>Phase 4
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>Phase 4
Press F to pay respects
When Thor 4 makes a billion how will you kill yourself?
My money's on jumping off a roof
if anything all the fuckers saying they're done after Endgame have jumped back on board
so 1 in 10 tries is supposed to count as a win?
MCU for me ended with Endgame. I still haven't seen FFH and don't ever plan to. I started getting fed up around the time of AOU and only stuck around for so long because of Cap and Iron Man since they were the only characters I gave a shit about.
FFH is great though. It was the epilogue End Game needed.
im still in for gotg 2 and strange 2
>The MCU is dead they have no original movies only sequels
>The MCU is dead they only have original movies
>done after Endgame
I was done after fucking Age of Ultron.
gotg 3
>I still haven't seen FFH and don't ever plan to.
Oh no whatever will they do without your $14?!
Is this from the what if movie?
It's from Spiderman 2
We know, you post the "done after Endgame" pasta in every thread, hoping it will catch up.
Making a billion seems to be the norm for MCU shit at this point tho
>Iron Man Jr.
Fuck off movie fag
I'm just tired, user. It's been 11 years.
>paying 14 dollars for a ticket
I pay half that. But you're very right Disney can live without my shekels.
its from xmen 3
kill yourself
>Spider-man: Homestuck basically confirmed
Thank fuck, and fuck Snoy.
Honestly they need to do something with the kid from Iron Man 3. He had like a five year timeskip plus like five other years to develop and he basically got a private lab and full ride from Tony Stark.
Having an ACTUAL Iron Man Jr. who can take that niche and wear a powered suit would give Peter more room to actually be his own character. Because right now as the de facto sole heir to that throne he isn't really doing much.
IM3 was trash that needs to be forgotten tho
>passive-aggressively white knighting for a multibillion dollar mega conglomerate
That's going to be a yikes from me, fagit.