What does Disney have against hyenas?
The Lion King movie and its remake treat them as aberrations that are not part of the "circle of life" because reasons. The progressive usurper Scar allowing hyenas to live in the Pridelands causes everything to go to shit because immigration bad, and only the rightful King by Divine Right Simba (who unlike real-world kings hasn't even received any training or education on how to be king) can solve everything by kicking all of the dirty hyenas out.
What message is this movie trying to send exactly?
What does Disney have against hyenas?
Don't Let it Go.
>What message is this movie trying to send exactly?
Fuck “””refugees”””” and Long Live the American Nazi Party.
You can't sexualize hyenas without making it gay, because female hyenas have dicks.
It offends furries at disney
But yeen are great material for dykes. Progressive!
I am NOT a furry
I am not
>Hyenas are matriarchal
>They're the bad guys
What did Disney mean by this?
Hyenas have a bad reputation IRL, Euros seeing them as grave-robbing scavengers and Africans as literal demons and witches, like a black cat that will eat your cows.
Hyenas are basically the big bad wolf crossed with a vulture culturally, and they're big and ferocious enough to threaten a lion. Can't have lions bully a bunch of Aardwolves if you want them to be heroes.
why even pretend otherwise, user
>What message is this movie trying to send exactly?
Mighty Lions bring civilization and balance.
Hyenas are unhappy. They want more stuff.
A traitorous lion lets all the hyenas in.
Puts other lions to work providing for hyenas
Hyenas want gibs and think resources are infinite. They fuck everything up and turn the pride lands into a shithole.
Lion takes back the land and kicks out all the hyenas.
Balance is eventually restored.
So, to answer your question, it's a movie about the wonders of space travel.
Huh. Back when there were only VHSrips and DVDs, I remember people arguing whether this is a schnauzer or just a funny-looking hyena. I guess it is a schnauzer after all.
It might be another cameo of Jock from Lady and the Tramp. He had one before in 101 Dalmations.
The hyenas are bad because they refuse to "know their place" and try to rise above their station.
Hyenas actually do more hunting then lions do. Lions scavenge more, and will steal kills off Hyenas.
She's into panthers.
But they don't look MAJESTIC.
Same goes for American Bald Eagle, thief and coward. Turkey bird has more pride. Bit it's not MAJESTIC.
this is true
lions hunt: 4 out of 10 hunts end in success
hyena's hunt: 9 out of 10 hunts end in success
lions steal food more often.
but people have the old view of "lions noble kings" and 'hyena's dumb scavengers"
The king is simply taking his tax.
Coward hyena better pay for protection.
They eat too much and hurt the eco system
They can digest bones, they actually help ecosystem.
Well that's real life but they needed a bad guy in the movie and using humans (the only unnecessary and overbreeding species) wouldn't have worked
>The Lion King movie and its remake treat them as aberrations that are not part of the "circle of life" because reasons.
Because killing everything and everything without regard for the future points an example of why Mufasa is a wise leader for looking to the future. This is a children's movie and you can't grasp that?
Minions, they needed minions.
No one knows what African wild dogs are, jackals are too small and everyone hated hyenas for millennia already.
I think they just wanted to use species that is able to eat carcass, which hyenas tend to do when there's no other food available. Since in the circle of life they give the left-overs to hyenas (who in nature eat them happily), they wanted to make a story about hyenas wanting something more.
Or as useless beta males that will never win, also like real hyenas.
>they wanted to make a story about hyenas wanting something more
And why is that bad? Literally every Disney hero ever wanted something more and sings about it.
Well it turned out to be bad because they used all the resources and there was no longer food left. Since there was no antilope and giraffe poop around either the grass wasn't growing anymore.
In nature hyenas and lions fight the same territories and prey. As you can see Scar was a bad lion too because he wasn't keeping the circle of life in check. Mufasa was a strong king who might have used other animals as resources but only took what was necessary and all the animals realized it was for the greater good.
Because the hyena’s look lends itself to an obvious villain design for a kids movie. You guys are overthinking this.
I want her to bully me sexually
Does the remake make the hyenas worse or are they pretty much the same?
The big issue there is that it's matters of preconceptions being passed down. Nowadays we've got these wonderful thing scalled nightvision cameras and can fully observe them when they hunt at night, whereas before people wouldn't and tended to assume wince lions always had the big (stolen) carcasses that they had claimed the kill and the hyenas were just pestering them.
Hyenas are the type of predator that will gouge out their prey while they're still alive, while experienced/adult lions tend to go for their windpipe first.
Their reputation in folklore/media is a obviously overblown but not entirely unwarranted.
So they're Asians of Africa?
The Chinese are doing a pretty good job of that already