How strong is this move?

How strong is this move?

Attached: C_R_NiJV0AAsNCn.jpg (936x624, 78K)

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Well it liquefied him, so, it's an instant KO at the least.

He could probably put himself back together if his will to do so was strong enough

Jesus Christ, they turned him into a Samurai Jack character!

Not strong enough.

Attached: 6teen.jpg (1200x680, 108K)

Depends on the setting

It probably has a low chance to success unless the target is weaker than the user.


>black Eddy
Fucking SJW show.

Underrated comment.

Eh, it’s okay but you have to go all the way to the bottom of tge talent tree and it’s still hard countered by Many Doors Rolf. Why you would play as Eddy with any build other than Professor Scam or is beyond me.

if you have the team to back you up, The Flying Eduardo Brothers build can be used to become nigh-untouchable while causing maximum havoc on other players. Just make sure you all watch where you land because it'll take a while to pull off your acrobatics again, and by then you're probably getting beaten up if you landed in a bad spot

Attached: edua.png (640x482, 343K)

No power in 3D cartoons.

It’s like i never left home.

Attached: 1563654256531.jpg (396x600, 26K)

I haven't played in awhile, is Worldbreaker Ed still as OP as he was back in 2012?

Those are one of the few types of characters this technique wouldn't work on.

>2010 + 19
>Still playing WB Ed instead of the crazy buffed Sumo Jimmy.
Please post what server you play on so I can get easy jawbreakers.

damn the later STANDS in ed ed n eddy got pretty crazy

Attached: 0UB4EBi.png (517x375, 120K)

Was anybody ever entertained by this faggot show?

I thoroughly enjoyed it up until the school arc, then i kinda didnt watch it as regularly

I adored the shit out of it.
I still liked the school era, but not quite as much.

It’s some sort of reality warping power, obviously, so it’s pretty strong

What is the name of Eddy's stand that lets him do this?

「For The Love of Money」

I still dream of that samurai sound effect.