Drawn Together

What was the best episode, and why is it Clum Babies?

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I loved Terms of Endearment.
>"Wait a minute, I just realised I'm a butt guy"

Thats not aids walk

>I’m weak at the finish. Cuz’ AIDS beats out spinach. I’m Popeye the dying man.

All of season 2 and 3 were golden. Season 1 was the weakest season, and the first two episodes are just unwatchable

This one.

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Season 1 is the only season with a resemblance of focus the rest just veer off into an assortment of edgy jokes and more focus on Captain Hero because he's easy to write for.

Is it true this show got cancelled because of Trey Parker?

I didn't care for this show. Not sure why.

wat? story?

>"I did it popeye... I did it for you."

>His face appears in the clouds of heaven, winking at Capt. Hero.


only came in here to say this

longstanding rumor that the South Park guys lobbied to get Drawn Together cancelled because it was getting better ratings than their show. It's not out of the question, the show was doing really well while it was on and the shitty direct to DVD movie they put out afterwards is very clearly holding a grudge against South Park

Still keking after all this time

weed eater

His Japanese ex-wife said that to one of the DT creators, so chances are she was trying to start a fight or something.

If so, Trey and Matt are based, show's shit.

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When did this happen in A Very Special Drawn Together Afterschool Special?

Soon I will have more arms than the wackiest Hindu god.

It had its share of kino moments. youtu.be/w6yGZJFMInQ


South Park is garbage compared to DT

that new Commander Keen game sure looks sick

>he didn't watch DT in the LatAm Dub.


The fact that Xandir VA its the same VA of Krillin always made me laugh like a moron

>its the same VA



>If so, Trey and Matt are based
For not being able to keep up with Drawn Together in ratings? Hmm.

I can't believe my Jewcrow didn't work!

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Could they bring it back lads?

favorite episode
>Foxxy's a racist caricature
>Cpt. Hero's crippled
>Spanky crapped himself
it's the holy trinity

I thought CC cancelled it to make room for Lil bush

that would be an is-not-its, herr grammer nazi

I would love for them to do a reunion special.

this show is sexist racist and homophobic
please take your problematic right wing trash out of here

i feel like it would basically be like bringing back birdman

Did Stephen Hillenburg approve of Wooldoor being a SpongeBob clone?

>Bring DT back
>It's going to feature a new cast
>New cast will be PC and non-offensive
>Advertisement keeps forcing these new characters
>Finally the new seasson of DT starts to air and introduces these new characters.
>Within the first three minutes the old gang appear behind the sofa and start brutally murdering the new cast.
>The episode is now about Captain Hero getting his own dark and gritty reboot

I like to think they would know Trump jokes would be too obvious and instead it would be a fakeout.

Like the story would involve time travel, and have Trump in the background of all the timelines since he's been a celebrity referenced since like the 70s, and the twist reveal has the DT gang go
>"The real mastermind was someone who was there the whole time, someone like YOU"
>points past Trump to a random bluebird"
>bird pulls out a gun saying "SO, you figured it ALL OUT"


You had one job.

They already had Trump in the show

Oh right I forgot he was always The Jewish Producer in disguise.

Shame it got cancelled, Dave and Matt clearly expected it to be a long-running show.

At least it died good instead of becoming a walking corpse like Family Guy or The Simpsons. DT couldn't even exist in the modern era anyway thanks to outrage culture.

Like a parody of those what happened to the cast catch ups that reality shows do?

maybe if it toned down to the point where it was like south park
although that would probably mean they'd only do their raunchy/racist/generally offensive humor if it was to get preachy or something


>Turns out chicks don't put out when you level an entire city

Reminder that
> Mr.Enter hates this show
> PieguyRulz is neutral with it
> Phantomstrider likes it
> Saberspark hates it
> Pan likes it

>caring about other people's opinion

>spergy sped
>spergy sped
>perpetual virgin

Pan is literally the only likeable guy with a sense of humour in that group

>not Jim

Mr.Enter and his Enterbots were the reason Breadwinners got cancelled

You give Enter way too much credit

I mean out of those autist that user listed, but yeah I do like Jim. Nolan and the transfat can fuck off


Damn, didn't know 100 people were enough to take down a cartoon.

I'd say yes, might be best to bring in a new cast though, that way it can stand on it's own merits better

Imagine getting a kids show cancelled because it doesn't appeal to you lmfao

>Oh fuck! It's Mickey *#@*W!

He is
> Nick airs Breadwinners in 2014
> Tons of critics and reviewers bash it, including Enter
> They hate on it, give it bad reviews, refuses to Watch it and dislike very video Nick releases from the show
> Breadwinners gets quickly cancelled after only 40 episodes
It's not really just Enter since everyone slammed it, but he and his fans had a big influence.

Nick would have milked that show for years otherwise, it had cheap shit animation like Johnny Test so it's clearly not expensive to produce.

the episode were toot and captain act like xandir´s parents is the best one


And everyone who didn't contribute this his Kickstarter got Growing Around canceled.

>who didn't contribute this his

What did he mean by this?

God I miss it so.

Imagine all the references and parodies we could have got if the show was still on


I don't know Coke

>no proof of concept
>this was years after his popularity peaked
>terrible sales pitch
>overpriced for the product
dude was lucky that some autistic retards donated what they did

I still can't believe what they got away with on this show
>That episode where Wladorf's tv show turns everyone gay and they end the episode with an explicitly implied baby on baby butt-fucking
>That episode where Clara's Vagina eats Waldorf
>That episode where Ling Ling learns to drive
>Ling Ling's birthday
>'The Other Cousin'
>Ling Ling and Toot in Mexico
>Foxy vs the Board of Education
>"Now all we need is a 12 year old girl and a donkey"
>That episode where Captain Hero takes everyone's auto-loading guns away and all the forest creatures show up with body armor
>Trapped in a van saga
>Giving Xander a "Wedgie"
>"Charlotte's Web of Lies"
>Baby Foxxy using her (non-existent) tits and ass to arouse baby Hero
>Captain Hero as a baby having sex with the corpse of their baby sitter in a fridge
>The whole Hero nipple ring time phone thing

>I'd say yes, might be best to bring in a new cast though, that way it can stand on it's own merits better
to expand on this in a Drawn Together thread about a year ago I was tinkering with such a concept, initially I was only planning on replacing Spanky, Ling-Ling, and Wooldor*, but if I were to do anything with the concept now I'd probably replace the whole cast with new characters^, gotta dig up my notes on the idea first though

*Spanky was going to get the boot because of issues with his VA, and Ling-Ling and Wooldor would get the boot because there's not really much else that can be done with them at this point(it's telling that Ling-Ling barely even did anything in the later episodes of the show)

^I'd probably have the new cast members fill similar archetypes as the original ones(so there'd be a Disney Princess, a Superhero, a Video Game Character and so on)

breakfast food killer

>Now is the time. Now is the best time. now is the best time of your life. There's so much to cheer for, be glad you're here.
For it's the best time of your life.

different generation. if this show came out in 2019, it’s get cancelled before it even aired


Ho did people become pussies so quickly anyway? Like 2006 nobody cried about edgy humor like this but by 2009 people started pussing out and getting offended over fucknig everything, and it's only really gotten worse until just now. Felt like it happened overnight and everyone turned into easily offended pussies but I didn't. What happened and why was I spared? I've been wondering for years?

social media got big and they realized they can get you in trouble for being offended
it's a 100% twitter mentality

Oh no! Ling ling OD'd off of heroin, somehow. Still think birthday parties are cool?

James Arnold Taylor really brought the character up

the movie was right

God damn, Facebook really is the worst thing that ever happened to our society. I never used social media of any kind, not even MySpace, simply because I'm uncomfortable using my real name on the internet (they told me not to when I was a kid and I stand by it). Is that really what did it? I hope social media goes out of style as something only geeks and old people who ant to show off grandbaby pictures use.

More like cucks kek

Its not true, the same amount of people that got offended by it in 2006 is the same amount today.

The difference is that people can make a profit/have power by being on the "right" side of an argument. Now also add in how much easier it is to be noticed today in the world by a larger audience. People are not offended more, it just looks like it is. Think about how easy it is for someone to write an article pointing out how offensive something is these days.

Could this show come out today? Absolutely. Would some people complain about it? Yes. Would it truly matter? No, because the show was put fourth as offensive from the start. They even had an episode about a critic on their show complaining.

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In what aspects? That South Park has gone downhill due to it's reliance on it's crass humor needing to make a point, or that everybody hates Drawn Together?

i blame tumblr. around 2011-2012 was when that place started taking off. twitter used to be a fun website but tumblr SJW’s found their way to that website (cause it was more popular, you could reach celebrities/networks easier) and ruined it.

I think you're probably right
Basically this kind of stuff was obscure enough even for cable that there wasn't wide awareness. The internet before social media took off and became ubiquitous was an interesting time, and most people (especially) the recreational outrage mobs that hadn't hit critical mass yet) wouldn't spend the time or effort to seek out this content. It probably wasn't viewable anywhere online (assuming you had the bandwidth) and there might of been a forum or message board, but that's it. These days pretty much everything is hosted online to view, promoted online, even if media is restricted to say a certain platform or cable (piracy aside) it's community and existence is firmly planted on the internet. Legitimate criticism of any work aside, the type of rampant anti-intellectual bullshit we see peddled today by the outrage mobs have used these platforms to organize and entomb themselves in echo chambers of ideological justification. Normally any of these people would be criticized and told to fuck off eventually, but twitter and facebook made it really easy for these types of idiots to seek out other idiots. It's like OkStupid.
How is tumblr even doing these days since the porn ban?

>"People say I have a god complex? I am God."

People complained about it back then too, just not as much today

I have no idea who any of those people are?


Definitely not a zoomer here, I give even less of a fuck about your youtube e-celeb faggotry than user does.


Drawn Together has a lot of jokes like this you might miss the first time you see it

Why is AIDs walk so highly loved? It's funny but I don't think it's even in the top 10 episodes. It's a fairly average Hero story

DT didn't beat South Park in the ratings but it was the only show that held ratings in the timeslot after SP. Matt and Trey didn't like it was a show they had no involvement in while their own shows in that slot had flopped and started lobbying Comedy Central to push a repeat of classic South Park instead of DT season 2 (Which would air after "Classic" South Park). DT ratings took a hit due to being on later. Then the third season of DT ran into trouble due to an issue with the animation studio and stopped midway through. The final part of Season 3 was eventually run in a death slot and no one cared.
Doubtful. One of the more fucked up things Comedy Central did was invite them back and let them do what they want with the film. But what they really wanted was a contact with Seth McFarlane who had hired them after DT was cancelled to run the Cleveland Show and was nearing the end of his contract with Fox. The creators found out early on. Wrote the script and basically signed off with a fuck you to CC.

I don't know how much of this is true, I kind of feel like the writers were just bitter to South Park getting more Critical Acclaim at the time

Was it popular in South America? I know that it was huge in Germany and the dub was supposed to be great

I'd sacrifice a whole lot of blood to Moloch for this.

If that's true then I love Enter now

What the Hell is with Strider, he seems so random on what is good/bad edgy content. He's a massive South Park, Family Guy, RIck and Morty and DT fan yet F is for Family is too mean spirited for him and some and most Adult Swim shows are too gory and adult for him

This is the same guy who hates Ed Edd n Eddy, his tastes are trash

He also said King Of The Hill was boring, he's a massive pleb

>He also said King Of The Hill was boring
Anyone who says this hasn't developed mentally past the age of 15.

I loved King of the Hill when I was a kid. It's still a fairly out there show that's funny to a kid with a shinless shouting granddad, a man who talks incredibly fast like he's rapping and Bobby's adventures

>I loved King of the Hill when I was a kid.
I did too but I figured that I was a lot more mature than kids my age. I probably started watching it when I was like 10. King of the Hill is a lot more grounded in reality than most other animated shows (even compared to today) and the main characters are all pretty normal people that you could imagine meeting in real life.

As long as youre not offended by them be offended then it's our win

That is not lemon-aids walk

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>The whole Hero nipple ring time phone thing

Awful show, Ling Ling was the only likable character.

>What was the worst episode, and why is it Clum Babies?
Fixed that for you OP.

>show sucks because the characters aren't likable
this is the most onions complaint you could possibly make about a show. You don't need characters to be likable to make a good comedy, just funny.

>Actual Autist and vocal as shit.
>Is it the one lanky dude that moves his hands a lot and is awkward as shit but for some reason makes sure to have himself on camera as much as possible?.
>Or is it this guy? there's also the one that sounds like a no fun allowed sped, but not as much of an entertaining trainwreck as early enter.
>The living proof that losing your virginity does nothing to your personality. Still the better one, somehow.

Some lad who still makes 500 Butch Hartman exposed videos for views, no one knew who he was before that

that's a lot of fucking retards right there

It has my favorite sight gag in the series where Ling Ling is standing blank faced on four legs and Hero smashes him like a piggy bank and he shatters


Older animation guy who only really does a podcast nowadays. Once in a while he'll talk about animation drama (usually Nickelodeon).

No, the best episode is Wooldoor Sockbat's Giggle-Wiggle Funny Tickle Non-Traditional Progressive Multicultural Roundtable.

Pretty sure it wouldoesn't be more popular than ever because of it.

My favorite line in all of animation.


What comes after asphyxiseven? Asphyxiate!