Why are jap women are so much better at writing compelling female characters than western women?
Why are jap women are so much better at writing compelling female characters than western women?
>East vs. West Thread
Not corrupted by radfems
You just want an excuse to have a waifu thread, don't ya?
Not sure, but pretty sure is brainwashing here in the west that all females in media need to be positive, flawless and/or powerful representations.
Big Finngol milkers.
Japanese men treat their women like property. They hound for westerners at bars, because even guys we'd see as shitty or borderline abusive are golden gods to a Japanese woman's perspective.
t. incel
A general trend with Asian women.
pic related is deus ex machina that pulls new spells from her sleeve as manga goes yet manages to be fun to read
Eastern writers, artists, and animators practice their craft because they have a story to tell and a drive to create expressive art.
Western comics and animation only happen because quarterly sales projections need to be met or because you've taken up a position as a political mouthpiece and were handed a platform by powerful individuals for dubious reasons.
She is a stick in the mud and ugly for her race.
It's because any writer with talent, male or fem,ale can make a lot more money doing anything else than writing the slop Yea Forums reads.
You think Raina Telgemeier would ever stoop to writing cape comics? No she is one of the top-selling comic writers in America and she got there through a web comic and Scholastic.
I didn't know Dungeon Meshi was made by a woman.
I fucking love Dungeon Meshi. It's funny how a manga about cooking D&D monsters have way better action sequences than most comic books.
>Western comics and animation only happen because quarterly sales projections need to be met
I wish m8. Imagine if the hapless degenerates writing for Marvel actually had to reach sale quotas. It would be like a freshly sharpened scythe cutting through a field of wheat.
She's also an obsessive, prideful fool who gets called out on her horseshit.
Not to mention that she practices dark shit and people call her out for it and are even tempted to kill her for it.
Marcille is adorable you pleb
Senshi canonically has better genes
Writing requires a critical, self-reflective eye. Most western women are brought up to believe they're infallible and objectively correct at every turn, and so they're incapable of the introspection needed to write compelling characters. Instead they just churn out endless quirky self-inserts and fanfic-tier masturbatory stories.
>creating anything of value
Women are worthless. There's a reason all the good classic literature is all by males.
>m-muh Frankenstein
Kill yourself if you think that tripe is any good.
Senshi is handsome in every race
That's unfair, Senshi is peak performance.
>Even Yea Forums bullies Marcille
As much as I hate Japanese comics or cartoons being praised by Yea Forums and some of my anime fan friends, At least japan's comic industry isn't dying.
I love Dungeon Meshi so much holy fuck
because no one with talent writes in western comics, because comics are for nerds
They're on fire right now
If you like Meshi maybe check out Otoyomegatari
>series about strong women who love their husbands/fiances
>written and drawn by a woman
>gorgeous art bordering on autistic attention to detail
It's not a question of writing, it's a question of publishing. There's only three strong options for American comic publishing, whereas Japan has a fuckload (although it does all come back to Shueisha).
What this means is that being a good writer doesn't mean shit in the western market, what matters is optics, and soapboxing or pandering is where you get your optics. You don't want to appeal to the masses, you want to appeal to your bosses.
There's some good women doing webcomics, and they typically self-publish. Cope and Sundberg are examples.
TL;DR - you will never have good mainstream women in american comics, because american comics have shit publishing.
When female mangaka go hard they go hard. Dungeon Meshi, Beastars, Dorohedoro/Dai Dark are modern good ones.
>Kyoto Animation studio
Lmao /r9k/
>Historical romance story set in 19th century Central Asia with great art
I'm sold.
those are some fucked up behelits
Beastars is by a woman? Holy shit.
>no one with talent
That describes ALL women. Useless holes should just fuck off and stop trying to create anything that isn't dinner.
That's why it's so homoerotic. It has that yaoi energy without actually descending into yaoi bullshit.
I haven't heard about it in ages, is it still in the Russian invasion waiting room?
Yeah, this.
Japanese publishing isn't great, but at least you can get a story of your own writing without getting chained to ridiculous amounts of existing lore by a dozen other writers in different times for different audiences.
It's by the daughter of the Grappler Baki writer./artist.
Huh, when you say that I can see it.
Married sailor, actually. I'm not joking. It's a public secret in Japan that men treat their girlfriends/spouses badly, because women are considered lesser by their culture. There's a reason there's a women's only car during rush hour.
Well that is easy, because Jap women dont look like this
Remember, kids: if you're gonna drink the #WOKE Kool-Aid, you probably ought to go for the sugarfree variety.
Another good manga written by a women is Thermae Romea
That's just a fan rumour
Itagaki Paru and Keisuke Itagaki's names are in the wrong spots. The coincidence of them being in the same magazine is what fuelled the rumour
I remember that getting an anime adaption. Ain't the whole story pretty much just "Ancient Roman thinks Japanese shit is super cool?"
>can never return to the surface
She had a reason for not revealing the full extent of her abilities, it was hardly a true deus ex machina within the framework of the story.
She has fat ears
Soul Eater as well.
When Japanese women come to Germany, they usually get married very quickly because tall (from their perspective) guys who can wash and cook for themselves are like catnip to them.
One teacher at my university came in to hold a Japanese course and she was married with children with two years of arriving, making pretty little Axis babies.
Western writers are corrupted, misguided and shackled by feminism and other left wing politics. Feminism is ultimately a misogynistic ideology that condemns femininity and sees everything through the lens of gender warfare. Good luck writing any decent female characters from that starting point.
But I think even aside from that the West has problems with writing female characters, and not all feminist criticism is false. Writers and readers were unironically blown away when GRRM, when asked how he writes such good female characters, said that he has always thought of women as just as people (note: I don't know what his characters are like). The absolute madman, how could he come up with something so simple yet so ingenious?
Then why are there so many more Japanese women working in comics, animation and games than in America?
the manga is much more intricate then the anime.
There even is a romanboo japanese girl he meets
>Then why are there so many more Japanese women working in comics, animation and games than in America?
Those things aren't viewed as a vitally crucial cultural flashpoint in Japan, so women with normal sensibilities are allowed to create content that gets seen and actually makes money rather than the West's "get woke go broke" approach.
Westerners create unattractive video game characters and think they've struck a blow to sexism, while regular women playing those characters wonder why they can't be pretty even in a video game if men get to be muscular chads.
Asian women are like uplifted beings compared to the dumb animals that are white women.
GRRM's women are - lo and behold - shaped by their upbringing and experiences while pressured into molds by society they may or may not fit very well.
Just like his male characters.
aSoIaF is really a societal portrait of the world the characters live in, with decisions influenced by history going back centuries and millennia.
That's why the first seasons of the show were awesome and the later ones turned to shit. They departed from the books and threw shit at the wall for more spectacle while all plot points became about the characters who now acted almost in a vacuum, making their decisions brash and stupid.
not every meshi thread has to be a dump of reaction faces
A trend that GoT seems to have started is that now every fantasy setting has to be "realistic" in accordance with the pop history interpretation of the middle ages, so women can't do this and can't do that, or if they do it it's a subversion of the setting. And they have to be raped all of the day because that's how things were done back then. This, too, makes for shittier characters.
>Raina Telgemeier
>Having talent
Pick one
Can't stop idiots from doing a right thing wrong.
It's a setting with dragons and ice zombies, for fuck's sake!
Also there's really not that much rape in the books.
Much more murdering.
>And they have to be raped all of the day because that's how things were done back then
Honestly though that's just fantasy authors.
Even the more enjoyable ones like Erikson's Malazan series sometimes just defaults to rape when it can't figure out what else to do with character development.
Pic related.
Anyway, do Japanese writers and Western (especially American) writers view stories differently?
>And they have to be raped all of the day because that's how things were done back then.
Is it really that hard to believe considering all the rape that happened in WW2, Vietnam, et cetera?
There are exceptions: Vera Brosgol, Maryse Dubuc (writer of The bellybuttons) and Mariko Tamaki writer of This One Summer.
If you include Europe as western there are: Magdalena Lankosz writer of Anastasia, and Marjane Satrapi writer of Persepolis.
Have you ever consider that you might just hate women unfairly?
I've never seen any sources cited. It's just "common knowledge" that women were walking fleshlights in the middle ages and societies were always in a state of violent anarchy.
Yeah peace time sounds pretty rape free, but then again rape being possible between married people is a modern concept.
sameanon, looking through my eurocomics I found Ange, the pseudonym for the writer duo Anne Guéro and Gérard Guéro, known for scifi but also for Belladone (Belldonna) featuring a strong female protagonist.,
Maybe you ought to seek the knowledge yourself instead of waiting for others to show you everything.
Also no, it wasn't always a state of violent anarchy, far from it. You don't know what anarchy means anyway. But consider this: nobody gives a shit about peace during the middle ages, it is just not interesting. What interests people is war, and war means rape in every time period you can think about.
>do Japanese writers and Western (especially American) writers view stories differently?
On the whole not really, it's more the culture of the work itself. The whole idea of franchises within manga has never been that big of a thing, but it's very big among American work. A manga writer needs to build their own audience while an American comic writer may have their own already-present audience due to writing a storied character. They don't need to convince you to buy.
As an aside, this is also why a lot of manga begin with a bang and descend into mediocrity. There is a lot of thought and work put into the beginning, because they need to grab you.
I'm not the one writing those stories or having those discussions. If people are going to appeal to realism then they should be conducting the appropriate research.
>You don't know what anarchy means anyway.
But I do.
>nobody gives a shit about peace during the middle ages, it is just not interesting. What interests people is war, and war means rape in every time period you can think about.
Rape scenes aren't limited to war scenes. There is this general idea that it was done all the time everywhere because feminism hadn't been invented.
Have sex and dilate
Because Japanese women aren’t insecure wannabe men
So they can just write a chick as they please instead of trying to make a “point” against imaginary political enemies
Not really
Medieval history has way more points of interest than warfare
>Rape scenes aren't limited to war scenes. There is this general idea that it was done all the time everywhere because feminism hadn't been invented.
of course rape was rampant before women taught men how to behave, all men are rapists and women are pure, moral, stunning, and brave
They're not held on pedestals so they're more truthful and honest.
Rape was certainly more common than it is now because their definitions of rape were different from ours.