Ignore, ignore, ignore.
what is this?
>didn't change the dialog to >charcoal grilling
Not understanding the reference
Looks an awful lot like crossed to me
>Not understanding mine
Can we have a crossed storytime pls
>be Garth Ennis stand in character
>lie prone on a hillside next to some other survivors
>scan with binoculars for crossed
>they're doing bad stuff
>make depressed conversation with other survivors
>have to kill another survivor again
>have to kill more children again
>have to kill a baby again
>hold on I have to lie down prone and use my binoculars
>oops hold on I have to shoot more survivor children there's no other choice
>here's 14 alternate covers variants
>genuinely think Americans still ate at diners in 2008
>hold on I need to lie down prone and use my binoculars again
>we had a slim chance to do something
>but then dude got infected and we all died lol
>just let me use binoculars one last time
>and shoot another child
>pretty sure that kid got raped
>that kid def got raped
>oh well better shoot 'em
>and we all died again
there I just summed up crossed for you
I get the joke, but it's actually worse than the edit
>there I just summed up crossed for you
You forgot 'horsecock'.
>>have to kill more children again
seriously that shit was so fucking silly
sorry, let me add in the green text for the crossed characters
>British curses that no American would ever use even if driven insane by Crossed infection
>More British curses
>more Hngngnnngngggnnn
>rape a child between panels
>HORSECOCK [for no reason]
>hitches up pants, yep just raped a child
>pull control rods
>Zombie Issac Asimov master plan
>Curses in British slang despite being American
I don't always set off thermonuclear explosions resulting in mushroom clouds
but when I do, I pull the control rods at a power plant
>t the most interesting crossed in the world (now atomic vapor)
also this happened...
soak it in lads, soak it in
>no tit in a bag
Step it up.
New template
Hatred did the same thing, and can you believe it was even more silly then Crossed?
People still do eat at diners.
42% of New Jersey's economy is 24hr diners.
And of course the first bit created after the template was posted is some transphobic crap.
Boo hoo Yea Forums isn't my safe space! Better make sure I virtue signal by calling them phobic and be preparec to tell him that he needs to have sex! Oh and dont forget the Nazi, bigot, and misogynist in there too! (Also, I am not that user you quoted)
Or maybe you ARE trans? Is that the problem? If so, get tougher skin. People get shit on for being different or being normal. It is just life. I get things may suck for you, but they suck for everyone else too, and whining about it just makes you a weakling
but aren't you turning Yea Forums into your own safe space by kicking out faggots you don't like?
I'm not kicking out faggots. Do whatever you want, but stop bitching because someone posted something you dont like. If you want to tell the guy off for doing it, tell him off! Just whining that "of course the first comment is transphobic" does nothing here. Stop trying to shame people into not saying what they want. Or virtue signaling other anons about how progressive you are. Call him an asshole or a faggot or a piece of shit. Dont just whine about what he posted. The great thing about Yea Forums is the freedom to say whatever. Everyone deserves that right. Whining when they say stupid shit is just... weak
To add to this, I want to reiterate that you can still post that same whining crap I'd you want, I am just pointing out that it is futile and goes against what this place is
>but stop bitching because someone posted something you dont like.
so only you get to do that? kind of goes against:
>The great thing about Yea Forums is the freedom to say whatever. Everyone deserves that right.
>Whining when they say stupid shit is just... weak
isn't that what you're doing though?
I am actually saying more than just a simple one sentence post that is just whining about it. I am explaining to you why I think what your doing is idiotic and why it isn't I'm the spirit of this place. If you had said that sentence and then expounded upon it, cool. Point out not everyone thinks that way, fuck you for being an asshole, etc etc. Again, you are free to keep doing it, but you would spend your time better just ignoring that post or posting something when you actually have something to say
Also, I am starting work, so if i ignore you, i haven't run and I would like to keep talking to you, but I may not have time
1. i'm not even the user who mentioned transshit.
2. go to work.
Who gives a shit, grow up
I am walking in, I honestly was going to do a you/he thing, but didn't want to make it more confusing. If you have anything else to say, go ahead, I get chances to check shit like this usually, I just dont know how busy work will be. Depends on whether we have a project
See! That's better. At least you are actually saying something more than someone bitching about how quickly something they dont like is said.
lol I was only joking triggered much drumpfkin?
>inb4 i was pretending to be retarded
That meme doesn't work when you get mad enough to reply at me twice in a row.
This is inoffensive.
I’ve always been annoyed with the use of the suffix “-phobic” in english. It Always seemed like such a masturbatory way for faggots to console themselves, as if Implying the only way someone could dislike them or think them worthy of derision is because they were afraid of them.
Sounds to me like you're scared of a good dick suckin.
He got you madder by whining than he would have by just throwing insults, so ironically you got what you wanted from the start.
How was I mad? Not even slightly mad... simply pointing out something
Also, here is me again replying twice in one row, I decided to add more. So what? And what makes you think I am in any way a "drumpfkin"? Because I said the post was whining? What a world you live in, that can be so black and white.
Lol he's STILL seething.
Ah. Okay, cool. Nice to know you just want to troll and for some reason insist I am mad. I guess it is inevitable that any conversation on Yea Forums just ends in someone trolling. Thanks for the conversation, whoever was actually talking earlier.
>I know you were "gay" or whatever before the world came to an end, but no one cares about that anymore and this blind chick is desperate bro, nows your chance to finally get that pussy you were too beta for before
What's the name of the issue where a bunch of comic book store owning nerds rape a chick until she breaks out? I've always wanted to see if that was as heavy handed as it sounds.
One of the later arcs in crossed 100. It was just as bad and heavy handed as you would think.
Crossed 100 was a very mixed bag, you have shit like the comic rapists but then you have the whole multi arc fireman crossed who sets up a small crossed society with a couple of human traitors.
Holy shit dude. You just used the "pretending to be retarded" card as a defense and an attack at the same time.
>lol I was only joking
>but to make sure you can't use the same excuse, here's an obligatory "pretending to be retarded"