>Batman beyond predicted transgender people and how destructive they are
Is this show... dare I say it Based and redpilled?
>Batman beyond predicted transgender people and how destructive they are
Is this show... dare I say it Based and redpilled?
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I am slowly beginning to see Mad Stan's points.
>that episode about incels
Trannies and crossdressers existed in the 90s user. They just weren't the centre of political attention.
The left weaponized mental illness.
Thats the issue.
the hormones and surgery weren't half as potent as today, and god do we know how the modern castration and drug treatment doesn't work.
They left and right and media weaponized it.
Your'e a retard if you don't see it.
Both sides are playing the long con and putting us against each other.
People are becoming more and more closed off from each other and being turned against not only other groups but themselves.
Divide conquer and brainwash.
>Your'e a retard
Aren't these people more like furries
And then on the opposite side you have the Jokerz who are against everything and just emulate a mass murderer without realizing how ludicrously dangerous he was. A group who never amounted to anything and just found fault in others while causing more damage to validate their existence.
God Matthew was so fucking cute
[Citation needed]
Take your conspiracy theory horseshit to /x/. Real life is a boring game of politics. Deal with it.
nearly half of all post op splicers attempt suicide
>Not wanting a genetically enhanced femboy category GF with custom designed vagicock that you can suck while you fuck it with your chindick
What're you gay?
>the left tell me that something is good and acceptable and should be the only thing I need to focus on
>the right tell me that it's bad and horrible and it should be the only thing I focus on
>I agree with the right because I'm smart, who cares about all the other shit that's destroying the country and actually fucking me over!
you mean episodes. there's one with a nerd guy trying to kill chad with a mind controlled robot.
>What're you gay?
*What're you, gay?
Learn to use commas.
such as?
Kinda this, the future will be definitely gender-fluid. You wont have to be defined by whats between your legs because you would have acces to both configurations at will! I tell you, being Ken doll-smooth except for when I want to fuck sounds like a prety sweet deal.
Does the right actually believe transgender is a fashion trend?
And he becomes a gigachad with mind powers, ready to rise up.
Transgenderism and Transhumanism in general have been concepts as old as philosophy in general. They're not any newer, they're just more feasibly possible now so they're more relevant to the real world and not just fiction.
>appeals to nature in your path
>trans people came into existence in the last 10 years
based retard
Being gender fluid is just the name they give manic-depressive when it comes to the "emotional gender horoscope".
Get a load of this english major!
Not true. I am schizoid, why doesn't anyone ever use my mental illness for anything important?
Shut up, psycho. This isn't about you.
Enormous corporations using tax loopholes to pay zero dollars in taxes.
Crumbling infrastructure.
Schools given so little budget they can't even stay open five days a week.
Corrupt cops and nurses that get into the profession to bully others.
Corrupt judges that get paid to give harsher sentences so for-profit prisons can justify their own existence.
Enormous military hardware companies buying off politicians to constantly waste the army's money on shit they don't need.
Enormous pharmaceutical companies buying off politicians to keep healthcare and drug costs exorbitantly high.
You want me to keep going or is that enough?
The absolute level of discourse on Yea Forums
Yep, pretty much this.
It's almost as if the Left and Right are going to do the same shit regardless. Stuff like gender politics, homosexual marriage rights, issues with racism, all that is well and good to sort out, but it's far from being the biggest issue around. It's just sad that real problems never get any sort of rallying or protests anymore. It's all retarded shit.
I'm all for rights for whoever wants them, but perhaps if everything as a whole was improved we wouldn't have to fuck around on stupid horseshit and make a big thing about something that's a personal choice.
No that's the same side. You're describing marxists
The entire government is corrupt.
You are blind if you can't see it.
It will be considered one after all the trannies have killed themselves.
Trannies will continue to be born as long as there's microplastic in everyday food. Read up on epigenetics.
It's not a mental illness.
Show me your medical degree.
Too bad he was a neo liberal
Why the fuck are people so goddamn obsessed with this subject in media?
Identity politics.
No I meant being really gender-fluid. We are talking mutating at will son!
I'd prefer a hormonally enhanced cis woman with roided She Hulk muscles who is a sweet, loving power bottom, thank you very much.
The next few decades are going to be very interesting.
I have one and even I know this dude is a fag
Those were the days of the cool trannies. Now they just glorify their victimhood instead of celebrating it as a more powerful alternate identity.
Imagine if Grant Morrison was a 2019 tranny doing magick? Yikes
>as a more powerful alternate identity.
No such thing with being transsexual.
>I literally can't imagine there would be a 3rd group of amoral,clandestine psychopaths who use their wealth and influence to shift social trends like water currents by leveraging their monopolies on basic necessities like food,clean water,shelter and their monopolies on quick hits of dopamine like electronics and narcotics by by manipulating both ends of the political spectrum.
>Because that would mean I would have to question the moral integrity of MY side and I'm far too deep in the sunk cost fallacy to do that.
>chopping off your tits/dick isn't a mental disorder
good cartoon thread, keep up the good work
it was and always will be a joke
Where do you think we are?
wow its like talking to a bot
>associating transhumanism with transgender
I hate modern politics so much
Wow, when watching this show I was so fucking innocent. This shit is so fucking redpilled holy fuck. Not even memeing, my mind is being fucking blown right now. This shit is so fucking degenerate. Holy shit. FUCK. Why didn't we stop it bros? Why didn't we end it? Why didn't we destroy this shit? How did it come to this bro?
> This is no simple fad. Something bad will come of this splicing.
Conservative wisdom warning us
> Mom, can I get spliced?
Children being into it, easily brainwashed
> A rise in aggresive behavior
Sensible politician wants this shit gone
>Nobody can stop it, if you stinking norms ;iike it or not
It's all good cisboy