Cotugno leaves The Owl House

Your unconfirmed rumors are finally over?)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I am leaving the Owl House to develop a show for Disney TV
Holy shit this will be the biggest train-wreak in Yea Forums history I can't wait

It'll be years until anything happens if it ever do

I guess the mouse is riding this SJW train all the way until it careens off the rails. Then they'll just blame the fans and shut down Marvel's print comics for some reason.

Unpopular opinion, probably, but I think this actually has the potential to be good.

I think she's a good artist/boarder and that the Star Vs. episodes she worked on in the second and third season tended to stand out from the rest. When she was promoted to director and no longer was directly writing/boarding the episodes herself, those she worked on no longer stood out at all when, in S3 especially, seeing her name on an episode was essentially a guarantee it'd at least have some decent parts.

I think if she's creating her own show based upon her own vision/story, it might capture some of what I think was lost when she was directing on Star (dunno about Owl House yet), since then she was working within the confines of someone else's dumbass story.

Of course, for all we know right now it might not even get past the pilot stage, but if it did become a show, I'd check it out. I do think she's expressed some of her opinions in a dumb way in the past but I think she's also legitimately talented.

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I wonder if she'll just adapt her webcomic.

you are right

it is an unpopular opinion

The problem is that she literally is incapable of leaving her identity politics and self-inflicted victim issues out of her work. When Daron Nefcy wants to promote a crossdressing character, she casually puts Marco in a dress that starts out as a disguise joke and evolves into just an outfit he wears.

When Sabrina gets a hold of the same character, she tries to paint a transgender flag on it and gets upset when Disney says no to that.

It's like how Stephen King has a lot of good ideas and a lot of great moments of writing, but then can't help himself by plaguing a big chunk of his stories with some in-detailed sex scene that usually comes out of nowhere.

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>leztuno has a webcomic
post it, user
post it so i may curl into a ball and pray that this obnoxious era of shoving your sexuality in everyone's face is over

My money is on her lesbian knight rescuing and kissing princesses concept

oh God it was worse than i ever imagined

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That's whatever, Disney Channel is a dying breed as the focus turns to Disney+. You're probably luckier at this point to be on Disney+ then Disney Channel
Plus there is no real SJW shit from what I can tell from the Disney+ cartoons so far

Where are all the male-centric creators?

>Disney TV
a live show? I hope she never get to talk to children.

>He thinks those still exist

Also means Disneey greenlit her pitch. Sop whatever that might be will appear in a couple years.

Blackmail goes a long way, it seems.

You mean misogynists that have no place in modern kid's media?

take your bets.
how long until her show gets shitcanned or she fucks up so hard the network has to shitcan it to save face.

>another shit program that Yea Forums is gonna latch onto just like Star Vs. and SU and S5 of Samurai Jack and god knows what else and clog up the board with

Fucking hell, I am so sick of garbage shows getting a spotlight on this board because of how lacking in new content we are. Yea Forums never has to deal with this shit. Something that's trash should be mocked for a small period of time and promptly forgotten, but no people are either gonna fawn over this because of superfluous bullshit like how fuckable the girls are (as if there's a shortage of porn) and make stupid ass outrage threads and so on for the entirety of its run and instantly nosedive in popularity after it ends. Fuck this gay earth.

Can't we go back to just having good cartoons that are talked about all the time? Remember Wander?

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It better be a female Johnny Bravo where she gets the guards called on her, slapped stupid or worse, whenever she tries to kiss or feel up the princess of the week.

A bunch of the creators mentioned as developing their own pilots for disney recently were dudes

I think her first show is "safe", but second show will be the same and only story she can tell (basically her life and how she became lesbian) and people will notice.

Isn’t this the same person who bitched about Spongebob having a transphobic character? The Owl House hasn’t even come out yet and it’s already becoming a train wreck. By the time the first episode gets released, nearly the entire staff would’ve already left.

Another interesting wrinkle to add is that back in season 3 a vast majority of episodes got partially rewritten/reboarded by directors (though among the eps exempt from this were some of Cotugno's) this usually didn't happen with season 4 episodes, but I feel that honestly if Cotugno did go full season 3 and partially rewrite/reboard eps she directed, they could've actually turned out better

No that was Miggs Perez

Based Cotugno will make the next Gravity Falls tier cartoon and show bigots like you that being woke is goat

I believe she made her own tweet about it as well. There was a couple other people besides Perez.

>closing all dialog by "OMG THIS IS OPINION IT'S SACRED"
>immediate "I think she's good"
yeah, no, go suck those ecleb boots somewhere else.

She participated in the conversation and agreed it was transphobic.

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Dying breed. For some reason art classes disinterest younger men these days, so most art students are female.

>show delayed by more than year
>omg I'm so happy to get a better jow, thank god I didn't waste my time on that shit!!!
what a coincidence.....

making their own shit from scratch. male genes have that good side that they can actually function without mom and dad surrogates.

I think its mostly of the art degree's bad reputation of being worthless

then why I'm still a fucking loser then?

>closing all dialog by "OMG THIS IS OPINION IT'S SACRED"
>immediate "I think she's good"

If you're trying to say that my post is designed to shut off all arguments against it, then nope, it's not. I'm more than fine with people telling me I'm retarded or actually wanting to argue my position.

I'm not a huge fan of her and I don't suck up to her. I just think she does have some actual talent that gets ignored because backlash to her opinions, which I even said can be expressed stupidly, tends to override everything when it comes to discussion of the things she's worked on.

Thats because it basically is. Content in your portfolio and your connections matter more in the industry. Nobody gives a shit if you only graduated elementary school, if you can draw very well.

>I'm not a huge fan of her and I don't suck up to her. I just think she does have some actual talent
resorting to "I'm no X but X" now. what a fantastic specimen of brainwashed suicide warrior you are.

She got kicked upstairs

Seems she is her own worst enemy and she should fix her "holier-than-thou"-attitude problem.

She failed upwards

You know, he didn't say anything bigoted, but you still called him one to bait... Which I fell for...

>resorting to "I'm no X but X" now.
Yeah, because they're two separate issues. I think she's done some good work in the past. I don't worship her and think she's been wrong about things.

That's about it. It's possible to do both.

I agree. I think that's the biggest problem with her, that sometimes it seems like she doesn't pick her battles and just ignore dumb stuff on the internet.

>Claims CalArts teachers and storybros discouraged her from achieving her dream of storyboarding
>Got an internship at Disney before she even graduated
>Got her first network job on Gravity Falls thanks to Alex Hirsch being familiar with her from their time in school
>Immediately found work afterwards, a rarity, as a director on Star Vs and Owl House
>Now is currently pitching a show to Disney

Gee, Sabrina, you sure were a victim of the storybros.

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Man if this means Owl House won't end as Star Vs. latest seasons, i'm completely ok with it. i hope Dana finally gives us another good show (things have been quite good lately, no matter what generic Yea Forums users say).

If Cotugno goes and makes her own shit i bet it's gonna be a complete trainwreck and i'm gonna enjoy the complete dissaster it's gonna be. Fuck you Sabrina!

So basically, her problem in college was that men knew to reign in her bullshit with better alternatives on storytelling, and women were better at art (that's often a thing, they like details and stuff) and got encouraged to do more. Got it. Such a victim.

That and it sounds like she could never come up with a story idea without making it all about faggotry. Or herself. Or her faggot self.

That's probably what they tried to "mansplain" to her.

So can Owl House be saved or is the damage done?

the rats leaves the sinking shit. It's over bro

>dream of storyboarding
what a shitty dream, it's admitting not wanting to learn art or story telling but still wanting the respect of the masters.

That things turned out better for her afterward doesn't mean she was wrong about how she was treated at school.

>doesn't mean she was wrong about how she was treated at school.
And just because a person says, "I felt pushed down" doesn't mean in reality, she was actually pushed down. People's perspectives get heavily warped, especially people with thin-skin and a victim complex.

>And just because a person says, "I felt pushed down" doesn't mean in reality, she was actually pushed down.
Maybe, but you act as if she was wrong by default.

Considering her teacher's response and her reputation for being insecure all the time, I'm more inclined to believe that she made shit up in her head to feel worse than how the actual situation played out.

What?? Yea Forums is way more of an outrage cesspool than Yea Forums, user. Anything you're accusing Yea Forums of doing Yea Forums does tenfokd. Also, talking about the same four shows/comics over and over again gets boring. Who would want to do that?

I would unuronically love to watch this. Overly-touchy lesbian gets treated like the sexual harasser she is? Get the comedic timing right and it would be kino.

>Modern-day bisexual taking influence from machismo-based show about a man picking up chicks

I don't think so.

Who the fuck wants to get an art degree and work for 10$ and hour, for 60 hours a week, for 5 years of 'internship' because Disney owns the whole industry and they can afford to pay you like shit and ignore labour laws?

Young men would rather become engineers than Disney slaves.

Why does every single shitter get their own show after a few days of working on another shitters show?
This nepotism is completely insane and unprecedented.

This is a very sensible position, but it contradicts my elaborate conspiracy theories so I'm going to ignore it.


Meritocracy is the exception, user, not the rule. Get it right.

You don't know what a meritocracy is. A meritocracy means you get the position you're suited for on the basis of your merits within that field. Not because you know someone who knows someone.

These people have nothing that sets them apart from all the other human garbage in California and their shitty, terrible shows are a dime a dozen now. But everyone gets a shot because there are zero standards when it comes to animation now.

the art is a clusterfuck of values but this isn't an inherently bad premise

That's exactly why he was pointing out it was the exception, user.

You forgot to mention considering also the "quality" of what she produces.

is that the worst gossip you can dish up on her? she must not be that bad

women would rather also be engineers with women in stem these days. most people who get art degrees never become pros from what i have observed

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>Shit talking someone in an interview without every confronting them and believing Spongebob is transphobic propaganda are fine traits to have

I can't stop reading it as 'OwO house'

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eh that's just an extension of mad virtue signalling, no harm in it. all it means is she won't put jokes like that in her cartoon, and did you expect her to anyway?

>no harm in it

Virtue signaling has literally taken over the academic world, gotten projects off the ground, and warped the perspective of the general public as to what is "important".

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Yes, that's why I implied that it's not a meritocracy. Get better reading capabilities.

Lets hope it's for adults and airs along side Simpsons, Bob's Burgers & Family Guy and not kiddy fuller.

Owl House is saved!

And woe betide some poor fucks at Disney that get saddled with the canceraids.

Why the fuck would you say it's "not a meritocracy" in response to it being pointed out that it's nepotism.
That's pointlessly moronic.

Like there weren't hundreds of threads about YIIKes
Granted tv shows tend to stick around longer.

>Dana wanting a asking for an animator on Twitter.
>Director leaving.
>All those staff rumors.

I don't know about you, Yea Forums, but Owl House seems like Production Hell.





On the Internet.

they're all too depressed from living in a third-wave feminist society to be creative

What a weird way of announcing that. Almost seems like she's happy to be off the project.

How is this virtue signalling when A) The creator is non-binary and B) The character is literally a fusion of a boy and a girl and this is both of those things.

Why not, everyone else was

Damn, gottem

nonbinary isn't real. it's just people desperate for attention making shit up.

Are you serious? This just adds new levels of speculation for Yea Forums on our girl, Sabrina

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So is this good because it means that she's not part of The Owl House team? Or is it bad because it means she's not part of The Owl House team?

Could someone give me a quick rundown of who this is a why Yea Forums hates her?

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To my knowledge she fucked the guy who did Gravity Falls to get into the Biz.... and then made decent content?

cuntigno only want her career to succeed at all costs. sabotaging the work of others to get the promotions was always her plan. Star Vs was the first time people noticed but this is the definitive proof.

She's credited with driving Star Vs. into the ground with her political opinions after Nefcy ran out of material and didn't expected to get renewed for a new season. The result was some absolutely horrendously written episodes and a lot of gay characters for the sake of gay characters.

steven universe was incompetent and amateurish. but at least they tried. i get the feeling with some of those other shows that they just didn't care

I think she'll try to go too queer with it too fast and either be shut down by executives or just have the show fail because kids don't care about queer politics. On the good side, maybe if she didn't manage to ruin Owl House in her time on the first season it's safe now? But then maybe they'll let her back on after her own show crashes and burns. Hopefully she'll get drummed out of the industry and end up living under a bridge somewhere.

It may be better for Owl House. Behind the scenes rumors are that she was pushing for the child protagonist to have a relationship with the witch. See pushes a lot for representation of unconventional relationships.

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I vaguely remember when those rumors came out that it was originally some of the others on the project and Cotugno was against it because even she is smart enough to realize that the Mouse wouldn't let that fly. The main issue was that she couldn't keep the other people under her on the project in line.

Having a development deal is in no way a guarantee she gets a show, in fact it’s far more likely the execs give her the run-around for years before canceling it and it’ll be pretty funny to read her vent posts about her life’s work being destroyed when that happens (especially since her life’s work is probably a half-shaved head ugly lesbian in rainbow booty shorts)

Does this mean there's still hope for Owl House's /ll/ undertones?

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>The main issue was that she couldn't keep the other people under her on the project in line.

This seems to be a common problem with shows lately.

wouldn't class that as virtue signalling. unlike contunugo, sugar is actually sincerely into lovey dovey global self acceptance, she's not doing it to jump a bandwagon.

dana referred to the witch character as a 'mom' in a tweet so that's probably safe there. amity blight might be the love interest but eh that's par for the course these days

She must work for literal fucking peanuts. Only way they'd let an idiot like Cotugno be in charge of anything.

>Who the fuck wants to get an art degree and work for 10$ and hour, for 60 hours a week, for 5 years of 'internship' because Disney owns the whole industry and they can afford to pay you like shit and ignore labour laws?
The kind of fuck who gives a fuck about art and dreams about doing it for living. It never was an easy job description and only those with immense passion for it would pursue it to the very end.

Are you fucking retarded?

You are indeed.

this only mostly applies if you're a frothing disneyfag. most animation artists do not work for disney and do boards and such to make coin while they work on their portfolios.

nothing in reality shows any of what she complains about happened nor have any impact. She's a pro victim more than anything else.

Everything and everyone has potential, the real test is getting shit done.

>How is this virtue signalling when A) The creator is non-binary
That's not a thing. Stop pretending it's a thing. Stop humoring the insane.

Plus, that anti-manspreading chair whose creator got an award for.

>Stop pretending it's a thing. Stop humoring the insane.
One, studies have considered it a thing
Two, it's a fictional character in a fiction world with fictional rules.

kek this has nothing to do with cartoons or comics

Her original stuff is great.

said nobody ever.

has anyone read her webcomic? is it any good?

B-but my canon /ll/...

You think animators and cartoonists work standing up?


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Ding dong the witch is gone

So that means Owlfags have a change?

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Or she has blackmail on everyone

I think Dana does what COTUG-NO

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>Calarts-"Ruining cartoons for generations!"

In season 2, maybe. But season 1 is gonna be so Cotugno'd up that no one is gonna wanna watch past it

John K please leave

So every week for the next two years we'll get a thread about how the show has been totally cancelled?

It was the writers strike on 2007.

>Hollywood producer: Oh shit! We can't make movies without writers
>Disney: Hold my beer
And then the MCU born

>And then the MCU born

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Rest assured, Yea Forums will still keep spinning “rumors” (fanfics) out of thin air, forgetting they’re not real, pissing ourselves off about stuff we made up, and then humiliating ourselves when some actual autist tweets our folk lore to the creators and they have no idea what tf we’re talking about

There’s no evidence that Hirsch knew Cotugno at school, they’re like 5 years apart in age

>normal staff turnaround on every show
>normal staff turnaround on every show
>Yea Forums inventing drama because we’re bored

Almost like this is the same as every tv show ever made

woops, forgot to post the youtube link

She's like a female Dan Harmon but less insufferable.

Has talent but when their real life bleeds into their work it only gets worse.

Fan Harmon is actually a good writer. Have you seen Sabrina’s comic? It seems like it was written by a 9 year old

I dunno. Maybe you're a trans woman.

>Fan Harmon

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I’m sorry that people discuss cartoons that you don’t like, user.

>Fan Harmon is actually a good writer.
When he wants to be.
All of the bad decisions that made season 3 Rick and Morty shit was his idea and while I can't vouch for this opinion myself I've been told Community hasn't really gotten better when he returned.

I like Dan's work most of the time but he's easily the most overrated modern writer today. His "Story Circle" that people call him a genius for is literally just the basic Hero's Journey structure they've been teaching middle schoolers since the 80's.

So which is it, then? Is it fictional or real based on a study?

Let me rephrase. Say what you will about him but Dan has written some amazing episodes of TV. The only thing Sabrina has ever written is her Deviant Art tier gay Victorian boys blushing at each other webcomic which is boring at best and incompetent at worst. She is no creator or author, she’s just a glorified story artist only made famous through her over the top sjw twitter persona

What are the actual chances The Mouse will actually pick up her show?

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i graduated calarts fairly recently and i can confirm that certain teachers do indeed try to discourage people from going into certain things due to bias rather than actual talent.
class was majority girls and plenty of them were really strong story artists, but had a teacher that did nothing but complain about how girls “don’t make sound effects when they pitch, so they wouldn’t be good at it”, which is a pretty retarded reason.
there were plenty of other examples of this that had nothing to do with storyboarding. a lot of the older or more bitter teachers had some weird biases towards people that did draw like them as well.

I dislike people who feel the need to fucking label everything. Is someone who doesn't give a shit about traditional gender roles really "non-binary"? Because in that case me and a huge ton of other people who would never even think of using the term or associating with it are included. Or is it only people who make a point of mentioning or displaying how non-gender-conformist they are? In which case it's either a fashion statement or a political one, either way totally superficial.

Depends if the blackmail thing is true or they want to go the sjw route and all the shitflinging that comes with it

I don't know. Do you understand me?

>It's like how Stephen King has a lot of good ideas and a lot of great moments of writing, but then can't help himself by plaguing a big chunk of his stories with some in-detailed sex scene that usually comes out of nowhere
Sex and horror go hand in hand.

Sex and slashers go hand in hand. Good horror is usually better off without a random tangent gang rape scene involving children.

What are some literal examples of what she's done/tried to do? I don't keep up with Yea Forums's handwringing.

Hey now, that irrelevant gross child sex gangbang scene was entirely consensual.

It was too late for Star vs., don't you?

If it's full of lesbians it might be watchable.

Literally 90% of the people that got development gigs at Disney were men, are you all so fucking stupid that you just don't care about facts as long as you get to play the victim? How do you brainlets fucking function

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tfw he's right and you're all a bunch of dickless bitches crying over nothing

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Star vs fans still refuse to blame the show being bad was because the person who created it is still fucking funny to me.

Even if you wanna believe this boogiewoman was responsible for the downfall I have a question for you, who do you think put her in that position of power?

>who do you think put her in that position of power?
The producer.

yeah compare the head staff on each season from 2-4:
Showrunner: Daron Nefcy (all 4 seasons)
Head Directors: Aaron Hammersley and Dominic Bisignano (all 3 seasons)
Story Editor: John Infantino (all 3 seasons)
Staff Writers: Amy Higgins (all 3 seasons), various freelancers (season 2 only)/Brian Caselli (season 3 only)/Todd Casey (season 4 only)
Storyboard Supervisor: Tyler Chen (season 4)
Episode directors: Aaron & Dominic (seasons 2-3)/just Dominic (season 4), Piero Piluso (seasons 1-2)/Brett Varon (seasons 3-4), Giancarlo Volpe (season 2)/Tyler Chen (season 3)/Sabrina Cotugno (season 4)

the individual episode directors (who don't have much direct power over the overarching plot) changed a bit, but outside of some staff writer changes it's stayed pretty consistent for all 3 seasons

I will never watch a show made by Cotugno, same as Alex and his girlfriend, ever again. Some of the most annoying people in the whole industry and I don't want them to be supported.

>Wah Wah Hollywood is liberal

Yeah newsflash dipshit it’s always been that way. 90% of your favorite songs, books, movies, etc etc are made by liberals. So what? You can either shit your diapers over it or you can be a grown up and learn to separate art from artist.

This is the most accurate thing I’ve read on Yea Forums in a long time

Or just go back 30 years and everything was made by traditional straight white men.

>it's been there before I was born, don't fight, OBEY, they are literally too big to change, OBEY
imagine being such a stinking useless spineless maggot holy shit.

>it’s always been that way.
>The place that tried to ban communists was "liberal"

Christ, learn your fucking history. Hollywood and California as a whole were known for being rather conservative until sometime around the 60's when the tide shifted and the deviant behavior that was prevalent there became normalized.

Good chunks of season 1 and 2 are so bad even the fans are glad to ignore them. Why do you think fans didn't care when characters like oscar and sensei who got multiple episodes of focus were written out of the show?

The show was never all that good and instead of thinking the creator of the show was at fault it clearly must be another person and Nefcy is just an innocent bystander who lost control of her show.

It's not very far in because it updates as slow as all hell, but the art is nice and it's pretty cute. I like it.

And I'm sorry people discuss bad cartoons you fucking simp

She was one of the major creators involved with the shitshow that was Star Vs. The Forces of Evil which Yea Forums likes to pretend was good for the first two seasons when it was always shit. It did get worse as it went on though when it became apparent there was no planning in the overarching narrative.

>precode hollywood didn't exist
>implying hollywood was "conservative" for any reason but preventing themselves from getting shut down by a government run by WASPs
>art has never been a place to foster progressive ideas
you sure are delusional

>Hollywood was ALWAYS liberal
>E-except at this point when it wasn't!

It's sad when someone is so desperate to be right they can't even acknowledge they contradicted themselves.

>replied in 1 minute
can't believe your fat fingers typed that fast. alright, I concede. you win. for brief moment of time hollywood had to tone down their content, so they weren't "ALWAYS" explicitly libera. but, they have "ALWAYS" been liberal degenerates behind whatever veil they had to wear to get paid. but go ahead and make a mark on your chalkboard I'll let you have this one.

>Has to comment on the speed I replied to something because he has no fucking argument

Holy shit.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this please? Owl House looked interesting.

Have you considered switching to a medium that gets a reasonable amount of weekly content to discuss?

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>literally just the basic Hero's Journey structure they've been teaching middle schoolers since the 80's.
that's why it works, it's the good parts of the journey distilled into a usable formula

Huh. You know, Stephen King is a competent Tommy Wiseau? Because he loves him some pointless sex scenes.

yes user for like fungi and shit not mammals something something chromosomes XY XX the ever rare hermaphrodite non xy/xx

>Staff member already leaving before show even premieres

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>go to check the apparently 'pedophiliac' tumblr
>it's all just shit that would be considered pg rated banter by Yea Forums standards
>some of the posts being used as 'evidence' against him are le lenny face shitposts in response to questions

Aye a menace to children innit

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>Yea Forums never has to deal with this shit
you have never been on Yea Forums

Yea Forums has way more threads that go in and out on a daily basis, even if there are still outrage threads they pass by quickly and it's much less of a tumor than when something big happens on Yea Forums and it clogs up the board for at least a week.

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Remind this weary soul, who's the creator of the Owl House? Is it her, and if not, why would anyone give a shit?