Say what you will about DC but at least they still try to make non-superhero books happen and that's something to...

Say what you will about DC but at least they still try to make non-superhero books happen and that's something to admire.

Attached: Hill-House-DC-Comics-Black-Label.jpg (1400x700, 97K)

Don't even bother. They're out to destroy DC so that Disney can take over and have a monopoly. I guess after DC they will take over Anime.

Likely thanks to Didio. He always pushes for more genres regardless of sales.

I bet he's pretty bummed the stupid fucks at AT&T pulled the plug on Hanna-Barbera Beyond.

Based DiDio and based DC

This but unironically

You say that until DiDio fucks up again
The man is fickle

I'm pretty excited about it tbqh

however...why pull the plug on vertigo if they're gonna publish some horror/mature titles?

No. Black Label is run by Mark Doyle a former Batbook and Vertigo editor.

Didio is the one that gutted Vertigo, transferred most of their characters including Constantine back to DC, forced Karen Berger out and fired Shelley Bond.

The women in charge is a brainlet who doesn't get imprints

Power move. Karen Berger was very influential within DC. Post-Levitz management didn't like that so they got rid of her and her successor.

So DC black label will be bascially vertigo

These imprints and GL are the only books that escaped the combined retardation of King, Bendis and Snyder (which now you literally can’t escape with Year of Villains and Event Leviathan going on full swing). So yeah, I’m pretty excited for these.

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Fuck you pretentious asshole. Comics should be fun not stupid horror for pseudo intelectuals.

I'm not a fan of Didio but I understand the desire to bringing Vertigo characters further into the DC universe. And replacing it with Black Label is a good move. Most people probably don't even realize that Vertigo is owned by DC. If this new line works out then we'll see a renaissance of sorts.

DC is owned by AT&T

>Muh Disney buying DC anytime now!!!
You have been regurgitating the same shit since 2016 dude. It’s not happening.

Unironically the brand was poisoned. When was the last time you saw an announcement for a Certigo comic that wasn't met with bashing from people that Vertigo is no good anymore?

>Comics should be fun stupid horror
Its just that the horror ideas in op are all really stupid

>Didio is the one that gutted Vertigo,
Vertigo gutted itself.

It's pseudo intellectual shit for people ashamed of comics being comic book-y.

>the horror ideas in op are all really stupid
So that's a good thing.

[Citation needed]

Wait I meant they are no fun.

Misusing psuedointellectual just might be the most psuedointellectual thing to do.

A sentient viking axe that decapitates people isn't fun horror?

Of course they aren't they are edgy trash.

Blow me.

It is edgy shit.

except with mosty batman, joker and harley quinn books


Sit and spin on it. The most fun comics doesn't feature capes

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>the most fun comics aren't comic book-y but instead they are ashamed if being comic books
Fuck off eurotrash.

>stupid horror
>pseudo intellectuals
So you mean horror can’t be fun? Are you retarded?

Hasn't every Black Label book so far been a Batman book?

That's a funny joke but seriously it's horror.

Same could be said for non-black labels too.


How kafkaesq.

Oh yeah, there's that one superman comic.

There is a much bigger chance that AT&T will buy Disney you know right?

And two Wonder Woman, and The Question and that Federici fantasy comic.

Disney is in terms of market cap value about 20 billion dollars bigger than AT&T. Of course they are peanuts compared to Apple/Alphabet/Amazon.

And to be fair, most of those vertigo classics are done with DC characters. It's some of your best stories from some of your best stories are kept away from you.

Because they can actually own Black Label rights for things like movies and TV as oppose to Vertigo.
Also, the Vertigo label was useless in 2019

that was Johns' fault

The fact that snobs didn't knew Vertigo was owned by DC, despite the logo being in the book, worked in Vertigo favor.