
Redpill me on them, there are some good runs worth reading?

Attached: eternals.jpg (1000x500, 56K)

>there are some good runs worth reading?

Is that.... feminist Superwoman in front?

Eternals feels like Marvel Studios trying to outdo New Gods

Is that.... a bootleg Magneto in the back?

They are an even more boring version of the Inhumans.


I hope you get shingles. For life

They're actually very boring. I have no idea how Marvel going to pull them off in the movies

Yeah that acclaimed New Gods movie that everyone loved...

Just go read Jack Kirby's Fourth World and when the movie comes out try to pretend it's those guys instead

I what a good Inhumans movie not Eternals or like the Inhumans bad TV show.

It's basically Jack Kirby writing fan fiction of his own Fourth World characters after DC cancelled it.

>Marvel Studios
you're both idiots.


Kirby's original run was fun in that gonzo, post-New-Gods-Kirby way.
Neil Gaymen did a run that is generally well-liked...

No U

>They're actually very boring. I have no idea how Marvel going to pull them off in the movies

It's not like Iron Man and the Avengers were the super entertaining group with lots of amazing stories. They'll change them completely to make them palatable, like they did with Thanos.

No. That is Ikaris and he is very much male.

Nope. That's Markuri and his thing is super-speed.

Or it would be if there was anything like Darkseid in it.

>It's not like Iron Man and the Avengers were the super entertaining group with lots of amazing stories

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You must be from the generation that only knows that from The Donald, not from The Matrix.

They pretty much have the same problem as mutants where their story makes more sense and is better if they are only gods in town

That's not how you spell Gaiman

That's because Kirby never intended for the Eternals to be canon to the Marvel universe

.......This is the first time ever I have seen someone use that phrase unironically