ITT: Yea Forums characters who would browse Yea Forums

ITT: Yea Forums characters who would browse Yea Forums

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He would, wouldn't he?

He probably streamed on /r9k/ after getting his powers to show off to everyone there

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Tighten is the answer to the question "user, what would you do if you gained Superpowers?".

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he's literally an incel

That's a really precarious way to be holding a gun, one "finger" on the trigger and pressed against your body.

obvious one

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Nah these two actually read comics and were not that bad.

>get powers
>ask out qt girl from work
>rejects me since she doesn't like me
>also she's dating some intellectual dweeb
>turns out local super villain is the dweeb
>fights me with his giant robot
>try to kill him but he escapes
>take over the city
>kidnap qt girl
>probably gonna kill her
>super villain shows up
>kill him
>ready to laser beam the girl
>turns out villain guy was alive
>then he shoves this thing in my nose
>no powers
>also I'm in prison now

don't get super powers user

he probably goes on r/niceguys too

No user it's:
>Don't be a dick/break the law with said superpowers

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Was he the original incel?

no but he did predate the whole Nice Guy meme, pic related would be the original

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Pepe isn't an Incel, he's not afraid or hostile to women, he's just mistakenly trying to fuck cats.

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The sidekick dude in static shock is the blackest white guy ive ever seen

yeah he's more the textbook definition of an incel rather than what an incel is today

I honestly have more faith in a Yea Forumsmrade gaining super powers than a normie or SJW.

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ok, but which boards would they go on and why?

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undoubtedly /x/

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To flaunt his intelligence
For obvious reason
since he runs a major company in ego trip.

whoops, didn't see reason. She likes messing around and lives in a town filled with magic and supernatural shit, so I'd imagine she will use that to fuck around with people on that board

kamala is clearly a reddit girl

/r9k/, /pol/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums
all the porn boards except /y/ and /hm/
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /x/, probably /pol/, but mostly reddit
/sci/, /adv/, Yea Forums
/e/, /u/, /y/, /cm/
/pol/, /r9k/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /k/
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /vr/, maybe Yea Forums, and porn boards Reddit. Used tumblr before but now spends time on twitter. Hates Yea Forums out of principle like Gigi D.G.

Finally getting the opportunity to post this

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What boards do you think I use?

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she's a tumblrina who writes Ouren Host Club slash fanfic.

I can imagine Strongbad as a /fit/ regular easily.

Would tulip use Yea Forums?

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He'd be making Ornella threads

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>sits around waiting for her laptop to update in the dark while everyone else is having fun
>weird hobbies
>has a varied assortment of personality disorders; at least severe ASPD and malignant narcissism
>huge (wo)manchild
>spergs out when she doesn't get her way; spergs out when she does
>watches cartoons for fun
>socially incompetent
>severely lonely and desperate for companionship but hates everyone

Lord Dominator is the apex of /r9k/ users

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She strikes me more as a reddit user

>Also you've used up 6 months of our bandwidth in the last 11 minutes.

Holy fucking kek.

yeah, he's pretty obsessed with popularity alright

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I may have to rewatch this movie again tonight I already saw it like a week ago.

Yeah she's not degenerate enough to use this site.

If I got superpowers like Superman I would take illegal money from drug lords and use it to fund my education and just live a mundane life. Like I'm not doing anything wrong if the money I use comes from criminals.

If I were the only person in the world with superpowers, I would literally make people treat me like a god. Wouldn't work a day in my life after that.

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Yea Forums, /vr/, /ic/

24 is very familiar with Yea Forums and occasionally goes on Yea Forums to marvel in how wrong we are (also Yea Forums), but mostly goes on /fit/, /x/, and /his/

I miss this fucking show T_T

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Basically I'd tried to break reality. TAS style.

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I don't know. He seems a little reddit to me. Everything he does is kind of half-assed. And his shit-posting is probably among them.

Is Bojack a Yea Forums user or a Reddit user?

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Yeah, but when he's older.

Carl is too old and lowbrow to know about Yea Forums. He refused to switch to DVD, even when VCRs were no longer being sold. He probably only uses the internet for porn sites, which he is revealed to do in the Wizzzard episode.

100% not a reddit user. He's at LEAST second tier self-deprecation that realizes how self-aggrandizing reddit really is and probably views it as the ultimate form of bullshit. I don't think he would actually browse Yea Forums because he has a bunch of weird hang-up and doesn't understand himself, but he's definitely a Yea Forums user at heart.

Kamala contributes to based Islam posting on /his/ and Yea Forums

Bojack is nihilistic and shares Yea Forums values, but isn't he super normie though? I really don't know how he manages to be both at the same time.

Holywoo does weird things to a manhorse.

Bojack is also 50 something, so I guess most people are pretty normie at that age.

Fuck man with how the computer responded and acted towards him he basically Was

Still on Somethingawful

so thats why marvel killed them off

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What about we better post characters that browse chans canonically

Fuck, forgot pic.

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Damian Wayne

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the hitchiker if he had interenet

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She's here right now

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i think travis would be against internet use in general

Such a lack of ambition. Might as well take over the cartels, become a billionaire, and never need to work a day in your life anymore (thus negating the need for higher education).

I see him as a batsucker

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She probably browses /g/, /k/, /o/ Yea Forums, /adv/, and /pol/.

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She browsed /pol/ then got breadpilled*

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat


He goes on Yea Forums and /biz/.

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Wolverine could browse and shitpost mostly on /int/ and /pol/

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>Are you guys on Reddit? Yea Forums? Cause they’re great.

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I keep seeing megamind related threads recently and I feel like it's because someone watched it 8.5 years late (it's okay I watched it 7 years late) and now wants to talk about it

If you became supergod/king cartel you'd be constantly having to manage shit and monitor people through your loyalists to prevent anyone from discovering your kryptonite and fucking you over

Also both of you want to be NEETs with extra steps, while the first user wanted to just be kino and some kind of traveling scholar superhero

The only reason she didn't like him was because he was ugly.
He just shouldn't have been ugly if he wanted to get laid. Nobody is to blame for that other than himself.
She would have liked his clingy obsessive personality if he was a hunk.

Who is that?

Does he post in cunny threads?

obviously /x/
this is the average Yea Forums user. He woulnd`t browse Yea Forums since it is not family friendly.

That is Jimmy from an episode of Static Shock. Jimmy is bullied constantly then snaps and brings a gun to school to kill the bullies. Weird thing is the bully still ridicules him even when a gun is pointed at him. The bully probably wants to die if he's mocking the school shooter.

getting super powers would be cool as fuck but i don even know what kind of stupid shit i would do with them.

some youtuber has cracked the algorithm again so a ton of people keep seeing his megamind essay in their recommendations.

If I was powerful like superman I would try starting my own country.
There is this saying that "great men are almost never good men"
So most people would most likely consider me a dictator but appreciate the long term effects of my decision in the future.

Bobby is way too outgoing and naive about the internet that he would just have a zany myspace page until he transitioned to Facebook and Twitter.

Probably before and after the brain gain helmet.

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Literally Injustce:GAA Supes.

Ruby's confirmed to read comics, so she's here. Connie might be but she's more Yea Forums just going by the show itself.

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/r9k/ Yea Forums /fa/ and /aco/

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More like Black Adam

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Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /cm/, /vr/, Yea Forums

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EBIN Shitposting Doom-Style.
>filthy goddamn Wakandan niggers
And so on and so forth.
>Yea Forums
LONELY & HORNY Poster. The kind of faggot that tries to be a "Patrician" by watching obscure Euroflicks and then making threads about them. Secretly the man behind the "all women, yes even the one in the back, are whores" pasta.
Duh. He'd probably spend all his time caught in the IQ threads.
Mostly just llooking for dumb fucks to use in his rituals.
Spends countless hours "mirin" and getting angry over Stat Threads.

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