deadpool issue right? He’s not dead anymore

Compared to her passed self? Yeah kinda

>trapster is a girl
Poor Pete just can't catch a fucking break, can he?

>has visible cleavage
>original appearance has none
Where's the prudishness again?

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That's Trapstr, punk.

I don't see anything sexy. this is what I call cheesecake. Marvel doesn't allow anything like that anymore. Everything is drawn prudish thanks to feminists.
>Especially seeing you say those girls are a cup.
where did I say that?

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That looks hideous. At least post decent cheesecake like Byrne's She-Hulk.

Well, Emma Frost is a whore.

>Compared to her passed self? Yeah kinda
That not how you tell something is prudish or not.

>I don't see anything sexy.
Check your eyes, or your brain, because this issue is full of White Rabbit, elector in super sticking-to-the-skin leotard and Prankstr has voluptuous dick-sucking lips.

>Marvel doesn't allow anything like that anymore.

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The Green Goblin was around and only Venom was the one who could stop him.

>White Rabbit

You know, I could ALMOST have taken this team seriously as a female crime group...but then you had to bring in the rabbit.

>Marvel doesn't allow anything like that anymore.
That's what the drawers chose to draw. Its not marvel imposing their will. 90's and start of the 00's went a bit on the extreme on cheesecake and now it has calmed down a bit, but it's not gone either. Don't confuse censorship and current trends.

>variant cover
you should check out the actual comic. you are in for a sad surprise

OK, yeah, his girlfriend is definitely a supervillain.

Beside the point. You said they don't allow cheesecake, you just were proven wrong. You know it's a sing of maturity to admit you were wrong.

Marvel still allow cheesecake, that cover can't allow you to deny that.

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White Rabbit has the super power to never go in jail. That's useful.

I don't think they've announced when the first issue's getting released yet.

Wait I thought Doc Ock took credit for creating the Sinister Six or at least 6-person Spidey' Villain team

Isn't that Jack O'Lantern dead by the time of that issue's release as well?

You think Mysterio will care about such minutia? Actually, I bet each OG member of the SS will claim they are the one to have created it.

Hell, Vulture has taken upn himself to create his own spin-off.

Spencer likes her.

At this point in time, literally every Jack O'Lantern is supposed to be dead.

Yeah, that one who (correctly) called Spidey an old fart and made him and Toomes look (correctly) stupid.

Peter will have a sweet revenge this time.

I know we're always bemoaning characters coming back but it's a bummer for him to have gone out like that.

I know it's hard to remember these days but most normal people know how to take the piss out of themselves.

that's hot

>she tries so hard to dress her scumbaggery up in this veneer of respectability
Well, she is a lawyer.

I like her too, but she's a joke villain.
Beetle recruiting a joke villain kinda undermines her group...of course, it's probably a joke group anyway, but you get my point.
Without Rabbit, you could potentially push the group seriously.

Beetle is a Superior Foe, user. She undermines herself by existing.

>No, the anti-SJW are normal people
You mean constantly bitch about leotards, cheesecake anything dumb or stupid with no brain. If that's your idea of normal then society as a whole is an utter failure

Black Cat? Madame Masque? Ma Gnucci?

You guys overestimate the average intelligence of a Spider-Man villain.

It's more like Superia's Femizons

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How are you so fucking sensitive that this obvious joke flies right over your head?

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A No-Prize to the man who IDs them all

Look at all those women. And MODOK?

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that's MODAM

Are there any mom supervillains out there?

You people are walking vaginas. How do you even survive in day to day life?

Wasn't Coldheart a mom?
her motivation was that her son was killed, so I dunno if you want to count it

Boomerang is being played for laughs. Peter is being played for laughs.

The female villains are clearly made out to be quirky but threatening.

This guy looks nothing like Peter. Who is this fake man?

>Implying Beetle isn't also a joke villain.

Dude it's a comic book with women villains wanting equality in crime. If the absurd plot point is too triggering for you, just stop reading comics.

It's a shitposter who reacts angrily every time Mary Jane shows up.

I'd buy

Wait this is canon? I thought CA turning into a woman was from a porn parody.

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>reacts angrily every time Mary Jane shows up.
No, that would be me.
Why would I hate that issue? No MJ borefest, more superior foes goodness.

Well Tombstone did the best he could do raising her, but he's still Tombstone.

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See you in two weeks

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>Ma Gnucci?

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Retirement plan.

user, 1000 times 0 talent is still 0.

>Cancer diagnosis

For fucks sake is Peter gonna have to OMD again?

I want to drink White Rabbit's milkies!

Hopefully this run ends with OMD undone and May sacrificing herself to Mephisto.

>The female villains are clearly made out to be quirky but threatening.
The team is considered a joke who's more obsessed with good HR and bickering over their pantry than actually being a threat. The only genuinely threatening one, Elektro, openly considers the team to be a joke and is only on-board to get even with Boomerang.

They literally teased bringing back Max in this very issue, they're gonna be a super-villain couple and have shenanigans

Girls won't fuck you because you're a whiney faggot who can't see an obviousjoke, just so you know bud

Wasn't that a batman villain at one point?
Also San Francisco had a real life Hobo King once

Reading just because Superior Foes.

>working my way through the 1960s issues right now.
Nice, Ditko & Romita are awesome. Once you hit the 70s you'll get into Ross Andru, he's my favorite Spidey artist, his proportions are great and all his backgrounds are real streets & buildings in NYC, which alot of artists dont do aside from famous places

Look if you feel like every single issue needs a Spidey fight scene then theres decades of comics where Marvel had that mandate

>Whatever you say, Hillary
That's actually pretty funny

And they usually admit defeat respectfully and try to improve themselves. Maybe develop a friendly relationship/rivalry like Goku and Vegeta.

Or shoot up the office.

Actually accurate, there is a closed subway station beneath City Hall. I think they use it for the Transit Museum these days.

I wonder how they got away with using the Mets for Boomerang's origin when they often have to use fake sports teams instead of real ones.

lets go Mets baby love da mets

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The Mets are just happy to be included, I guess.

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So there's
>Black Cat isn't sexy enough user
>Hate Mary Jane anona
Any other notable people in this thread?

Not paying his taxes was the thing that eventually nailed Al Capone, I can only assuming having their paperwork in order is Beetle's way of avoiding that.

Pretty sure most voters on both sides were voting because they considered their guy to be the lesser of two evils. Though, thankfully both sides hit absolute record lows, so hopefully come next year they'll try a better line than "Yeah, but look at the OTHER candidate."

we've had this for 20 fucking years now
it's the coloring that got horrible when Bagley started Ultimate Spider-Man
>90s Bagley is almost true kino

Oh so that last page was supposed to be a joke page? I think not.

I get that Spencer introduces the team through comical introductions, but from a writing standpoint, he's establishing the team of villainesses as legitimate threats in the story. Beetle uses matter-of-fact speech and evocative wording to impress her ideas on the reader through Electro, convincing the audience she knows her stuff, this being taken more seriously in the future. And that final page presents them as serious business while Boomerang and Peter have been sit-comming every scene they were in.

This isdue makes us impressed with the villainesses and unimpressed with the heroes

When was the last time we saw this Octopus?

So all the female knockoffs of villains and White Rabbit who is only barely a villain in the first place?

Into the Spiderverse


I think she popped up in clone conspiracy or maybe in superior foes. I’m honestly surprised she popped up here and not in superior first, if they’re really shunting ock to be another spiderman they should give her the title

Jesus fucking Christ, is Fred physically INCAPABLE of not digging his grave deeper?

Not to worry, Shocker and Speed Demon will have his back!

I like this look better. It’s 90s as fuck but it’s better than aping her Spider-Verse design but making it look worse.

>Why do you think I paid for your law school?

>Can't even make it a single conversation before getting into petty arguments.
This is hilarious in its accuracy.

I wanna see that arm wrestle

He's Boomerang, he'll always come back baby!