ITT:Canon ugly characters you’d fuck

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Your mother.

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Meg from Family Guy.

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you mean to tell me im not suppose to think these characters are cute

>producers try to make a pregnant teenager repulsive
>they don't know that only makes harder

I'd fuck her right into labor.

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I don't suppose you have a link to that episode?

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Lascars was so based I can't stand it.

Toot from Drawn Together.

Her and Meg Griffin, as long as she was 18

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Why is she running around in pantyhose without a skirt?

timmy and vicky have some kinky sex whenever the parents arent around.

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Is that why the boy is in pantyhose as well?

yep, the parents think vicky is "babysitting" timmy

Heh-hey, my kinda thread!

haha. Imagine if she sat on him so hard that he got sucked inside of her and became her new baby.

There are so many ugfus out there
im suprised you guys havent posted this one yet.
Alot of the FOTM were ugly cute

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post more pictures of vicky bunny

mabye not fug but hug

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Shes obscure as fuck but left an impression on me.
Have a thing for characters that are just done with everyone else's shit.

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I want to groom this one into being a femdom bully. She seems she be good at it.

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i like her,many say that she is ugly but i think she is darn cute,and i always thought she is the kind of girl that does anal

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Looks like Chuckie's uglier sister.
>Want to fuck.
Everyday we stray further from god's light.

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Is she supposed to be ugly?

Of course it's french

10/10 taste user

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She's not ugly tho. She's just a tired woman

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I’m shocked there are well drawn lewds of her

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Good taste

>i always thought she is the kind of girl that does anal
She does, just not with her ass

Nah senpai she is pretty ugly

ahhh shite user

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>The ending of Chowder has Endive Marry Shnitzel and they are both happy

Good for them


and yes I do mean this version

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it's those black yoga leggings

What can I say. I Love super lusty horny ladies.

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Hated how the show tried to make Toot ugly and disgusting.

But her character design was cute as fuck when they weren't trying that with her.

>But her character design was cute as fuck
They wanted a reason for people to hate toot. Every character in drawn together is vulgar and crude so they wanted to nerf toots cutesy looks

I seriously doubt they were suppose to be considered ugly.


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My fellow African American!

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I mean she's a walking dumpster fire but I'd pump and dump her.

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A whole family of uggos.

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I think Mandy's been implied that she's ugly in universe. Though that could just be her grimmace.

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Tootie is cute and pure but nerdy, she's supposed to grow up hot

Wow, look at all this good taste.

I’d unironically treat Sheila like a Queen.

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Her personality is the most unattractive thing about her.

Hell yeah

She hasn’t been a massive bitch since season 2 and when she is it’s usually justified.

She’s been shown to love her family and do ANYTHING for her husband.

When you work with kids as a teacher, you would look the exact same after a while. Kids are a nuisance to deal with.

Also DSL or bust

would you

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still no mention of the kanker sisters

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Hell fucking yes. The only thing holding me back would be the impenetrable haze of smoke breath seeping from their mouths. (and the fact that one is gay).

The kanker sisters are just sorta the origin point for most of my fetishes.

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Endive, Toot, patty and Selma are all must fucks for me

Ofcourse, smoking and all, they seem pent up and cock hungry. Add their size into the mix and they're basically snu snu certified.

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Same, especially with how pushy and domineering they were


patrician taste

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I'm sorry but this episode did it for me.

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The Pinyin mixed with it is probably the most unnerving thing I have seen in a while.

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I'm sure we don't need THIS thread again.

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Literally no rule 34 of her. Wtf?

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I'd fuck the shit out of this gross fat twat.

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paper bag it

Meh... as long as Dat Ass is real.

That's literally all that I need.

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I'd hold hands with her every day

My Man ^^

>implying my mom is canon

Ms. Foxtrot