Who's a better master at Talk no jutsu?

Who's a better master at Talk no jutsu?

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>Pretty impressive kids but watch the master at work.

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>Implying either can compare

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Naruto basically defines it

Has Luffy befriended an apocalyptic Kaiju?

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Multiple times.

This user is right. All of these fuckers have powers. All Reigen's got is the salt splash and yet his talk no justu bullshit is on a whole nother level.

Naruto's talk no jutsu is created for asspulls so Naruto doesn't actually force his will on his opponents so he still looks good
Steven's talk no jutsu is specifically done to subvert what a male protagonist would typically do (fight)

when it comes to steven he's built to be a pacifist, he's not going to be the best fighter of the gems because he's ultimately a defender and diplomate

Naruto's dream was to always have the biggest dick in the ninja world, and he succeeded but the writer realized he needed to seem like a pacifist and not a power hungry dickhead

Luffy doesn't have talk no jutsu, he has join my crew jutsu

Even Arnold from Hey, Arnold could do a better councilor

>Naruto's dream was to always have the biggest dick in the ninja world, and he succeeded but the writer realized he needed to seem like a pacifist and not a power hungry dickhead
>pardons sasuke & friends despite their many crimes

and he can do that because he's got the biggest dick in the ninja world
or maybe its the talk no jutsu

Steven literally dismanteled an entire empire dedicated to consume the precious life and tear entire civilizations out of existence.

You tell me, user, you tell me.

It's obviously Goku since all he does is boast and scream in everyone's face like a faggot. Worst main character ever.

It's closer to
>I'll beat you up and if you change your ways I'll let you go no jutsu

Didn't Naruto redeem an actual Life hating Monster?

only because he's sorta-but-not-really the person they've been missing for thousands of years, Steven's actually not that great with his words a lot of the time. if he was in Naruto's position, facing down someone like Nagato who has KILLED a person he loves, would Steven be able to overcome it? I don't even think he could have saved the Earth if he was in his mother's shoes thousands of years ago.

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Football head has a better track record than jewniverse

As much as we like to jokingly taut Steven's talk non jutsu game a good portion of his big wins have been by pure unadulterated luck and his heritage.
All Steven
Steven and the gems talking her into their crew. Point Steven.
Already friends with Steven before her rampage so it doesn't really count.
>The Cluster
All Steven in the most retarded way possible.
Likely redeemed off screen because of the Diamonds
Muh Pink Diamond
>Blue Diamond
Muh Pink Diamond
>Yellow Diamond
Muh Pink Diamond
>Every other minor villain
Muh Pink Diamond
Naruto has talk no jutsu powers of retardedly high levels but he has also killed quite a few people too so I am not sure how to call this one.
Luffy mostly just punches people then leaves them to do whatever they want.

All his heritage did was stop the Diamonds from murdering him, the talking and empathy was all Steven. The cluster is on-brand for the show too so I'm not sure why you think it's retarded.

They never even would have considered giving him the time of day if they didn't think he was Pink. All he really did with Blue was point out she's an asshole and Yellow never would have changed if Blue didn't and didn't just get done shocking her ass. Mostly circumstance took care of White. He's fine but he's no Naruto.

it's easy for Steven to promote pacifism and love when no one he cares for will ever get hurt

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>Naruto's talk no jutsu is created for asspulls so Naruto doesn't actually force his will on his opponents so he still looks good
This isn't true in Part I at least.

Part I Naruto beat the shit out of people to get his point across and tried to kill them. Gaara only reformed because Naruto told him he was going to kill him if he didn't stop being a bitch/threatening his homeland. Neji also reformed after getting his ass beat in front of the entire village and another village.

His Talk no jutsu is so potent that it's become a passive.

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What's the scenario here? They'd probably just go out for ramen and pizza.


Steven, considering Naruto's TnJ is a result of reincarnation bullshit. Without it, no one would give him the time of day.