How do you think the upcoming Mr Rogers movie will handle the puppets?

How do you think the upcoming Mr Rogers movie will handle the puppets?

Attached: df-101_r.jpg (2700x1800, 948K)

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Probably through the hole in the bottom.


I dunno. Hopefully good?

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is this an attempt to spark an off-topic discussion about something i don't know about?

>allowed niggers on his show and treated them as equal
Fucking libshit Roger's doesn't belong on Yea Forums, reddit soi fag

Puppetry is a form of animation.

Fucking goddammit

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i don't disagree but this is such a bland OP that i can't help but wonder if there's some outrage about mr. rogers i don't know about that this thread was made to discuss

No outrage this time around. The trailer to the film starring Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers came out earlier today is all.

>spreading ignorance because you too ignorant to realize how ignorant you are.
Stop posting.

Attached: lutecks.jpg (316x330, 45K)


>Outrage about Mr. Rogers
I'd have understood had it been anyone else in human history (except Bob Ross.)

Don't you fucking shit talk Mr. Rogers you /pol/lack shitbag. Go back to your own board. Mr.Rogers was a lifelong Republican.


See Plus, let's be honest, they're probably gonna be animated through disgusting CGI in the movie.

Someone on Fox News called him an "evil man" because he told kids that they're special, which is apparently the equivalent of teaching them that they're better than everyone else and deserve to have everything handed to them for free.

So, uh... When did you get into puppets?

What if Mr. Rogers cursed while using the puppet

>make a puppet thread
>conversation immediately drops off unless its not lewd
I'm tired of this horseshit. Answer my question, or else I shove my hand up your rectal cavity

You mean a republican in name only
What kind of self respecting white wing man would try and educate nigger children and tell them they are equal
Fucking democrats and their constant lies

Reminder that Fred was an avid nude swimmer

Underrated post.

Friendly reminder that Mr. Rogers thinks that you're important and special, and while you may be going through some tough times, you'll make it through because you're more capable than you know.

What goes wrong in a person's life that turns them into this

Look how the liberal tries to lie and make it seem like others have the problem
I'm white, responsible for all the greatest thinga the world has known, and my strong white president is making them even better while stopping the libcucks at every turn causing them to constantly seethe while also chasing all the jews and their influence out of politics
And if you dont like it you can just go dilate and cry some more

The best part is that the dumbfucks here will take this bait and ask for seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths...

the news, the public school system, social media