how would you make the Friends of Humanity more relevant to the present day socio-political climate Yea Forums?
>Muh oppreshun :(
Haha look at that Butt.
haha i wonder what it smells like haha
MAGA. Seriously, the FoH have always been presented as a mainstream, non-violent group who push an anti-mutant agenda through legitimate political means.
MAGA isnt racist though
I think we have a good 4 years worth of evidence that suggests otherwise, at this point, but go off dude.
Not him, but what?
Of MAGA supporters expressing very blatantly racist and/or otherwise bigotted stances.
If this is news to you, I recommend digging around just a tiny bit - it's not hard to uncover. Genuinely, the US's worst kept """secret""".
Whats racist about it?
Mutants are genetically programmed to illegally enter other countries, this will open the door to all sorts of topical and subtle commentary
They are asylum seekers shitlord
I mean, where would you like to start? The heavy usage of racial slurs is usually a good starting place lmao
Tons of "go back" commentary towards people who were born US citizens, and towards those who immigrated legally, a heaping of violent rhetoric towards non-white people in general - you name it, they've done it or thought about doing it.
I know this is bait, but on the off chance you or someone else genuinely doesn't know, these are things to look for.
The parallels towards MAGA types and an organized anti-mutant movement are very easy to make connections with. Hell, ICE is another great example.
US's worst kept secret
>Not MK ultra
>Not Operation Northwoods
>Not rampant corporatism
>Not the Banana Wars
>Not conveniently forgiving our greatest ally after the Lavon affair and USS Liberty Incident
>Not deliberately killing Native Americans
>Not countless intentional civilian causality in wars the US instigated
Yes the worst American cover up is racist Dumpf supporters
>hyper-literal response to obvious overstatement
Dude, I'm autistic and I know better.
Have the FOH be anti-oppression. Free the humans, drain the rich, 4 day work weeks, robots for everyone, etc. I'd have them want to build a paradise world, not start by killing some X-men.
The X-men arn't about keeping the status quo, only keeping their own status quo. If the world doesn't care about the x-men, who will the X's go out and wreck things over? They can be their own little dramaheroes just as well behind the sealed gateless walls of the Xavier Sanitarium. Let the FF or someone else worry about meteors and the Red Skull.
And the other side openly proclaims ethnic replacement as a virtue.
You can't say "you will not replace us" as racist while also screaming "yes, we will replace you".
Well white people better have more babies then. Work for what you want.
Honestly the best way to make them relevant is to have them be the segment of the population screaming, "We're tired of your shit." Fuck the X-Men, fuck the Brotherhood, Shit-Eating Slug Boy gets the cure, Johnny Laserhands gets a power dampener until he gets a weapons permit like everyone else, Dave with the blue skin is cool.
Yes user, because a Malthusian apocalypse is a good idea.
It's gonna happen one way or another. You can also stop caring so much about racial purity or race in general.
Hard to do that when its shoved down your throat constantly.
But I enjoy my standard of living being that above of the Congo, and wish my future generations could enjoy the same.
You say that as if the older generation didn't already drain humanity's resources like the vampires they are.
So non-white people existing is diffcult to handle. Got it.
So your solution to the problem of the population exhausting resources faster than they can be replenished is... unironically to increase the population, explicitly detrimental to myself, to cater to third world retards who will never even consider this issue.
Humanity is pretty much on death's door if the richer half don't change their thought train. But let's keep blaming the poor for the abuse of resources and the wealth kept by the few who actually control the wealth.
>So non-white people existing is diffcult to handle
I mean, yeah?
It would be one thing if they were contained in their own shitty countries, but look at the effect that they've had on America and Europe.
Get rid of "people of color", and the average IQ would skyrocket, illegal drugs disappear, and crime practically eliminated. Cities would actually be livable again.
Everyone knows mass immigration only exists to fuel a permanent economic underclass to be exploited economically that is also used to depress wages and limit job security across the economic spectrum.
>the world can support an infinite number of people, if only everyone were communists like me
Communists can't even support their own population, retard.
Nah its more that they have to make a big deal about race constantly in everything now. I can't turn on the radio without hearing "PoC" 20 times. Feels like race relations have gotten worse in the past few years with this bullshit.
I'm honestly surprised "person of color" has even lasted this long. It's pretty much the definition of "fuck whitey", and has done nothing to make everyone of every other race magically like each other.
Do you think crime didn't have exist before colored people or something?
Guess who invented crack? White people in the CIA trying to control the black population. Guess who decides to exploit poor countries and caused refugee crisis then washed their hands of it? The USA. I mean these are just a few examples. But again I doubt this will get into your head.
Yeah I really hate it, its literally creating two "sides" with white people as this ultimate boogeyman.
Throwing every nonwhite race into a special snowflake category regardless of their circumstances and history is pretty stupid too.
Neither can unchecked capitalist. I didn't ask for communism now did I? It's fine though I 'm sure you'll see how far unchecked captailism can go heading into 2020
Then how do you describe folks who ain't white besides minority?
And where are you getting this idea of the white boogeyman from? It's fucking made up and both sides are spending too much time reeing.
>Then how do you describe folks who ain't white besides minority?
Call them what they are?
Its a divisive term used to separate white people from everyone else
Non-white is the only other term I can think of, and it comes off as more us vs them than poc.
>Do you think crime didn't have exist before colored people or something?
No, I'm saying that 13 do 50.
...Were you dropped on your head repeatedly as a child, perhaps?
Why exactly are you choosing to describe humanity as two groups, which are "white" and "everyone else", in a manner that is consistently shown to be nothing more than "fuck whitey"?
By aren't they both though? And when most folks think poc most minds go to just black people with blacks being in the center of this whole racial debate....
It isn't fuck whtiey, it's just a alternative term. Not am races are clear cut. Sometimes it much easier to call a Japanese person asain then just saying "jap" or "nip" all the time.
Love how this thread devolved into /pol/ shit once again. Never change Yea Forums.
Bros its totally not backwards to split the human race into "white devils" and "glorious people of color". No sir.
Yeah, it literally is "fuck whitey".
There is literally no other reason to place humanity into two groups, which are "white" and "everyone else"... unless you're some kind of white supremacist, like a jew calling everything "us" vs. "goyim".
Its the fucking X-men, of course people are going to talk about political shit
Until shit changes, expect many divides of humanity.