This is a jubilee thread

This is a jubilee thread

No inhuman shits allowed

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Would X-Men TAS have been better if they'd given Jubilee's role in it to Kitty Pryde instead?


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Does she want to fuck wolverine tho?

implicitly, yes

FUCK kitty pryde

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>that episode where she was wearing a Savage Land costume

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Think Wolverine ever did? I know Kitty thought about it on more than one occasion.

holy shit sauce

Before or after she became a filthy bloodsucker?

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Thank God she's not a vampire anymore. Now if they could find a respectable excuse for her to ditch the brat.

I'm talking about the Kermit gif, whats the sauce

Need a new house of M event

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I like how this can be read both ways

Jubilee should be flat

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With a thick butt


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90s X-Men Cartoon > All the live action films

She was in them for one scene

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vampire jubilee is best jubilee

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I really like how her relationship with Laura developed when she was a vampire.

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>Both a Chink AND a Mugger?!
>The Day of the Sentinel is near!

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Jubilee is the best

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>jubilee isn't a vampire and is barely seen
>x-23 acts like every teenage girl now
>she even has a mini me
It's not fair.

Yeah, Marvel has no idea what they're doing anymore.

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Vampire Jubilee isn't better than Mutant Jubilee, but her black suit/yellow jacket combo is the best look she's had.

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