This comic was a piece of shit

This comic was a piece of shit.

I will never trust Yea Forums again.

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>Doesn’t like doctor mcninja:female edition
Maybe your taste is bad and the comic is fine?

>Doesn’t like doctor mcninja:female edition
That comic meme bullshit.

Who is the worse fanboy:


Quiet you stupid child.

Damn, it's been 5 years and you still won't let go.

The girl from that new frog cartoon on Disney.

>brings autistic comic
>acts autistic because other people have different opinions

OP here, explain yourself.

Which is worse, Gwenpool or Carol?

Carol definitely.

>I will never trust Yea Forums again.
Yea Forums hates this comic too while the rest of the comic book fandom doesn't even care about her.

Only comicgaters and people in desperate need of a waifu liked it.

I'm so deeply deeply confused.

Well if you had any reading comprehension or deductive reasoning you could have pieced together that the only people who recommend Gwenpool are a small handful of dumb waifufags.

Used goods can't be a waifu.

I thought the same. I bought the tpb and it was shit. I will never trust Yea Forums ever again

Hey everyone, this fag BUYS comic

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Why would you think so? Even the art looks like some uninspired manga rip off

This shit's plot and humor is on DA PENGUIN OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM tier

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the hacks that draw this can only draw only fucking face

That's a hacky criticism

shit Gwempool deserves shit criticism, is like poetry

Remember to support Gwen in august, user.

>Remember to support Gwen in august, user.
LMAO, even the retards that like this comic insist that only one creative team is allowed to work on that character.
And with creative team we mean that they mostly only care about the weaboo artist.

It's been 5 years user it's time to let go.

Behold the power of waifus. It turns any mediocre comic into a cherished series.


Gwenpool was good, faggots.

It told a fun moderately creative story about a likable cast of characters and it didn't go full edge or try to push an agenda.
While the series had its problems (The fucking terrible team ups/advertisements that took up half the book, the comic nerd main character not making anything but normalfag tier references until the last arc, ect) the last ten or so issues are unironically the best Marvel shit I have read in years and I will stick to that.
Shame that she turned into New 52 Harley Quin the second a new writer got a hold of her though.

Waifu tards keep posting about this trash also.
Don't get me started on the idiot that keeps spamming her on /toy/ threads.

You can tell is the SAME guy all the time making threads here and there, same reactiong pics, always trying to hijack Marvel threads in toy, etc

Here comes the ''is good but...'' which always means that it was not good at all but it had waifus

Used goods can't be a waifu

>the last ten or so issues are unironically the best Marvel shit I have read in years and I will stick to that

I like Gwenpool I would really like it if Gwenpool fans would stop saying that... Is like you want people to shit on Gwenpool even more

How about a real woman user? Have you got your dicked sucked already?
Is like a waifu cleanser for the brain


The issue with her is the same issue deadpool has. It takes someone who can actually write comedy instead of someone who just wants to be lazy.

Gwenpool is only good for the cute art. The writing has always been terrible

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I think that Gwenpool fags can only praise Gwenpool by saying that other comics are bad, not that Gwenpool stands on its own.

>If something isn't perfect then it isn't good
Flawless logic chief.
Well it's true. Everything else I have read from Marvel in six or so years has ranged from the lower end of mediocre to complete shit.
That new Hulk series looks good but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

People are just salty that everyone on Yea Forums wants to talk about something they’re not personally interested in.

>if something isn't good is good
that's your own shitty logic.

>Everything else I have read from Marvel in six or so years has ranged from the lower end of mediocre to complete shit.
wow great argument, so articulated and now everything makes sense

>People are just salty that everyone on Yea Forums wants to talk about something they’re not personally interested in.

Like when people shit on your waifu and you participate on those threads instead of ignore them?
How salty can you be?

>if something isn't good is good

The only time people say it's waifu bait is people who want to attack it for no reason. People like gwenpool because it was a fun series when it was under a good writer.

The autism from this post is tastable.

Mexifag just doesn't understand grammar. Don't blame him, it's just how life is under the border.

>have a shitty waifu from a shitty comic
>visits Yea Forums
>sees theads about shitting on your waifu
>ignore threads

What's so autistic about that again?

You are the first one to admit that Gwenpool is shit if you think that only the last 10 issues are good.
''Just ignore most of the run!'' lol

Absolutely nothing. English is my 3rd language and I misread your post.

You seem to lack reading comprehension retard.

>this comic insist that only one creative team is allowed to work on that character.

no shit retard
They're the ones who do it well

I didn't say the other issues were bad just that only the last ten issues really stand out as being particularly good.
Most of the other issues were acceptable with the only really bad ones being the Hawkeye/Robbie Reyes team up.