Please kill the MCU

Please kill the MCU.

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Not happening for at least 10years, they just make too much damn money. I cant understand why she wasnt cast as Gwen, is the Sony-Disney bizzarro contract true?

Who's that?

They're getting the people who killed SW into the MCU
It's going to die sooner than later

better idea
kill yourself

Angry Rice from Iron Boy 2 European Boogaloo

Please kill the sperm I cum on your back

You do know you're just giving them free marketing when you keep making threads like this. Learn to ignore things you hate that you have no control over.

Imagine being this triggered over a movie...

Consider it done

Attached: Boom.png (540x462, 306K)

Probably closer to 5.

NOOOOOO hes the most accurate Spiderman!!!!!!! Take off your nostalgia goggles, what? y-you want to see uncal Ben die a third time?

I'll give it 3

I think she's hot... am I a pedo?

why are you so angry?

BP2, Thor 4, CM2, and GOTG3 could all make less then half of what the originals did and still be considered at least a moderate success, and the TV shows only need to pass the low bar of getting a few diehards to sign up for Disney+ for them to be considered a win.

It would take a monumental fuck up of epic proportions for the MCU not to see the 2030s.

user, Thor 4 and CM2 are going to both bomb so hard that it will leave a massive wound in the MCU.

Thors failure will be the most painful.

So who is she if you don't understand weird puns?

Keep seething

>15 more years

When the make a proverbial fuck load I doubt you’ll be here to admit you were dead wrong user.

/co is always wrong. Shits a meme at this point.

I have no doubts CM2 will not hit the 1B it did as the lead in to endgame. Even Thor 4 reaching Ragnarok's 800m will be stretch. But even if both movies are complete trash hype alone will see them to 500M+

Meanwhile, you got movies like John wick 3 being considered huge successes at 300M.

>It would take a monumental fuck up of epic proportions for the MCU not to see the 2030s.
that what people said about musicals in the 50s and 60s, but when hello dolly, a perfectly constructed, big musical, came out, it bombed because people were sick of road shows and the hollywood musicals.