Will JJ succeed where Zach Snyder failed?

Will JJ succeed where Zach Snyder failed?

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jesus christ

What, is he gonna use his Flyby script again? That would be fucking stupid.

Now's the right time to strike since a lot of people are tapping out from MCU.

He'll write gigantic world-changing events in the first movies and deflate any tension in later ones.

I mean, maybe he will?
I just wonder if, should he actually make a Superman film, he'll try to keep it within the established DCEU canon in a more concrete manner (that is, a Superman film starring Henry Cavill) or if he'll only make it ambiguously canon.

Either way, I'd hope that if he takes up "Green Lantern" that he actually makes it a space opera rather than "Space Cops But On Earth".

>space opera

>fucking J.J. Abrams
Jesus christ. WB's grasping at fucking straws.

Knowing that hack he would just clone the first superman movie, reverse time stupidity included. As for green lantern... I dont know, First Flight I guess?

That may be so, but I'd still rather see anything that isn't a mishandling of the material.

>J J A B R A M S
Well I guess Superman and Hal will slaughter everyone with the unstoppable power of lensflare

They paid 500M for partnership with Bad Robot and JJ

>Matt McGloin
If true, can't wait to his outrage when Abrams decides to use Jessica or Simon as protagonists fron GL.

Hopefully that means he never goes near Star Wars again. The damage is done, but still.

Is Cavill still doing work for WB as Superman?

Honestly it can't be worse than the wet fart the DCEU has delivered thus far. Bring it on.

Apparently he still wants to be Supes and he actually pitched Man of Steel 2 to WB, but nothing is happening.

Oh, but it can. At least Snyder attempts thematic stuff. JJ will replace that with mystery boxes.

The source is bogus

Unless it comes from one of the Hollywood trades, it’s probably boosheet

Not exactly, Michelle Rejwan got announced as senior vice president of live action development and production of Lucasfilm.

If you don't know who she is, she was co-producer on Force Awakens, Rise of Skywalker, and Star Trek: Into Darkness. She's also associate producer on Super 8, all of these are JJ films. She might be the line that JJ has into Lucasfilm.

kill me
and make it quick

Sounds perfect.

>destroys Star Trek
>rapes the corpse of DC characters next
Is nothing enough?

>a lot of people are tapping out from MCU.
and from capeflicks as a whole DCuck

He is absolutely NOT worth that price, wow.

More people are coming in than leaving though.

Why the fuck JJ? Not saying he isn't decent, but he literally doesn't offer anything new to the table.

This is true as I'm on of them.

That's why they hired him. He's safe and unoriginal.

Name one good movie he worked on in any real capacity.

He stopped by to help run Star Wars into the ground first.

But do they not remember he wrote a script where Krypton didn't explode, and Lex Luthor was Kryptonian?

I honestly forgot about that.

did he really do that

myself included but the MCU has tons of fans so there's space for both. I'd like to see WB and the DCEU prosper way more because Disney would maybe finally get off their lazy asses. The MCU hasn't been truly great ever since Phase 1. The day they took over, the MCU got progressively worse (CGI, story, characters, comedy, action, all of it)

Meanwhile, WB's movies remind me of Phase 1 but only with a bigger scale for most of their movies (MoS, BvS, WW, Aquaman), which I always love. Funny how the movies closest to the MCU formula (JL, SS) are the weakest ones while the ones that try to be different, even comedy-wise, are far superior.
My take on all of it is that both companies can make great movies when the goddamn suits shut the fuck up and let the directors do their own thing. Whenever the suits have too much to say (most of MCU's Phase 2 and 3, Justice League, SS), the movies turn to shit

did you see what their plans are for the MCU as comic con?
they're about to run the MCU into the ground

>ruin Star Trek
>ruin Star Wars
>now Warners wants him for Superman and Green Lantern

Attached: green lantern facepalm 1447069834325.jpg (262x300, 21K)

This. They've got so many movies coming out it doesn't even make any fucking sense.

they're really going to hype up John as the greatest and best GL aren't they
they will turn him into Rey 2.0

I hate the MCU but cmon, you don't seriously believe that. I will never be paying for an MCU movie again but even I think that Strange and Shang-Chi have potential.
The Disneydrones? Those fuckers will gobble up literally everything the Mouse throws at them so Disney is set for life, especially since they are gods at marketing

Saturation is usually a bad thing but they know how to play their cards right. Some people seem to forget that Disney has been in the infantilisation business for like at least 80 years

People said the same thing about SW. Not even the main stream gives a fuck about it anymore.
Disney is about to make way to many bad MCU movies and it will kill the momentum they have.

That sounds awful.

Attached: mfw_wtf.png (375x361, 175K)

No, JJ will only fail in a completely DIFFERENT way.

SW is a whole other thing though. SW has a totally different fanbase. Most of SW's fans are men while Disney has a huge male AND female following. Men are typically more sensitive to quality issues, especially when the fanbase is predominantly autistic. Also, I hated TFA but it wasn't a dogshit movie. TLJ on the other hand wasn't only objectively shit but also shat on the franchise as a whole. There's a difference between one movie in three being bad and Phase 2 and 3 being shit to okay. Disney has secured okayish quality for their MCU movies but Star Wars has always been pretty big-scale so fucking up those has a bigger impact on the franchise

Is Hollywood just completely incapable of LEARNING?!?

I see your point and agree to some extent.

Rehashing previous movies but with more action works much better for a Superman reboot than Star Wars. Fuck it, I hate the sequel era but I'm in.

If John Stewart is GL, that means they can do JL without Cyborg, which would be great.
I have faith, J.J., please don't let me down.

They're going to sacrifice every other GL to make John look good. I have no faith in this movie and it hurts.

you couldn't pick a worse more disrespectful fucking direct for either of these properties, I'd rather have Trank than Abrams.

Since marvel is now pandering to the other side now. If DC plays their cards right with Hal Jordan and Green lantern I think they can make a comeback. They should start marketing Shazam as a kid superhero, like Ben 10 to make him more popular

John is generic though so might as well make him the protag. He fit quite nicely with the League in TAS. There's nobody to really sacrifice except for Hal though. Guy is a fucking asshole and Kyle.... yeah

Now that the script has been leaked and most people despised it, I don't think they are gonna use it.

MCU is now making movies for pussies and faggots, all DC has to do is make a paint by numbers manly action movie and they win by default.

>Sacrifice every other GL to make John look good
I doubt we'll even see other human GLs in a John Stewart origin film. The public only (barely) knows who Hal is (and DC would prefer that they forget).

>since a lot of people are tapping out from MCU.

Attached: spider man far from home box office mojo.png (1003x922, 234K)

We both know if this movie is successful that John will be the new main GL. This is bad because he is by far one of the least interesting GLs and I will dread having to see him take over the Green Lantern comics. I'd actually be ok it if he just sticks with the JL like he's doing in the comics currently.

Page 130 (131 by PDF pages) is where Luthor is revealed to be Kryptonian:


Luckily he took that part out for his next draft:


Making a billion dollars isn't exactly an achievement anymore.

I thought it was confirmed that Hal would be showing a rookie John how to be a GL or something.

If the MCU does see a dropoff, it'll be gradual. Once the established characters from phases 1-3 are gone, it won't feel like the same film series for the general public.

Man I was hyped for Thor before the Whor announcement. I'll probably only watch Spider-Man 3.
Wait is it confirmed we're getting John?

This. Literally every movie makes that now.

but user, everyone is going to be hyped about female thor

Could be, I haven't seen anything to that effect myself.

Ideally if you want John as the main lantern and league member and not piss everyone off make it that he is Hal's replacement and he has to earn the others respect since Hal was such a legend. Then have an after credit scene showing sinestro change into his yellow outfit and show Hal isn't dead but Sinestro is keeping him prisoner.
John is the JL lantern, Hal is still the original in universe and no Cyborg. Everybody wins.

even after the bullshit they pulled in Endgame?

Not confirmed, but they'd have to be completely retarded (not unlikely) to not use John, since it's a built-in way to get the Black Panther audience + praise without the controversy of making a white character black.


Yeah, there's no surer sign that the MCU is a dying franchise than Endgame having just become the biggest-grossing movie in the history of the world.

although I'm a little sad that Guy gets no love
i'm going to be pissed if they try to retcon John into being the second earth lantern

10 years of hype leading up to a finale
now the MCU is trying to replace the characters and start something new. Not going to work because people have closure and won't give a fuck about these new characters.

There's going to be a vertical drop off, a shit load of people hated Endgame and don't give two shits about the new people.

Damn it I just want a proper Hal Jordan movie. Fuck DC if they go John route

The 2011 film screwed the pooch for Hal. Personally, I think Hal's best bet is in a GL sequel as buddy cops with John and maybe Guy.

sadly Hal is white and DC needs a black guy to fill the token minority role
John isn't getting his spot on the JL because he's a great character, he's getting it because he's black
affirmative action

J.J, give us the Timmverse JL roster.

don't worry it'll be Jessica

Well Fuck DC too then I guess. If they want Diversity so much why don't they make a Blue beetle movie
No thanks

Jamie Blue Beetle?

If his star franchises are anything to go by? No

>Blue beetle
Ted Kord is a white heterosexual male.

because blacks trump mexicans on the sjw hierarchy
black people in a movie is more diverse than mexicans

my sides

>i'm going to be pissed if they try to retcon John into being the second earth lantern
Some sacrifices have to be made. The MCU has numerous compromises. You could have a scene where the ring is searching for replacement, stops at Guy for a second and then flies off again so at least he would be partially set up for a sequel. It's not the right order but hey, Ultron wasn't made by Iron Man either

We've been saying for years that a good Blue Beetle or Static film would appeal to virtually every audience.

Do you have anything to support this?

They'll never use Ted Kord. It's going to be Jaime Reyes.

The only blue beetle most people think of now is Jaime. It's sad but true

Every GL fan should hope for a John Stewart GL film to be a success.

The better it is, the more likely there are to be sequels featuring Guy, Hal, etc.

I reject this. My Booster Gold/Blue Beetle heterosexual life-partners comedy duo is immortal.

Attached: Heterosexual life partners.png (477x363, 372K)

yeah... because it worked so well for SW and ST...

>people won't give a fuck about those new characters
>but they will give a fuck about the DC's new characters

Being this delusional, stunning.

t. I donn't know jackshit about box office

Fuck those compromises. All they have to do is make a comment about some other lantern off in space or some shit, but we know they will try to make John more special and take away Guys spot.

what new DC characters?

>If they want Diversity so much why don't they make a Blue beetle movie
There was talk of it and honestly DC should be doing just that since it's a market Marvel is ignoring.

>DC's new characters
people know who John is, the justice league cartoons was really fucking big user

Name a movie that didn't break a billion. I'll wait.

Yea Jamie , personally I think he's best blue beetle. Ted was fun with Booster Gold and who the fuck even remembers Dan
This. Static would have been really great
At this point diversity=blacks

All they have to do is establish the bar, have Hal and Guy rib each other at the bar, have Jon be their friend and he knows about their Green Lantern status, they get hurt or are missing or whatever and Jon gets a ring.

Done and done, at the end of the movie the Guardians make him an official GL.

They won't add in Hal and Guy into a sequel. They'll use Kyle and play up the mexican thing.
I do look forward to seeing more GL merch in stores.

I hope it goes down like this but I don't trust JJ

they'll make Kyle gay and fridge his boyfriend

>Green Lantern" that he actually makes it a space opera rather than "Space Cops But On Earth".
I like Space Cops, as long as they're actually in space. Also a Green Lantern movie, done well, would need to be way more CG than Live Action. I don't think a live action GL will work.

>because it worked so well for SW and ST
For the most part people liked the Force Awakens and both JJ directed Star Trek films are critical hits

The tough question for DC will be whether to morph the existing Wondy and Aquabro into the new universe or not

>the you just want a proper Hal Jordan movie and not his replacements

It's an easy yes. If you can turn the biggest joke in comics into a billion dollar film you don't give that up

Capeshit or any? If so, All female Ghostbusters.

J.J. directing both will at least give some cohesion to the new universe they're building out.

The J.J.E.U

People are over the honey moon phase with FA and see it as shit. I only saw one of his ST films and if was bland.
Just because his movies make money doesn't mean they're good.

Dear god no

The only way to ever get a proper Hal movie is . It wont be an origin but origin movies usually suck anyway

JJ does like dingy bars

You disgust me.

More and more people have turned on TFA after TLJ and Solo, and it's the shippers who are mainly excited for TROS

Abramsverse Trek is dead and the hype has moved on to the new Picard show in the original Trek verse

GL has the potential to be the next Star Wars if done right

I'd rather get a movie with Sinestro and Hal going on cop adventures. Maybe end it with the battle on Korugar or have a little tease to it after the credits.

I don't hate the MCU but that's bullshit and you know it

I'll only accept a GL franchise if they pass the ring. Maybe have a Doctor Who styled thing. They die or retire and the next one takes over. No more than a few movies per person. Hal settles down with his girl after she becomes a Star Sapphire for him, Guy gives up and goes Red, that kind of thing. I think limiting the number of rings in play will help. I'm not saying the old people can never come back. Some kind of Lantern Avengers would be cool. Also, Dexx-Star has to be a villain. I'd want Ryan Reynolds back to play a bit part, like a Guardian or Larfleeze. Something he can mess around with, Detective Pikachu.

Sorry I'd rather have John than Cyborg. It was always going to be one or the other.


are you unaware be partnered with the writer of DCEU Justice League for the new Star Wars movie and you think he can do cohesion?

>their latest movie beat Avatar
>Spider-Man is going to make more than a billion
I'm not seeing this mass exodus.


I wanna see a John vs Cyborg fight now

We're overlooking something. What if we get an Alan Scott Movie? personally I want Hal Jordan but Kyle is fine too. I don't want John or Jessica

honestly they'd work really well together with John being an engineer he can literally rebuild or enhance Cyborg with constructs as they fight

>affirmative action

More like so that the producers and creative staff can pat themselves on the back for being so progressive. Then have a built in victim card to play when they fail

Well this way you could have Hal be the lead in Green Lantern Corps after John has had his Green Lantern films. There's no way they would have Sinestro not turn after the first film

Is this real or just hearsay?

Attached: hal.png (219x525, 328K)

a gay dude that's week against wood isn't gonna fly

In just the last few months alone:
Bohemian Rhapsody
Dr. Seuss' The Grinch (2018)
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Dragon Ball Super: Broly

Anyway get ready for your new Green Lantern Mystery Box movie. Can't be any worse than the previous one.

>Every GL fan should hope for a John Stewart GL film to be a success.
>The better it is, the more likely there are to be sequels featuring Guy, Hal, etc.

No, if it works the only thing they will learn is John works. And they will only do John movies because of it.

Hearsay for now but likely true

He's just going to reshoot Superman: The Movie and Superman II

>ea Jamie , personally I think he's best blue beetle.

Stopped reading right there. Opinion invalidated.

Who do we want as John, bros?

If another Green Lantern film fails you will never see any lantern films again. Do you think anyone is going to attempt another Hellboy film or Judge Dredd? They have one more chance and be it John, Jessica or fucking Medphyll you better be praying it succeeds.

>Dragon Ball Super: Broly
huh, how much money did it make?

No, you having faith in JJ after he raped Star Wars and Star Trek.

I can see why you would prefer Ted but man Dan was boring af. There's a reason why no one remembers him

I wanted Idris Elba but he's probably too old for it now.

>He's just going to reshoot Superman: The Movie and Superman II

How will he fuck up /ourguy/?

Attached: Guy Gardner.jpg (660x1024, 305K)

Dredd was so good why the fuck did nobody go see it fuck you fuck you

>If another Green Lantern film fails you will never see any lantern films again.
Fantastic Four would like to have a word with you.

114mil. For a very limited run and production cost it was a massive success

Marvel is just that big that people are excited that they will fix them. That's a clear exception to the rule

Dexx-Star kills Hope Corgi and feels bad about it.

He'll be black too.

Guy will likely be comedic relief in a Green Lantern Corps film until he turns into a Red Lantern. Could be a nice film arc for him.

Honestly they should go with Kyle since I don't there's a big Mexican superhero yet. Ideally it should be Hal

I know user, it pisses me off as well. It had terrible marketing. Whoever called it Dredd 3D needs to be shot

The past eight Disney/Marvel Free Fantastic Four movies bombed, and yet they always got people excited. Whenever a new GL movie is announced people will swear on their lives that "this will be the good one, I swear!"

Production budget was just over 8 million
Last Box Office total was about 125 million
So it made about 15 times its budget back

Comparatively, Ralph 2 cost 175 million and made just under 530 million, or about three times its budget
Lego Movie 2 cost under 100 million and made back just under 200 million, doubling its budget

>Ryan Reynolds as G'nort

Attached: my sides.jpg (340x340, 22K)

The difference is normies actually know the F4, whereas GL is still a relatively obscure property.

Fantastic four 2005 didn't bomb

Man of Steel
Batman V Superman
Justice League
Wonder Woman
Justice League

>doesn't mention Aquaman and Suicide Squad because they BTFO his argument
>puts Justice League on the list twice to make it look bigger

>Anyway get ready for your new Green Lantern Mystery Box movie. Can't be any worse than the previous one.

oh no? starts out with a dying alien you think it's Abin Sur but a Green Light is flying towards the alien, it's actually Martian Manhunter. He's been mortally wounded by an evil something in space and Hal leaves to go investigate, he's gone for months, Guy also gets called away after Hal fails to return. Then John a guy that's just been fired from his job as a structural engineer for taking money under the table even though he didn't do it gets splashed by a puddle and want to end his life in an alleyway but gets a telepathic message from Martian Manhunter telling him that the other GL's are in trouble.

Why him why was he chosen he asks? There is no time for that Martian Manhunter elaborates and says he will assume his identity for him on earth and gives him a ring he happens to have.

John goes through a fun montage of learning the ring and then goes out into space to search for Hal and Guy, but back on earth Martian Manhunter has been doing some odd things as John and it turns out Martian Manhunter actually died and was replaced by Despero.

That's right the whole time it was Despero and he's doing an evil thing on earth that you don't know what it is because it's not explained and John all this time has been searching for Hal and Guy but he still can't find them until he runs into a dying Mogo and then the movie ends.

Is that shitty mystery box enough for you?

The difference is the first film didn't bomb and the second broke even so they decided to stop. They were forced to make another to hold onto the rights

I hate how all comics are all tied together with crossovers and soft reboots, but I loved that GL animated series from years back. What should my reading order be for someone with zero GL or comic experience? I kinda want to try all of them.

And if John 's film succeeds we will never, ever see Hal and Guy in a GL film again. This will not happen. John will become the ONE and ONLY GL in the movies.

Hollywood isn't run by the sharpest knives in the drawer. All they will understand is that John works, and they will never, EVER do even the teensiest, tiniest thing to potentially rock the boat. That means they won't take even the most remote risk with Hal. They won't take even the most remote risk with Guy. They won't take even the most remote risk with Alan. They will only go with John because he works.

This is how they think.

Huh, that actually is impressive. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned there, actually animated films without bloated budgets can actually make some decent cash. Even if it is just weeb DBZfag money this time, that's a massive return on investment.

Shit, what was the last non-CGI animated movie in theaters?

Make him a fat Asian man

>tfw everyone forgets about kyle

Kyle was born in the USA.

name one (1) story about kyle that isn't the fridge

Attached: fridged.png (333x397, 267K)

He is a White Lantern now, he doesn't even count anymore.

Ummmm...Omega Men?

Mexican American is close enough.

Does it at least have Superman as a superhero alien and not a Jesus allegory?

I want to say Princess and the Frog. Other than that, everything's been CG.

Tom King's Omega Men: The End Is Near

Teen Titans Go! To The Movies. Budget of 10 million, profit of 52 million.

Disagree. If John's film succeeds, I think the others will come in as supporting characters.

Kyle is quite literally the whitest man in the DCU. I KNOW it's said that he's hispanic, but when was the last time he EVER did anything that was even the tiniest bit ethnic?

Disagree all you want. Youi're wrong. It won't.

You don't understand how Hollywood works very well, do you?

>Kyle is quite literally the whitest man in the DCU
Nah that's Dick. The people who are desperate for him to be a gypsy disgust me

How would you fix Jessica? Just use the DC superhero girl version?

>The people who are desperate for him to be a gypsy
Isn't he?

So you think a hypothetical GL trilogy would feature 0 other human GLs?

I'd rather John be the only GL in movies than not have any GLs in movies at all.

Nah they don't do anything that would potentially rock the boat. That's why you're never going to see female Thor in a movie

I wouldn't use her at all, and sweep her back under the rug like the PC pandering, virtue signalling bullshit she truly is. She was created for one reason and one reason only, so they can pat themselves heartily on the back and crow about how progressive they are.

We have more than enough human GLs before she came along. Every other sector in the universe gets ONE GL, but Earth gets eight dozen of them.

Yeah, that makes PERFECT sense.

Well some of us don't take whatever's given us without question

>doesn't mention Aquaman and Suicide Squad because they BTFO his argument
Are you seriously under the belief that Skwad made a billion dollars?

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That would be Arthur, but we know how that's gone.

So....does J.J. keep Cavill or not?

Why are all you faggots so constantly insistent on ONE Green Lantern being the star of the movie?

The GL franchise was tailor-fucking-made to be Lethal Weapon in Space, come the fuck on.

Adjust for inflation cuck

Considering Superman's head isn't shown in Shazam I doubt he wants to be involved anymore

Ok.... it still didn't make close to a billion dollars.

He's been making fairly good career decisions since the DCEU.

I'd have it be John and Guy and shamelessly be Tango & Cash in space

I agree, GL films should be team films IMO. GotG style.

But Halfags and Guyfags only want their boys in it, even though Halfags already got their film.

Cavill said he is up for it, but he just broke ground on The Witcher. That's gonna be a time sink, and I wouldn't want anymore lip issues from him.

He does. He just wants more money

>Halfags already got their film.
You'd call whatever that was a film?

Cavill was good, and would be hard to replace lookswise.

Who are the best bets to replace him?

>abrams's uninspired, unmemorable, utterly mediocre arguable competency vs Snyder's visually ambitious but absolutely pretentious and dude bro dull schlock

can't say which one I'd choose honestly


Nice attempt at being funny. It failed utterly, though.

Whor is getting done for the exact same reason a John movie would be made. So Hollywood can crow and crow pridefully over what good people they are for being sooooo progressive. And Hollywood just LOVES to brag about their own self-righteousness. They literally WORSHIP at the altar of their own "enlightenment." They see progressive themed movie after progressive themed movie fail, yet they keep forcing it opn us relentlessly because they cannot stop and ask ourselves "Could we be wrong">

The ONLY thing they will learn from the success of a John movie is that John sells. They will not see it as the success of a GL movie, they will see it as the success of John Stewart

So yeah, you "Whor" example of why a John movie will open the way for a Hal & Guy movie doesn't hold any water. Hollywood is NOT that smart.

>The MCU has numerous compromises.
and look at it
fucking look at it

>he's using American dollars
Try Zimbabwean dollars, fucking moron.

It sucked, but still counts. Guy and John deserve a turn to buddy-cop it up. Just say Hal is off-world with Sinestro or something.

>the most successful franchise of all time, includes the highest grossing movie of all time
Looks pretty good, not gonna lie

Cavill was mediocre, his impending hair catastrophe makes the iconic front-curl nigh impossible, and any number of actors could get into enough shape to pull off Supeman.

Snyder films are an F- or Incomplete
J.J.'s are C to a B.
So easily yes.

That's dumb, Sinestro deserves build-up

>The GL franchise was tailor-fucking-made to be Lethal Weapon in Space

Yes, but Hollyweird doesn't look at things the way rational people do.

Okay: if progressive films exclude all white characters by default, then explain Into the Spiderverse, and tell me why Into the Spider-Verse 2 will ONLY feature Miles and no other Spider-people

So 174 Septillion dollars?

Mmhm, dass rite


Attached: justice-league-henry-cavills-mouth-superman.jpg (618x412, 40K)

That movie is just trying to be a good movie, instead of a "diversity" fest.

I'd give Watchmen a C. Unfortunately he kept applying Watchmen themes to the Justice League Universe. And Watchmen didn't excite audiences to begin with.

That would be starting to build him up. Keep him as an elite background presence. Don't turn him yellow until a sequel or GLC spinoff.

Plenty of buff people out there, but only so many have "the look." Cavill has the look, even with his widow's peak.

The guy playing Negative Man on Doom Patrol currently has the right look though. Good actor too.

Of course it is

That's why executives exists. People shit on them because we only know about when they fuck up, but someone would tell Abrams to change that shit in a matter of seconds

>But Halfags and Guyfags only want their boys in it

Don't presume to speak for me. I want everyone except for Simon and Jessica. And that includes John

>I want the characters I grew up with! New things bad!

If Miles can be salvaged into a great character, so can Jessica.

If we see Jessica, it'll be in a sequel. I don't mind it as long as they don't go full "Captain Marvel" with her.

They DO kill Noir and the only other Peter is a complete worthless failure as a person who lets himself go and utterly gives up. Even his wife dumps him because he's so worthless.

Oh don't worry.

They will.

>>Implying Simon and Jessica were ever done for anything other than virtue signalling.

Wew, lad.

Jessica origin wouldn't make sense without Volthoom ring though. You'd have to make her a side villain and then snap out of it but that would only work with the crime syndacate and there's no fucking way we'll ever see that

Fuck movies, give me GLTAS back

A Cavill Superman movie with the tone & sleek look/feel of the 2009 Trek movie would be great.

But it's absolutely fucking vital that they do not let him homage the Reeves films or do anything from his Flyby script.

And please for the love of god, even if you don't stick with Cavill do not do another origin movie. Actually move the fuck forward.

Attached: superman-flyby.jpg (550x1004, 57K)

>If they want Diversity so much why don't they make a Blue beetle movie

Slightly less than ten years ago they wanted to do a Blue Beetle TV series. With current CGI that would actually be possible, and in that format it would most likely be easier to find an audience for it. I wonder why CW haven't done it yet.

Zod and Doomsday are off the table (probably). Who does J.J. pit against Supes?

GL is really lore heavy, so there's a lot to read but it's pretty good for the most part.

Well you can start with Vol 1 - Vol 3

You will need to take 4 breaks though the first one at Green Lantern Vol 2 186 you need to read Crisis on Infinite Earths

Volume 3 you should stop at Green Lantern Vol 3 47 and then you need to read Death of Superman and Reign of The Supermen then you can pick it back up at Green Lantern Vol 3 48

Then you need to stop at Green Lantern Vol 3 55 and read Zero Hour then you can pick up back up at Green Lantern Vol 3 56

The last one you need to stop at is Green Lantern Vol 3 1000000 before reading that read DC One Million

You could read Vol 4 but there's a lot more tie ins and you need to read a shit load of Blackest Night comics from all kinds of different runs and it gets really complicated but the other colored lanterns don't show up until Vol 4 if that's really what you're interested in.

Luthor and Parasite

The one with Jade slapping him because he was upset that she cheated on him while living in his apartment.

Nah they'll never move past that stage. We're going to see Bruce Wayne's parents die many, many more times as well.
Mongul or Darkseid because they need their Thanos.

>And please for the love of god, even if you don't stick with Cavill do not do another origin movie. Actually move the fuck forward.

More importantly, give Zod and/or Luthor a fucking rest.
It IS conceivably possible to tell a Superman story without immediately using Luthor or Zod.

That said, I give it a 90% chance of being a Luthor story.

Attached: Luthor.jpg (185x185, 6K)

Parasite's powers are boring. He becomes more Superman while Superman becomes less Super.
It briefly becomes a Supes vs Supes fight and then lopsided. Bleah.

Would they blow Darkseid that early?

First he dumbed down Star Trek, then Star Wars and now the "DCEU". Terrible.

No, because they know Darkseid would be dismissed as knock-off Thanos by general audiences. Darkseid needs to be shelved for 5 years or so.

Why not? What possible plans could they have for him anyway now that even Cyborg runs on a mother box?

Just do fucking Brainiac already

I think Brainiac would be a good origin-film villain for Supes instead of Zod.

Did you seriously push a thread up to 240+ posts over a FAKE article? Are you seriously this fucking stupid? Jesus christ Yea Forums goddamn it, it's Cosmic Book News, just like "We Got This Covered" all their sources are made up. McGloin does it on purpose.

Dumbing it "up" would seem a lot more likely.

I see you haven't read the script it's about Supermans evil uncle who has supergirls origin but she's not in it

It's still better than Defeated Whining at every Disney thread.


Brainiac fighting polar bears. Polar bears are the most vicious killers in the animal kingdom.

Mission Impossible 3
> Near Great
Super 8
> Very Good to Near Great
Trek 09
> Very Good to Near Great
Into Darkness
> Very Good to Near Great
The Force Awakens
> Good to Very Good


Dawn of the Dead
> Good
> Good
Sucker Punch
> Haven't seen
> Great
Man of Steel
> Strongly Great
BVS (theatrical)
> Ok/Meh
BVS (ultimate cut)
> Good
Justice League
> Haven't seen

> Great
>Man of Steel
> Strongly Great

Attached: 1373898433633.gif (320x240, 1.27M)

Doesn't matter that the article source is bad. Warner bought Bad Robot. Putting J.J. at the helm of their major D.C. properties seems like a given at this point.

Nah, no Brainiac.
We got him in the Krypton TV show and we have gotten a fuck ton of Alien invaders in blockbusters recently.
We need a villain genuinely new/unique feeling that Superman can't just punch to solve.

I honestly have doubts that Warner Brothers considers either Superman or Green lantern as "major DC properties" at this point.

5th Dimensional Imps it is. Bring back Gilbert Godfrey.

No, nothing that silly.

Ordinarily I'd agree, but Warner HAS to be antsy to get in on the Black Panther/Woke hype. John seems like the best way to do that in DC.

literal who and stuck between 2 marvel movies.

John is more Falcon/War Machine than Black Panther.
DC has absolutely nothing like Black Panther.

So no Bizarro or Toy Man either? Metallo, then.

Not same user, but SS was panned to death by critics. They were seething to the point i was afraid of there being a theater shooting because they've been wrong for 3 straight weeks during it's screening.

The difference is, John would command his own franchise instead of play lackey to Captain America.

I'd like to see Lex just be in the movie being Lex Luthor, but not be the main bad guy.

> DC has absolutely nothing like Black Panther
Diana & her Island are similar enough to Panther & Wakanda.
Sadly they already had Ares kill off the other gods so their options of stuff to do with the Amazons is limited.

They aren't ever gonna do the arc with Darkseid invading & leveling the island sadly. Would have been nice and would have been a good sequel to the original ending to JL with Diana cutting off Steppenwolf's head.

Black Panther is jut another Namor/Aquaman clone

And? Lion King got panned by the critics, and it will easily coast to a billion plus.
Squad did not get there. Not even close. Critics had nothing to do with it. Being kinda lame, word-of-mouth confirming to second weekend audiences that the Joker isn't a major character like the trailers suggested, and finally having a major Jap character and anarchist themes doomed it for China release.

None of those properties invented the Hidden Kingdom/Mythically destined King trope.

Bizarro nope. Would be a extremely big risk that people would see it as Superman is beating up on a mentally disabled person.

Toyman would depend on how they did it.
He was actually pretty serious & creepy in TAS. But they need to very careful not to make him a predator towards kids or it would risk also being offensive and edgy.

I think Toyman would work as a creepy villain that the Daily Planet investigates early on in the film, while setting up a more physical threat like Metallo.

A good Superman film needs to have Clark using his brain as well as his brawn. For that, you often need multiple baddies.

Lion King is getting carried because of China. Suicide Squad's 800m climb w/o was the more impressive feat. And it's all thanks to some roastie wearing spangled short shorts.

Aquaman and Namor both come from literally the first hidden kingdom, a 2,000 year old trope, Atlantis. How the hell could you even think to attribute that to Black Panther?

1. Wait 3 more years. Get the WW and Aquaman sequels out so they can underperform (which is inevitable).
2. Establish recast Batman, get the Harley Quip shit out of the way without connecting her to the new Batman.
3. J.J. Abrams New Frontier. Everyone but NewBats and his supporting characters recast.
Abrams is about perfect for a New Frontier style movie.

Attached: DC New Frontier 6 of 6-00fc.jpg (1200x1837, 295K)

>Lion King is getting carried because of China.
This is just plain denial.
Sad, really.

Ancient myths about Atlantis have about as much to do with Aquaman/Namor as the ancient myths of Denmark and Norway have to do with Thor.
Which is to say little.

Skwad didn't reach 750, let alone 800 million.
You are utterly delusional.

ah you're right. glad a we got a poindexter here keeping up with the numbers.

Since this is now a Revamped DC Film Thread, here's my wish list:

>Pattinson Batman
Batman: Year One adaption, also featuring the Haley's Circus/Flying Graysons death.

Joker and Harley. Dick as Robin.

Red Hood or Court of Owls, if they get this far.

>all Batman, all the time
No thanks!

Just skip Batman, have Robin be the main character and focus on him, and expand into the whole "batfamily" later. Bruce has a million movies, but Robin just has that shitty Titans show, and Adam West.

Dawn of the Dead
> ok remake
> ok
Sucker Punch
> Haven't seen
> ok
Man of Steel
> Trash
BVS (theatrical)
> Absolute Trash
BVS (ultimate cut)
> Supreme Trash
Justice League
> Trash

Well, you'd put other stuff between them. This is just how Batman specifically should go.

Fix Jessica.

That was just my batman-specific wish list, since Pattinson batman is the only confirmed character at this point.

Tbh, A Josh Trank Green Lantern movie would be fucking lit.

>millions of human Lanterns
>not one martian
For what reason?

Metallo, made of a new alloy discovered by Lex's company (Nth Metal).

Who or whatever JJ uses, it's gonna be done badly.

They're all scared of fire.

Nah. Cumberbatch was a fucking great villain in Trek IntoDarkness. PSH in MI3 was even better.
Nero was decent.

Well, they'll die at room temperature, but they've taken risks before.

White Martians are to Mars what niggers are here on Earth so there's no chance they DON'T abuse their positions/powers and all the Green Martians are fucking dead save for J'onn.

Does this mean we could get Karl Urban as present day Batman?

>and finally having a major Jap character and anarchist themes doomed it for China release.

What? Japanese are Asian just like the Chinese are.

Because they made OVER a BILLION. Marvel/Sony movies fail too such as Ant-Man and The Wasp or Dark PhoeniX, the latter was a huge office box bigger than F4.
Also, why is people using "yikes" so frequently in the last six months?

Snyder didn't directed JL, it was Whedon

Cumberbatch was a terrible Khan.

Oof, that definitely gets a yikes from me. Cringe

The Chinese fucking hate the Japanese, TLJ did terribly in China too because they hate niggers (Boyega) and Vietnamese (Tran)

There are some people who should die in a horrific car accident where body parts and blood and brain matter are splattered all over, and J.J. Abrams is certainly one of them

>Will JJ succeed where Zach Snyder failed?
Are you imply Zack Snyder failed? Zack Snyder is the only good directors that actually went and made superheroes movies good and epic, no cash grabber movies as Patti Jenkins, James Wan, David Sandberg and every mcu movie did.
Snyder is the man! He did what every other directors doesn't have the balls to do, making superheroes realistic and precisely how the world would see them and makes you think at the real world.
And the proof is that Patti jenkins, James wan, David Sanberg destroyed this concept in favor of lighthearted movies that leave you nothing.
It was WB that destroyed Snyder's vision and destroyed the only thing in the universe that would have made people care about superheroes and how the world really is. Now thanks to WB we have cash grabber and infantilized lighthearted family movies forever.

Can't tell if this is bait or genuinely retarded...probably the former.

Snyder sucks.

This, actually. It was WB executives sticking their noses in places it doesn't belong. Just hearing Zach talk about all the things he originally had planned for Supes is actually quite overwhelming. Just the stuff he's leaked about Justice League recently sours me on superhero media. But then again, we're in the no bad feel, no bad thought cabal.

You misspelled "kino"

Bro I agree Snyder is great but Wonder Woman was far from lighthearted or directly for families.
And Aquaman had much the same epic scale and visual style as Snyders films just with more color and exotic locations.

Shazam is the problem not WW or Aquaman.

I really want to live in the timeline where Snyder fully directed the dceu without WB to corrupt it

Kino sucks? That can't be right.

You're telling me executive meddling is where the jar of piss came from?

>JJ is going to ruin the DCEU like he ruined star wars
Can someone just shoot that faggot already jesus fuck

>literally too dumb to get the reference to what she had said to him before about piss and peach tea
Jesus Christ how do you even breathe on your own?

I'm pretty sure what ruined Star Wars was Rian Johnson.

Now I can only imagine what a DC movie by Rian would be like.

Look, they're part of the problem too. Wonder Woman suffers from being made by a pretentious person that wanted to make her movie instead of a movie set in an extended universe, it suffers from having Diana as a generic lightearthed superhero instead of something original like a cold and anti-heroic amazon (as Snyder was doing), and it suffers from retconing the greek gods and magic to exists in a world where it was clearly explicit that the ancient gods were just ancient aliens.
Aquaman yes, it's good, but retconned Snyder's concepts of Atlantis in JL (the original cut).
Shazam is the problem and we don't need to explain it.
It would have been great if Snyder scripted these movies and Jenkins and Wan and the pthers directed them.

> and it suffers from retconing the greek gods and magic to exists in a world where it was clearly explicit that the ancient gods were just ancient aliens.
This is where you loose me. There is nothing wrong with magic and mythology being taken seriously in Snyder's Dceu.

What is it about DCEU threads that bring the Snyder cult outta the wood work? He's gone, they've pretty much retconned any and all concepts he was going to establish. Let it the fuck go and go support Zack's next project if you faggots really love him that much.

His next project is Fountainhead, who wants that?

Well, WB corrupted Snyder's DCEU, he had a clear vision and known the characters better then every other directors

It was never Snyder for Snyder's sake that I cared about. It was his specific take on the Dceu that I am in love with.

300 & DOTD are good but I'm largely meh about them. Have little interest in ever seeing Sucker Punch. I'm excited for Snyder's Thor anime but I really don't care about his Army of the Dead film.

Bvs has lots of problems but has plenty good to it and Mos is outright phenomenal to me.

>known the characters better than every other directors

Attached: Zack Snyder reads at mach 20.jpg (1319x754, 1.04M)

Best part of Man of Steel is when he learns to fly. I'm a fan of how his flight always had this feeling of weight to it has he displaced air.
The rest is trash.

Face it, user; DC is done in a lot of ways. Superhero fatigue is setting in. Marvel's newest phase has people already heading for the door and WW2 isn't going to reinvigorate the masses to sit back down for another 15 years. Comic book TV is already waining; Arrow is up this season, Flash has declined in quality, nobody is watching Supergirl and nobody is going to watch Batwoman. LoT changed the formula and did well because of it, but there is only so much they can do with WB restrictions. Swamp Thing got screwed, Titans and Doom Patrol need HBO funding to get a S2, and the comics division is in shambles.

It is, ancient mythology is too complex to be taken seriously in a realistic world. So, or the mythological gods were either powerful aliens or multi dimensional beings that ancient people mistaken for gods and wrote fake stories about them or we have a "realistic" world were these real powerful gods don't do nothing anymore and coexists with other gods whom existence contradict their own stories. So making them ancient aliens is the most smart thing to do.
I could have accepted magic as multidimensional logic and science that in our world seems magic, like Mr Mxy's powers.

Not at Warner Bros. JJ's Wife was part of the MeToo and lead the motions of getting executives ousted. Warner Bros now is ruin by a woman that happens to be a close friend of Abrams, hence his half a billion dollar job landing.

Abrams started this shit by copying ANH almost beat for beat and calling it a new movie. That and his fucking "Mystery Boxes" he's so fucking in love with.

I can't wait to see what "mystery" he saddles Superman and Green Lantern with.

Bottom line is when JJ is writing he cannot finish and cannot carry the plot. He's a horrible writer.

There is factually a giant blood splatter behind the mutant. It's perfectly reasonable assumption to think he was dead.
And later we see mutants being thrown into the air by explosive shells that Batman claims are rubber bullets.
The art doesn't match the writing.

>right between the eyes
>no hole between the eyes

Attached: Batman kills.png (245x368, 128K)

In the comics Batamn really burned KGBeast alive.
Plus in the Dark Knight Strike Again he killed Joker-Grayson

He wasn't looking at the fucking page during the interview.
He just remembers he was shot near the head.

Yea Forums, I just want you to know, that even though I love you guys, a lot of you are so fixated on your snyder hate that it's borderline scary. if anyone is to blame, i wonder if it's not WB? y'know, the studio that directors like snyder, ayer, the wachowskis, wan, campbell, etc. i mean, seriously, wb wants complete control over what a director is doing which will always lead to a bad movie.

The rubber bullets panel was taken from a page with his tank blasting people. The M60 was a gun he took off a perp seconds before.
Your deliberately misleading people mother fucker.

Attached: 30 years of killing.jpg (1041x1600, 491K)

All these Brainlets who can't understand the genius of Zack's vision...fucking pathetic.

I really want to live in the Snyder's DCEU timeline!

>JJ Abrams
JFC no, stop giving this mystery box hack work hollywood

Because Snyder was being realistic.

Look at Marvel flicks, if they were trying the same realism Iron Man would be considered a terrorist, Captain America a relic of a bygone era that no one genuinely likes, Hulk and Thor are walking talking WMDs that need to be detained, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver would be societal lepers, Black Panther would be seen as a fucking nutcase, and Ant Man would be by and large reviled as a criminal.

I read Mark Millar's Ultimates too!

Mark Millar why are you here? Stop trying to make every heroes a military asshole and their adventures some grimdark 9/11 metaphor

>Hulk and Thor are walking talking WMDs that need to be detained,
Ross actually makes this exact argument in Civil War.

>Oh, but it can. At least Snyder attempts thematic stuff. JJ will replace that with mystery boxes.

yeah that's what i'm afraid of too

Thor at least has control over his actions, Banner on the other hand doesn't (Endgame notwithstanding) and probably would be better off if they did indeed cure him of Hulk.

But you see, the girl taking it in the ass by the 6 foot nigger with a 14 inch cock is an allegory for 9/11.


will be played by Tyrese Gibson in his recent F&F characterization

Green Lantern wasn't a bad movie.

Ehh, I don't hate this.

Then why did it flop? It even had jets in it.

First image looks promising

Attached: JJ Abrams' Superman_ Flight exclusive FIRST LOOK.jpg (1920x1080, 73K)

Now I fully understand what Lansky is trying to tell me when watching BLACKED videos.

>lens flare
Sasuga, Abrams

>This looks like a job for MYSTERY BOX MAN!
DCEU is dead, bury it. Focus on solo films.

>Failed to finish Lost
>Failed to continue Cloverfield
>Failed to reboot Star Trek
>Failed to make sequels to Star Wars
J.J. Abrams is to sci-fi what Zack Snyder is to capeshit.

>a lot of people are tapping out from MCU.
Meaning you and you alone

>you will never see any lantern films again
As a Lanternfag this is the outcome I'm praying for

So Justice League 2 is gonna be a JJ film? Okay, I'll live with it, so long as Cavill is back to play Ultraman of the Crime Syndicate.

>And please for the love of god, even if you don't stick with Cavill do not do another origin movie. Actually move the fuck forward.
But if we don't see the origin how will we know what this superman guy is all about? The origin is the single most important thing about a superhero!

IIRC, somewhere I read DC was planning more Elseworlds-style movies, if that's the case I'd love to see The Nail or Red Rain be made into movies.

>matt mcgloin
Oh yeah, that triggered fag with zero connections has an exclusive

Attached: Laughing Whores.gif (500x280, 237K)


Also I think the John and Hal issue could be solved if they go with John for first movie then have him mentor or train Hal so he becomes the Lantern for the next movie.

This movie will succeed, doesn't matter if it's good or not. Black people will watch it in droves just because John is black. It's going to be BP 2.0

no, they shouldn't fuck with the order of the GLs

JJ Abrams Superman would be the most underwhelming, boring, uninspired take on the character imaginable. The man has no vision, he's the most overrated mercenary director in the industry.

I assume it'll be a reboot in the same universe as Matt Reeves Batman

>that means they can do JL without Cyborg
I wish. I hate how DC acts like he's on the level of the OG 6

>DC's new characters

You sure user? Far from Home has probably already reached a billion. Marvel and probably DC will do fine. I don't see a fatigue for a long time.

Metallo hopefully

>Men In Black 3
What? It's the worst of the series, with the first at the top and the second as....second

Good movies flops user, as bad movies (Avengers Endgame) don't flop

>I want everyone except for Simon and Jessica

For 30 years we had solo movies about either Batman or Superman revivals.
We will not return to that shitty standalones. I want movies in an extended universe


I fucking hate this dceu snyderless timeline

Who CAN make a good super hero movie?

Zack Snyder

Zack Snyder and Matthew Vaughn (yes I know he directed Fantastic Four 2015, but I'm talking about his Kick Ass movies that are, surprisingly, better than the comics)

You wished on a monkey's paw user.

Attached: 1558000237438.png (1284x1756, 1.67M)

Attached: 1556301623554.jpg (572x621, 104K)

>that guy returned for Far From Home
>Iron Man 3 introduced Ellen Brandt
Man-Thing movie fucking when Feige?

I just want to live in the Snyder's dceu timeline, is it bad that I don't want bland standalones and solos that leave you nothing? For once we had it and WB stole it from us!

>Not at Warner Bros. JJ's Wife was part of the MeToo and lead the motions of getting executives ousted. Warner Bros now is ruin by a woman that happens to be a close friend of Abrams, hence his half a billion dollar job landing.
If there was any justice left in the world, everyone involved in that mass fake rape accusation should be put to death.

Start with Jessica, work in reverse order.

You were supplied with a false idol user.

Attached: 1535911388318.jpg (800x1337, 739K)

Snyder's theme's are hollow

JJ may not be better but its like choosing between cat poop and dog poop

How does this negate my wish to live in Snyder's dceu timeline?

Has JJ ever made an actually good movie? I'm looking at his filmography and there's zero reason why people suck his dick so hard, everything there is just mediocre, forgettable stuff.

Short Answer: No
Long Answer: Fucking no and he will never make a good movie

Snyder is original but shit
JJ is unoriginal amd less shit

Snyder's best is better than JJ's best.
But Snyder's worst is better than JJ's worst

As long as he only directs, and doesn't write, it should be ok.

So instead of lensflares were going to get green lensflares

JJ Abrams’ Superman would be a boring and soulless rehash that is lauded by critics for “bringing the character back to his roots” and make a billion dollars

No... NO!!!

His themes aren't hollow. I bet you can't even name one of the thematic things he attempted other than complain about religious imagery.

>I bet you can't even name one of the thematic things he attempted other than complain about religious imagery.

Because there is none

Damage? Star Wars is done.

Suicide is looking more and more like a promising option with each passing day

Stop baiting. If you watched BvS while paying attention you'd know why Wonder Woman fit perfectly with it.

>It is, ancient mythology is too complex to be taken seriously in a realistic world.
FUCKER! Go back and watch Lex talk about the Meta-Human Thesis. Go back and pay attention to the visual symbolism.

There is. But you're too much of a brainlet. Here's a clue and it isn't a clue because the very trailers spoil it. Specially the Ultimate version trailer. It's about Power and America. And about Responsibility.

DC can't go any lower after JL so fuck it why not

Fucking goddammit WB, you fired one hack just to hire another...

Well that does it, how should i kill myself Yea Forums? Hanging, slitting my wrists, throwing a toaster in the bathtub? I dont have access to a gun or a high vantage point so neither are options. Any other options would be welcomed.

He directed more than two thirds of the movie since he left during post-production.

You had your Snyder DCEU and it sucked.

Scenes that were thrown out. Dude doesn't even know 80% of what happens in the final product.

Attached: 1540558974143 (1).jpg (1280x720, 174K)

Is slitting my wrists a bad option or is it usually effective because ATM im considering going that way. Also what should i use? I have a razor blade but theres some knives in the kitchen i can go get

That's probably from editing and post-production, he still physically filmed more than half of the footage that's in the actual movie even if they might have discarded most of the footage he filmed since his movies are always bloated messes that have far more footage than they need.

I just want Cavill to stay as Superman, is that too much to ask to those hacks?

Attached: 1554888344925.jpg (960x828, 205K)

>Source is Cosmic Book News
When have these fuckers ever been right about their leaks?

Holy fuck are there only 5 people in hollywood?

Stop relying on Cosmic Book News, you idiots.

i know I am

At this point I would take literally any Green Lantern movie so long as it was good


*another explosion*

*more explosions*

*all coalesce into a single giant explosion*

*explosion dies down*


yeah it'll probably sell

I don't like how his explosions are obscured by lensflares

I realise it's not unanimous but I really liked MI3.

>all this talk about Earth lanterns
Fuck that, what ayy lanterns do you want?

Attached: GLC.jpg (736x583, 110K)

dem 2 sexy ladies
also Mogo

>Will JJ succeed where Zach Snyder failed?
That's not setting the bar too high.

A martian
Basically any of the DC aliens that pop up in other's stories, but are never seen by the Lanterns. Kryptonians are out, but Tamaranians are apparently the biggest space minority, and are never seen.

Metahumans and symbolism worked in that context, but mythological gods not.
You can have the ancient gods to be metahumans, but making them mythological accurate is stupid because it doesn't make sense in the world Zack Snyder build and Jenkins destroyed

No, WB destroyed Snyder's vision and corrupted it and added stupid scenes for proving what assholes they're and how much they direspect Snyder's genius.

Who says you can't be a meta and a god?

But I wanted it complete!
I don't want the half of it! I want my Snyder DCEU complete and I'll be happy forever! Bring me in that Snyder's dceu universe please!

The guy has been accumulating a massive fanbase recently and half of internet nerds seem to have a mancrush on him. It's quite likely.

Becuase if metas exists then they could have been gods that are different from our interpretations, but if gods exists then metas don't make sense because it means it can naturally exists people stronger than fucking gods and that the rule of the greek, norse, egyptian, mesoamerican gods have to co-exists when they don't make sense if they're in the same universe

>if gods exists then metas don't make sense because it means it can naturally exists people stronger than fucking gods
This is a problem because? Have you seen the comics? Gods get smacked around by mundane humans, let alone Metas.
>Becuase if metas exists then they could have been gods
>that are different from our interpretations
No, why? Gods and Metas can be the same, or whatever. It wouldn't be the first time a world had multiple systems of gaining power at the same time.

>Gods get smacked around by mundane humans, let alone Metas.

Attached: 2215057-untitled.png (642x534, 706K)

>and half of internet nerds
So half a % of the potential audience they need to float a movie of that scale? Vs all the casual audiences that will reflexively identify Cavill with repeated bad Superman experiences?

They'd be stupid to re-cast Henry Cavill as Superman, first impressions are important, and he will always be Man of Autism.

DC fanboys are fickle bitches anyway, every Batman is "super-awesome" until the next one is "even better".

Attached: Tornado Man of Steel.gif (320x180, 2.34M)

Spectre is the Spirit of Jobbing.

Fooging based m8

Ia, or whatever the robot's name was.


Attached: Stel.jpg (432x301, 55K)

I want to see the GL with a volcano for a head

Based and Snyderpilled
#ReleaseTheSnyderCut !!!FACT!!!

No, the girl one.

Attached: Aya_GLTAS_02.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

The hot titty ones.

we will never get to see her or Razer again and it hurts my soul

>This is a problem because? Have you seen the comics? Gods get smacked around by mundane humans, let alone Metas.
But if we talk about a realistic universe is not believable to puny mortals to smash gods, Hulk smashed Loki because the suspension of disbelief worked in the mcu. But in the DCEU (before WB corrupted it) doesn't work (I'm talking about Snyder's original dceu)

>No, why? Gods and Metas can be the same, or whatever. It wouldn't be the first time a world had multiple systems of gaining power at the same time.
But for greek mythology the world was created by Gaea, for the norse by the dead body of a Giant, for the mayans the world was created by the dead body of a crocodile, for the chinese the world was made by the giant Pangu. How can these myths coexists?

Bravo OP, well played

Isamot and Vath when

>But if we talk about a realistic universe
Stopped reading here, learn where you are.
>But for greek mythology the world was created by Gaea, for the norse by the dead body of a Giant, for the mayans the world was created by the dead body of a crocodile, for the chinese the world was made by the giant Pangu. How can these myths coexists?
That's almost the exact same story four times. Many old polytheistic religions have similar stories. Hell, Christians havea Flood Story, one of the oldest and most common mythological tropes in the world.

>Stopped reading here, learn where you are.
We're....talking about making these in a realistic universe....

>That's almost the exact same story four times. Many old polytheistic religions have similar stories. Hell, Christians havea Flood Story, one of the oldest and most common mythological tropes in the world.
The flood was a real event caused by the melting of the ancient glaciers, that semitic people intrepretated as God doing. But how can all these myths coexists? A discussion could be if the part of the world where the gods have powers is the place they created, like Scandinavia was the body of the Giant they killed. Is this what you want?

why do you want it to be a realistic universe

>What is it about DCEU threads that bring the Snyder cult outta the wood work?

The only Snyder cultists left at this point are the truly mentally ill. It's fun to see them crawl out of their holes and flail around.

>We're....talking about making these in a realistic universe....
Not too familiar with comics, huh?
>But how can all these myths coexists
They are the exact same story, that's how. What do most of those stories have in common? "The world was made by some massive precursor dying and their body forms the world." How is this difficult? Transformers did it. Unicron is the cyber satan, but their body is the Earth after they died/were put in a coma, this then inspired many ancient civilizations to write their creation myths around it. Do that, but DC.

Because we're talking about making gods works in the realistic Zack Snyder's DCEU

>Not too familiar with comics, huh?
We were talking about Snyder's realistic universe. (aren't you that user?)

>They are the exact same story, that's how. What do most of those stories have in common? "The world was made by some massive precursor dying and their body forms the world." How is this difficult?
It's what I was talking about, all the gods exists, and their realm is the world they created. Scandinavia is the body of the Giant, South America is the dead crocodile, Greece is Gaea's creation.

>It's what I was talking about, all the gods exists, and their realm is the world they created. Scandinavia is the body of the Giant, South America is the dead crocodile, Greece is Gaea's creation.
Why are you so dense? Having multiple mythologies is easy, when you let them over lap. Look at God of War. Kratos is, now, the Greek god of War and Death, but he also is Loki's father. That head they carry around mentions they are Puck, a Celtic myth, as well as who ever they are as a Norse god. These creations myths usually have the creator dead, so who cares if they are just the same dead being called the different things? Gaea, that Norse Giant, that massive crocodile, and Pangu were one and the same. Problem solved.

Snyder fans are mostly z kids who post on twitter.

Twitter is for Doomers, Zoomers use TikTok, and Boomers use Facebook.

>Having multiple mythologies is easy, when you let them over lap. Look at God of War. Kratos is, now, the Greek god of War and Death, but he also is Loki's father. That head they carry around mentions they are Puck, a Celtic myth, as well as who ever they are as a Norse god. These creations myths usually have the creator dead, so who cares if they are just the same dead being called the different things? Gaea, that Norse Giant, that massive crocodile, and Pangu were one and the same. Problem solved.
So just turning gods into Ancient Astronauts that for our ancestors were magical gods and their activities on earth were fictionalized and mythologized as tales?

Yes, this is how Marvel and DC operate.

Well, Marvel adopted the ancient astronauts as part of the Norse myths. Dc is more to make them exists in a mythological correct way

There is no such thing. There is no Greek God "canon." The Percy Jackson books, DC, and the original stories are all equally canon. Hell, half the original stories conflict with the other half. There is no right way to tackle the legends.

How do Snyder fans even exist? Long before the dude got attached to DCEU his movies were already getting trashed for being shit. He's like Michael Bay if Michael Bay was pretentious about his fratboyness.

DC mostly fuse the mythological stories into one. DC fused greek Hercules and roman Hercules into one, so he didn't killed his children and is a very powerful hero

Watchmen was kino!
And Snyder is the only person in the earth that actually went and made superheroes movies good and epic, no cash grabber movies as non-snyders dc movies and every mcu movie did.

Snyder cultists have such a shit taste, dear lord.

Patty, Wan and Sandberg made better movies than that hack

It's funny that you call Party pretentious while being Snyder fanboy

Who in the Snyderverse deserves a ring? Who would get which color?

You misspelled "cash grabber" movies, a good movie it's not something critically acclaimed, it's something that makes you think, that makes you think at something else in the world. Not to your little fictional world. Snyder made us think at the terrorism, xenophobia, religion. Snyder made people realize that his movies are a critic to the modern world, as the original superheroes were.

Patti is pretentious because she wanted just to make her white feminist dream without actually thinking for a moment at Snyder's realism. Wondy should be a cold anti-heroine, so she isn't another generic superhero. But she just did the cash grabber way. And the worst thing is that it worked

Over $9'000.

Attached: Naamloos-2.jpg (600x600, 35K)

I unironically want Rian Johnson to make a sequel for every JJ Abrams movie, ripping apart every one of his "mystery boxes" until Abrams learns to stop fucking doing it.

MCU is live action, DC should commit to big budget animation. Carve out their own niche, ya know?

This actually hasn’t been confirmed. Knowing Cosmic Book News, it’s a hot take based on rumours and hearsay. I wouldn’t believe until Variety picks it up, as that’s how most film news is passed on these days

>Wondy should be a cold anti-heroine, so she isn't another generic superhero.
You really understood nothing about BvS. Batman and Wonder Woman in it were at their lowest point. They were not being themselves. Superman's influence was supposed to change them for the better and they'd have each other to help them be better.

>Wonder Woman's lowest point
>her debut
Great writing.

The damage was done with the prequels. Though faggots love their revisionist history acting like they weren't accusing Lucas of "raping their childhood " at the time.
Shit is funny to me.

Blame it on the execs.

>It was their debut.
Wondy should be Frank Miller's Wonder Woman. So she is realistic and what a femalistic woman would look like

Dear lord it keeps getting worse

Cavill deserved better than this. As dumb as it is to pity a rich celebrity, I actually feel bad that his chance to be Superman was squandered like this.

Perfect summary of the Episode 7.

Those execs picking the director should wait and see if Abrams is able to save Star Wars with "Rise of Skywalker" before they think about handing it over to him

Both franchises are in similar states of absolute fucking ruin compared to where they could be, after TLJ, BvS+JL. The comparison is apt, and this third Star Wars sequel should be the litmus test for if he's suited to try and fix the public perception of their wreckage.

Fuck off.

I like the buddy cop idea, it's a good way to differentiate GL while appeasing fans of different Lanterns. My only concern is the potential for a shitty team to turn it into a knockoff Guardians of the Galaxy, and you know DC's going to give it to a shitty team.

lol no

>Matthew Vaughn (yes I know he directed Fantastic Four 2015
No he fucking did not.

>Long before the dude got attached to DCEU his movies were already getting trashed for being shit
Only Sucker Punch. 300 was at worst considered meh but tons of people enjoyed it and his Dawn of the Dead was largely considered one of the best horror remake of the 2000s.

>will he succeed nowhere

I'm...okay with this desu.

This retard posts nothing but fake bullshit

Star Wars is in a "State of Ruin"? Your definition of that must be different from mine. Funny that people weren't saying that when it came to those shitty prequels. Oh wait....

Solo didn't make profit for a month, and killed their plan to make more spin-offs, like that Kenobi movie. It was downgraded to a show so they can ditch it easily enough if it fails.

>JJ Abrams
thats a hard pass bro. (WB says no thanks to Christopher McQuirre's superman/gl pitch...they take JJ abrams instead)

SW Fans have beloved movies that have stood the test of time to compare new flicks with.
MCU Fans have mediocre flicks that are completely forgotten the year after they come out.

the MCU is literally just Michael Bay with capes
fun blockbusters with no substance

>As dumb as it is to pity a rich celebrity
Among all the trash in Hollywood, Cavill is by most accounts a completely cool bro.
Nothing wrong with lamenting how badly the DCEU was handled given the effort he put into it

I hated The Last Jedi with a passion but Star Wars is far from in ruin. If the franchise can survive Jar Jar Binks it can survive another safe but lackluster movie.

Because making prequels based on OT characters was always a stupid idea.

literally no one cares about the brand anymore. You can still find TFW toys on sale in stores.
Even the prequels did less damage to the brand than TLJ.

Yes, and so are these sequels.